Thursday, 8 October 2020

The Magnetism of Jesus - 'Come and See'.

"Then Jesus turned and seeing them following said to them, 'What do you seek?' They said to Him, 'Rabbi, (which is to say when translated - Teacher) 'where are You staying?' He said to them, 'Come and see.'   
                                                                                             v38-39 of John 1:35-51.  NKJV 

There are two key elements for us to look at here:
(1)   The Magnetism of Jesus
(2).  Everyday Evangelism

Let's look at Element 1. John the Baptist pointed out Jesus to two of his disciples - possibly John and Andrew. At once, they were captivated by Jesus' charisma and couldn't resist following Him. (v36-37). Jesus on realising that He was being followed, turned and asked them, 'What do you seek?' (v38). The answer they gave was quite interesting, 'Rabbi - where are You staying?' Now this may have been prompted by the fact that Jesus may have turned to walk on and they were concerned that, as they had so much to ask Him, He may disappear in the crowd. Alternatively, it may have stunned them that this prominent man - Jesus, had stopped and turned to speak with them, that all they could do was splutter out this response. Whatever, Jesus answered, 'Come and see' (v39) and that was enough for them. They couldn't resist this offer and ended up staying with Him all the night.

Now let's bring in Element 2 - Everyday Evangelism. First of all, John the Baptist had said to them, 'Behold the Lamb of God,' and they had followed Him. (v36). Then Jesus had simply said, 'Come and see.' (v39) Andrew then told his brother, Simon Peter, 'We have found the Messiah,' and brought him to Jesus. (v41-42). Jesus then told Philip, 'Follow Me'. (v43). Philip told the sceptical Nathanael that they had found Jesus of Nazareth and encouraged him to, 'Come and see.'

These guys had been with Jesus and the effect was amazing. His magnetism had promoted Everyday Evangelism to be introduced with power. Let me tell you something, you do not have to go to Bible College to learn how to use Everyday Evangelism. Spend time with Jesus and it will ooze out of you. How much would you like people to recognise that you are different - that here is something that they need and it is drawing them to to you - Jesus? Well. it is yours for the asking. Ask Jesus for this. If you spend time in His presence, His magnetism - that wonderful power of the Holy Spirit, will flood your life with His love and His power.

Imagine saying to people, I have found Jesus of Nazerath; come and see.' This is available to you, right now. You are a Child of God with the ability to bring people to Jesus! Why not do it.

Wednesday, 7 October 2020

Find a way in

"And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying."                                                                    Mark 2:1-12.  NKJV

Peter lived in Capernaum, which was a small fishing village located on the northern shore of the Sea of Galilee. It was Peter's house and is thought to have served as the headquarters for Jesus' ministry. 

Crowds had gathered hoping to see Jesus and they were shoulder to shoulder. Some men came along carrying a paralytic on a bed and finding no way through, went up onto the roof. These houses had a flat roof accessed by a staircase. On reaching the roof, they broke through and lowered the man down to Jesus. ( Imagine this happening at your house on Home Group night). Jesus instantly recognised the man's faith, which was similar to the woman with the issue of blood who touched the hem of His gown. (Mark 5:18). This type of faith always gets Jesus' attention.

Jesus told him that his sins were forgiven. However, this drew indignation from certain scribes who were observing all of this. They drew a charge of blasphemy against Him. They were rightly saying that only God can forgive sin. Jesus demonstrated His authority by declaring the man's sins were forgiven and then healing him, telling him to arise and take his bed home with him.Ths astounded everyone.

Don't focus on the distraction here - the scribes' challenging behaviour and the mayhem and even excitement, that was being caused by it all. Look at what had happened. The man had a need; he couldn't get to Jesus on his own but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He found some friends and possibly family members to take him there; but when they arrived, there was a hindrance, a great crowd was blocking the way. But they pushed through and then broke through the roof and were eventually face to face with Jesus. Now that was determination and persistence in operation. They had the attitude that nothing was going to stop them. Jesus was their goal and they were going to get to Him.

When life has you in a complete muddle with lots of pressing and important issues, find a way through to Jesus. He has the answer; be persistent and never give up. Sir Winston Churchill had a great saying, 'Never, never, never, never, give up.' Just six words that were charged with the power to change a person's life forever, when placed into Jesus' hands.

Don't receive defeat; fight through the darkness and reach towards Jesus. Don't give up - Look up!

Tuesday, 6 October 2020

Seesaw faith

"But let him ask in faith, with no doubting, for he who doubts is like a wave of the sea driven and tossed by the wind."                                                      James 1:6.  NKJV

If you've ever stood on the sea shore and watched a stick in the surf, you'll notice that the waves take it out with them and then bring it back again. It can be an age before it completely disappears out to sea. Faith and doubt act in a similar way. One moment, a person can be in faith for a certain thing but then the doubt can kick in, totally disabling the act of faith.

