Thursday, 5 March 2020

God's Benefits Part 2

"1 Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. 2 Bless the LORD O my soul and forget not all His benefits. 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
                                                                          Psalm 103:1-5.  NKJV

Let's continue our study of God's Benefits and look firstly at:

David Guzik tells us:

'God's greatness extends beyond sparing us from sin, disease or trouble. Through God's blessing, we are crowned with His great love and mercy.'
                                                                            David Guzik Enduring Word

God is so kind and loving towards us, it would be impossible to realise how much in a million lifetimes. He just thinks that we are wonderful. That doesn't mean that He will put up with all the things that we do. There are somethings that He feels, we need to limit. There are some relationships that we need to look at and determine whether they are wholesome to continue to be a part of. There are some friendships that are not good for us - they are able to lead us astray. You know the ones. Whenever you are in the presence of certain people, they may do or say things that are not in line with our faith. If you're with a gossip for instance, you can be so easily dragged into this conversation. If you're with someone who is critical or speaks unwholesome words, then, don't you think it's time to draw back? 
We are Kingdom people, kings and priests unto God. We have been crowned and we should act as such in all we do and say and wherever we go. He has set us free, let us not be tempted to look back at what we left.

People throughout the world are looking for something - for comfort, peace, excitement, satisfaction and love. They will not find this with what the world has to offer. Drugs, booze, gambling, sex and whatever else takes their fancy, does not bring a permanent fix. It is temporary because the world is fake compared to what Jesus Christ has to offer. Having a load of cash is helpful at times and can provide luxuries. But they can be taken away in the blinking of an eye. Having them is like building a house on the sand. major problems come along and the house collapses, leaving the owner with nothing. The one who builds his house on the Rock (Jesus) withstands all  the major problems that come its way. (Matthew 7:24-27)
Jesus satisfies every part of us and He is all we need.

The life that we have in Jesus is secure. We can feel content because He is in charge of everything - if we let Him be. We may wake up feeling drained as if we haven't slept; we can have the problems of the world on our shoulders, we can see no way out, but when we look at Jesus, when we give Him the things that are troubling us - leave them with Him instead of trying to help Him - we can be sure that He will take care of our needs. We then feel renewed.

You may feel unworthy and down in the dumps; like there is no way through this mess that you're in right at the moment. But there is a way - Jesus. But He doesn't just click His fingers and everything is ok. He expects something from us - Faith, Love, Obedience and our Commitment to Him.  God's benefits far outweigh anything that the world will ever be able to offer, but it means you trusting Him, giving of yourself to Him and being faithful to Him.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Wednesday, 4 March 2020

Help Others


God's Benefits Part 1

"1 Bless the LORD O my soul, and all that is within me, bless His holy name. 2 Bless the LORD O my soul and forget not all His benefits. 3 Who forgives all your iniquities, who heals all your diseases. 4 Who redeems your life from destruction, who crowns you with lovingkindness and tender mercies. 5 Who satisfies your mouth with good things, so that your youth is renewed like the eagle's."
                                                                          Psalm 103:1-5.  NKJV

The benefits of God are never ending and come on a daily basis. He likes to show His children just our much He loves us, each day. The benefits that the world offer are temporary. If a person is on welfare, their benefits can be frozen in an instant, leaving them with nothing to live on. God's benefits are always there. They're constant and can be relied on. 
Let's take a little time to check out the benefits within this Psalm:

Whatever we have done or may do, as we confess this (our sins) to God, He forgives us and also chooses to forget about them entirely. (1 John 1:9). The world may offer you something similar but there will be conditions, 'I'll forgive you this time, but if you do it again....' 'You're on a warning; do this again and you're out.' The world does not forget - God chooses to. He's Our forever friend. 
You may remember some of the things that you have done, and they may flag up guilt or regret. Listen, if you have asked God to forgive you, then you're forgiven. Give yourself a break and accept this forgiveness. God has forgotten about it, you do the same. You can't be free until you do. Let me spell it out for you, YOU ARE FORGIVEN!

God's Word says that you WERE healed by the stripes of Jesus. This is where you have to allow your faith to kick in and ignore statements such as, 'God doesn't always heal people.' That is wrong. God heals today - He's already done it! We have to get into God's time scale and realise that the symptoms may still be there but with faith, we believe that He has healed us. God's time scale is different to ours. With Him, a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day. (2 Peter 3:8). Time has ceased and we need to flow in this. If God has said we are healed, then we are. Some are healed instantly; others, their healing comes over a certain time. But we have to receive it, believe it and keep on confessing it. If you doubt, you'll go without. Look at it this way. You may buy an item of furniture from a store but you have to wait for it to be made or perhaps delivered. You have paid for it, it's yours but you haven't got it yet. You have to wait for the delivery. You don't doubt that it is coming and in the same way you shouldn't doubt that you've been healed. There is a waiting period for some.

