"And in a window sat a certain young man named Eutychus who was sinking into a deep sleep. He was overcome by sleep; and as Paul continued speaking, he fell down from the third story and was taken up dead." Acts 20:9 NKJV
The message for today? Don't fall asleep during a sermon. Joking aside, we've all felt like this during hot conditions when a sermon is rather lengthy. The eyes begin to close and before you know it, you've drifted off only to be forced awake by a dig in the ribs from the person next to you because you're snoring. We can feel empathy for this young man. A young man, in this culture, would have been between 8 - 14 years old and after a long working day, he would have been tired.
Paul would have been preaching, teaching and debating with the others, before he left the area the next day. He probably started around 6pm and and was still going strong at midnight when this unfortunate lad fell out of the third story window to his death. Note what happened next. Paul didn't leave this accident to someone else. Not at all; Paul stopped what he was saying and went down to the young man laying there. William Barclay in his commentary to the book of Acts, claims that he wasn't dead but, unconscious. However, scripture firmly tells us that the young man was dead and that Paul embraced him and then told the others not to worry, he was alive. He then returned to his job of preaching and breaking bread. The young man was called Eutychus meaning the lucky one, and he certainly lived up to this name that day.
The message here is very clear, don't ever be too busy to stop what you are doing to offer help. Paul was in someone's home. He wasn't conducting an official message to thousands of people. Yes, someone else could have gone to the young man's aid but, Paul demonstrated a 'If you preach it - make sure you do it' attitude and, so should we. Which gets back to the talkers and doers we have looked at in the past week or so.
Don't be rigid in your To Do list or your events for your diary. Where possible be prepared to shift your day around to prioritise events. This of course is not always possible, but where it is, be ready to be flexible in order to meet people's needs. This is what Paul demonstrated that day and a young life was saved.
Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.
In Jesus' Name. Amen
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.
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