At church, many may go forward for healing and some may receive this by faith. Others may return to their seats untouched by the prayer. In addition to this, the one who received the healing by faith, may live this way for a day or two and then give up. This may be  because they have listened to the well-meaning doubters. People who don't believe in healing can turn others who do, away from their faith and then they begin to doubt themselves and consequently lose their healing. 

If you have an illness and you receive prayer for healing, it is always wise to consider the implications. You may be on vital medication, to stop this could be dangerous. Therefore, it is always sensible to see a doctor for verification of this healing. This may mean having tests to qualify this. This is not lack of faith, nor is it doubting the healing. No, it is common sense, something that God gives us. Why do you think that Jesus said to the ten cleansed lepers, 'Go, show yourselves to the priests?' (Luke 17:14). It was the priest's business to verify that healing had taken place. In the same manner, Jesus would expect someone to verify their healing by seeing a doctor, so that there would be no complications.

Jesus does heal today! Many can testify to this, including myself. But when we receive healing, we must believe deep down within our souls that this has happened. Don't be like a seesaw believer - believing one minute and doubting the next. Refuse to be influenced by anyone who wants to steal your faith. Believe, get it checked and verified and then, get on and live your life in good health.

We should exercise faith in all things, not only for healing. But the principle is the same, refuse to be a seesaw believer. Remember, doubt and do without. Stand firm in your faith; believe for what God has promised you whether it be, a house, car, finance or whatever else. Don't be tossed about by the waves of seesaw faith. Believe and receive!

Monday, 5 October 2020

Jesus is backing a winner - so are you!

"But he being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into Heaven and saw the glory of God and Jesus, standing at the right hand of God."                                    Acts 7:55.  NKJV

Many people from the sporting and gambling world, such as horse or dog racing, stand to cheer their chosen animal on. They hope that they have backed the winner and their excitement is such, that they can't help themselves, they have to stand as they cheer to the finish.

Now hold that thought a moment! Jesus is usually described as, 'sitting at the right hand of the Father.' (Colossians 3:1). Yet, here He is standing and you can almost hear His cheers as Stephen makes his stand prior to his stoning. It is almost like Jesus is shouting, 'Come on Stephen - you're a winner.' Jesus knew Stephen had fulfilled his work and now Jesus was giving him a mighty welcome into Heaven. Jesus had backed a winner and so had Stephen!. It would help you to see this more clearly, if you could meditate on this - see yourself as a witness to this happening. It is brilliant to do this at times. Try it.

For many of us, it is hard to believe that Jesus would do this, but it goes to show that He adores us so much. Many may say, 'Yes, He did this for Stephen, but he was special. He doesn't do it for everyone.' Sorry, but I believe He does and here is why. 'God shows no partiality.' (Acts 10:34, Romans 2:11). God doesn't have favourites; if he did, He wouldn't have allowed His only Son to suffer so much on the cross. Surely, He would have found another way. No, God has no favourites; He stood for Stephen and he'll do it for you too.

Isn't that amazing? You wouldn't get the Queen or any other dignitaries, standing for you, but the King of kings - the one everyone, and I do mean everyone, will have to stand before, will stand for each one of His children. Why is this? Because you're a winner and He is backing you. He's backing you in your work, your marriage and relationships, He's backing you in all you attempt for Him, because He knows that you are wonderful.

What is happening in your life at this time? It may be good or not so good. Whatever is happening, He has a solution to enrich you and a plan to bless you and meet all of your need. (Philippians 4:19). You may need a healing touch from Him, you may need finance to pay a large and unexpected bill or you may need a guiding hand in your relationships. Whatever you need, lay it down before Him; call on Him to answer your need. Claim His promises. He's a winner and so are you!  


Sunday, 4 October 2020

This is achievable!

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness." 
                                                                                                           2 Corinthians 12:9   NKJV

When I first realised that I was heading to university, there were times, especially as the days grew nearer, when I would have done anything - swim the Channel even, to avoid doing this. I was in fear. I was coming out of my comfort zone and the constant nagging in my head, that I wouldn't be able to do it was volatile. I was even offered a job that had good prospects and I felt that this would be a better route to take; anything was better than going to uni. However, deep down I knew it would be ok; that I could achieve this, after all, I had passed all of the preliminaries to get a place there. So I gritted my teeth, found strength from God and went on this new journey.

Fear has a way of disabling us. If we allow it to take hold, it will play on our mind so much, that we'll begin to believe the lies about it all. When a fresh challenge comes our way, many people receive it well at first but later, after further thought and sleepless nights, the worry of it all becomes a massive problem.

Does this sound like you? Are you facing a new challenge in your life and it's beginning to freak you so much, that it would be easier to turn it down - to stay as you are? This is a normal feeling; it would be more of a worry if you were too over-confident. Listen, God is wanting to bless you - all the time. Do you believe He has brought this about in your life? Do you feel that God has given you this challenge? If you believe that He has, then it's going to be ok. If you're not sure, ask Him to give you more clarity. When God has given me these challenges, there has always been a feeling in my heart like it's beating so fast, it'll explode. I've learned to recognise this is God making me feel excited about it all. Maybe you have similar types of indicators. Look for them, learn to monitor them.

