Wednesday, 15 September 2021

Be a faith-filled believer

"What is that in your hand?"                                            Exodus 4:2     NKJV

Do you trust God - wholeheartedly? Are you man or woman of faith, or do you just get by each day? Moses was struggling. In his opinion, God had called him to do the most horrendous thing - go to Egypt and confront Pharaoh about letting the Israelites go. It was one awesome task and he would have sooner done anything else that carry out this task. What if this and what if that? Suppose they don't believe me etc? It really was a nightmare time for him. How would you have felt about it? 

But God said something amazing to him, 'What is that in your hand?' He was referring to Moses' rod and told him to cast it down on the floor where it became a snake. When he picked it up by its tail, it became his rod once again. God was showing Moses that He was in charge and with Him in charge, nothing was impossible. And it is the same for you as well.

Without faith we are lost. We can't see fresh air but we know it is there and we naturally breathe it in all through our day. We can't see the wind but we witness the devastation that it can bring. We are the people who walk by faith, not by sight 2 Corinthians 5:7. We can't see certain things, but by faith we believe they are there. God is calling us to believe more; to walk in faith not by what we see.

Just look through the bible and you will see people who had incredible faith. 'Yes, but that was back in bible times, it's different now'. No it isn't, in fact there has never been a time when we need to exercise faith. All around us, evil is displayed, murders and rapes on the increase, and terrorism. Some folk believe that we are living in the end times and that may be true. If that is so, we need to stop believing in fear and believe in the opposite - faith and begin living it 24/7.

For some, food and clothing may be a shortage and aid is really helpful to them. However, nothing is more helpful than prayer - asking and believing and receiving. 'Lord we need this'. When He answers with, 'What is that in your hand?' believe and receive it. This is the way God wishes for us to live. 

We either believe God or we don't. We either believe that He can put something in our hand or it is just make believe. You know deep down that faith is the answer, however it takes practice to keep on believing as things will not happen always at once. But they will happen. Just believe.

Tuesday, 14 September 2021

Make the most of your time

"To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven."   
                                                                                                   Ecclesiastes 3:1   NKJV 

You are called to make the most of your time. When you do, you are walking in wisdom. Don't waste your time or your life. Mostly, we are only given one opportunity for that special thing in life. Don't miss the chance of success. 

Paul says: 'See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil' Ephesians 5:16. In other words, keep your eyes open to what is around you and, if you are certain God is directing you, seize the moment when it is available, you may not get another chance.

What opportunity is God giving you today? What are you going to do about it? When God speaks about something He wants you to do, it is not unusual to feel nervous, after all, it may be something big and you are not sure if you could manage it. You may try every trick in the book to convince yourself that it would be wrong for you to take this on. Check out Moses when God called him to go to Egypt. Be at peace, if God is showing you something today, you can do it. He has ordained you for the task. 

Get alone with God and ask Him to show you a little bit more of what He is asking or showing you. He will. You will not be totally convinced until you push the door and take a step forward but, as you take that step He will give you the assurance that you are needing.

Just think about it, this could be your day to succeed, make the most of it and don't miss the opportunity.

Monday, 13 September 2021

'I have a plan'

"Commit your actions to the Lord and your plans will succeed".    Proverbs 16:3    NLT 

Many people throughout the world come up with excellent plans and put them into action very quickly. Many succeed from their actions and make lots of money. Many don't and fail. Thomas Edison was a great pioneer of inventions and tried and failed many times with his quest to produce the electric light. When questioned about his exploits, he told the people, that he had not failed but just found 1000 ways that didn't work. A great answer and attitude. There are the doers and the thinkers. The doers get down to business and put their plans into action. The thinkers, just think about it and never try. 

God has given us a brain and the ability to create great things. There are colleges and universities where we can go to pursue study and learn the process of developing our God given talent. That doesn't mean that the person who hasn't been to these establishments cannot dream big and be successful, not at all. Many who haven't had academic training have become successful with their plans.

For us as Christians, the best place to start is with Jesus. He is the greatest inventor and creator of all time. Just look at the world and all that is in it for testimony to that fact. Therefore, if you have a plan, it makes sense to go to Him and give Him this and allow Him to help you develop it. The difference between you and the person who is of the world, is that you have given Him your life and that, includes your thoughts and your dreams. He has charge of them but, still allows you to go ahead on your own if you choose this route. However, if you want to be successful, God's way is the best route to take. 

