Friday, 11 February 2022

Are you running on empty?

"For My people have done two evil things: They have abandoned Me - the fountain of living water, and they have dug for themselves cracked cisterns that can hold no water at all."                                                                 Jeremiah 2:13   New Living Translation 

A car needs to have fuel to run. It either needs petrol, diesel or an electric charge. Without it, you are going nowhere, unless you push the car that is. It is the same kind of thing when you try to live the Christian life without spiritual food. It doesn't work. We need to read the Bible to be able to learn what God is teaching us. It's the most amazing book - ever. You can read the same piece over and over and it will show something different every time; because it is a living word.

These people Jeremiah is talking about here, had abandoned God - rejecting Him and had chosen their own way or own god. Therefore, when they did things, such as digging their water cisterns, they were cracked and totally useless. They were sub-standard. Let me say this, everything that we try to do in our own strength is also sub-standard, it doesn't have the hallmark of God on it and, before too long the cracks will begin to show and we will end up with nothing, except despair.

The people had a choice and so do we, they chose to go their own way instead of choosing the Fountain of Living Water - God Himself. They had to live by their choice and, so will we. If the choice we make doesn't contain God, then sooner or later it will collapse. We need a solid foundation and this is Jesus. Without Him, we can do nothing John 15:5.

Be honest, are you flowing in your life the way you would like to do? You may be a Christian but you can still thirst and hunger for things to go well. Ask yourself, 'Am I leaving God out of most things?' This could be why you feel like you are running on empty. You have nothing left to give but you still keep trying. You are actually wearing yourself out - tired, depressed and exhausted. You need to go to the Fountain. You need to tell Jesus how you feel, He knows already but, something wonderful happens when you tell Him yourself. 

When you have spoken with Him, you need to do what you know you should do, read His word, study it and pray. This is the formula that will bring you success and lead you to have a full tank and not run on empty.

Copyright 2021 Grahame Howard.                                   

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