Monday 29 August 2022

See yourself as God sees you (1)

"God, how precious Your thoughts are to me, how vast their sum is."   
                                                                                                 Psalm 139:17   CSB 

Many times we see ourselves as unworthy people, so why would God want to communicate with us? Why does He think of us so much? To know the answer to these questions, we have to fully realise how much He actually cares for us. We must see ourselves as the Lord sees us - as His children who He dearly longs to communicate with. 
Charles F Stanley writes:

'If we have a pauper like image of ourselves, wondering why the God who created the heavens and the earth would engage in meaningful conversation with insignificant us, then communication shuts down.'   Charles F Stanley Life Principles Bible

It all comes down to relationship. If you know Jesus, then He wants a relationship with you; He wants to communicate with you but, if you don't communicate with Him then it all breaks down because it is one-sided. Here, King David praises God for His precious thoughts and there are many, we could never count them. Think about that for a moment; God has endless thoughts about you each day. In fact, He can't stop thinking about you.

How often do you think about Him? As we accept that He thinks about us so much, we are beginning to think about Him also and this leads to praise and gratitude. Ask yourself, when things go drastically wrong, who do you turn to? If it's God, then He is on your mind.

There's a lot of insecure people in our world today; are you one of them? It's not unusual to think this way, we all feel like this sometimes. However, we need to avoid the 'Grasshopper image' Numbers 13:33. The recce party who went to search out Canaan returned saying that the people were like giants, 'we were like grasshoppers in our own sight and so we were in their sight.' Note thisAs they viewed the giants, fear came upon them and they had a low self-image, in fact, they had a 'Grasshopper. mentality'.

People will view you as you view yourself. God doesn't want this of you. See yourself as God sees you. To do this, build up your relationship with Him; have a 'Jesus mentality', about yourself and allow nothing to stand in your way.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Sunday 28 August 2022

Don't try to hide away from from God

"Then the man and his wife heard the sound of the LORD God walking in the garden at the time of the evening breeze, and they hid from the LORD God among the trees of the garden."                                                                            Genesis 3:8-13   CSB 

This scripture demonstrates the great patience that God has for each of us. He knew that Adam and Eve were hiding from Him; He also knew what they had done, yet the first thing He says is, 'Where are you?'

God knew what they had done; He knew their guilt and He wanted them to be honest with Him, to confess that they had done wrong and repent. But they hid from Him. As Christians, we can do the same when we have sinned; we can ignore gong to church or associating with a fellow brother or sister. We can feel that if we hide away, it will go away. But it won't, unless we repent.
We have to face God, we can't get away with things because, the conviction is too great. Adam finally realised this and told God they had hidden away because of their nakedness. They were ashamed. God challenged Adam, asking him if he had eaten from the tree. He wanted Adam to confess. However, instead of repenting and receiving God's forgiveness, they both played the blame game, blaming each other and even God.

David Guzik writes:
'God knew the answer to His question. He asked it because He allowed Adam to make the best of a bad situation by repenting right then and there; but Adam didn't come clean and repent before God.'   Enduring Word - David Guzik
Charles Spurgeon wrote:
We can see how completely death was brought into Adam's moral nature, for if it had not been so, he would have said, "My God, I have sinned, will You forgive me?"
                           The Charles Spurgeon Study Bible

That day in the garden, Adam and Eve had the opportunity to repent, asking God to forgive them, and He would have. He would have forgiven them because He couldn't demonstrate any other than His love and compassion. No doubt He would have brought about another route to deal with sin.

God's love knows no end. You may have let Him down - big time. But, if you have, don't hide away, confess it and receive His forgiveness. He knows about it anyway. Just say that you're sorry.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Saturday 27 August 2022

What do you need to give up?

"Therefore, submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, sinners and purify your hearts you double-minded."                                                                      James 4:7-8  CSB 

You can do this! There are things in your life that you know you have to give up. You may think it's impossible to do so, but it's not, God has provided the way. Before Jesus came, there was a great chasm between man and God. It was impossible to reach Him. But God sent Jesus to bridge that gap and when James says, 'Draw near to God, and He will draw near to you', he is actually saying, 'Come, the way to Me is open, come on through'. God wouldn't call you if there wasn't a way.

Doing this, is called, 'Surrender'. E. Stanley-Jones wrote, 'Surrender to Christ or you surrender to chaos.' Think about that chaos for a moment. The devil causes confusion; some days he causes so much chaos in your life that you don't know what to do. Would Jesus cause you chaos? No, I don't think He would, so straightaway, you know who the culprit is - Satan. Therefore, surrender is essential for peace of mind and survival.

