Saturday, 1 May 2021

Don't lose heart

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living."                                                Psalm 27:13     NKJV 

The first five words of this verse are left out of most versions of the bible, but they remain in the NKJV and the Amplified, italicised, and were included to emphasise the actual meaning of David's words, and I am so glad that they were.

David was clearly going through a very difficult time. He describes the wicked coming against him camping around where he was, whether in his thoughts or in reality. However, David was a warrior and never gave up. He knew that His God would provide a way forward for him.

'I would have lost heart', describes the anguish that he was under. There were moments when he felt utter despair and had nowhere to hide or even the strength to break through this situation. Do you know that feeling?

It would have been easy to give up and fall into depression and anxiety. This is what can happen when we feel trapped, when there doesn't seem a way out of what we find ourselves in. But, that is not the way to react. Deep down in his heart, he knew God would turn up with a plan and, so do you! God always has a plan and calling out to Him in such times, activates this plan; and when He brings you through, you realise that He would never let you down. 

David was on the verge of losing heart. To lose heart is to begin to feel that one cannot do something - anything - to change the situation. This can lead to discouragement and can promote us to lose faith for a time as we sink to our lowest depth. But stand up Child of God.
You are a follower of Jesus. You receive the goodness of the Lord. He will never turn you away. He is your strength and your encourager.

Things may not be going as well as you would like at this time, but be encouraged. Things will get better. This is not the time to draw back. God doesn't like that. Hebrews 10:38-39. Go for a walk or wherever you may be able to pray on your own. Call on Jesus and he will be there in a milli-second. Praise Him, worship Him and allow Him to bless you. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Friday, 30 April 2021

Psalm 23 - Final Part

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever!"                                                Psalm 23:6    NKJV 

Our Shepherd provides us with goodness for our needs and mercy for our failures. Goodness for our steps and mercy for our stumbles.

We need His goodness; we need to know that He will take care of us and supply all of our needs - and He will. As long as we continue to walk with our Shepherd, He will take care of us and protect us. If we fall - and we will at times, He will be there waiting for us to call out to Him. Don't forget, our Shepherd became a sheep and then the Lamb of God. He identifies with us.

Ask yourself these two questions: 'Do I know the Psalm of the Shepherd or the Shepherd of the Psalm? Have I head knowledge or heart knowledge? There is a big difference. When we truly know Jesus as our Shepherd, this Psalm will take on a deeper meaning. It will become our personal confession of a sheep with the Shepherd. 

All over the world, people are drawn to this Psalm and that is good. But how better it would be if they all could see Jesus in it; if they could just see Jesus as their Shepherd. There are many hurting and confused people that we meet from time to time. Without Jesus, they are sheep without a shepherd. They wander about lost in a world that doesn't really care about them. You know by experience that you couldn't make it without your Shepherd. You know that. All the more why you need to introduce them to Him whenever you get the opportunity. They need help so that they can share the banquet too.

Just think, how many times have you blown it since you became a Christian? How many times have you wanted to throw the towel in and go it alone? Quite a few times I would think, especially the first one. We all fall into sin; we all mess up and become involved in things that we know are wrong but, we do them anyway. The wonderful thing is, when we do, as we approach our Shepherd and ask for forgiveness, He is there to oblige. 1 John 1:9. He is faithful and forgiving.

If you have walked away from Jesus, or want to rededicate your life, why not come to Jesus right now:

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sin today and ask You to forgive me. Please come and live in my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit - that fire of God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour today. Thank you for accepting me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Why not share this post to someone you know who is struggling. It may be just what they need at this time.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Psalm 23. Part 3

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over."                                                       Psalm 23:5       NKJV

David pictures a table that had been amply laid out with all the delicacies one could eat and drink. It was a banquet. Now, ordinarily when David had been pursued by his enemies, he probably only had the time to grab something - anything - to eat as he hurried away into battle. Here, God wanted none of this haste. He wanted David to realise that, whatever he may go through; His Shepherd would always take care of him. There was no need to hurry or worry even if his enemies were sitting around the table with him. All they could do would be to watch as David refreshed himself on this succulent banquet.

As long as David allowed Him, God was in control of everything and His Holy Spirit was inside of David to the overflow. He was anointed with fresh oil, the anointing oil being the Holy Spirit Himself.

