Saturday, 14 November 2020

Life's never easy, but achievable

"Father, if it is Your will, take this cup away from Me; nevertheless not My will, but Yours be done."                                                                                                      Luke 22:42.  NKJV

Some days life can be hard going, just one struggle after another and when it is like this, it's hard to find a way through all of the hurt, confusion or just, sheer dismay. Some days we have to do things that we would sooner avoid. However, deep in our hearts, we know that there is no other way, it has to be done.

Jesus must have felt this way when He was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane. He knew that His time was almost up and He wrestled with what He had to face. This is the cup that He mentioned. It was the cup of suffering and it contained all things that were sinful and ungodly. It was the sin of the world, including ours. He had to overcome this cup of suffering so that this victory would give us all freedom and the opportunity of eternal life. Yet in His humanity, for a moment, it was a daunting task. Jesus wasn't afraid of death but He would have avoided the type of death He faced, if it had been possible.

Andrew Murray, the great Scottish author and pastor writes, "The Holy Spirit works with mighty power, while on the human side, everything appears feeble. Look at Jesus in Gethsemane. For one moment there appears no sign of the mighty power of the Spirit, but it was there."

There's a lesson to learn here. When we observe someone, they may appear weak and unable to cope with the job in hand.However, the Spirit of God may be over them, giving them the power and ability to perform the task in awesome power. Let us never underestimate someone, God may be at work within them - a hidden power that at first we cannot see until is released.

The things you are facing at this time, may appear daunting and even impossible. You may be tempted to walk away and forget about it all. However, don't do that; face the task in front of you and say to God, 'Not my will Lord, but Yours be done.' As you do this, you hand the situation over to God and He will take your hand and help you find a way through. But there may be a price. Look at Jesus after He had come to terms with what He had to do, He was in agony, so much so that He actually sweat drops of blood and angels had to come and minister to Him. When you say, 'Not my will Lord, but Yours be done,' things may not always be bright and rosey. Often there will be a price to pay and Jesus paid the price, but that price brought us life. It may be similar for you. As you make a stand for God, He will give you all His help but it may be a difficult road to take. But in the end, it will be well worth it.

When we said, 'Yes,' to Jesus, He took it literally, and therefore, He will give us certain things to do. Some may be very pleasing to do but some may not. Whatever, He choses who he feels can do what the task is. There's no one like you. You're an original and He is counting on you.

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