Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Be careful who you listen to

"Get behind Me Satan. For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of man.' v33                                                                                Mark 8:31-33.  NKJV

Jesus had just spoken to His disciples about what lay ahead for Him - suffering, rejection, death and finally, Resurrection. On hearing this, Peter took Him on one side and began to rebuke Him. However, Jesus turned around and faced the other disciples and rebuked Peter, severely. What was happening here? Genuinely, Peter was concerned about what Jesus had told them and, because of this concern wanted to protect Jesus.

From one point of view, this was a nice thing to do - it displayed his love for Jesus. From another, Peter had crossed the line. Jesus was a friend but He was also the Son of God and nothing could stand in His way of fulfilling God's work. Peter's actions were very reminiscent of Satan's attempts to hoodwink Jesus in the wilderness. (Matthew 4). This had used up all of Jesus' strength by combating the temptations so much, that He had to have angels minister to Him afterwards. (Matthew 4:11).

This was not the kind of dialogue that Jesus needed. Don't forget that He was still in human form and was subject to all that we encounter. It must have seemed very hurtful for Peter but it had to be done.

Well-meaning people may often come and seek us out when we broadcast that we are going to do a certain thing for God. Some are genuine and just don't want us to make a mistake. However, others may be controlled by Satan to overthrow an important piece of work that God has given us to do. It's always difficult when we are facing such things. We feel we've heard God but it's difficult to be certain. When we are at this stage, to have someone offering us doubt and concern can only add to the confusion.

When I am faced with such a thing as this, I don't rush in but I ponder it, checking scripture to get some confirmation - which is not always easy. I count the cost and listen to people's comments, matching them with the scripture to get clarification. I consider their motives for speaking such concern to me and I attempt to analyse if Satan to trying to block God's work. Usually for me, after a while, if it is God I begin to feel a glow of excitement about it all and this leads to peace. I then begin to feel this is what God may have in mind for me to do. 

There is always a sense of being scared about it all. I class this as being spiritually healthy and if it is not there, I been to feel it may not be from God at all. It is always sensible to be cautious. If we are too full of ourselves, it may not be the right thing to do.

Check to see if there is a:
*  a glow of excitement about it?
*  Have you a sense of peace?
*  Is there a healthy feeling of apprehension and a sense of being scared?

If that is all there, there's a very good chance that God has a piece of work for you to do.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Monday, 1 February 2021

What if?

"Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body; what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?                                                                    Matthew 6:25    NKJV

I can just hear people saying, 'Yes, that's ok but, what if...?' These two phrases are spoken many times over each day. 'You say everything will be all right, but...' Or 'What if God doesn't do this?' In the realm of everyday conversation, these words - spoken negatively - negate every positive statement that is spoken. People begin to use these words and begin to disbelieve much more.

In this dreadful time of the Covid Pandemic, some people can be heard saying, 'What if I get Covid, there's no way to avoid it. What about my family?' Some are concerned about the vaccine, 'But is it genuine, what if it gives me a bad reaction?' Or, 'It's been produced rather quickly, what if it's a con and they are trying to kill us because there are so many people in the world today?' Really there is enough paranoia in our world today with Covid, without adding to it.

If you have a conversation with someone who is having a difficult time, listen carefully to what they say when you try to bring about a solution. They nearly always come up with, 'Yes, I know I tried that but...' Or 'Yes but what if?' All over the place positive statements are negated by these negative responses. As we are praying or generally having a conversation with God, we too, can bring up these words -'But or What if?' They seem to be ingrained within us. It is linked to worry and fear and the opposite of what Jesus tells us to do.

Practice changing the meaning of these words into, 'What if God turns up, that will be amazing.' Or 'But, it could all change if we give it to God.' When I speak with someone who is in a negative frame of mind, I will often challenge them and point out these words and say something like, 'What if it doesn't happen the way you say it will. What if there is an amazing change?' The 'But' word is a readily used excuse word. It is used when people feel challenged to alter their behaviour or make a general change in their life. You often hear, 'Yes but'. I point this out to them and challenge their thinking, 'Why do you say that so quickly without considering it? Usually, it is just an excuse to avoid making the change, they've been used to this so long, it's a part of their life.
We can do this to ourselves too. When we talk to ourselves - which I do a lot - I can occasionally hear myself come out with the negative, 'But or What if?' I change this immediately and you should do the same. If we don't, we will continue to believe the lie.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Sunday, 31 January 2021