Be honest and ask yourself, what is preventing you from drawing near to God and remaining there? What do you need to surrender to Him? Psalm 37:4 says, 'Take delight in the LORD, and He will give you your heart's desires.' Commenting on this verse, Jesse Duplantis said, 'Your greatest weakness will stop your greatest desire'. You can see that perhaps your weakness in a particular  area, is choking the greatest desire of your life. God wants to bless you but, there may be a need to surrender to Your friend Jesus, who is longing to bless you.

Imagine being in a dark tunnel. Jesus wants you to be the light in that tunnel. He longs for you to fill the darkness around you with His light. To do this, you need to draw near to Him and allow Him to draw near to you. You can do this

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Friday 26 August 2022

Be careful what you look at

"Open my eyes so that I may contemplate wondrous things from Your instruction"   
                                                                                        Psalm 119:18  CSB 

We must be careful what we focus on because our eyes have an appetite for viewing what they shouldn't. Eyes that focus on the things of the world will never see the wondrous things of God. This is why Job said in Job 31:1 'I have made a covenant with my eyes; why then should I look upon a young woman?' Lust is the first step to sin and sin is the first step to death James 1:13-16. Looking at an attractive person is one matter but it is dangerous to look with lust in the heart. Sin in the mind is not as destructive as the act in the flesh but it is the first step; and we will be judged for both.

We need to submit to God and have our eyes opened to the things of the Lord. The Psalmist writes in 119:37, 'Turn away my eyes from looking at worthless things and revive me in Your way.' This is the first step to having God opening your eyes. As Saul was walking along the Damascus Road on his way to bring persecution and hurt upon Christians there, God intervened and struck him blind for 3 days or so. 'Then Saul arose from the ground and when his eyes were opened, he saw no one' Acts 9:8. After the 3 days, God directed Ananias to go and lay hands upon him and Saul's eyes were restored Acts 9:18. 'Immediately there fell from his eyes something like scales and he received his sight.' From thereon, Saul became Paul and his life was completely changed.

God wants to lead each one of us into a new level of living. He wants us to walk in the spiritual by having our eyes opened. We can read the bible all day and never receive the full meaning but when the Holy Spirit is upon us, our eyes see into the spiritual. It is a matter of being determined to turn away from looking at worthless things and having God revive you 119:37.

If you want to have your eyes opened spiritually, say this prayer:

'Lord Jesus, please help me to turn away from looking at worthless things and revive me in Your way. In Jesus' name, Amen.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Thursday 25 August 2022

Rejoice in this day

"This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it."   
                                                                                         Psalm 118:24   CSB

There are two ways that we can view this verse: 
(1)  It is a prophetic word
(2)  It is a word directly from God that shows how we should live each day
Firstly, let's look at what David Guzik has to say about the prophetic parts of this verse:

"When Jesus quoted Psalm 118:22 (in Matthew 21:42Mark 12:10-11, and Luke 20:17), He did so in response to the praise and hosannas given to Him at what is commonly called the triumphal entry. Since this psalm is prophetically connected with that event, the day mentioned here can be prophetically understood as the day Jesus formally entered Jerusalem as Messiah and King.
i. It is true in a general sense that the LORD makes every day, and there is reason to rejoice and be glad in every day. Yet specifically, the day the LORD made to rejoice and be glad in was the day Jesus entered Jerusalem with hosannas welcoming Him as Israel’s Savior. If on that day human voices failed to rejoice and be glad, Jesus said that the very stones would cry out their praises and hosannas (Luke 19:40).
ii. There is also reason to believe, based on the chronology of Sir Robert Anderson, that the particular day of the triumphal entry was prophesied in Daniel’s prophecy of the Seventy Weeks (Daniel 9:24-26). Anderson’s chronology is controversial and rejected by some, but as John Walvoord noted, “No one today is able dogmatically to declare that Sir Robert Anderson’s computations are impossible.”        Enduring Word Bible Commentary by David Guzik

This commentary gives us an in depth explanation of this verse and the true reason why each of us should be grateful that Jesus gave Himself for us.

Secondly, God speaks directly to each of us about how we should react on a daily basis towards God and each day we wake up. This day cannot be classed as yesterday or tomorrow, it is firmly discussing today and the choices we have to live through it. We have a choice to make each day of our lives. Some days can be good and some, not so good but, we have a choice to make about how we approach each day. We can often hear:
'It's a horrible day, I'll be glad when it's over.' You may have made this comment quite a few times. But let us take a look at the verse again, 'This is the day the LORD has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it.' When we say such things are we not disagreeing with God? Are we being ungrateful for another day of our lives, a day many wish they could take part in? 

