Sunday, 31 July 2022

What is it that winds you up? Part 1

"Whatever you do, do it from the heart as something done for the LORD and not for people."                                                                    Colossians 3:23   CSB 

There are many things in life that have the ability to wind us up - what are yours? Over the next day or two, let's look at a few, starting with:

Some people have an in-built desire to do everything at once - the housework, the shopping, planting that bush, cleaning the car and mowing the lawn. There may also be a number of other things that they want to tack on to this list when they've completed the others. Now, this is ok if the person is able to manage it properly. It goes wrong if, someone turns up unexpectedly or the telephone rings, because these jobs need completing, they have been allocated a time each job needs to take and, there is no room for distractions.

When we set ourselves goals that are unrealistic, we may be walking a tightrope that is going to snap; and the snapping may be yourself. Something can go wrong or interfere with your schedule and 'POW", you can explode, letting rip on anyone or anything that has stopped the work.

Now stop just there, is this really God's best for you? Is it a blessing to Him to see you slaving away and getting yourself all flustered and wound up because, the work is not completed? This is not God's best for you so, a few changes need to be made. 

Usually, if we look at all we have to do in any given day, it can appear, an impossible venture. It makes sense to prioritise, putting things in order of importance. Once this has been done, they can be broken down into bite-size manageable chunks. This may sound a time-wasting exercise but, it is actually worth trying. It takes the pressure off you and others who are close by and makes for a more achievable task, giving yourself a more flexible approach.

When one attempts to tackle many things as a whole, frustration, stress and possible anger, can begin to kick in and it then, becomes a war zone. This can make the work a horrible chore which you may resent doing. When we live like this, we often think there’s a light at the end of the tunnel. Sadly, we quickly see it’s someone with a torch bringing us some more work.

Jesus wants us to do things from the heart as if, we are working for Him. Remember, He would never put pressure on you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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