Wednesday, 22 May 2019

A Thirst for God

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"As the deer pants for the water brooks, so pants my soul for You O God. My soul thirsts for God, for the living God. When shall I come and appear before God? My tears have been my food day and night, while they continually say to me, 'Where is your God?' "  
                                                                                                             Psalm 42:1-3. NKJV

The Psalmist uses the analogy of a deer thirsting for water after running all over the countryside. It needs the water to survive. One can go longer without food than without water. Thirst is something that is so hard to bear. Thirsts rage.

Here, the word, 'Soul', is made up of the Mind, Will and Emotions. With the Mind, our thoughts can play tricks with us when we're under pressure. In a stressful situation, and when we are low on spiritual energy, we can be tempted to believe that God can't help us in this situation. If He could, why has He allowed this to happen to me? Mind games can rule. We need to keep our minds on God because He won't let us down- ever. This is where the Will part comes into play. This is over-ruling any negative thought that tries to come in and making it subject to Jesus:

'For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself  against the knowledge of God bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of God.'
                                                                                            2 Corinthians 10:4-5

Emotions are very strong and if the evil one can get a thought into our head that God doesn't care about us, and we don't have the will power to block this attack, then negative emotions can begin to kick in and lead us to despair.

The Psalmist was struggling in this area and so will we at times of great sadness and chaotic thought. Tears had been flooding for him as he tried to make sense of it all. This was not helped by the fact that onlookers were saying to him, 'Where is your God?' A paraphrase of this would be, 'I thought that God loved you and yet, look at you, you're in a right state. I'm glad I'm not a Christian.' 

Hey come on. We all have days where everything goes wrong. We also have times where total despair tries to take over and make us question our faith. It's part of the course of being a Soldier of Jesus. The thing is, our Commanding Officer will not let us down and will give us the Living Water- water that will never run out. 

Don't despair; look up. Jesus is right beside you and wants to carry you through this trial. 
Allow Him to do this for you. Allow Him to quench your spiritual thirst. Hearts break but somehow He mends them. Don't ask me how. Only God knows this.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 21 May 2019

A New Song

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"Sing to the Lord a new song, and His praise from the ends of the earth."  Isaiah 42:10

At times we need to be singing a new song; the old one is dull and boring, we've heard it so many times. Things can become staid and worn out and at times they need changing. Imagine wearing the same old coat day in and out for about a year. We would become so fed up with it that we would be climbing the wall to get it changed.

This is what it is like if we don't energise ourselves in God's Word. As a Christian we need a constant flow of the Word and the Power of the Holy Spirit to give us that lift to each day. If we don't eat the necessary requirement of food, eventually we will die. If we don't receive the necessary requirement of food from the Word of God - the bible, then the same thing will happen - spiritual death. We need to be continually filling our souls with our spiritual food. 

There may be times when we don't receive this at church for some reason. If this happens, fill your need by watching some Christian TV or perhaps reading a good Christian teaching book, or listening to a praise CD. There are lots of ways to begin to sing a new song and put a new skip in our walk. Praise is one thing that the devil does not like, one bit. Praise is powerful and it stops satan in his tracks. That's why when things begin to go pear-shaped in our lives, such as things getting us down and it becomes obvious that we're under spiritual attack, that is the time when we need to start praising God. Why? Because we will receive the victory. Things may be bad but Jesus is still on the throne; He's still the King of kings and He is still our friend. Therefore, sing a new song to Him. Praise your way through the bad time. Paul and Silas were in the deepest of smelly dungeons where it would have been wet and totally dark. Did they moan? No, they praised God while they sat in stocks and suddenly God sent an earthquake and the prison doors complete with chains, fell off them and they were set free. This is what praise can do.

This is why it is good to sing a new song to the Lord. Whatever, you may be going through at this time, God can help you with it, you just need to allow some praise to come out of your mouth and let God do the rest.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 20 May 2019

Today is the day

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"We then, as workers together with Him also plead with you not to receive the grace of God in vain. For He says, 'In an acceptable time I have heard you, and in the day of salvation I have helped you.' Behold, now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.:
                                                                                                       2 Corinthians 6:1-2

Just look at that statement above, 'workers together with Him.' What a privilege that is. Actually working with Jesus Himself. He considers you worthy to do that. Shall I say that again. HE CONSIDERS YOU WORTHY TO DO THAT. Wow, that just blows me away. The God of the universe; the God that created the world. The God who hung on a cross for you and me, considers us worthy to work alongside Him. Not for Him, but with Him. 

Where could you get this in the secular world. Nowhere! There are bosses and workers. Somebody has to rule us; tell us what to do; not that this is wrong. We all need to be accountable to someone, that is true. But the founder of the world - our friend Jesus, considers us worthy to work alongside Him.

