Monday, 31 May 2021

James on: Waiting for things to fit into place.

"Therefore, be patient brethren until the coming of the Lord. See how the farmer waits for the precious fruit of the earth; waiting patiently for it until it receives the early and latter rain"                                                                                                     James 5:7    NKJV 

A patient attitude here, means to control one's temper in the face of mistreatment and to be ready for God's vindication. We should never grumble and criticise one another. We never know when Jesus will be returning. Therefore, there may be a need to reassess one's attitude and conduct. A tongue that criticises, places a person in grave danger of judgement. Someone may have wronged you or things may not be going as well as you had anticipated but, be patient, things have a habit of changing quickly when God's in charge.

Oaths are generally best avoided. People have been known to say things such as, 'May God strike me down dead, if I'm lying to you.' Don't say it, He may just take you at your word. Others have said, 'I swear on the Holy Bible', or 'Cross my heart and hope to die.' We should never say such things. Our 'Yes' or 'No', should be all that is required. You have no need to convince people at all.

A farmer is dependent on the early and late rains for a successful crop. While he is waiting, he doesn't just sit around looking at the fields, He busies himself with other things. Likewise, Christians need this type of patience for what they require. Only heaven can bring the rain so while you are waiting for your particular rain, are you like the farmer fulfilling your responsibilities until it comes?

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 30 May 2021

James on: Humility and Direction

"Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you. 8 Draw near to God and He will draw near to you."                                                      James 4:7-10    NKJV

When we resist the devil in Jesus' Name, he must flee from us. However, there is more to do than this. Firstly, we need to submit to God. In other words, we need to place ourselves under His care and direction. Some people find it difficult to submit to anyone, let alone God. But, to refuse to submit demonstrates a 'proud spirit'. To be proud in this way shows rebellion, selfishness, the act of being puffed up and that you are better than the others. 

Lucifer became this, (Isaiah 14:12-21). He became proud and wanted what God had. It brought him to his downfall. Now Satan is hell-bound, together with his demons dreading the day that Jesus returns.

Draw near
To draw near is a phrase used in the Old Testament describing the Levitical priests approaching God with their sacrifices, (Exodus 19:22) hence, when God's people draw near to Him in worship, He will always draw near to them in response. (Zechariah 1:3).

Lament, mourn and weep
In verse 9, James writes that we should lament, mourn and weep about our sin. When we sin we often have a great awareness of it - a heaviness that won't go away and creates, guilt and remorse. This is conviction and the feeling can be horrid. This is the time we need to draw near to God and confess this, seeking His forgiveness. When we do, He in return will draw near to us and totally forgive us. (1 John 1:9). We all have times such as this, you are not the only one. Check out verse 10: Humble yourselves in the sight of the Lord, and He will lift you up.

He is a forgiving, loving God who longs to give us His best. Just reach out to Him and receive all that he has for you. You will never regret it.

Saturday, 29 May 2021

James on: Godly Wisdom v the Wisdom of the World

"Who is wise and understanding among you? Let him show by good conduct that his works are done in the meekness of wisdom. 14 But if you have bitter envy and self-seeking in your hearts, do not boast and lie against the truth. 15 This wisdom does not descend from above, but is earthly, sensual and demonic.                                                                                               
                                                                                                          James 3:13-15    NKJV

David Jeremiah writes: 
'With this passage, James presents the dramatic contrast between earthly and heavenly wisdom'.

A person's life reflects the source of their wisdom. Those who have a sound relationship with God, are understanding and concerned for others. They demonstrate the wisdom of Heaven. In contrast, those who are not walking with Him, will be sensual and selfish, reflecting the wisdom of Satan. 

