Saturday, 11 January 2020

Soldiers Part 1

"You therefore must endure hardship as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No one engaged in warfare entangles himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please him who enlisted him as a soldier."                                                                                  2 Timothy 2:3-4.  NKJV

Over the next day or two, I would like to address the subject of Soldiers and their responsibilities within the Regular Army and God's Army, There are quite a few similarities.

First of all, we have the Regular Army where men and women serve our country, providing us with freedom and protection. In the UK, they volunteer for this role and can serve - as a career - for many years. Then there is God's Army, where men, women and this time, children serve as Soldiers of Jesus Christ. 

When you consider it, both armies qualify for active service. The Regular Army can be deployed to battle areas throughout the world whenever there is a conflict. God's Army, are on continuous active service, day and night 24/7. The Regulars serve the Queen and her government; God's Army serves Jesus Christ - their Commander in Chief. Both swear allegiance to their respective leaders and both must compete according to the rules:

'he competes according to the rules'.  2 Timothy 2:5

Whatever army you belong to, there is a need for discipline, commitment, dedication and to be fit, healthy and highly trained. At times, there is a need to endure hardship. In battle, nothing is ever easy and it takes a focused mind in order to survive and get the job done. 

Both armies need to be vigilant; there is an enemy out there and they won't give up because they too, are dedicated in their role. There is no time for distraction or for messing around. It is a serious and dangerous business and there is a need to be prepared and alert for whatever may be around the corner.

Regular soldiers are trained to kill, if need be. You may think that this is a major difference between the two armies but you would be wrong. Members of God's Army can kill too! They can kill the moment with their bad attitude, complaining, moaning and walking around with the biggest frown, pointing the finger at everyone except themselves. They can kill their reputations by not competing according to the rules. (2 Timothy 2:5). They can kill their ministry by becoming involved in things such as, adultery, homosexuality, fornication, stealing, pride and self-seeking and let us not forget the tongue which can utter some bad things if not controlled. They can kill their testimonies by not living up to what they confess. Unbelievers love this kind of stuff and look around for the opportunity to point the finger at hypocrisy. The devil has a hey day in areas such as this. 

So you see, both armies are capable of killing. As Christians we are enlisted into God's Army, which is a difference to the Regular Army which is volunteer based. However, it can be argued that a Christian volunteers to follow Jesus, so therefore volunteers for His Army.

My point here is that the two armies offer similarities  and require similar conditions and rules to be successful.

We'll look in more detail in Part 2 tomorrow

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

If you need help, prayer or want to discuss an issue, please email the above

Friday, 10 January 2020

Don't Limit God

"Now to Him Who, by (in consequence of) the [action of His] power that is at work within us, is able to [carry out His purpose and] do superabundantly, far over {and} above all that we [dare] ask or think [infinitely beyond our highest prayers, desires, thoughts, hopes, or dreams]--"                              Ephesians 3:20.  Amplified Bible

Let me tell you something - HE IS ABLE! He is able to help with whatever troubles you; whatever you need; whatever you want; whatever you desire. He's not a Santa Clause figure - no, He is God, but He is still able. Note the word, 'Able' and take it on board. He is very able.

The New Kings James Version quotes the phrase- exceedingly abundantly. This is what we studied the other day in John 10:10. In other words He can give you superabundance, more than you can ever imagine. He meets our needs and wants (Psalm 23:5), according to the power that works within us. This statement is two-fold. Firstly, we need to believe that He is able to do whatever we ask or whatever He tells us and, secondly, realise that we have His power working within us. Sometimes, we may believe that He can do whatever but fail to realise that the One who tells us this, dwells within us. Yes, the creator of this world, the One who died on the cross for each one of us, lives in our hearts - if we've invited Him in.

Smith Wigglesworth used to say, 'If God said it, I believe it and that settles it.' Nothing would persuade him differently. Again, Oral Roberts said, 'Don't ever think small again.' Don't limit Him at all. He can do it, He is able. 

