Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Now for a bit of gardening

"I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. (2) Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes that it may bear more fruit."                                                                                      John 15:1-2.  NKJV

The garden can be a place of joy and escape for many people, but it needs regular attention so that the best can be obtained from it. Trees and bushes need pruning so that they bear more fruit the next season. Dead wood needs to be removed so that it doesn't affect growth and cause damage. Then, of course, there is the weeding. If this is neglected, plants can become unhealthy and choke. Also valuable energy is used up by the weeds and the plant can perish. There is much watering to take care of, especially when it is very hot. Care needs to be taken that watering takes place first thing in the morning and last thing at night so that the plants don't burn up. Also there is a need to avoid overwatering. It's a never-ending chore to run a busy garden, what with hoeing, feeding and all other maintenance that is necessary, if we're to enjoy a healthy looking garden.

This is not unlike our Christian walk. Daily we need to attend to things such as:

Pruning. Things that are in our lives but shouldn't be, need to be cut out. There are things that we are doing that we know is wrong, but find hard to release ourselves from. God is gracious and may not intervene. He may do though, if we continue in an ungodly manner. His wish is for us to bear good fruit, at all times.
Weeding. It is a similar thing with weeding. The things that we hang on to, can easily choke our Christian life and then we become unfruitful. Periodically we need to check out the company we keep; the places we go and the things that we do. It is so easy to be led astray.
Feeding and Maintenance. If we fail to feed and maintain our garden properly, then things can get out of hand and trees, bushes, fruit and our vegetables can die. It is the same with our Christian life. We must feed our spirits with the Word of God. Every now and then does not work, the same as only watering the garden once a week in hot weather, doesn't either. The garden needs regular water, the plants regular attention and we need God's Word everyday.

We need to practice walking with Jesus daily, praying and also listening to Him. Seeking His advice and direction is a must. The Christian life is all or nothing. We can't take a day off, let our hair down shouting, 'Yippee, today is Sin Day,' and then do all the things we know that we shouldn't. God would know and would be devastated and hurt. He sees all. He's not an ogre, not at all. He's a loving Father who wants the very best for you - His child.

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