God's wisdom is offered continually (James 1:5) to meet the many demands that we face in any given day. Let us take a look at seven characteristics of Godly wisdom:

Purity.  Wisdom is based on God's holiness. He is morally blameless and totally incapable of producing sin in any form. (James 4:8)
Peaceable.  True peace is always grown out of purity. When we are walking in purity and God's peace, it will affect people around us.  (Isaiah 26:3, John 14:27, Philippians 4:7)
Gentleness.  Strife come from belonging to the world, but gentleness is a characteristic of God's servants as they go about their day. (Matthew 11:29)
Willing to take instruction.  God's people are ready and willing to learn about Him and serve Him as they walk in His ways. Someone who is unwilling to take instruction should be treated with caution. Such people may be puffed up with pride, wanting their own way all the time.
Full of Mercy and Good Fruit.  God's wisdom must be demonstrated in word and truth, living up to our calling, introducing Jesus to whoever we meet.
Without Partiality.  God's people should never discriminate against others
Without Hypocrisy.  The hypocrite says one thing and does another. Wisdom is sincere and real. Wisdom doesn't play games. Wisdom is transparent.

As we have seen, wisdom is freely available to whoever asks God for it. We cannot live without it. We need wisdom to guide us along the truth, discerning what God wants of us. Walking in the Spirit will always equip you with this. He is full of wisdom.

Friday, 28 May 2021

James on: The Untamable Tongue

"But no man can tame the tongue. It is an unruly evil, full of deadly poison.      
                                                                                                         James 3:8     NKJV 

A horse has a bit place into its mouth so that they obey us and we are able to turn their whole body. This is only a small implement but it does a perfect job. After a while, the horse become rein-trained and able to safely have a rider on its back. A ship has a rudder, which again is only a small implement but, it is able to steer the whole ship into the direction that it should be going. The human tongue, again is only small, but unlike the other two, a person finds it practically impossible to tame it. We can come close but the only one who is successful in taming the tongue is God. This is why we need Him each and everyday, in whatever situation we find ourselves in.

James, in our text, says that it is unruly and full of deadly poison, and it certainly can be. It boasts and brags if we're not careful and can kindle a fire in no time at all. With the tongue, some people started gossip fires years ago and the flames are still burning. The uncontrolled tongue can set a life on fire; it can destroy self-esteem, devastate relationships, ruin careers and kill a ministry rather like a match or a discarded BBQ can start a forest fire.

With the tongue, we praise God and curse our brother or sister. We can praise God in church and have a great worship time and then, on the journey home, have an argument with a spouse or, shout abuse at another motorist, allowing words that curse. This happen when we're not in control. We think we are, but we allow the devil to trip us up because, like a poisonous snake he is waiting to strike and inject his poison. The one who controls the tongue is mature and it can be seen that this person spends a lot of time in the presence of God.

The uncontrolled tongue doesn't only leads us to use angry words and have a shouting match with someone. What about the words we use most days like, 'I feel awful today, I think I've got the flu.' Or, 'I feel like death.' And another favourite, 'I'll never get this right, I just can't do this.' These are words and phrases that we should avoid. We're confessing curses upon ourselves and we need to stop this habit at once. 

In order to change this, we need to allow God to take the reins; we need to surrender all to Him and allow Him to teach us how to live; how to speak; how to think. It all comes down to what I always say, there's evidence that we need to spend more time in God's presence.

Try a little test, when you know that you have said something you know you shouldn't, try taking the word back and replace it with a more appropriate word. Also, try saying sorry more often. Just keep trying. God likes that!

Thursday, 27 May 2021

James on: Faith and Works

"What does it profit, my brethren, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can faith save him?                                                        James 2:14     NKJV 

This verse together with the Apostle Paul's writings, has often clashed over the years. However, once studied, it is so clear - so understandable. Instead of what people have called contradiction, they are actually in agreement and both bring it out in their own way.

A person who has asked Jesus into their life, is saved. That cannot be taken from him or her, and it is by faith in Jesus that this has happened. One cannot earn salvation by doing good works. Salvation comes by faith in Jesus. Ephesians 2:8-10 says:

'For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God, 9 not of works, lest anyone should boast. 10 For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.'

