Friday, 24 June 2022

Hang out with Jesus

"If anyone does not remain in Me, he is thrown aside like a branch and he withers. They gather them, throw them into the fire and they are burned" v6   John 15:1-6  CSB

Verse 5 of our text, informs us that we can co nothing without Jesus and, it's true. We need Him. This is why He tells us to 'Remain' in Him. One of the best definitions of 'Remain' that I have found is. 'To be left as still to be dealt with'. This tells us that we are a work in progress - we haven't made it yet but we're getting close, with God's help.

When we remain in Jesus, or as our title today says, 'Hang out with Jesus', great things happen and we bear excellent fruit. Jesus - the head gardener, prunes us so that we bear much more fruit. When we don't remain in Him, we can do nothing and the fruit we bear is not fit for the Kingdom of God. We are then cut off as a branch that is of no use and thrown into the fire. What does this mean?

Some have said over the years, that a person loses their salvation because of this. This is not true. When we ask Jesus into our life, we receive salvation and this is eternal life. Eternal life is for eternity, What has happened is, we have become disconnected from Jesus and are not flowing in the Holy Spirit - the vine. Somehow we have stepped away. Jesus is still with us but, we are not hearing Him or we are out of alignment with Him at the moment. What can we do? 'Draw near to God and He will draw near to you' James 4:8.

The term, 'To be left as still to be dealt with' has two components:

(1)  Jesus still has some work to do on us
We have some rough edges that require smoothing down. We also have to learn the art of continuing whatever the cost.

(2)  Jesus still has work for us to do
Jesus has not given up on us; there is still work to be done. Make the most of each and every opportunity He gives. He is counting on you!

This is why it is so important to Hang out with Jesus

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Thursday, 23 June 2022

You have been chosen

"You did not choose Me, but I chose you."                         John 15:16   CSB 

To be chosen for something is such an honour. It is a commendation for all of the hard work that a person has undergone in order to gain this accolade. Many want to take part in university courses, sporting events or applying for that special position in a company. And when news reaches them that they have been chosen, the feeling is amazing.

However, not all are chosen. Matthew 22:14 says, For many are invited but few are chosen.' Following Jesus' crucifixion, resurrection and ascension, Jewish rulers firmly rejected the witness of the Spirit and this brought final judgement - they had rejected the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit. Although God had performed great things all around them - healings, raising the dead and thousands of changed lives, they still refused to take up the invitation to accept Jesus.

It is the same today, people are invited to get to know Jesus - thriving churches, house groups, Christians speaking to them but, many just don't want to know, so they turn down the invitation and thus, refuse to be chosen by Jesus. Following this, there is little to do to help them see the truth.

None of us chose to have Jesus in our lives. The Holy Spirit led us to the point of invite and the opportunity to accept Jesus as Lord. In other words we were convinced by the work of the Spirit and realised that Jesus really is the only way into Heaven.

There are many people who, on the day they meet Jesus face to face, will fully realise their error in rejecting Him. Sadly, it will be too late then. This is the reason that we need to let people know about Jesus, but not only that, let them see that He lives in us. You may say, 'People will laugh at me, I was arguing and in a bad mood with them last week.' You may have been, but this shows them that you are real - normal and have bad days too. 

The bottom line though, is that you have been chosen by Jesus and that is all that matters. There are still many who have received an invitation but are ready to turn it down. Can you help them see the truth?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Wednesday, 22 June 2022

Hedge of Protection

"Surely He shall deliver you from the snare of the fowler and from the perilous pestilence. He shall cover you with His feathers and under His wings you shall take refuge."    
                                                                                           Psalm 91:3-4  NKJV 

Picture a bird on a nest of newly born chicks. They're helpless and hungry and depend on their parents to feed them, protect them and give them warmth. Occasionally, they will stick their head out from underneath mum to check out their new environment. As they grow, mum leaves them to help dad bring in the food. This is a dangerous time! While parents are way from the nest, predators have the opportunity to attack and kill them. It's all part of the nature world, I'm afraid. After a time, the one's who have survived leave the nest (fledge), it is time to begin their new lives. Comfort zones have to come to an end and they have to learn to look after themselves from now on.