Perhaps we need to look within ourselves and think what it would be like if God didn't give us another day to live. Days can be difficult to negotiate but it's the same for everyone - good and not so good days. However, we do have a choice to be grateful to God for giving us this day and then praising Him for it. Is that too much to ask?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Wednesday 24 August 2022

Can people see that you have been with Jesus?

"When they observed the boldness of Peter and John and realised that they were uneducated and untrained men, they were amazed and recognised that they had been with Jesus."                                                                      Acts 4:5-22 CSB

What a wonderful testimony that the people could see that Peter and John had been with Jesus. May that be our goal, all the time.
For a moment, let us look back to where this had all started. The Holy Spirit had come upon them all with tongues of fire, at Pentecost (Acts 2). Then Peter the rock, full of the power of God had preached to the crowd and around 3000 people were converted to Jesus. Then in Acts 3, we see Peter and John going up to the temple for the hour of prayer. As they did, they passed a lame man begging for money. Peter told him they had no funds but what they did have was the power of Jesus. The man was healed and the crowd were stirred up. Around a further 2000 were saved that morning and, the leaders of the temple became agitated.
Following Peter and John's arrest, they appeared in court but, despite the warning of the leaders, Peter would not back down and even gave them the gospel. This made a great impact on the leaders and they are impressed because they were uneducated and untrained men and yet it was obvious that they had been with Jesus. The proof was there.

It is important to have a grounding in the Word of God but, that doesn't mean that everyone who is called should attend bible college. It is great to do this if, God is indicating that one should do so. However, it must be said, there are many thriving church ministries throughout the world which men and women have started without this formal training. There are many routes to studying for ministry and this includes, distant learning and personal bible study. God will show what he wants an individual to do.

Peter and John were threatened. They were strictly warned not to speak or teach about Jesus. Peter told them straight, 'Whether it's right in the sight of God for us to listen to you rather than to God, you decide, 20 for we are unable to stop speaking about what we have seen and heard' v19-20.

If God has called you, go for it and never allow anyone to stop you from doing God's work or speaking about Him. We saw yesterday, that we are all susceptible to persecution and it will only get worse as time goes on. Look around at what is happening today; the world needs Jesus. In your part of our world, you have the ability to share His Word and love. Don't let people stop you. Let them see Jesus! 

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Tuesday 23 August 2022

Are you prepared to take the flak?

"While they were speaking to the people , the priests, the captain of the temple police and the Sadducees confronted them 2 because they were annoyed that they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus, the resurrection of the dead."  
                                                                                                         Acts 4:1-5   CSB 

Wherever you go and talk about Jesus, you will come up against flak. Whether you are preaching, teaching or just chatting to friends, family or work colleagues, you will come under fire. You may even become unpopular and in extreme circumstances, be asked to leave or be quiet.

The name of Jesus stirs people up. Strangely enough, they can tolerate speaking about God - everyone knows of Him. However, Jesus is too personal. People may say, 'Isn't he a baby who we talk about at Christmas?' Others may say, 'Isn't He dead?' Many cannot comprehend that He is actually God.

Jesus is the Word. 'In the beginning was the word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God' John 1:1. And yet we read in John 1:11, 'He came to His own and His own people did not receive Him.' The priests, the temple police and the Sadducees came and arrested Peter and John because they were preaching about Jesus and the resurrection; and even though some 5000 people had accepted Jesus, they didn't care. It was blasphemous to them. The Sadducees didn't even believe in the resurrection from the dead, (this is why they were 'sad - u - see. Sorry).

This was the beginning of the persecution. Jesus received it, Peter and John received it and so will you, if you talk about Jesus in certain quarters. But let me say, there is no stopping God when Jesus is glorified.

The thing is, are you prepared to receive the flak? Are you? Christians have lost their jobs and their homes and families for doing this. In some countries, they have suffered beatings and imprisonment. Some have been tortured and killed. It's true and it is happening today. Are you prepared to bite the bullet? It's ok going to church each week but it is a different thing to make a stand for Jesus against all of the immorality and corruption in our world today. Are you prepared to take the flak?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          


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Grace (2)

"Seeing then that we have a great High Priest who has passed through the heavens, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold fast our confession...