Notice, carefully, Paul is saying that we are saved for, not by our works. This is very important and shows how Paul and James were in harmony over this matter. Therefore, if we profess to be a Christian, one who is a bible reading, Spirit-filled confessing man or woman of God and someone asks for help, God would expect us to assess the situation properly, not just send them away with a blessing. If by example, someone is hungry and has no means of satisfying that hunger and, we have the means to satisfy this need but instead, send them away with a, 'I'll pray for you brother. Things will get better, just trust God.' That does not show the love of God. It's the same if a person needs money or clothes; if we are able to meet their need - comfortably - but instead, send them away empty-handed, have we demonstrated the love and the works of God? No, we haven't. 

To profess Christianity, we must act as Jesus did and would in any given situation. This doesn't mean that we should allow people to take us for a ride and con us. This is why we need to be open to the Spirit of God. If we are, He will show us who are genuine and who are not.

As we have seen, we cannot earn salvation. This comes through faith in Jesus. However, it doesn't stop there. Remember, we are saved for our good works not because of them.

Wednesday, 26 May 2021

James on: Partiality, Favouritism and Discrimination

 "My brethren, do not hold the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with partiality"                                                                               James 2:1-13    NKJV

Partiality fits into the category of, prejudice, bias, more favourable to something or someone, class distinction, snobbery, lack of respect, discrimination and favouritism. God has no favourites, not at all, not even Jesus. He loves us the same (John 17:23). It may seem that He has at times, especially when people appear to be doing much better than us. But, he has no favourites at all. 

Verse 2 reads:
'For if there should come into your assembly a man with gold rings, in fine apparel and there should also come in a poor man in filthy clothes, 3 and you pay attention to the one wearing the fine clothes and say to him, "You sit here in a good place," and say to the poor man, "You stand here", or "Sit here at my footstool," 4 have you not shown partiality among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts?'

This is a perfect example of favouritism, in fact, discrimination and we should never practice this. 
I remember when I was pastoring a particular church and we ran a Day Centre which was open 7 days a week to feed and clothe the homeless, people with addictions and really, people just down on their luck. Many of them used to come to the church services, which was great, and quite a few of them came to know Jesus as their Lord. However, a certain official within the organisation who I used to meet up with periodically, asked me if I would consider having two services -one for the church members and another for the people from the Day Centre. He felt that it was not good to mix the two sets of people because they were smelly and they could be tempted to steal purses and handbags. I was shocked but replied, 'If you can show me in the bible where Jesus would do this, then yes, I would consider it.' This kind of closed the conversation down and I think, that day, I became a marked man.

We should never show partiality towards people. We don't know where they have come from or what they have been through. Let us not forget what the writer of Hebrews says in Chapter 13:2, 
'Do not forget to entertain strangers, for by so doing, some have unwittingly entertained angels.'
This is an amazing verse. You never know who you are dealing with. Let that be a lesson. God sees all that we do. He hates discrimination. This is why He wants us to love each other, as He has loved us.

Let us never be tempted to avoid the one who is left out of the equation - the one who is down on his luck. Some are con men, that is true, but they may not be, it may be an angel that you help; and God is right there with you anyway.


Tuesday, 25 May 2021

James on: Walk it - don't just talk it!

"But be doers of the Word and not hearers only, deceiving yourself."     
                                                                                                        James 1:22-23     NKJV 

Our beliefs must translate into the way we live our lives. If our faith in Christ really means anything, we will stand out. People will notice a difference and be drawn to us. 
David Jeremiah says:

'Those who show very little concern for people in need, make no effort to control their tongue, and are overly preoccupied with getting ahead, should check to see if their faith is real. To claim to belong to Jesus but mirror the attitudes and actions of the world, may be a sign that they're only fooling themselves.'

Very strong words indeed, but this is what James meant. Without application there can be no spiritual transformation. We can listen to sermons all the day and read our bibles until we know it off by heart; however, if it doesn't have an effect on how we live our lives, it is nothing but a clanging cymbal (1 Corinthians 13:1). 