The human world has similarities as we begin to find our way in life. There is slight a difference here though, God is always on the nest (throne), and we can return to Him - our comfort zone - whenever we need to, and this can be very frequent. God never becomes tired of our calling on Him. He loves us and has ordained that we can call on Him any time of day or night. Obviously, we have grown spiritually, so we need to stand on our own two feet wherever possible, but remembering that, God is only a prayer away, His door is always open and He's always willing to listen. The Lord has placed a hedge of protection around us. The devil will try and chip away at it but, he can't get through, unless we let him in.

God will deliver us from the traps the devil sets but, the problem is if we become involved with the sins of the world, this hedge of protection will begin to fall apart and little by little, the enemy will gain access leading us astray.

There are trials and attacks. The attacks are the ongoing ones that drain us and bring upset and pain. They pile upon each other, intent on bringing us down. If this is happening to you, check the break in the hedge and repair it with prayer and repentance. Then receive, once again, God's wonderful embrace.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Tuesday, 21 June 2022

There's a breakthrough coming!

"Now when the Philistines heard that they had anointed David king of Israel, all the Philistines went up to search for David. And David heard of it and went down to the stronghold." v17                                                       2 Samuel 5:17-25  NKJV 

David was anointed King of Israel but, this was not to the Philistine's liking; so they decided to go and search for him. There is an important point to remember here; you can never please everyone, someone will always be dissatisfied; so make up your mind to please God and Him only.

David went to his stronghold. What was this? It is quite likely that it was the familiar mountain stronghold in the desert of Judah. This was where David had defended himself against Saul (2 Samuel 23:14). However, the stronghold may have been the Lord Himself. David knew that God was his stronghold and shepherd and that he could be depended on. Whatever it was, it was the place where David inquired of the Lord, asking Him what to do. The Lord told him, 'Go up, for I will doubtless deliver the Philistines into your hand.' And he did - God gave him a breakthrough so, David called that place Baal Perazim - Master of Breakthroughs.

The Philistines attacked once again and true to form, David inquired of the Lord v23. But this time, God gave him a different strategy. They were to circle around them in front of the Mulberry trees and when they heard the sound of marching from the top of the trees, they were to attack. They did and the victory was theirs.

We should always inquire of the Lord. It is foolishness to go into something blind. Pray, seek the Lord because he knows the way. God is a victorious God and He wants to give you the victory. He will give you commands that may sound very strange but, obey Him. He caused an army to become confused here by noises in the tree tops. As they listened, bewildered, David attacked and won. 

David had a breakthrough and there is a breakthrough coming to you today. Get to know God better, spend time with Him, inquire of Him and listen and obey. In fact, go into your stronghold - the place you use exclusively for God. If you want this breakthrough, it will only come through your obedience. So put it into action!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Monday, 20 June 2022

Is Jesus on the throne of your life?

"Yet I have set My King on My Holy hill of Zion" v6               Psalm 2   NKJV 

David was asking rhetorical questions when he penned this Psalm and, would have been astonished at what God said to him.

God's anger was burning, after all He had done for His people they still rebelled against Him. He provided for them, guided them, kept them alive and then, sent a Saviour - Jesus Christ, to bring forgiveness and eternal life. However, they didn't want Jesus the Messiah - the Anointed One, they wanted a king who would fight their battles for them and sit on an earthly throne.

It's the same today, many people clam up at the name of Jesus. Mentioning His name is a real conversation stopper and they can't wait to get away from you because, you are an embarrassment. But really, it is not embarrassment at all; it is conviction whether they realise it or not. They come under conviction as we begin to speak about Jesus and they will go to great lengths to prevent you continuing the conversation. People have lost their jobs, their homes and even their lives for speaking about Jesus. It is still happening in the world today in certain countries. (Check the internet). But whether it is accepted or not, Jesus is still on the Throne; His Father placed Him there. 

