Friday, 12 August 2022

Don’t forget

 Starting Monday 15th August


Do people see Jesus in you?

"Therefore I urge you, imitate me." v16                     1 Corinthians 4:15-16   NKJV 

It would be so easy to look at this verse, especially as a new Christian and, be offended by it. Paul is urging us to imitate him; surely we should be imitating Jesus not a man? Is this what Paul meant? Let's look at this more closely.

Warren W Wiersbe in his Study Bible notes writes:

'Paul was an example to the family. Children have a way of imitating their parents, either for good or for ill. The word 'imitate' is from the Greek word which gives us our word for 'mimic'. Paul gave the same admonition in Philippians 3:17, but we must not think that he was exalting himself. Little children learn first by example then by explanation.'  Wiersbe Study Bible

In addition to this, John Hargreaves in his excellent commentary - A Guide to 1 Corinthians, writes:
'The important word in v16 is 'me' i.e. 'follow me rather than the guides I referred to, v15 -  'For though you have ten thousand instructors in Christ, yet you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I have begotten you through the gospel,'  

David Guzik explains, 'Paul was explaining how he had become like a father to the people in Christ - a spiritual father. In this verse, Paul urges his spiritual children to follow his spiritual example. Nowhere did Paul attempt to puff himself up. He had a unique place of authority and leadership among the Corinthian Christians, not only because he fathered the church but, also because of his apostolic authority, 'I have begotten you through the gospel' v15.

If we were to view Paul, we would see that he had very little to offer in the materialistic area of life; he was poorly clothed, homeless, beaten and often classed as a fool. However, he lived his whole life for Jesus; he was totally sold out for Jesus and if people viewed his qualities, they would see Jesus in him. This is why he said, 'imitate me'.

As the people looked closely at Paul, they would see his commitment, they would see his authority and they would see Jesus in him. Can the same be said about you? Can people actually see Jesus in how you live and handle yourself? Could you dare to say, 'imitate me' as Paul did?

Now, that is something to ponder.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Thursday, 11 August 2022

It’s getting close

Not long now

Monday 15th - 19th inclusive


Don’t miss it

You're being watched!

"Whatever you do, do it from the heart, as something done for the Lord, and not for people" v22                                                              Colossians 3:22-24   CSB 

'Great, the boss isn't in today, so we can have an easy time and then go home early'. This can be the type of thing said by some who have no respect for their boss, the work they do or, for honouring God.

As Christians, we work for God not man. Therefore, our work should be spot on and first class in all we do. He is faithful to us and we should be the same. We need to remember that, we are being watched by the people we work with. They see and hear what we do and say and, even if they do not comment, it is stored away in their, 'My opinion of Christians' box; and when they need it, out it comes and we are compromised.

We are also watched by God. He sees when we turn up late for work or leave early without permission. He sees when we take stationery home, even if it is only a paperclip. He is also watching when we only do half a job instead of what is required. Verse 22 says, 'Slaves, obey your human masters in everything. Don't work only while being watched, as people pleasers, but work wholeheartedly fearing the Lord.' 
CFD Moule adds to this: 'He must not be the kind of servant who does not dust around the ornaments or sweep under the wardrobe'.    William Barclay commentary on Colossians
It is the same with Company vehicles. Do we treat them as we would if they were our own and, we had to pick up the bill?

We are called to work wholeheartedly for the Lord. We may think that God doesn't see all we do, but we are wrong. He sees all and also knows our motives. Whether we agree or not, He has placed us in the field of work we are in and expects us to carry it out properly. If we cut corners on our job, what about if He places us in full time ministry?

It all comes down to faithfulness and respect. If we work to display these two values, we are well on the way to honouring God. So, be a God-pleaser not, a people-pleaser.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Wednesday, 10 August 2022

An opportunity to accept Jesus

"The wicked are not like this; instead they are like chaff that the wind blows away."    
                                                                                          Psalm 1:4-6  CSB

Wherever there is a good side, there is always a not so good side and we read about this in these three verse.
As Christians, we have asked Jesus into our hearts and He has come and forgiven our sin as we have repented. Sadly, there are many people who still have not heard about Jesus and, this is why men and women of God are going around the world preaching about Jesus. There are many people who flatly refuse to accept Jesus as their Lord and, these are the one's the Psalmist is referring to.

As swiftly as the Word enters their minds, they turn it away. Actually, Satan does this because he doesn't want people saved. Therefore, he steals the Word away. The Psalmist describes these people as chaff, which is so light, it is easily blown away in the wind. Chaff is the light shell around the kernel of grain. It must be stripped away before grinding of the grain into flour begins.