We were on our way to destruction, because without Jesus there is no hope. (John 3:16-18). But as we called on Jesus, He redeemed us - He paid the price for our sin by dying on the cross in our place. He rescued us from destruction.
Redemption means, to buy back and pay off. He redeemed us from the curse (Galatians 3:13-14). In other words, He set us free and gave us everlasting life. And He redeems us from our mistakes each and every day. We make some blunders, let's be honest and at times we make a spectacle of ourselves. However, as we ask God to help us, He is there; as we ask Him to forgive us again, He is there. He redeems us from the destruction of our errors. He also redeems us from certain dangerous  situations in our lives.

We've looked at three of God's benefits here. Tomorrow, we'll look at three more. Read the scriptures again and put yourself in this position. Speak it out aloud, putting your name in there. Praise God for each and everything. Worship Him and show Him your gratitude that He gives you wonderful, Heavenly benefits on a daily basis.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Tuesday, 3 March 2020

Hold fast

"Behold, I AM coming quickly. Hold fast what you have that no one may take your your crown."               Revelation 3:11   NKJV

There's a thief about John 10:10. Just the fact that Jesus tells us to Hold Fast, tells us that someone or something wishes to steal something from us. Steal what? Your faith; your crown. Yes it's true, the devil doesn't want you being successful. He doesn't like it that Jesus recognises our position:

'To Him who loved us and washed us from our sins in His own blood, and has made us kings and priests to His God and Father, to Him be glory and dominion , forever and ever, Amen.'         Revelation 1:5-6.  NKJV

There you are. It's no wonder why the devils hates us. We are kings and priests to God the Father through Our Lord Jesus Christ. How amazing is that? The devil doesn't think so, however. This is why he is trying to take our crown. But don't let him. Hold Fast.

Sometimes, we can be our own worse enemy and if we're not careful, we can set off on a downward spiral to disaster. For instance:

This is one area where a person can go astray. We can blow things and loose control at times and if we don't quickly regain the control, all can be lost as we totally make a mockery of our Christian witness. We are all susceptible to this area, some worse than others. Therefore, if you have a short fuse, do something about it - quickly.
This is another area where we all can fall down. Lust claims many people, including pastors throughout the world. Adultery is rife, then there is perversion, homosexuality and pornography just to mention a few. It's not unusual for Christian men and women to live two lives - one being involved in these areas and then the other putting on their Christian face. We cannot serve two masters (Luke 16:13). Sooner or later the bubble will pop and all will be revealed.
Thoughts come to us very quickly. Bad ones can become planted and rooted in our minds and pretty soon we begin to believe them. We become convinced that what we think, is true, when it isn't - it's a lie from the devil. Our thoughts, when out of control, can cause mayhem in our thinking and can completely take over our lives if we don't stop them.
Someone may breathe some gossip about somebody and it can seem so convincing, that we take it on board and start being judgemental about a brother or sister. The devil is extremely skilful in spreading fake news around the place hoping we will fall for it. Don't, you are a king and priest unto God, Your Father. Hold Fast your crown. Don't let satan grab hold of it, in fact, don't even let him get near to it. How dare he.

Take authority, you are a servant of the Most High God - El Shaddai, and He trusts you, loves you, has taken your sinful past, given you a crown and a place in Heaven for eternity. You are a somebody; the devil is nothing. He blew his copy book years ago.

So Hold Fast!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Monday, 2 March 2020

A Stumbling Block

"Now as they spoke to the people, the priests, the captain of the temple and the Sadducees came upon them being greatly disturbed that they taught the people and preached in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. And they laid hands on them and put them in custody until the next day for it was already evening."
                                                                             Acts 4:1-3.  NKJV

Wherever you go, if you mention the Name of Jesus, you're going to cause a division between yourself and somebody. There'll always be someone who takes offence and lets you know about it.

Here the Sadducees are not happy because Peter and John have been talking about Jesus and how He was resurrected from the dead. They are in no way pleased that a lame man has been healed. This doesn't come into their religious thinking. If we look at Acts 4:18, Peter and John are actually forbidden to speak or teach in the name of Jesus.

This happened to me some years ago when I was working. I had been speaking to someone who was upset and this person brought up the subject of Jesus. I therefore considered they had given me permission to do the same and the person was very comforted. Later, my boss took me on one side and threatened that if I spoke about Jesus again, disciplinary action would be taken against me. I was forbidden to do this.

There is a fear about the name of Jesus. People who do not know Him or want to know Him, feel He is a threat and will do all they can to prevent this. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out who is pulling their strings. In Isaiah 8:14 and 1 Peter 2:8 we read:

'He is the stone that makes people stumble, the rock that makes them fall' Isaiah 8:14

'They stumble because they do not obey God's Word and so they meet the fate that was planned for them.'  1 Peter 2:8. NLT

There it is in a nutshell. Jesus is a stumbling block to them. Their lifestyle and their actions trip them up whenever the name of Jesus is around. If they know you're a Christian, they will either give you a bad time or will avoid you at all costs. Someone once told me when I was first going to University, 'Oh they eat Christians there. Be careful." And that pretty much sums it up.

