Tuesday, 29 June 2021

You're standing on Holy ground

"Take your sandals off your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground."  
                                                                                                          Exodus 3:1-5   NKJV 

The back of Sinai or Horeb, was known as the back of the desert. It was a deserted and derelict place; dry, hot, dusty and boring terrain. Nothing else. It was by no accident that Moses led his flock of sheep around there. 'He had spent forty years in Egypt thinking he was a somebody; forty years in the wilderness learning he was a nobody and was now, going to spend another forty years seeing what God can do with a nobody' (Dwight L Moody). It was a divine appointment. He was not 'Yesterday's Man', and neither are you.

He saw a bush burning. Now this was not unusual to see this in such a dry and hot place, but this was different. It kept on burning without going out. It also spoke to Him, calling his name. It is quite interesting that, Moses answered it and said, 'Here I am.' It makes one feel that he knew about God and, this was possibly right, after-all, his father in law was a priest. 

Now, this is called a Theophany - an appearance of God or a god, to a human being; a divine manifestation. Now, here was Moses in a lonely, hot desert with a bush speaking to him. It was not exactly an everyday event.  But, Moses recognised that it was God and spoke with Him. How does God speak to you? If He can speak through a bush, then He can speak via a TV program or sermon, music, a book, a sudden unexplainable circumstance or the bible. It is not usually in an audible voice but something that you feel inwardly and, you know without doubt, that it is God.

Note how God told Moses that the place where he was standing was holy ground v5. Wherever God is, it's holy ground and, as He lives in you, He is all around, so it is holy ground and we need to respect it as such.

God had a plan for Moses and He has one for you too. If you don't know it already, He will show you as you remain on holy ground

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

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