If you decide that God is leading you to this challenge, then accept that He will give you all the help that you need. You can do this. You may feel weak, but that's ok, because He is very much stronger. His grace is sufficient to take you through. When you believe this, His strength is made perfect in your weakness. In other words, He will give you the get up and go.

Whatever you're facing today - a job interview, house move, marriage, considering bible college, a new relationship or a place in uni, just accept that your Heavenly Father is for you, not against. He only wants the best for you. Why not pray over this Proverb:

"Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding, (6) in all your ways, acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths.'         Proverbs 3:5-6


Saturday, 3 October 2020

Fake news is coming against you

"No weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is from Me, says the LORD."                           Isaiah 54:17.  NKJV   

If you don't know it already, accusations and fake news is going to come upon you at some stage in your spiritual walk. It goes with the territory. do something wonderful for God and the devil and demons have a meeting to decide what they can do to prevent you going any further.

When I was pastoring a certain church, I received a letter from a solicitor advising me that a woman that I knew very little about, had accused me of spreading lies about her and her male friend. I was totally taken aback but after talking to my regional superintendent, I followed his advice and wrote back to the solicitor, totally refuting these accusations. I never heard from them again. 

Fake news and accusations fly around and they can be received by many as the truth, 'There's no smoke without fire,' type of thing. The devil loves to taint our reputation. This is why we should live our lives in such a way that people who know us, know this type of thing is not true. 

You may be a victim of this at the moment. Firstly, don't worry, God knows your heart and that's all you need. Give it to Him and allow Him to vindicate you. When these type of things come our way, remember that, no sickness, no circumstance and no problem that rises against you can successfully bring you down. God has set His Word in place for each one of us to stand on. Whatever happens, this weapon will not prosper. The tongue that accuses you falsely, you can condemn. This is your right as a child of God. In Jesus we are the righteousness of God - a redeemed sinner, accepted and saved by grace.

Don't be the underdog any longer. Don't you think its time to accept that you're the head, not the tail? (Deuteronomy 28:13). Don't allow the evil one to push you around. Rise above his lies and taunts. Don't be afraid. He just wants you to fret and worry; to be weak and unproductive in your walk with God. Don't allow this.

The devil has powerful weapons which he will use against you given the chance. But when you're kitted out in the Armour of God, no weapon formed against you shall prosper, and every tongue which rises against you in judgement, you shall condemn.


Friday, 2 October 2020

Why did you give up?

"You were running the race so well. Who has held you back from following the truth? (8) It certainly isn't God, for He is the one who called you to freedom." 
                                                                                                               Galatians 5:7-8.  NLT

Things can be going so well at home, in a job or even at school when, all of a sudden something happens to bring about a great change. Something or someone comes along and causes a hindrance and it can completely obstruct our way forward, that we feel like giving up. Has this happened to you? This is not the time to give up; it is the time when we should stand up to the situation and when we've done all we can, keep standing. (Ephesians 6:13).

Things come along in life that are sent to 'floor' us. It can be intimidation; someone can take away all of our confidence that we feel inadequate and unable to perform well. Intimidation robs our faith - our very will-power and renders us deactivated.

We may feel that someone is more educated and eloquent than us, and if we allow ourselves to be affected by this, we feel unable to function properly. Hindrances can delay our progress. I can remember years ago, when I went to interview for a place in university. As I sat before the faculty, their academical skills and their line of questioning became quite daunting and could have affected my responses to their comments, if I had allowed it to, which I didn't. But it was only by the grace of God that I could do it and secure a place there.

And this is the bottom line - God. You may have been running so well in your Christian life, but all of sudden you have come up against a hindrance. This may seem like a mountain, but as Christians, we're mountain climbers aren't we? It may also feel like we have come against a giant, but that's not a problem either, because in Jesus, we're giant killers. Nothing can stop us - only ourselves.

When we allow intimidation or any kind of hindrance to come upon us, it is like we are allowing these to chain us up. But as Christians, we don't do chains! The only chains we allow are the ones's with a cross that fit around our neck. Other chains fall off in the name of Jesus. (Acts 16:26).

God is speaking to you right now. You may feel inadequate, intimidated or just worn out with trying to do your best. Firstly, your best is good enough, receive that. Now get back up, praise God and ask Him to give you a fresh anointing. It's not over yet so don't give up.

'Lord Jesus, I have felt so intimidated just lately; my confidence is spent. I feel like I'm a square peg trying to fit into a round hole. But I come to You right now an ask You, by Your grace, to re-charge me with the energy of the Holy Spirit; so that I may get back on the road to serving You every day of my life. Thank you. In Jesus' name. Amen


'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...