Saturday, 3 December 2022


"Pray without ceasing"                           1 Thessalonians 5:17   NKJV

Prayer is a discipline. It is not easy to carry out regular prayer unless, we dedicate ourselves to this practice. Prayer is communion with God and the devil knows this. Therefore, he will do all he can to distract us from doing this. We have to take the control.

Prayer consists of our adoration to God; our praise and thanksgiving; our confession of sins and intercession. Jesus is our role model. He would get up early and, sometimes climb a mountain to be alone. Has that ever crossed your mind to do? He would pray all night always interceding for situations and interceding for His people. The role of an intercessor is being an Advocate for others, praying on their behalf; standing in the gap and holding people up to the Lord. Jesus still does this, for us.

Whenever we are led down the path of worry, consider that it is a sign from God to pray without ceasing. The more you pray, the less you worry. The more you worry, the less you pray. This is a spiritual principle.

Tony Evans says: 'If you want to gauge your spiritual life, look at the spiritual thermostat setting on your prayer life.'       Tony Evans Study Bile regarding 1 Thessalonians 5:17

How much do you pray? How much time each day, do you spend time praying to God? In other words, how long do you spend in communion with Him? Three questions that no doubt may make you feel uneasy. Some people spend hours in prayer; for others it's just a few words thrown up as they dash around doing something else. Life is busy that is for sure but, it should never be too busy to pray.

If you want to lose weight and get fit, you begin exercising; jogging or going to the gym. As you progress, your body begins to show the benefits of this exercise. Its the same principle with prayer. The more you pray - God shows the way! You begin to move more closer to Him, you begin to hear Him speaking to you, possibly through scripture and, you begin to feel His blessing. This is your spiritual exercise, which incidentally, is more beneficial than the physical type.

The Word says, Pray with ceasing', this means never stopping. The way you do this is having Jesus on your mind 24/7 and just speaking to Him and involving Him in all you do. Try it, you'll never regret it.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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