This includes healing, supply and provision, our needs and our wants. He's Our Father. He loves us and He wants to bless us - His children, so that we can be a blessing to others:

"6 But this I say, He who sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and he who sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. 7 So let each one give as he purposes in his heart, not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver. 8 And God is able to make all grace abound towards you, that you, always having all sufficiency in all things, may have an abundance for every good work."
                                                                                         2 Corinthians 9:6-8   NKJV

All of this seems confusing and impossible to unbelievers. Many believe that it is impossible to believe that Heaven exists and if we believe in Jesus, we will live there one day. But God is able to do this wonderful blessing - nothing is unbelievable with Him. He can do far above what we think. He is the power working in us and can and will do what He chooses, and that means anything you could ever think of and also the things that you have never thought of either.  'What you mean is?' 'Yes that's right- He can'.

This year make it your purpose to get into superabundance thinking. God is rich,He always was. He is rich in everything. Don't limit Him. Whatever He tells you, believe Him and call it in. Whatever you ask Him for in prayer, believe that He has heard you and stand on that. Don't ever think small again. We serve a big, awesome God!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard          I'd love to hear from you

Thursday, 9 January 2020

Stand and Refuse to be Intimidated

"When the Day of Pentecost had fully come, they were all with one accord, in one place. And suddenly, there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind and it filled  the whole house where they were sitting."              Acts 2:1-2   NKJV

Jerusalem and the people would never be the same again. The Holy Spirit had come as Jesus had promised and there was chaos in the streets. People were speaking in strange languages and dialects and yet everyone understood. 

Basically, there were only two languages that was spoken in this day; the Jews mostly spoke Aramaic and the rest spoke in Greek. However, like today, there were different dialects from different regions. Now there was also a very special language - tongues - a language from the Holy Spirit. , but everyone still understood what was being said. Picture the scene, it is no wonder that some were saying that they were drunk (Acts 2:13). God had turned up with His Spirit and the place was literally on fire. 

Now, whenever there is a revival from God, the devil is revived too. He will do all he can to cause people to doubt what is happening and put it down to madness. One example was the Toronto Blessing back in the late 90's. Many thousands were blessed and healed and had their lives changed forever. Many others though, including the media, claimed that it was the work of the devil.

You may notice this in your own life too. You are blessed by God and become on fire yourself with the Holy Spirit. You're flying high, at 50,000 feet, reading your bible, playing worship CD's non-stop and full blast and filling all day, of every day with Jesus. All of a sudden, it all goes wrong and everything and everyone appears to be against you. What has happened? The devil has fired a dart at you (Ephesians 6:16). All of a sudden, that wonderful, Godly feeling has left and arguments, unrest and bad things take over. You feel floored and robbed. Well, that is what has happened; the devil is a thief and he has snatched your feeling away. (John 10:10). This is not the time to feel sorry for yourself. This is the time to stand and keep standing (Ephesians 6:10-18).

You must tell the devil to depart. You have the authority. Jesus gave it to you (Luke 10:19). Stand up to him and order him out: 

"Look here devil, you have no right in my life. I AM a believer in Jesus of Nazareth. He is My Saviour and lives in my heart. So depart from me and this situation now. In Jesus' Name."                                                    

The devil prowls around wherever the Word of God is established. Don't be surprised if he uses your boss at work, your family or your friends and neighbours to make your life difficult. The word for you is to 'Stand'. Put on your armour; read your bible; pray; praise God and refuse to be intimidated.

You're the son or daughter of the King of kings. Don't forget it!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard   I would love to hear from you

Wednesday, 8 January 2020

Things can change so quickly

"And being assembled together with them, He commanded them not to depart from Jerusalem, but to wait for the Promise of the Father, 'which,' He said, 'you have heard from Me, for John truly baptised with water, but you shall be baptised with the Holy Spirit not many days from now."
                                                                                                                  Acts 1:4-5.  NKJV

At times, God shows us, or tells us about something, He wants us to do. But many times, He tells us to wait for the right time. This can be a trying time, if you're like me. We think we know what He wants of us and therefore, we want Him to set us free to do it; but we have to wait. Who likes waiting? Some do but I definitely don't. Once briefed I want to get into it. I know that I'm not the only one here who feels like this. However, there is always a reason we have to wait and often, we never get to hear about it.

