Friday, 6 January 2023

Speak the Word

"Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in Your sight, O LORD, my strength and my Redeemer."                      Psalm 19:14   NKJV 

The word 'Strength' here, in most other translations is known as 'Rock', which actually describes the situation much better. Jesus is our Rock. He is someone who we can trust to help us stand on solid ground whenever we are in a difficult situation. In other words, Jesus is rock solid and many of us have found this out when things have taken a tumble.

He is also our 'Redeemer'. He purchased us at the greatest price by taking our place on the cross at Calvary. He didn't have to, but He did because, this is the way He is. He loves us too much to allow us to suffer without the offer of a Saviour. Therefore, He is our Lord. We belong to the royalty of heaven: 'To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father'  (Revelation 1:6.) We are special in His sight.

King David knew this and often spoke to Him within his Psalms and Hymns. This Psalm is an example, one in which he uses the skill of talking directly to God in His music. It shows us his confidence and boldness towards his God and shows us it is something that we would benefit from as well.

Just think, the bible is God's Word to us. In prayer, many words are unnecessary and we should select the ones that are alive. Thus, why not practice the art of praying God's Word back to Him. The benefits of this are, God has spoken these words; He has blessed them therefore, doesn't it make sense to pray them back to Him? This way we will be sure that we are praying in His Will.

As I mentioned earlier, David used this technique very often and it can be seen in probably the best known of all, Psalm 23. In verses 4 and 5, David personalises the text. The other verses he is speaking in the third person but in these two verses, it is the first person - speaking directly as David to God. Speaking in this way is more intimate; it shows us how  much God loves us by allowing us this right. Let's face it, you would find it very difficult, if not impossible to speak this way to King Charles III. But with the King of kings, it is perfectly acceptable.

Try and put this into operation as much as possible and, you will feel much more closer to your Father.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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