James says to be a hearer and not a doer is like someone looking at his reflection in a mirror, only to go away and immediately forget what he looks like. To look at yourself in a mirror can't change you; it can't change your hair or press and tidy your clothes. It is just the reality of things and is a call to action to change things, hence being a doer.

Therefore, we have a challenge. To walk as Jesus walked, we need to change a few things and one of these is, to be a doer of the Word. To be anything different is to be hypercritical. We must live up to the Word and one way is to not only hear the Word, but to ensure that we put it into action and live the life, 24/7. Anyone can witness another person reading a bible; but what makes the difference, is to see that person putting into action what they have just read, not walking by on the other side and leaving it for someone else to do. We need to take the gospel to people. It's useless preaching the Word if we are not demonstrating it in our lives.

When we have this right, people will begin to notice us; they'll want to be with us and speak with us. They may even tell us their problems because, they sense we will listen to them and offer advice. They will trust us. In fact, the Holy Spirit will send people to us, people will knock on your door asking for help; people will speak to you in the supermarkets telling you all about what they're going through. The Holy Spirit will direct them to seek you out. Will you be ready for this? If you want this, you need to 'Walk it - don't just talk it'.

Monday, 24 May 2021

James: on Stop, Look and Listen

19 "So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; 20 for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God."    
                                                                                                          James 1:19-20    NKJV

God has planted within each of us a new nature. We have all we need to live for spiritual growth but, we must receive it, humbly placing ourselves under the authority of God.

Here, James writes that we should:

*  be quick to listen and hear properly, especially to God's thoughts and words
*  be slow to speak, not only wanting your own point of view, others have one too
*  be slow to anger - becoming angry will not achieve God's righteous plan for your life

Out of control anger should never be part of our make up. Psalm 37:8 says, 'Cease from anger and forsake wrath.' Rt Kendall aptly says, 'Will my flesh rule the moment or my spirit?' And Ecclesiastes 7:9 'Do not hasten in your spirit to be angry, for anger rests in the bosom of fools.' Unrighteous anger is a no go area.

Do you listen to others and do you take notice of it or shrug it off? More importantly, do you listen to God, or just rush out hoping that it's God's will? This is a most dangerous area if you don't listen to Him and try to do things on your own. When you listen, as Mark Twain once commented, do you use the third ear? This means examining closely what is really being said; what does it mean and are you only hearing part of what should be said. 

How are you with the words that come out of your mouth? Do you listen without comment, until you have digested what is being said, or do you keep interrupting and blasting the speaker with both barrels? Do you let rip with your mouth not really caring what you say because you have lost control? 

When your point of view is not accepted, do you throw a wobbly, again completely out of control? Remember, first and foremost, we are Christians. We belong to Jesus. He has made us the righteousness of God in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:21). Acting in a foolhardy and irresponsible manner does not paint a good picture of our faith. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, 'Be angry and do not sin; do not let the sun go down on your wrath, 27 nor give place to the devil'. Anger is sinful when it attacks people and seeks revenge rather than addressing the problem. Righteous anger seeks to uphold Kingdom business, it ensures things are in place and ship-shape.

Therefore, sharpen your listening skills, take control of what comes out of your mouth, and allow God to offer you anger management, if you need it. Just think for a moment, if you're not careful, you may lose control, speak words that you are ashamed of later and then meet someone who was a witness to your outburst. How embarrassing and shameful that would be.

Make a habit of having a stop, look and listen attitude.

Sunday, 23 May 2021

James: On temptation

"But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed."
                                                                                                               James 1:14 -15    NKJV 

Temptation is not a sin unless, it is conceived and gives birth. The devil cannot make you sin, however, he studies your profile and knows your distinctive weaknesses and tendencies. He knows how to press your buttons and appeal to your evil desires, so that you will be drawn away to sin. Sin leads to spiritual death and separation. In other words, we break fellowship with God.

When a person is drawn away by their own desires and enticed, that person is hooked and unless they activate the Word of God right there and then, they fall to it. The desire is conceived and it gives birth to sin; it is then usually too late to prevent it happening. 

A desire is an unsatisfied longing, rather like Eve in the garden. She looked at the fruit (Genesis 3) and the desire to eat it was very strong. Basically, the serpent tempted her, encouraging her to keep looking at it. The more she did, the more she wanted it. Do you know this feeling? The serpent whispers in our ear and he plays his trump card, just like he did to Eve, she was hooked. 'Go on, it will be ok, no one will know and even if they do, it doesn't matter.' These are the words satan uses to tempt us to sin and he can be very convincing. Be careful.

We all have certain desires and the more we focus on these unsatisfied longings, the more we can lust for fruition. The root can be anything - anything that causes us to take a step over the line into risky territory. In today's society, values are much different than our Christian ones. Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever. (Hebrews 13:8). He never changes and neither do Christian values. Some try to change things by claiming that the bible is outdated and needs renewing to today's values. 'Oh yes?' What they are saying is what the serpent told Eve all those years ago, 'It's ok'. It is not OK and anyone who disagrees with this, is on shaky ground. God says no to adultery, homosexuality, abortion, drunkeness and all the host of things that are not of a Christian value. 

The root may be within you - the unsatisfied longing; it is it worth it? Count the cost and understand what you can lose. Surely the risk is too great. Jesus Christ took all the sin of the world - things such as this, and he paid the price that all who accept Him as Lord, confess their sin and live for Him, may have eternal life. 

Give that root, that unsatisfied longing, to Jesus; discuss it with Him and allow Him to set you free.

Saturday, 22 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 2

"Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Let us continue with our study of the Parable of the Sower and, look at the final two categories:

Thirdly   V7 + 22
This category includes people who are willing to receive God's Word but balance their faith against their worldly life. Let me explain; this category contains people who have their feet in two camps - God's business and their own. They are unable to manage the two of them and when a crisis comes along, they choose to go the way of their worldly business.

They prefer not to tithe as their cash can be used for better things. They multi-task at work - on their 'phone while talking to a colleague. They compose an email while dictating a letter or driving their car. The want to invest in buying a house but, what if they lose their job - they will lose the house. They worry about this and fret about the other. Their whole life is spent in the fast lane of life, 'What if this goes wrong?' or 'What are we going to do, we can't pay this bill?'

The cares of this world drag them down and calling on God or, exercising their faith doesn't enter their minds. In fact, Jesus doesn't enter their thinking most days and, they almost never read their bible. They are too busy. Then at the end of the day, they wonder why things have gone wrong. 'Why am I ill?' 'Why are we in such a mess?'
And then finally, we come to:

Finally   V8 + 23
This is the category that God wants us in. The seed has been planted in good ground. The person is firmly rooted in Jesus. There are bad days, of course there are, but the person can rely on Jesus helping them through. They are living in Jesus and He, is their Lord.

Category 1   The seed is snatched away
Category 2.  No root
Category 3   Cares of the world
Category 4.  Bears good fruit

May I ask, what category do you see yourself in? We may visit each category at times but, the predominant one is the one I'm asking about. The first three may be the reason why we ask, 
'Why isn’t anything happening in the natural, in my life?'
'Why is it taking so long?'
'When are things going  to change?'

Only you know the answer to these questions. Only you know what category you are in. Isn't it about time that you got into the right one - Category 4?
You know it makes sense!

Friday, 21 May 2021

Four categories of sown seed Part 1

 "Behold, a sower went out to sow"                                 Matthew 13:3 - 23     NKJV

Over the next couple of days, let us study the Parable of the Sower, where we find four categories explaining the scattering of seed and what it means to us. 

Why do we fly high in the Word, praying and praising God one moment and the next, be down in the depths of despair? Well, perhaps the answer lies in our state of fitness - spiritual fitness. Let us explore this parable and look at the first two categories. 

Firstly   V4
The sower scattered the seed by the wayside and the birds devoured them, quickly. V19 tells us that when someone hears the Word of God and doesn't understand it, the wicked one comes and snatches it away. Often, we can hear or read God's Word and fail to understand what it means or is saying to us. Instead of discarding what we hear or read, why not study it? Ask God for wisdom to understand (James 1:5-6) or seek someone out who may be able to help you get a clearer picture. Scripture can be difficult to interpret at times, especially books such as Revelation. This is why we need to meditate on it and allow the Holy Spirit to give us the meaning.
Sometimes listening to a sermon can be confusing, especially if you take notes. While you are writing something down, the preacher may move on leaving you to miss some important truths. If you take notes, learn to limit what you write or, mark the scripture in your bible and make a note at the side of it. It's the same when reading a Christian teaching book. Don't try to rush through quickly. Fully understand what you're reading, weigh it up and then move on. It may take ages to get through the book but, at least the seed may not get swallowed up at the wayside.

Secondly   V5 +V20
Many people hear God's Word and rejoice because it is what they need to hear. But when seed is sown on stony ground, after the plant shoots up, the sun shrivels it up. There's a need to have a firm root in Jesus. When trouble comes along, we need to be able to remember what we have been taught so that we can deal with it in Jesus' Name. Otherwise, at the first sign of persecution and problems, we may handle the situation badly and fall into sin.
Hearing scripture, receiving it and acting on it requires a firm root in Jesus, because without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5).

We'll look at more tomorrow.

Thursday, 20 May 2021

You can knock me down, but I'll get back up again

"For a righteous man may fall seven times and rise again, but the wicked shall fall by calamity."
                                                                                                       Proverbs 24:16      NKJV 

Can you remember the Inflatable clown toy that children used to have around the 70's? It was like a punchbag and when a child hit it and knocked it over, it would bounce back up again. No matter what you did, except bursting it, the clown would not stay down. This is the way God wants us to live our lives each day. The devil may use people to knock us down spiritually but God will help us up when we're walking with Him. 

I read about an American test pilot called Bob Hoover. He crashed his test planes many times and always survived. He refused to fear or give up. He had a saying, whenever he was asked why he kept doing this and it was, 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya.' In other words, don't shy away, don't give up, get up and keep on trying. This was rather like Thomas Edison when asked about his failure to produce the electric light bulb. He said, 'I have not failed, I have only discovered hundreds of ways in which this bulb does not work.'

Life knocks us down at times but the secret is to keep pressing on. Some North Koreans, several years ago and prior to their execution just for being Christians said, "You can hack us down, but like the bamboo, we will just grow taller and stronger.'

God is looking for warriors just like this; Christians who will not draw back when faced with adversity but, who will bite the bullet and soldier on regardless. Yes it takes courage to do this but remember what God said to Joshua when he replaced Moses, 'Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage ; do not be afraid , nor dismayed, for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go.'  (Joshua 1:9)

Hey come on, get up, why are you lying there? You've been wounded yes; you've been trodden down, robbed and cheated but, you are still alive and very useful to God. Don't give up now. You've come so far, giving up is not an option because, believe it or not, you're a winner. Losers talk, winners take action. So take it now.

Get up, dust yourself down, put on the Armour of God and 'Get back into the cockpit of the bird that bit ya.'

Wednesday, 19 May 2021

Broken lives - shattered dreams

"The Spirit of the LORD is upon Me because he has anointed Me to preach the gospel to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted"               Isaiah 61:1     NKJV

All over the world people are trying to cope with a broken heart and shattered dreams. What they once had, they have now lost. It may be the love of someone special through death or separation. It may be the loss of material things through disaster, theft or bad decisions. Whatever it is, people are hurting.

