"Love never fails" I Corinthians 13:8 NKJV
In our series on Yokes and Burdens as addressed in Isaiah 10:27, we come to the fourth area which is FAILURE.
This is an area where many people have hang-ups. It may have started in the schools years, where peer-pressure and bullies used their intimidation to be-little people. This may have carried on within the home and family, where the art of failure was learnt and adopted. Things may have been said such as, 'He (she) will never make it or do any good.' It may have been, 'He's one of life's losers.' If this happened to you, you may have become so used to hearing it, that you believed the lie. I say, lie,' because that is what it is. Jesus would never say that about you, would he?
As time went on, believing this lie, you may have become so used to this that you began to personalise it by saying things such as, 'I can't do that.' This is not only a lie from the devil but it is in total contrast to what God says about you. Philippians 4:13 says, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' By saying anything differently, you are totally disagreeing with God. He says you can, not you may be able to do it if you work hard; no, He says you can do it. So don't you think it is time that you came into agreement with Him? We can achieve anything that God directs us to do, nothing is impossible for us. And He is most definitely saying to you, that you are not a failure, you can do this, you can achieve what He has put before you.
This is why it says in Romans 8:37, 'Yet in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him who loved us.' Did you get that. You are more than a conqueror. One who is a conqueror, overcomes by gaining control. You are not a conqueror, but a, 'more than a conqueror'. Therefore, you can overcome much, much more and this rubber stamps that you are not a failure. You belong to God. God is love and Love never fail. He will never fail you. You are in Him and He is in you, so it speaks for it self that you are not a failure.
From time to time, things may wrong, but whereas the world may put something down as a failure, you should be saying, 'this is just another chance to get it right.' Just begin to believe what Jesus says about you. The past has gone and for many, it did them no good. There's a future out there for you - yes you, I'm talking to you. God is saying, 'no matter what you heard people saying about you, you believe what I say about you. You are My child and I love you. You are a priceless jewel in My Kingdom.'
Now that is something to shout, praise and shout some more about. From today, let Jesus take the burden of failure; that yoke that was breaking you down and allow Him to build you back up.
'Lord Jesus, I receive Your Word, the Word that says that I am not a failure but that I am more than a conqueror. I receive it now, by faith and I praise and thank You, in Jesus' Name. Amen.
Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard