"For I have not spoken on My own authority; but the Father who sent Me, gave Me a command, what I should say and what I should speak." John 12:49 NKJV
To reinforce the meaning of the Hebrew word - Homologeo, we need to see that it is not only us who speak the same words as the Father's, but Jesus too. He never spoke on His own authority as we see from this passage. He only spoke what His Father was telling Him. And we need to do the same; it is paramount to our successful walk with Jesus.
Jesus suffered many bad comments about His ministry, if He had to suffer this, you can bet that we will too. When He was on His way to the Feast of Tabernacles, the Jews were openly accusing Him of deceiving the people with all of His comments. He went into the temple and taught. One had to admire His tenacity, nothing was going to stop Him doing His Father's will. After He had finished, the Jews said, 'How does this man know letters having never studied.' John 7:15. This was very similar to what was said about Peter and John in Acts 4:13, 'Now when they saw the boldness of Pater and John and perceived that they were uneducated and untrained men, they marvelled. And that realised that they had been with Jesus.'
That last statement beats any degree or diploma that a bible college can offer. 'that they had been with Jesus.' What a wonderful testimony; what a privilege to have that said about you. There's noting wrong in being trained at bible college, in fact, it is very much needed, but to have this said about us, is in my opinion far better.
Jesus was taught by His Father and only spoke the words that His Father spoke. Peter and John and the others, were untrained in the Jews eyes, but they were personally taught by Jesus and the Holy Spirit and they too, only spoke what they heard from them.
Which all goes to show just how important it is for us to learn this too. To be able to perform this way, we must know the Word of God. If we don't put some time in reading and studying our bibles, then how will we know what to say when we need too. It's the same with professions; if we don't study, we will lack the education for when we need it.
Why not make it a priority to set aside a certain amount of quality time each day to get a deeper understanding of God and what He means and intends for your life. It will be one the greatest things you ever do.
Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard
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