David said, 'The LORD is near to those who have a broken heart.' (Psalm 34:18), and this piece of scripture with our text in Isaiah, above, reinforces that statement. He has been sent to heal the brokenhearted.

When dreams have been shattered, rather like a china plate, it is all in pieces and one needs an expert to repair it. Jesus is the expert; He knows what is needed in your situation. However, the latter part of Psalm 34:18 says, 'and saves such as have a contrite spirit.' This means He saves those who come to Him in repentance and willingness to put something right.

The person who is brokenhearted, may not feel that there is anything to repent of. However, there is always something. Firstly, reactions to shattered dreams and a broken heart, can make us outspoken as we speak out the pain to whoever is willing to listen. Sometimes, the words we use, are not edifying and even though we may justify the way we feel, we firstly need to put this right with Jesus so that we can become respondent and teachable.

Therefore, if you are suffering this way today, firstly come to Jesus and pour out your heart. Tell Him how you feel and repent of any bad words spoken and bad thoughts towards anyone. As you do this, you release the pain to Jesus and He is free to work on your behalf. The resolution to all this, may take some time and may not always work out the way you would have liked. However, when Jesus is in the driving seat, you can be sure of a safe and exciting journey.

Lord Jesus
Things have gone wrong in my life and I am at my wits end. I am in pain. Lord, I come to You and ask that you will forgive me for any wrong doing, bad thoughts or words that I may have spoken regarding this. I receive Your forgiveness and ask for Your help

In Jesus' Name. Amen

Tuesday, 18 May 2021

Dealing with the trials that come our way

"My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience."                                            James 1:2 - 3    NKJV 

Notices that this scripture reads, 'When you fall', not, 'if'. We will fall into trials from time to time and it's learning how we can get through them that is the key. Trials can be emotional, physical, relational or financial. Whatever class of trial comes our way, God wants us to be joyful - totally. Now this is a hard thing to do but, think about it for a moment. To be joyful as we go through trials, means that we have access to a gem from God and that is joy. As the joy of the Lord is our strength (Nehemiah 8:10) it is an important tool to have with us.

Did you know that God allows trials and testing to come our way? He sends trials, so that we can overcome them and grow into being more like Jesus. Tony Evans says:

'Christians in crisis are actually undergoing extreme makeovers. Hardships can transform us into something beautiful. That is cause for unspeakable joy - not because of pain but because of the purpose behind it. God use trials to develop us spiritually.'  

Trials are unpredictable, they're not all the same either and come in various degrees. The testing of our faith is designed to reveal the quality of one's faith and to produce stamina. This is not easy. Charles F Stanley comments:

'The key to finding joy in adversity is where we place our focus. If we concentrate on our circumstances, we will become disheartened and discouraged. But when we fix our eyes on Jesus, we learn to rejoice in our difficulties because God has promised to work through them to strengthen our faith and to bring us closer fellowship with Himself, teaching us endurance.'

When God allows trials to come our way, it can be difficult and hard to make sense of. In fact, He can allow us to go without any earthly support so that we will turn completely to Him, experiencing His joy, comfort, power and assurance. He teaches us not to respond to trials emotionally, but to respond with faith in His provision. When we learn this, we can endure anything because our focus in on Jesus rather than the problem.

Therefore, if you are going through various trials at this time, start praying joyfully. It may be hard at first but, as you do it, Jesus will meet you halfway. Shout for joy and cast your cares upon Him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7.

Monday, 17 May 2021

Delighting in God

"But his delight is in the law of the LORD, and in His law, he meditates day and night."
                                                                                                            Psalm 1:2     NKJV

Many people feel that this verse means that they should be studying and reading their bible 24/7. This is not so. The Psalmist doesn't say that the person is to read God's Word day and night. He says that he should meditate on it. There's a difference.

To meditate on something, we recall and ponder certain things in our minds. We mentally consider them and chew them over, playing the words or scene back over and over again until it becomes part of us. This is sometimes called eating the word hence, chewing it over. This meditating can be used as we go about our busy day, whereas reading the word 24/7 we would not be able to do.