Perhaps you have a plan at this moment. It may include a new job, a move to another area, even emigration. You may also have thoughts about starting your own business. Don't rush ahead and try to put it into action. Discuss it with God first. Get His opinion on this new venture. You see, He knows the way ahead - the pitfalls, and He will guide you expertly if you let Him. Your intentions may be the greatest thing that could happen to you. However, they may be your worst nightmare. Check it out with your Life Manager - Jesus right now.

Sunday, 12 September 2021

Don't do it!

"So when the woman saw that the tree was good for food, that it was pleasant to the eyes and a tree desirable to make one wise, she took of its fruit and ate."    
                                                                                                        Genesis 3:6    NKJV

Temptation comes in many forms and affects us all. No one is exempt temptation, it goes with the territory. It is though, down to each individual how they handle this - walk away or fall into the trap. The trap may be adultery, theft and a desire to be rich and famous or many other areas.

The problem is, falling into the trap can be very costly. It can cause a marriage to fail no matter how sorry the offending individual is. It can result in a lengthy prison sentence when a person has fallen to the temptation of embezzlement and worse of all, it can completely ruin a person's integrity and testimony. Once a person has become involved in these areas, they carry the label of untrustworthy.

The eye is a great offender, through these lenses, a person looks at something they shouldn't be viewing, such as pornography, and a desire can be ignited. Familiarity with someone if left to fester, can lead to an unsavoury relationship. No matter how pleasant this may be at the time, it will only lead to disaster and heartache and, rather like Eve found, it will be too late to rectify.

An urgent need for finance can tempt a person to put their hand in the till. However, when they get away with it they may be tempted to try it again and again until they are found out and arrested. Shoplifting can fall into this category. Theft and adultery and perhaps, child abuse can all be viewed as desirable to the person who is being tempted but, it will lead to a light being cast down on the whole sorry affair and a person being sent to prison or a divorce are all   that's left to look forward too. Children's lives will be wrecked, families torn apart and all because there was a desire that needed to be satisfied. At the end of the day, one is left with the phrase, 'Was it all worth it? And the answer has got to be, no.

Please don't feel that this would never happen to you, many people would be able to testify that they used to feel this. If you could ask Adam and Eve,they would tell you the same. A ten letter word can carry a devastating sting with it and it is called 'temptation'


Saturday, 11 September 2021

You are not a broken vessel

"We are pressured in every way (hedged in) but not crushed; perplexed (unsure of finding a way out) but not driven to despair; 9 hunted down and persecuted, but not deserted (to stand alone), struck down but never destroyed."   
                                                              2 Corinthians 4:8-9   The Amplified Study Bible 

We face trials every now and then, some people more than others. It all depends on how we handle them. Satan would have us believe that we are broken vessels - useless and incapable of being useful to God. What a lie; don't for one minute believe that. Things come at us but they are not always from Satan, we have everyday trials, like the lack of money, job and pressures from family and home. However, we are not broken. Let me just give you a comment on verse 8 from the Amplified version: "God controls trials and uses them to strengthen His people. God's glory is manifested through broken vessels, by people who endure trouble by relying on His power." 

You may feel like a broken vessel at this time, but God doesn't want you to remain this way. He is into mending brokenness, He repairs the soul, the person and He will do this for you too. We face trials but God is with us through them. Take a look at our text today, you may feel crushed and perplexed, unsure of finding a way out. But God knows the way and will even create a way to get you through this time. You are not deserted; you are not on your own. He is with you and will remain so. Don't give up, look up.

If a pot falls on the floor and shatters, it is ruined and needs throwing away. That is the world's perspective - the natural. However, you are not of the world, you are of the supernatural and no matter how broken you may be - even shattered, your God, your friend Jesus can put you together again. They couldn't put Humpty Dumpty together again because he was of the natural, but you are not Humpty Dumpty, you are a loved and cherished child of God and Jesus has your back. If you're shot at, God will shout, 'Man down', and Jesus will pick you up and carry you until you are strong enough to cope.

Hey, life has been tough for you just lately, but Jesus is on your case. Just spend sometime with Him alone and tell Him how you feel - everything, and watch Him move on your behalf.
He takes broken vessels and makes them whole again.