It is the same with us. Our Shepherd feeds and anoints us. He allows our enemies to see how blessed we are. They won't be able to harm us, all they can do is look and see how powerful we are with Jesus Christ living within our hearts. 

Realise just how blessed you are. Realise how much your Shepherd - Jesus Christ - loves you. Realise how much value He places in you. If you wander off and become lost, then He will come looking for you. If you have fallen down, then He will use His staff to pull you up again. If you are attacked, He will use His rod on your attackers. He is 100% behind you. He is 100% wanting you to succeed in all He gives you to do. He just cannot get enough of you. He loves you more than words could ever say.

Jerry Vine wrote some very encouraging words in his bible:

'The Lord doesn't just bless us; He blesses us in an overflowing and abundant way. He doesn't just do good things for us; good things overflow in our lives.'
                                                                             The Vines Expository Bible  NKJV

Why not spend some time studying and praying this Psalm through. It will enrich you. We'll look at the final part tomorrow.


Wednesday, 28 April 2021

Psalm 23. Part 2

"Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."              Psalm 23:4      NKJV 

David begins writing this Psalm in the 'He' mode. However, from verse 4, he changes to a more personal 'You' mode. As he speaks, sings and writes, praising and worshipping God, his writing takes a different route - one of intimacy. An editor would say that this type of writing is classic, lack of experience writing, one in which the author interchanges his writing between 'He' and then 'You' at the next paragraph. However, this is not so, here. David was an experienced man of God, a song writer and author. He knew what he was writing and he couldn't resist speaking to God in the first instance. A time comes in our Christian life, when we develop such intimacy with God that we must be right there with Him.

Note the, 'I walk through the valley of the shadow of death'. When we walk or drive through somewhere, it usually means that we're not stopping; and this was the emphasis here. We all have to die at some stage, but our comfort comes from knowing that we will not remain in the valley of the shadow of death. As a Christian, we will go through this valley and Jesus will go through there with us. He will then take us to one of His mansions in the Father's House John 14:2. We will live forever. There is no fear in death at all. Jesus paved the way for us.

Note also, 'the shadow of death'. Shadows come from light being cast as a reflection. Do you see it? Jesus is with us during the process. He is the light that is being cast on the darkness of death. But it is only a shadow. Death cannot hold us; Jesus is with is. 'What while we're in the coffin? No, He is not there, not at all. However, neither are you. Inside the coffin is your old body. You don't need it anymore, you will receive a new one as you sit in your mansion sharing a Daily Life with Jesus.

Tuesday, 27 April 2021

Psalm 23. Part 1

"The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want. 2 He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. 3 He restores my soul; He leads me in the paths of righteousness for His name's sake."                                Psalm 23:1-3       NKJV      

God wants to provide us with all that we will need in this life to be able to be happy and peaceful. He cares for us as His sheep and, He will take care of of each of us. Let us take a brief look at some of His provision:

* A shepherd provides a safe environment for his flock, a place where they can rest and eat. They feel safe with him or her. God does the same. We need His care and protection and it is good to know that, He has our back. He will never let us down.
* A shepherd provides rest, refreshment, satisfaction, happiness and peace for his sheep. It is God's intention to provide the same for us. There is so much unrest in our daily lives that at times, we do not know which way to turn. Jesus is there to point the way.
* The shepherd provides restoration from anxiety, weariness and stress. Sheep are very tender animals and do fret at times. God does the same for us. God does not wish for us to be anxious about anything. He is with us. There is no need to flap about things. Give them to Him and He'll take care of the rest.

Sheep are not the most intelligent of animals and need regular direction because they easily become lost. Shepherds have the responsibility to provide rest. They need to provide for their sheep; this includes food, protection and rest. It has been observed that some sheep will never lie down unless their fears are removed. Humans are no different, when we have things on our minds, things that are worrying us, it is never easy to sleep. We pace the house worrying and plotting how we can resolve something. It is much easier to give it, to our Shepherd.

The Lord restores our soul; this includes our mind, will and emotions. Restore means to 'turn back'. The grass can appear greener on the other side and we can become distracted by this. Before we know it, we have wandered away. It's very rare that when a sheep wanders off that it will return to the flock. This is why the shepherd goes out looking for it. 
Someone you know may have wandered off from Jesus by looking at things they can't really have. But He is watching. He will never let them go and, without any force, at some stage He will bring them back into the fold.

