Tuesday, 3 September 2024

An opportunity to ask Jesus into your life

"The wicked are not like this; instead they are like chaff that the wind blows away."    
                                                                                          Psalm 1:4-6  CSB

Wherever there is a good side, there is always a not so good side and we read about this in these three verse.
As Christians, we have asked Jesus into our hearts and He has come and forgiven our sin as we have repented. Sadly, there are many people who still have not heard about Jesus and, this is why men and women of God are going around the world preaching about Jesus. There are many people who flatly refuse to accept Jesus as their Lord and, these are the one's the Psalmist is referring to.

As swiftly as the Word enters their minds, they turn it away. Actually, Satan does this because he doesn't want people saved. Therefore, he steals the Word away. The Psalmist describes these people as chaff, which is so light, it is easily blown away in the wind. Chaff is the light shell around the kernel of grain. It must be stripped away before grinding of the grain into flour begins.

The people referred to as chaff, are the 'wicked' or 'sinners'. They are described as unstable in their ways, very much the opposite of the people who accept Jesus. Many have no staying power and are whisked away like chaff, as soon as they begin to show an interest in Jesus.

Spurgeon comments on chaff: 'Intrinsically worthless, dead, unserviceable, without substance and easily carried away.' Tough words indeed but, aptly described. Dr David Jeremiah comments further on verse 5 and standing up in the judgement: 
'To stand up in the judgement v5, is a desired outcome here, a symbol of divine approval. The assembly of the righteous, refers to God's people - those whose faith is reflected by their delight in God's Word (1:2) and who live according to it. In the day of judgement, they will not be left standing  with those who love God and strive to obey Him; they will be separated and sentenced to eternal punishment'.                                                         Dr David Jeremiah

It is therefore, so very important that people know about Jesus and have the opportunity to accept Him as Lord. Why not send this commentary to someone you know, who needs Jesus:

'Lord Jesus Christ, I give my life to You today. Please forgive my sins and fill me with You Holy Spirit and, be my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Bring them into the kingdom

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                



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