Live Victoriously

"I am the Alpha and Omega - the beginning and the end', says the Lord, 'who is, and who was and who is to come, the Almighty.'                                      Revelation 1:8    NKJV  

Here, Jesus used the first and last letter of the Greek alphabet - Alpha = beginning, Omega = End. The beginning included the creation - the very start of our world as we know it. There was nothing created that He didn't create in union with God and the Holy Spirit. He even created you. When you consider that, it is mind-blowing to hear that the Almighty created each of us. Just think, when we are doing a task and create something - such as a model, a painting or a special meal, we know everything about what we have made - the weaknesses and the strengths, but we are still pleased with our efforts and delight in the kind comments we may receive. This is how God was and is about, His creation of us.
Jesus was in charge of all history - before, during and the future. He has got us this far and there is nothing to indicate that he will stop now. 

The terms, 'Who is', shows us His existing power. He's still on the Throne and will remain there no matter what happens. The term 'Who was', demonstrates He was continually existing in the past, whereas, 'Who is to come', - He is the Almighty, the Omnipotent, the ruler of all.

His word is final. What He says remains. His word reaches out and fulfils what He declares. He never wastes words and neither should we. We serve the Almighty God and subsequently, we have access to His power through the Holy Spirit. 

If you only realised just how important and powerful you are. When you are walking in step with Jesus Christ, demons actually tremble because they recognise the power you have in Him. James 2:19. This is why they have their meeting to discuss tactics and what can be done to stop you. When you have your eyes on Jesus, they cannot function properly; take your eyes off Him, even for a second, and they will pounce. However, you still have the power to stop them. Check Ephesians 6:14-18. Luke 10:17.

You are important; you are powerful and you are anointed, but only when you are walking with Jesus. Don't ever try to do Spiritual Warfare without the anointing of Jesus upon you. You will not have the victory.

The beginning for you, was that lovely time when you started your journey with Jesus. Can you remember it? The ending will be, when He takes you into glory with Him.
Until then, live victoriously.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Saturday, 30 January 2021


"(7) You ran so well. Who hindered you from obeying the truth? (8) This persuasion does not come from Him who calls you. (9) A little leaven, leavens the whole lump."
                                                                                              Galatians 5:7-9    NKJV

You were doing well; studying your bible, going to church and generally flowing in the Holy Spirit. Suddenly, you have hit a block. What has happened? Well it could be a number of things:

*  You could have been enticed away by something or someone new in your life. This can happen when you become staid in your life's walk, lacking excitement. Suddenly, something takes your interest and your life becomes imbalanced.

*  You could be tired because you have over-stretched yourself, leaving no time for recreation and your walk with Jesus. Again, there is an imbalance.

*  You could be listening, reading or watching things that bring a division between your spirit and the Holy Spirit. Thus, a further imbalance.

You may remember the Equilateral triangle - a geometrical term describing a triangle with equal lengths. In Christian terms, it was often used in Christian Counselling, where God was placed at the top of the triangle, with husband and wife at each of the other points. The idea being, it could be seen how each partner works towards God - one rising pretty well white the other lagged behind. Discussion could then take place.

This triangle can easily be used to check how an individual is coping. Again, God is placed at the top, the person at one point and whatever may compete, at the other. Different things can cause an imbalance between our walk with God so a fresh interest, tiredness or becoming involved with somethings that are not doing you so much good, may need a slight re-tune.

Remembering the triangle and checking it from time to time, can be a way that we can monitor any imbalance; such as distraction, hindrance our general walk with God. Don't forget that everything we do in God is rubber-stamped with love, because He is love as Gloria Copeland mentions:

"The minute love is disrupted, your faith stops working too, because faith works by love"
                                                      Copyright Gloria Copeland - Believer's Voice of Victory

It may be useful to draw a triangle out so that you can analyse just where you are with God each day.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


Friday, 29 January 2021

'I can do this'

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'. Therefore, most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me." 
                                                                                                              2 Corinthians 12:9    NKJV

Reuben Morgan wrote and sang:

'Let the weak say I am strong, Let the poor I am rich.
Let the blind say I can see, it's what the Lord has done for me.
Hosanna, Hosanna, to the Lamb who was slain
Hosanna, Hosanna Jesus died and rose again'

                                                                  Copyright Rueben Morgan Hillsongs Music.

