Sunday, 14 August 2022

Don't be frightened to avoid the norm

'Cast the net on the right side of the boat' v6                         John 21:1-6   CSB 

Jesus had arranged to meet His disciples in Galilee, 'But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee'  Matthew 26:32. There have been heated debates in bible colleges over the years about why Peter, decided to disobey Jesus and go fishing, taking the others with him. However, they had their reasons and off they went and it leaves us with some important teaching.

Peter was still upset because he had denied Jesus and the others, were completely confused about what had been happening and were unable to give answers to how Jesus had risen to life, even though He had told them that He would. The only thing Peter knew was his livelihood - fishing; the rest of his life was in tatters. He knew he had blown it and so, he decided to get back to work where he felt he belonged and yet, he caught nothing. No Jesus = nothing

Through the despair, frustration, depression and possible anger, they heard someone calling to them from the shore. 'You don't have any fish, do you?' Now, was this a question - someone asking if they could buy some fish for their breakfast on the beach? This would have been perfectly logical. On the other hand, was it a statement such as, 'You haven't caught anything have you'? Their answer to this gentleman was a polite 'No', which could have been far worse under the circumstances. But Jesus knew and gave them a direct order, 'Cast the net on the right side of the boat.' Now, these were experienced fishermen, they knew the right way to cast a net. Casting it on the wrong side against the tide, could tip them over if they had a catch. There was a danger! However, they did it and the result was a massive catch of fish that threatened the boat because of the weight.

This all goes to show that Jesus knows best. We may think there is only one way to do something but, when Jesus say differently, why not trust Him and see for yourself. Don't be frightened to go against the norm. The ways of Jesus are far wiser than the rigid plans of the world. 

What are you struggling with at the moment? If Jesus has shown you the way, then do it! 



Starts tomorrow 15th August - 19th August

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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