Thursday, 19 November 2020

You can't have your foot in both camps - one must go!

"So because you are lukewarm (Spiritually useless), and neither hot nor cold, I will vomit you out of My mouth (rejecting you with disgust).                      
                                                                                       Revelation 3:16 Amplified Study Bible

These are very strong words from Jesus, not what we would usually expect from Him. Let's look at the situation a little closer.
Laodicea was an arrogant, self-sufficient church set in a very wealthy city. It was possibly the wealthiest in the whole of the area. The Laodiceans were only giving God partial obedience as they wanted also their own independence. Consequently, they were serving two masters - possibly 25% to God, 75% to themselves. Partial obedience is always disobedience. Therefore, God called them lukewarm and told them He would vomit them out of His mouth.

When something is lukewarm, I don't know about you, but I feel it is horrible. Tea or coffee tastes disgusting this way, as does lukewarm water. I prefer my water ice-cold. Lukewarm is yuk. Cold springs of water are refreshing and hot mineral springs are medicinal, lukewarm is nauseating, hence why Jesus wanted to vomit them out of His mouth.

The Amplified interpretation of 'Spiritually useless,' may sound rather strong but it is emphasising  just how God sees us when we attempt to serve two masters. Lukewarm people tend to want God's blessings while enjoying the sins of the world as well, hence, they are 'rejected with disgust.' 

There comes a time in our Spiritual walk when we have to make a choice - who will we  place in the driving seat of our lives - the world or God. Many choose the world because of all the excitement that it can offer. However, the excitement can be short-lived and then they have to face Jesus at the end of their lives. It is far better to meet Jesus face to face as His friend than to face Him any other way. The price can be very high.

You may feel that you don't serve two masters and that is great if it is that way. But, if anything takes the place of God in your life, you could be skating on thin ice. Don't get me wrong, Jesus wants you to enjoy every moment of your life, He wants to bless you and gives you lovely things and people to love. However, if the love of money, your work or business or your possessions take His place, you stand the chance of becoming lukewarm. He must have first place in your life. Whatever you have in this life cannot be taken with you when you die; it will all be left behind. The most important thing you have is your relationship with Jesus; that will last and you can take it with you when you pass away.

Don't get yourself all beaten up by this, just make sure that whatever you do, whatever you have or whatever you want, must take second place to Jesus. He will have it no other way.


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