Joseph must have felt something like this, at times. Hated by his brothers; sold into slavery; falsely accused of attempted rape and imprisoned and even though, highly favoured, forgotten about by authorities. (Genesis 37 - 41) Trusting God, serving Him faithfully and waiting - waiting for the chance of release. But one night Joseph went to bed a prisoner and the next morning he was promoted to Prime Minister. What a difference a day can make. 
Have you been waiting for God to move and open a door? Your waiting, rather like Joseph, may be over. Today could be your day. 

The disciples had been told to wait for the Holy Spirit; so they waited and they waited and then, 'Suddenly, there came a sound from Heaven as of a rushing, mighty wind and it filled the whole house where they were sitting. Then there appeared to them, divided tongues, as of fire and one sat upon each of them. And they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak with other tongues, as the Spirit gave them utterance.'  Acts 2:1-4.

Everything changed - SUDDENLY! It's interesting to see that the first thing the Holy Spirit did was to take control of the tongue. It's time to speak God's Word instead of your own. You'll only do this by allowing Jesus into your heart with Holy Spirit Power.

Now that's a thought! Perhaps the reason you are having to wait so long for things to happen or change, is because God is waiting for you to get into position by allowing Him access to your heart and the words that you speak.

When you do this - POW! - Watch out there's a power source ready to hit the streets.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 7 January 2020

Covenant People

"But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far off, have been brought near by the Blood of Christ."                                                                            Ephesians 2:13.  NKJV

We were purchased by the Blood of Jesus. We have a contract with God - a Covenant.
A Covenant is a binding agreement and we have this with Jesus Christ, Our Lord and Saviour - if you are born again.

George Pearsons says:

'A Covenant is a solemn, binding, unbreakable agreement of total devotion between two parties that have joined together to support, defend, protect and provide for each other.'

When we asked Jesus into our hearts, we gave Him all of ourselves and we became one with Him, made in His image. We belong to Him - totally and He belongs to us. He is our brother but also our God, He is our friend but also King of kings and Lord of lords.

God is serious about our Covenant with us. He tells us in Psalm 89:34, 'My Covenant, I will not break, nor alter the word that has gone out of my lips.' He will not break this Covenant and expects that we won't either. He is committed to us and expects us to be committed to Him. It is a two-way contract.

It all sounds very official and in a way it is. However, it is a Covenant in which we have many blessings. His sole intonation is to bless us because that is what we were born into. 

Christian marriage is a Covenant between two people who both have Jesus residing in their heart. If one partner is not a Christian then it is possible that at times, one is pulling in another direction to the other. One grows in Christ, the other grows in a different area. When the two partners are both believers, they walk together with Jesus in the central part of their marriage. In fact, they are one, joined together in Jesus. When they are not, there will always be that dis-jointedness. After all, they both entered into a Covenant of marriage and this means, with Jesus at the central part. Something then, is missing.

As believers, we are Covenant people purchased by Jesus' Blood. We can rely on His faithfulness and we need to endeavour to allow Him to see that He can rely on us too. When He asks us to do something for Him, He expects us to carry this out. When He tells us something while we are in prayer, if it is a private issue about someone, He wants to know that we can be trusted to keep it to ourselves for as long as is needed.

A Covenant relationship is sacred. As believers, we are all joined together by the Blood of Jesus. Yes we have our differences; there may be people we find difficult to get on with. However, as Covenant people, we love them all the same; we forgive wherever that is needed. We hold no grudges; keep no records of wrongs and watch the words that come out of our mouths, in other words, we only speak the way Jesus would speak. 