There is not a thing that we need to be anxious about when you come to think about it. Jesus has paved the way for every conceivable thing that we will need; every situation that we will be in and for every danger that may come up against us. This is why Paul was able to write these words in 2 Corinthians, 'My grace is sufficient for you.' Paul knew what it was like to suffer and he knew the cost of following Jesus but when Jesus spoke these words to him, he was able to make the declaration that he would rather boast about his infirmities so that the power and the peace of God rested upon him.

Can you say that this morning? Some of you are going through quite a difficult time at the moment and may be at your wits end. I can hear the phrase, 'When is this all going to end, I don't know how much more I can take'? Money problems, employment issues, sickness, marital pressure and add to this Lockdown; it really is a hard time and there doesn't appear to be a way though at the moment. But this is not the time to give up. It is not the time to stop praying, reading your bible or allowing things to drag you down. There is hope and you need to grasp hold of that nugget. Don't be tempted to say things such as, 'Yes, hopefully, things will get better.'  
That statement is so negative and very close to a wish. Put the phrase into a biblical fashion  and say, 'Hope-fully; I will hope-fully in the Lord. I will trust in Him even if things get worse. My hope is fully in Him. This is turning the negative 'hopefully', into a powerful word. You are declaring that you will hope-fully in the Lord, that He will deliver you.

2 Corinthians 12:10 says, 'Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities; in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.' The Message version states, 'The weaker I get, the stronger I become.' The secret is taking your eyes off what is around you and what is happening and looking to Jesus. He is the one who can change this. I'll go a step further, He is the one who will rescue you and turn things around. But you must turn and ask Him to help. He has angels all around you and they are just waiting to be set free to deliver His word. You have the power to set them free by calling on Jesus.

'Lord, I pray a blessing on my brothers and my sisters who are reading this today. Whatever is happening in their lives, I ask You to comfort and bless them and give them the knowledge to know, without doubt, that Your grace is sufficient for all of us.  Amen.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Thursday, 28 January 2021


The Daily Life with Jesus Blog, is now up and running again and today's copy, Three Aspects of Temptation as now been re-published.

Sorry for this and I hope it hasn't caused any disruption to your day.

Every Blessing




Three Aspects of Temptation

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food; that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate." 

                                                                                                                Genesis 3:6    NKJV  

Disaster struck that day in the garden. The devil convinced Eve that it was ok to eat the forbidden fruit. One can just hear his words, 'It's ok, you won't die, God didn't mean that. And anyway, who will know?' I am sure we have all heard the latter part of this statement, 'Who will know?' Bottom line? God will; if you become involved in something you know is wrong, sooner or later, it will be revealed. You will be caught out!

That day, God's Word was fulfilled. Adam died; but not physically as one would think, but spiritually. He no longer had that special relationship with God. He had let sin into the world and therefore, the whole human race would suffer because of it.

Man fell by choice. There was no one to blame except man. Not even the devil could be blamed. There was a choice to be made and Eve made this choice and subsequently Adam. We all like to blame others for wrong decisions and mess ups. However, we have choices and they may be good or bad choices that we make. What we choose determines our outcome. The choices we make today will determine - to a degree - what will happen tomorrow.  This is why Proverbs 3:5-6 says, '(5) Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. (6) In all your ways acknowledge Him and he shall direct your paths.'

We really have nothing to complain about when we make a bad choice. We've all done it. However, it is accepting this and learning from our mistakes. We can easily be distracted and hoodwinked into wrong decisions. The devil is only too pleased to fool us. There are three aspects of temptation he may use:


Eve looked at the tree and saw that it was good for food. Actually, she would have been familiar with this tree because her and Adam tended it but were never tempted by the fruit at all. But this day, she fell for a smooth talker. Be careful.


Whatever we can't have can have the habit of letting us feel that we can. 'It'll be ok, no one's going to find out.' God knows and if that doesn't worry you, it should.


Many people want to be a 'Somebody'; a film star, pop star or famous author to name a few things. However, it is not possible for us all. We have our limitations and we need to accept them.

That day in the garden, the devil impregnated Eve with a carnal appetite and visual enticement. She fell for it. Make sure that you don't.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...