The thing is, is He on the throne of your life? Is He your Saviour, your friend and your shepherd? He will be returning to this world one day - it may even be today, no one knows except the Father. If you know Him, He will gather you up to Himself and you will be safe. To those who don't know Him, will come terrible judgements and death. He has given us all adequate warning of this - read the book.

Some may laugh at the person standing on the street preaching about Jesus; he may even be arrested or moved on by the police for doing so. However, that person is giving out Words of Life to those who will listen - a chance to have Jesus on the throne of their lives. These are not empty words, they carry life. Please ensure you are on Jesus' Holy hill (v6) when He returns, otherwise you will be left behind.

'Lord Jesus, I surrender to You. Please come into my life, live in my heart and forgive my sins. I am sorry Lord. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen'

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Sunday, 19 June 2022

Stand up and Fight

For this reason take up the full armour of God, so that you may be able to resist in the evil day, and having prepared everything, to take up your stand."                                                   
                                                                                      Ephesians 6:13    CSB

Things may come at you fast and furious. Trials from God have a hope attached to them - a way through. Spiritual attacks don't! They are aggressive and have the ability to grind you down until all you want to do is give up. Don't do this, keep standing.

Ephesians 6:10 tells us to 'be strengthened by the Lord and by His vast strength.' How do we do this? By putting on the armour of God, - v11-18. You will then be equipped. Note what Tony Evans says:

'Standing firm in the armour of God, doesn't stop the spiritual warfare raging. It stops it from defeating you.' Tony Evans Study bible

You see our battle is not against flesh and blood. The people who wrestle against us are real; the problems are real but, they are not the root problem - the devil is. So, we need to fight the spiritual with the spiritual; and we do this by putting on the armour of God.

Notice the word, 'resist', in our text above. We go forward in God's strength - in His power - in His armour and we resist every negative thing that comes our way. We are soldiers; soldiers get shot at but, they also shoot back. We shoot back with God's Word. It should be so rooted within us that, no matter what is said, no matter what is done against us, we resist and continue to stand.

Have you got that? Bottom line is, the devil doesn't like you, he never has and he never will. So he will use people to hurt you and wind you up. He will take your money, your health and whatever else he can. Don't let him - resist:

'Resist him firm in the faith, knowing that the same kind of sufferings are being experienced by your fellow believers throughout the world.'  1 Peter 5:9

'Resist the devil and he will flee from you'  James 4:7

Get to the point where God's Word flows naturally from within you!

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Saturday, 18 June 2022

Be careful what you say

Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit."   
                                                                                         Proverbs 18:21  CSB 

Tony Evans writes a very important statement here:

'What the tongue says reflects the heart. So when our words towards another person are bitter, it's because our hearts are bitter. What comes out of our mouth represents the overflow of our hearts.'          The Tony Evans Study Bible, Holman Publishing
Matthew gives another strong scripture, 'For by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned.'  Matthew 12:37.

We have to be careful what we confess. When we are not in control, all sorts of negativity can be spoken. We tend to speak before we've processed what we're going to say. Other people shoot from the hip letting rip with choice words that are like daggers to the heart. Make no mistake, we will have to give an account one day, for all the wrong words we have spoken; therefore, get it right now!

It's not only the bitter words that we speak but also the everyday ones. These are the words that just flow from the tongue and, may include unwholesome comments. We can be so used to them that they have taken up residence within us. Here's a sample of them:

'I nearly died of fright'. 'These shoes are killing me'. 'I can't stand that person'. 
'I'll never be able to do this'. 'I've had enough, I'd be better off dead'

These are only a few of the phrases that may come out of our mouths. The thing is, they carry power; they are not just idle words, they carry a curse, a threat and whatever else. 'Death and life are in the power of the tongue and those who love it will eat its fruit.'

This is an important principle to remember. We must be in control of our mouths. Better still, we need God to clean up our hearts because, this is where it all begins.

In simple terms, what you confess, you will get. So choose your words wisely. It may be helpful to think before you speak. This is why James wrote, 'Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to anger'  James 1:19. It's a good principle to live by.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                                  

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...