We have been saved by grace (John 3:16). We belong to Him but let us be careful to never abuse this fact. Unbelievers look at us and they love to point the finger at times. Let us be careful to give them no ammunition - nothing they can judge us by. We are Christians, but we're only human and can easily blow it - big time. When we do, people seem to never forget it. It can ruin our witness; so let us be careful that the grace we have received is not in vain. If we do blow it, confess this to them, wherever possible; ask them to forgive you and move on. This is all you can do. If they don't forgive you, that is their problem, not yours.

At times it is so easy to take a day off from God. We all try it at times. It's a foolish move though because without Him, we can do nothing (John 15:5).

Today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow. It is now; there may not be a tomorrow. This was said to a chap in Somerset by a preacher. He replied that he had a lot of living to do and then he would become a Christian. He wanted to live first. He was killed that evening in an RTA. For him, salvation had passed and he had missed it. If you're reading this and have not asked Jesus to be your saviour, don't delay. Today is the day of salvation, not tomorrow. Ask Him now.

Lord Jesus
I recognise that today is the day of salvation and I cannot afford to miss out on this. I give You my life now and ask You to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 19 May 2019


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Come aside by yourselves to a deserted place and rest a while.'   Mark 6:31.  NKJV

There were many people coming and going and the disciples were so hard pressed, they didn't have time to eat. Jesus advised them to take a short break, a short time out where they would be able to rest, eat and sleep. In other words, to regain their strength. Note that Jesus mentioned a deserted place - one where they would not be disturbed. We need this respite at times.

Just preaching the Gospel can be tiring. We should always do this in Jesus' strength, that is true. But a preacher is all fired up at this time, running on maximum power. At the end of it, the preacher can feel drained and this was partly what was going on here.

Burn out, is one of most biggest problems for preachers and pastors today. We find it difficult to say no - to turn people away or hand them over to someone else. It makes us feel guilty. But here the disciples didn't have the time to eat. This is so foolhardy and yet, we all do it. Therefore, going to a deserted place to rest guaranteed that people wouldn't be calling on them unannounced. This happens so much to us; especially via the telephone, which can be our biggest enemy. At times like this, it pays to turn it off.

Many people have working lunches. This may be a meeting or a one to one with someone. The thing is, no one should expect a person to work their lunch break. We need it. if at all possible, get out of the place and go for a walk, anywhere where there are no people demanding your time. If you don't, you'll pay the price and someone else may take over from you.

Don't allow people to do this to you. Tell the people straight. 'My yes is yes and my no is no. No one can stop you from making this decision, except yourself. If you want to continue to work your lunch, stay late after work, do more than really is requested of you. Then you really may have a problem in the not so distant future.

Is your body telling you to rest? Are you overdoing things? You have a decision that you need to make - sooner, rather than later!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 18 May 2019

Noisey, Empty Words

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"Though I speak with the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I have become a sounding brass or a clanging cymbal."  I Corinthians 13:1

Empty words create just an empty noise that serves no purpose whatsoever. The words are worthless, full of insincerity and lack the love of God, hence - a clanging cymbal.
I remember seeing a very funny sketch of a man sitting on the end of a small pier, fishing. All of a sudden, this chap tiptoes out behind him with a couple of large cymbals. Without hesitation, he crashed the cymbals together making the most awesome noise and the unfortunate fisherman, fell into the water. It was a hysterical sketch and people were laughing about it, but really, it just served no purpose whatsoever. It was funny, yes. But it could have caused the fisherman to have a heart attack. There was no point in it at all. It was just a clanging cymbal; and this is what the Apostle Paul is writing about here. Without love, without God in something, it is just a noise.

I often feel that there is nothing like a firm handshake. Oftentimes, we go to shake someone's hand and we receive what resembles, a limp fish in return. Their handshake may be sincere but to me, it convey's insincerity, that they don't wish to meet with us really. They have a lack of interest.
It is the same when we are speaking with someone. We need to give them eye contact. If we're staring out of the window or glancing at our watch, what does that convey? Lack of interest. How would you feel if you met with God and He began looking out of His window or was glancing at anything but yourself. It would give the impression that He is too busy or has too much on His mind to bother with us.

When we speak with someone, whether it be in a planned 'counselling' type of way or unplanned, we need to give them dignity. What I mean by this, is to show them that we are not in any rush and would really like to help, where possible. Let us beware of sounding like a clanging cymbal by saying, 'I know how you feel.' The chances are, you don't and it can put the other person off and may cause them to say, 'You don't know how I feel.' It is a closer to a conversation to act in such a way. 

