Thursday, 5 January 2023

Stay in Faith

"Do not be afraid; only believe."                                       Mark 5:36   NKJV 

The reason so many people say that faith doesn't work is that, they give up too soon. 
Firstly, God wants our hearts to be right with Him, if we are not in alignment with Him very little will happen. It's not that He doesn't want to help, He does, but, He wants us submitted to Him so much that there is no room for doubt or fear. We just know He's on our side and that He will move for us. This is why Jesus told Jairus not to be frightened. 

Fear robs us of our faith; it torments us and attempts to convince us to give up because, nothing is going to happen -  'it is just what it us'. With that attitude, faith is crushed and sadly, many of the people around us, reinforce this by what they say. If we listen and accept their comments, we are lost. Therefore, there is no need to say anything to the unbelieving world around us but, if we do, we need to stand our ground and gently tell them that we believe in miracles. There are two sides to saying this. If the unbeliever sees faith accomplished it may convince them about God. On the other hand, if the unbeliever sees nothing happen, the chance is, they will say, 'I told you so.'

Our faith can become choked. In Mark 4:18 - 19, Jesus says, 'Now these are the ones sown among thorns; they are the ones who hear the word 19 and the cares of the world, the deceitfulness of riches and the desires for other things entering in choke the word and it becomes unfruitful.' Satan fires arrows at us to get us to take our attention off the word and our faith (Ephesians 6). I like what Bob Gass called these arrows - SCUD missiles, the acronym being Satan continuously uses distractions. And he does. If he can divert our attention away from the truth, he will. He can put a stranglehold on our faith, this distraction brings disruption and if we're not careful our 'eyes of faith' are closed.

Therefore, we need to be aware of this and be careful to sharpen our faith at all times. We know that fear blocks faith because, it is an opposite. But remember that impatience will come a close second. We pray for things that we believe to be urgent. However, God reads things differently to us. What is a priority to ourselves may be way down the list for Him. So, don't become uppity if He doesn't answer your prayer straightaway. Yes, He has heard you, He's never too busy not to. However, God believes that you trust Him and part of this trust is knowing that he won't let you down. So instead of being grouchy about the waiting, be praisey instead. When you're praising God, the enemy cannot breakthrough and tell you lies. So, Stay in faith!

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                          

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