Friday, 10 September 2021

Traffic lights

"Trust in and rely confidently on the LORD with all your heart and do not rely on your own insight or understanding. 6 In all your ways, know and acknowledge and recognise Him, and He will make your paths straight and smooth (removing obstacles that block your way).                                                   Proverbs 3:5-6   The Amplified Study Bible

Note how imperative it is to trust and rely on the Lord in all that we do. For Him to make our paths straight and smooth, we need to obey God's Word - the rules. He will then remove obstacles that block our way in life.
By way of an analogy, consider the traffic light system in the UK. It goes like this:
Red means to stop 
Red and Amber means prepare to go and Amber prepare to stop
Green means to go
It is so important to stop when the red light is displayed. Extreme caution is also required when we approach a Red/Amber light as to just drive through this light, there may be a collision with someone who has done the same on the alternative road. It is of equal importance when the Amber light is displayed as this is a preparation to stop. Traffic lights are there for a reason and must be adhered to in order to avoid accidents. With certain traffic lights, especially the road works type, there can be a delay in them changing. To jump these lights because of impatience can be foolhardy. It is far beater to wait until it is safe to go ahead.

God expects us to obey the rules of the highway and He expects us to obey His Word. As we pray and give Him our movements for each day, He directs our road. He will shine a big (Red) stop sign in our spirit when we are in danger of doing something that we shouldn't. To ignore this warning and, it is a warning, we take on the responsibility ourselves. When God is ready for us to move, He will indicate for us to prepare to go (Red/Amber) and when all is ready, the (Green) go sign will flag up in our spirit. He will also give us the prepare to stop indicator (Amber) and this is one that we really should take notice of. He may want us to stop going to a particular place, hanging around with someone who will lead us astray, or a general preparation to move. All of the Holy Spirit's directions should be obeyed because, God knows far better about what is ahead. We cannot rely on our own judgement.

Obstacles will get in our way; this is why we need to commit each day to Jesus. He knows the way, we don't. He will help us avoid the obstacles as we move according to the Holy Spirit, our Divine Helper and Friend. Make sure you receive His directions and wait and be patient when necessary.

Thursday, 9 September 2021

Have you enough depth?

"But when the sun was up they were scorched, and because they had no root they withered away."                                                                      Matthew 13:6     NKJV

Jesus was discussing the Parable of the Sower and mentioned the fact that part of the ground could have no root. This was quite common in Palestine because there was only a thin layer of soil, probably a few inches deep, over limestone rock. Because there was very little depth or root, the seeds would be easily warmed and germinate very quickly. However, the sun would soon scorch them and they would become withered and die.

This made me think of picture hooks, a job that I had a struggle with recently. Not being a great DIY enthusiast, any type of task such as this can be a recipe for disaster. Initially, I had tried the suction hooks that can be locked on to a flat surface. Some of the hooks stayed on for a few minutes and I was able to hang a few picture frames on to these. However, they were short lived and came crashing down, luckily not breaking the frame. It became necessary to use the type of hook that are knocked into the wall. Now these are ok if you can avoid knocking half of the plaster off in your attempt. I managed it but the frames kept pulling the hooks out of the wall. I suddenly realised, that I would have to go deeper and use a little more precision too. This allowed me to attain more depth and eventually, I had frames hanging on the wall successfully.

We may chuckle at this but unless we go deeper in our spiritual life, rather like the plaster, bits and pieces around us come crashing down. We cannot exist without our lives firmly rooted in Jesus. Many have tried it and many have failed. We cannot manage alone John 15:5. But how do we get deeper into Jesus with all of the hustle and bustle of family and a working life? The answer - discipline. Without this, we are like a yoyo; we go up and down one day flying high, the next down in the depths of despair. We have to get the balance right. Therefore a plan is needed.

Map your day out. You must have a 'quiet time' with Jesus as soon as the day begins. If this means getting up earlier, then so be it. Things must not be neglected however, so getting into a routine is required but, it must be flexible to allow for the unexpected things that come our way. Time with Jesus should be constant, whatever we are doing throughout the day, can be done involving Him - speaking and listening to Him wherever possible. For a busy family, it takes some expert planning but it can be done and is essential to your spiritual welfare.

Therefore, go deeper and become well rooted into Jesus. Don't allow things around you to come crashing down because you have attempted to do something without reaching the correct depth. Get digging!

'I've had enough, I'm going out'

"After these things Jesus showed Himself again to the disciples at the Sea of Tiberias, and in this way He showed Himself:  2 Simon Pet...