When the person speaks to you, don't speak over them. Allow them the space to talk, gently feeding back part of what they're saying (reflecting back) to let them know you are with them. Try to listen with the third ear - 'What is this person really trying to say?' Try and get into their shoes by identifying with them and then they'll know that you know what they're going through. Counsellors call this, getting into their, 'Internal Frame of Reference.' You'll know if you've succeeded by their reaction towards you. Once you're in there, they'll open up more.

These are only basic counselling skills but you don't have to be qualified to use them. Listen more; speak less and promise nothing. A lot of time most people just want to off load and if they've chosen you for this purpose and you agree, stick to these guidelines - unless you are qualified and have a deeper understanding.

Clanging gongs and cymbals are for those in an orchestra. You may not fit the musical skills but you can avoid the clanging cymbals and the next time someone opens up to you, show them the love of God by being a listener.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 17 May 2019

Being content

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"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."   Philippians 4:13.  NKJV

The state of being discontent or dissatisfied chokes every opportunity that may come our way. Being discontent can give us feelings of anger, irritability and always striving to change this for the better. It can make us envious about what other people have and what we feel, and can bring jealousy to the forefront of our thinking.

The Apostle Paul had beaten this. Even though he was in prison at the time, he was able to claim that he was content in all things. And that is the secret to the way forward. 
Nehemiah 8:10 says:

'Do not sorrow, for the joy of the LORD is your strength'

There are three areas that can help here:

REJOICE.  God knows what we need. therefore, whatever He provides rejoice in it without complaining.
REST IN YOUR SITUATION. Be content whatever your circumstances. They could be far worse.
REALISE YOUR STRENGTH IN JESUS. Without Him, we are nothing. With Him we are a source of power (John 15:5)

It is being content with what God has provided which is the key to fulfilment here; not an almighty, super person that can do whatever. Super Christians just do not exist.

Winston Churchill said:

'I've never failed at anything in my life. I was simply given another opportunity to get it right'

Let is consider this statement. First of all, it is positive, as Churchill was. It shows no fear or cracks of defeat. It is almost a faith statement, although there is no suggestion that `Churchill was a Christian. What is does show is the Churchill, Bulldog Spirit.
It shows the hallmark of a fighter; one who doesn't give up, whatever is faced. It shows, to me, that whatever we are given, we can use to bring about victory. This is what people who are content with life, can do. They are not saying, 'I have what I've been given and I'll settle for that.' No, rather, 'Whatever I've been given is enough when it's placed into God's hands. He is the one that can give me victory. he is the one that gives me the strength to face each and every day.'

Be content in Jesus, place it in His hands and watch what He can do with it!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Thursday, 16 May 2019

Me, Me, Me

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"And the LORD restored Job's losses when he prayed for his friends. Indeed, the LORD gave Job twice as much as he had before."  Job 42:10  NKJV

Job had a tough life. He had practically lost all he had - family, health and wealth. His friends were not the greatest of support to him and made statements, although being correct, were somewhat misplaced. In the end, God changed their hearts and helped them to see they were wrong and He sent them to Job in order to repent.
In comparison, God encouraged Job to pray for his friends. This liberated Job from bondage and God restored twice as much as he had before. Job showed no bitterness or bad feeling towards them at all. Could we pray for people who have wronged us, in the same way?

At times of hardship, where we may have been abandoned and no one has called or even rung us, it is so easy to feel sorry for ourselves and just concentrate on our feelings.
Mother Teresa said:

'As a rule, when we're suffering we are so focused on ourselves that have no time for others.'

We become so wrapped up in ourselves - our hurts , people who have wronged us or let us down, that sometimes the last thing we want to do is pray for them. But forgiveness is the key to freedom. Non Christian people find it difficult when a Christian forgives someone for the hurts they have caused. But, this is the foundation of Christianity! Jesus died in our place, for our sin. We needed forgiveness in order to face God, who is Holy. Jesus did that for us.
Charles Stanley says:

'Jesus, when he died for my sin, wrote in His Blood - "Paid in Full". 

If Jesus forgives us and, let's face it, we've committed some bad things at times. Therefore, if Jesus forgives us, then surely, we must forgive people who have wronged us. So it is time to stop feeling sorry for ourselves - being selfish with the Me, Me, Me syndrome and start forgiving and praying for others. 

Do you need to do this?

'Lord, I need freedom. I've been selfish, thinking of only myself. People have let me down and hurt me, yes. But today, I want to pray for them and forgive them. That way, I know that I'm opening the door to freedom. Please help me with this Lord. I choose to forgive..............


In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard  

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...