Saturday, 30 July 2022

Don't run away - Fight!

"I have taken refuge in the LORD. How can you say to me, 'Escape to the mountains like a bird"                                                          Psalm 11:1-3   Christian Standard Bible 

Have you ever done this - run away instead of facing up to things? It's easy to do and provides a way out. Often, the other man's grass is greener and instead of 'facing the music', it's tempting to go for this. Many have tried this way and realise that it is not. They would love to turn the clock back but, it is too late; they made the choice and have to live with it. You may have made a mistake but this doesn't mean you have to run away, not at all, face up to it and repent. God will honour you for this.

All around us, evil exists waiting to pounce on us, to trick us into making the wrong move. Temptation is around every corner, it hides away until an apt time, perhaps when we're at our weakest, it will then make its move. Take a look at verse 2, 'For look, the wicked string bows, they put their arrows on the bowstrings to shoot from the shadows.' Satan will use people to fire at us under the cover of darkness. This may be in the guise of gossip, where a false image is used to taint our name. They will talk behind our backs but laugh with us face to face. Be careful, not everyone is your friend. Snakes have similar characteristics (1) A deadly tongue (2) They lie in wait (3) Crawl into situations (4) Strike and bite.

Satan will use people to destroy our foundations v3 - our reputation, our honour and our good track record. What, as righteous people can we do? FIGHT - STAND UP- SPEAK THE WORD. Ask yourself, 'If I've taken refuge in God, why on earth would I want to escape to the mountains like a bird? v1. It doesn't make sense.

When we are not in alignment with God, It's easy to become confused and the devil knows this. So even though we may call on God for help - take refuge in Him, the devil will encourage you to run to the mountains - in other words- run away, give up, 'it doesn't work anyway.' Yes it does! Don't listen to lies. Jesus never ran away, why should we? Because the devil knows how powerful you can be with Jesus beside and inside of you. That's why

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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