Thursday, 27 April 2023

Let God fix His creation

"And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done."   Genesis 2:2   NKJV 

God's creative work finished on the sixth day and on the 7th day, He blessed it and rested. He had completed all that He needed to complete, it was 'all done' and He decided it was time to rest. This didn't take place because He needed to rest, not at all. He was not tired from all His creative work, far from it. God never gets weary and never sleeps, He was pleased with what He had done and decided it was time to sit back and enjoy everything that He had created. When we do a lot of work, we become weary and it is nice to rest and sit back and enjoy the work that we've done. With God, it was just pleasurable to sit back and take in everything. He was so pleased.

Just think, if God takes a day off to enjoy His labours, then we also need to take a day off to do the same and enjoy Him, our family and have the ability to recoup our strength. Why is this? Because, we need to celebrate the Sabbath (although it is not called that here), and focus on the one that really matters - Jesus. Let's face it, without Him, we are lost. I'm sure you have realised that when we take a few days off without reading our bibles and praying, we feel like a sheep without a shepherd. 

If God created the universe from nothing, which He did, let us remember, that He also created us from nothing. Many of us had nothing before we were saved. Yes, we had a loving family perhaps but, there was always something missing - Jesus. It is so sad how many try to find comfort in drugs and alcohol when, the answer to what's missing is right near to them. Jesus is the only one that can give everlasting comfort, love and peace. He is not a temporary trip, He is forever, a forever friend.

You maybe in a place at this moment where you are waiting for something good to happen. You've tried it all, but it has only been a short satisfaction. You so long for fulfilment and I want to tell you that Jesus can fix this for you. If you don't give Him a chance to prove it to you, you will never know. He created you and, everything is created well. You just need Him to make a few adjustments. Taste and see that the Lord is good (Psalm 34:8)

Lord Jesus, I so need You to help me. Nothing appears to go right for me, but I've heard that You can fix this. Therefore, I give my life to You today and ask You to forgive my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. In Jesus' name. Amen

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