How do we do all of this? By faith in Jesus. By staying very close to Him and thinking the best of people no matter what we may hear about them. Covenant people do not judge or point the finger they just know there is a better way - the Royal way.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 6 January 2020

You can rely on God

"5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths."                 Proverbs 3:5-6.  NKJV

In this context, to trust, means to lie helpless, facedown. It pictures a servant waiting for the master's command in readiness to obey. To break it down further, trust means to, have faith in, to rely upon, to depend; to be sold-out for God and to realise as one does, it is safe to do so.
Note the word 'all.' Sometimes the temptation is to trust God a little but to keep back some trust so that we can rely on ourselves too. This is not the way. We have to surrender 'all,' there is no other way when we walk with God. He requires everything - all we have, in fact, to be committed and completely signed up to His will. When we are, He will take care of everything. This is where He wants us to be - totally dependant and reliant on Him.
Don't doubt or rush in to things hastily. We need to ensure that what we are doing; where we are going is the right thing for us. Leaning into God, is seeking God-inspired direction, not self-reliance
'The Hebrew word for acknowledge is Yada and means, direct, intimate contact. It refers to life-giving intimacy as in a marriage. It suggests an intimacy with God in prayer that conceives and births blessings and victories' (sourced from The Spirit Filled Life Bible).

Again in verse 6, we're told to acknowledge God in 'all' our ways. We do this with prayer - seeking Him, asking Him and seeking His advice for all we have to do. We have to check the way head, rather like we do when going on a long journey - we need to know the way.
We need God to direct our paths. Rather like me in the past, you may have made a few blunders which were caused by dashing in and not asking God first. We need to learn by our mistakes and put Him in the driving seat. He has given us the Instruction Manual (the bible) so read it, seek God's view and don't do any more until He shows you what to do. 

The bottom line is, we either believe and trust God or we don't. He has given us His Heavenly compass - the Holy Spirit, so we need to check out what's on the road, what lies ahead and what to avoid.

The devil is around every corner trying to trip us up. When we trust God in everything, to protect and show us the way forward, the angels are all around us.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 5 January 2020


"My cup runs over."                                                                                Psalm 23:5.  NKJV

Have you ever been filling a cup, taken your eyes off the cup for just one second, and had the contents pouring over the edge of the cup onto the work surface it's standing on? It happens, especially when we are busy and multi-tasking in order to get things done, all at once.

This is a similar example of how God blesses each one of His people who trust and rely on Him on a daily basis. We are the cup and He fills us with blessings that overflow out of us. He can't help it. When we're walking with Him obediently and sin-free, He just wants to smother us with  His love and blessing.

Psalm 23:1 says a similar thing, 'I shall not want.' As we seek God first in our lives and His righteousness, He will give us what we need and lots more too. Matthew 6:33.

Let us take a look at John 10:10 for a moment:

'The thief does not come except, to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.'

If you remember in Genesis 3, we see the devil, dressed in a serpent's skin, leading Adam and Eve astray by convincing Eve that it was ok to eat the fruit of the tree in the middle of the garden, thus causing them to sin and by this, allowing sin to enter into the world. He is a thief, a killer and will destroy all you have if you allow him to.

On the other hand, God wants to abundantly bless each one of us and fill our lives with love and contentment. The Greek word for Abundant is perissos which means, superabundance, excessive, overflowing, surplus, over and above, more than enough, profuse, extraordinary, above the ordinary and more that sufficient (source Word Wealth Spirit Filled Life Bible).

Our Father is Our Excessive God. Satan is the joy robber and Jesus is the joy bringer - the God of too much. The New Living Translation reads, 'My purpose is to give them a rich, satisfying life.' John 10:10.

We can begin to see how David could write, 'My cup runs over.' When God gives, it is to overflowing. It overflows giving us superabundance. This is the blessing that was given initially to Adam and Eve in the garden and caused Abraham to be fully convinced that what God had promised he was also able to perform. Romans 4:21. The blessing hasn't stopped. God wants us to live in it each and every day. He will bless us with all that we need to serve Him and carry out His Will for our lives. He will give us all we need - over and above - for us to live and enjoy.

It is the most wonderful feeling when God turns up with financial blessing when your pot is becoming empty. Do you know something. As long as you give to God, your pot will never be empty. He will pour into your cup until it is overflowing whenever you need it. Why? Because He loves you, enjoys your company and loves you honouring Him with all you have. Whatever you give Him, He will pour back to you abundantly!

Now that's good news

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard

"Lord, what about him?"

"So Peter turned around and saw the disciple Jesus loved following them, the one who had leaned back against Jesus at the supper and as...