Peter and John were forbidden to speak about Jesus anymore. Peter's reaction was:

'Whether it is right in the sight of God to listen to you more than God, you judge. For we cannot but speak the things which we have seen and heard.'   Acts 4:19-20

In other words, we will never be persuaded to stop speaking about Jesus and neither should you either. The devil may try and stop you; he may bring all sorts of power things against you in order to prevent the name of Jesus being spoken about. But don't ever let him stop you. Jesus may be stumbling block to those who are against Him, but He is our Rock:

'The LORD is my rock and my fortress and my deliverer. My God, my strength, in whom I will trust; My shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold.'
                                                                               Psalm 18:2

Never, never, ever be tempted to water down the Gospel of Jesus Christ, just because it offends someone. It is their problem, not yours and if they don't wish to hear about Him, fine. One day they will meet Him!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Sunday, 1 March 2020

Atmosphere of Expectation

"Look at us." So he gave them his attention, expecting to receive something from them."                                                   Acts 3:4-5   NKJV

The lame man that Peter and John enountered as they went to the Hour of Prayer at the Temple, had an expectation as he saw them approach. When Peter looked at him, he thought he was going to receive some money. But he received more than he had bargained for - his healing. He would never be the same again.

When you have an expectation, you can have that feeling that something might happen. When you have a Godly expectation, you can be sure that something is going to happen. God actually wants us to live in an atmosphere of expectation. We only have to study Mark 11:22-24 to realise this:

'Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them.'

There is no magic formula. We live and walk in the Spirit of God and should always act as such. This is not a game, it is fact and God takes this seriously. Each and every day, we come against mountains and we need to be prepared. Mountains are not easy to negotiate; they take planning and exercise to do this. We take great risks as we attempt to take them on.

In our daily lives, we come up against 'Mountains,' from time to time. These are the obstacles in our Christian life that cause us unrest. They may be health issues, financial problems, family, jobs or church life niggles, just to name a few.

There are no quick fit solutions to these 'Mountains,' we have to face them head on. But hey, we're people of God and that means that we are accomplished mountaineers. We can do all things through Christ who strengthens us. (Philippians 4:13). 

We'll always have 'Mountains' in our lives so we need to adopt an atmosphere of expectation - an expectation that whatever comes our way, we can overcome it.  Often, we will be surprised, rather like the lame man who was expecting money but received healing. But God is full of surprises and wants us also to catch the excitement that comes with carrying an atmosphere of expectation.

When you wake up and until we go back to sleep, ensure that you carry this expectation. It is that great feeling that something wonderful is going to happen. It can also help you to be alert to what may be trying to attack you.

If you want to be ready; if you want to carry excitement wherever you go; if you want that expectation that, no matter what 'Mountain' may come your way, you will overcome it; then start living in an atmosphere of expectation - today!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Saturday, 29 February 2020

Learn to Prioritise

Come aside by yourselves, to a deserted place and rest a while:  Mark 6:31. NKJV

There were hostilities from religious Jewish leaders, Herod and demanding crowds of people. Jesus recognised that His disciples were very tired. They hadn't even had an opportunity to eat properly. Jesus knew when it was time to work and time to rest. Do you?

Life can be demanding; whether you work, are retired or in between jobs, you need to be careful that you don't take on too much. It's a recipe for burnout. Things that are indicative of this are, possessing the necessity to do all you have planned, and the other things that come along, all in one day. If you're a good planner, this may be achievable but only for a limited time. Plates will only spin for a short time before they come crashing down.

Just take an average day. If you have children, they need washing, dressing and feeding and then, if of the age, taking to school. The dog needs a walk and he's letting you know it too. Then there is shopping, washing and ironing to be done. And don't forget, your friend is calling in for a coffee, but the weather is dry and the grass could really do with cutting.

As you consider all of this, the telephone rings and you know you're in for a long conversation. There has been no time to eat, so you decide to skip this as the perfect opportunity to diet.

Later in the day, you manage to get a little time for yourself, so you open your bible to see what God has in store for you today - even though it is now past lunchtime and you haven't done the shopping yet. Then the 'phone goes again, and once again it's going to be a long conversation. Your brain is screaming, 'What about the shops and the grass and the dog still needs a walk?' And don't forget, it's almost time to pick the kids up.

If you're working, you may have a busy schedule but at the back of your mind, you know that all of these things need doing. Your partner is stressed out and you're getting that way. The thing is, there is no time - no time for anything, life is so busy.

Sorry, the problem is not lack of time, but your inability to not handle it properly. Your time-management is all out of sync and you're heading for burnout. The answer is, learn to prioritise. Things still need doing in your life but not all at once. You need to decide what is the most important chore for the day and filter out all of the side issues and distractions. If the 'phone rings at an inconvenient time, learn to say, 'I'm sorry but I'm busy right now; I'll get back to you.' Re-arrange your diary for the day if need be - cancellations are allowed you know.

Make sure that you have time to eat - properly; not snatching a bite while you're driving or doing another job. Heed your body. If you're tired, sit and have a rest, even if a ton of guilt falls upon you. 

Conclusion, prioritise your day, learn to move things around in your plans, say no, rest, eat but most of all, spend time with your Father; read His Word first and foremost and allow Him to direct your day. (Proverbs 3:5-6). AND NEVER, NEVER IGNORE THIS OR YOURSELF!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...