The people referred to as chaff, are the 'wicked' or 'sinners'. They are described as unstable in their ways, very much the opposite of the people who accept Jesus. Many have no staying power and are whisked away like chaff, as soon as they begin to show an interest in Jesus.

Spurgeon comments on chaff: 'Intrinsically worthless, dead, unserviceable, without substance and easily carried away.' Tough words indeed but, aptly described. Dr David Jeremiah comments further on verse 5 and standing up in the judgement: 
'To stand up in the judgement v5, is a desired outcome here, a symbol of divine approval. The assembly of the righteous, refers to God's people - those whose faith is reflected by their delight in God's Word (1:2) and who live according to it. In the day of judgement, they will not be left standing  with those who love God and strive to obey Him; they will be separated and sentenced to eternal punishment'.                                                         Dr David Jeremiah

It is therefore, so very important that people know about Jesus and have the opportunity to accept Him as Lord. Why not send this commentary to someone you know, who needs Jesus:

'Lord Jesus Christ, I give my life to You today. Please forgive my sins and fill me with You Holy Spirit and, be my Lord and Saviour. Amen.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Tuesday, 9 August 2022

This is how you benefit

"He is like a tree planted beside flowing streams that bears its fruit in its season, and its leaf does not wither. Whatever he does prospers."            Psalm 1:3   CSB

A tree firmly planted in rich ground will usually prosper, especially when it is continually refreshed and watered by being planted next to water. The tree will be fruitful, producing its fruit in the right season of the year. Notice it has to be in the right season. This is rather like us, we have seasons of success in our work and ministry - we have good and not so good times, but as long as we remain rooted into good ground - Jesus, we will succeed.

We will have times when we begin to wither, rather like leaves which do not receive enough moisture. We must always ensure that we continue to delight and meditate on the Lord, thus being refreshed by the Holy Spirit. We will then begin to prosper in all we do - notice that the text above says, 'Whatever he does.' not, 'Most of the things he does.' This is important. 

When we speak of being 'rooted' it is linked to meditation that we discussed yesterday. To reinforce this, meditation means to think deeply and continuously about something - to ponder; in this case, about Jesus. This may mean memorising scriptures or words God gives us. We ponder them and place them into our memory bank. We then allow them to take root within our spirit until they are part of us. As we own them in this way, they become a life-force that operates inside of us as the power and authority of God takes control of every situation. When we live in such a way, there is no stopping us.

We begin to have true fellowship with Jesus just as the early disciples did after His ascension Acts 2:42-43. The word 'fellowship' in v42 in the Greek is Koinonia. In this, the individual shares in common an intimate bond of fellowship with other Christians. Koinonia cements the believers to the Lord Jesus and to each other. 

When we live in such a way, we will prosper in all we do and we will receive the benefits God wants to pour upon us.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Monday, 8 August 2022

Receving God's goodness

"Instead, his delight is in the LORD'S instruction, and he meditates on it day and night."   
                                                                                                Psalm 1:2   CSB 

The person who sees things the way God sees them, is the person who delights in the Lord's instruction - the Word of God. The word, 'Delight', means to take great pleasure in something, it is enjoyment and the person who we have mentioned above, takes the greatest of pleasure in Him. 

Pleasure and enjoyment can be found all around, the world is good at doing this. But the world's pleasures, lead to loss - loss of the Kingdom of God on Judgement Day. The delight or pleasure we are addressing is, the delight a believer takes in knowing Jesus.

The person who delights in Jesus, is the one whose mind is fixed on Him. Day and night, he fills his mind with the Word of God. He does this by meditation. Jewish people call this, 'Davening', and it includes reciting scriptures, praying intense prayers and 'getting lost in communion with God.' Many Jewish people can be seen doing this at The Wailing Wall in Jerusalem. As they do this, they rock to and fro with occasional bowing. We as Christians do a similar thing when we are engrossed in worship and fellowship and calling out to God with praise.

To meditate is to train the mind to be emptied of all irrelevant things as we focus on the main object - Jesus. As we shut out distractions this way, we are able to reach out to Jesus and have communion with Him - deeply. As we delight in God, our heart becomes filled with the love of God and the Holy Spirit begins to minister to us. To neglect delighting in God, our heart can be filled with unwholesome thoughts, disappointments and sinful desire. We either live and walk in blessing or, we walk in the curse.

You can tell what is in your heart by the way you act and speak. Therefore, make some changes in your life and determine that, from today you are going to delight in the Lord's instruction. Then, begin to meditate on this - daily

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...