The safest place to be in this world, is in the place where your Shepherd is. He knows you through and through. He is gentle, loving and kind, and if anyone tries to hurt you, He will drive them away, as long as you are walking with Him. 
Isn't it wonderful that the Shepherd knows your name?


Monday, 26 April 2021

'Jesus' is the Password

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."
                                                                                                     John 14:6    NKJV

Eternal life is available to one and all, but only to those who invite Jesus into their hearts. For years, people have been misled that if we live a good life, we will go to Heaven when we die. This is not true. Eternal life is only available through faith in Jesus. This is why He died a painful death so that He would take our sin upon Himself and declare us, not guilty. To say that we have an open access to heaven when we die, denies all that Jesus did at Calvary. Jesus says this very clearly in our text above, 'No one comes to the Father except through Me.' Again in John 3:18. 'He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not  believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.'

We cannot get away from the fact that, we need Jesus in our hearts to qualify for heaven. We must ask Him into our hearts and confess our sin, otherwise we are lost. Psalm 24 is an interesting text:

"Who is this King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle. 9 Lift up your heads, O you gates, lift up, you everlasting doors! And the King of glory shall come in."                                                                                                Psalm 24:8-9 NKJV

The King of glory is Jesus, He has the password for heaven. 'For whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved.' Romans 10:13. The name of the Lord is Jesus, this name is the password. Without this name, we are lost.

At the end of our life, we will all stand before Jesus and give an account of our life. If we have accepted Jesus as our Lord and Saviour, we will be admitted without question. If we haven't, no amount of bargaining with the Lord will help. Read Matthew 25:31-46 to get an accurate account of this. It is so important you do this.

To sum up, Jesus is the way, He is the truth and He is the life. He is also the one who will allow you or refuse you entry into His kingdom. Accept Jesus as Lord and you are home and dry. Refuse to do this because you think you are saved already, and you will regret it for eternity.

Why not be certain about your future destination and pray this:

Lord Jesus, I recognise that you are the way into heaven. You have the password and it is 'Jesus'. I confess my sins right now and ask You to come into my heart and be my Lord and Saviour. Please fill me with Your Spirit now. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

You are now firmly saved. Welcome

Sunday, 25 April 2021

He is the Life Part 3

"I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me."           
                                                                                                            John 14:6    NKJV

Jesus said in John 10:10, 'I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly'. Now this means, that Jesus just doesn't give us an ordinary life, not at all. Instead, He offers us a superabundance, excessive, overflowing, more than enough, extraordinary life. The root word for abundantly is 'beyond'. So therefore what He offers us is beyond measure, it exceeds the limit of our thinking. Just take a look at what Paul writes in Ephesians 3:20: 'Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us'.  

Jesus offers us, more than enough in life. Now, this is not only financial blessing. That's part of it, as we honour Him with our money, He will pour a generous measure back to us. But He offers life to the full. Just think back how much he has blessed you since He came into your life. Think back 20 years or so and see what you had in comparison to today. He blesses us and takes care of us.

Jesus wants us to enjoy our lives. He wants us to be happy and live our lives to the full. He sends opportunities our way that may bring us wealth or a better level of living. He brings us people who love us, people who care. To walk with Jesus is life - life to the full. Spend a lot of time with Him and you will see that He is good company; He has a sense of humour and he is a great friend. Jesus always goes beyond measure for each of us. We only have to look at His suffering on the cross to realise this. He gave His life, in full, so that we could live our lives in full.

But there is so much to life than we could ever imagine. One day, we will find this out as we walk towards Him and hear Him say, 'Well done my friend, you served me well.' There is an eternity that we will be able to spend with Him. We'll look a little closer at this tomorrow, but until then, consider this: Jesus Christ, our friend and Saviour is life, has life, is offering life in abundance and promises you and I a life that can be found nowhere else. 

If your life is pretty mundane, why not try giving Jesus all you have and allowing Him to make a difference in you. As I said earlier, we'll look a little closer at this tomorrow.

There's still no answer from God

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day  is  as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"...