When we meditate on God's Word, we think how it connects with our lives; how does it speak about our present situation and what is God teaching me or directing me to do? 

When we delight in the LORD (Psalm 37:4) He gives us the desires of our heart. When our prayers and thoughts match His, He will open the gates of abundance. He has an abundance that He wants to give us (John 10:10b & Ephesians 3:20). He longs to bless us with more that we could ever imagine and we get into this by delighting in Him.

Today, why not go through your day delighting and meditating in all God has given you, promised you and you have asked Him for. Use pictures in your minds to see yourself receiving these blessings; to see yourself understanding His Word and just delighting in the fact that, Jesus Christ is your Friend, your Lord, your Saviour and your King. Delight in the fact that, He loves you more than words could ever say.

Sunday, 16 May 2021

I must do the Father's will

"I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?"                                                    Nehemiah 6:3     NKJV 

Nehemiah had been devastated to find the temple and the wall of Jerusalem in ruins. He therefore, determined to do something about this, immediately. As he served King Artaxerxes with wine, the king noticing how sad he looked, asked him what was wrong. Nehemiah told him and was given the king's permission and support to go and re-build this mighty work.

This wasn't without threats. Sanballat, an influential Samaritan together with his followers, were in total opposition to this happening and did all they could to stop the work, through discouragement, intimidation, threats and intense pressure to quit this work. However, Nehemiah refused to give up and I believe there is a lesson to be learned here. The road ahead may appear weary and opposition rife, but when you are in the will of God, things like this will come your way. This is how you know that you are doing right. The devil doesn't like it and will try to stop you. But soldier on, you are on the right road.

Finally, it was finished and there only remained the task of fitting the city gates. Sanballat sent Nehemiah a word. But Nehemiah, quoting the message writes, 'Come, let us meet together among the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me harm.' Nehemiah knew that he was trying to take him away from God's work and even kill him. He therefore sent him back the words of our text, 'I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down. Why should the work cease while I leave it and go down to you?'

Satan, will always use someone to take you away from the Father's business. You may be praying and studying the Word, when someone rings you or calls. Now this may be important, but it us usually a distraction from spending quality time with God. Many things can happen to try and prevent you doing God's will. You may suffer persecution and discouragement from people, who make light of your intentions. There may be opposition from some source. The distractions can be endless. However, the bottom line is, don't give up. Carry on.

People may think that you are insane for doing certain things, they may feel that you have 'lost it'. That's ok because if God likes what you're doing, that's all that matters.

Therefore, have this attitude, 'I must do the Father's will.

Saturday, 15 May 2021

Practice forgetfulness

"14 forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, 15 I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus."
                                                                                               Philippians 3:14-15    NKJV 

It's time to forget the past and move on. Yes it has been a difficult time and yes, you have been hurt and scarred. But, it's time to go forward and get on with your life!. The only one who is miserable, is yourself; everyone else has gone ahead. God is calling you to be forgetful. 'You can't say that.' 'I just have and I can, because it is written here in God's Word. He says, 'forgetting the past.' How clearer can that be?

Here, Paul is dis-satisfied where he is - he wants to keep growing. He doesn't wish for his past and his hurts to hold him back anymore. He has a job to do and a life to live and he wants to do both to the best of his ability and claim the prize.

To be successful in your Christian walk, you need to have a short memory and let go of the things that have held you back for so long. Stop looking through the rear view mirror and start looking through the windscreen, ahead.

"Is God forgetful then?' No, not at all, He just chooses to be that way for your sake. When you confess your sin to Him, He doesn't write it in His folder and file it away until He needs it again. No, that is not His way. When you confess your sin, He chooses to remember them no more. You will remember them but, He won't because He chooses it that way. So don't you think it's time to take a leaf out of His book - the bible? 

It is useless re-visiting hurts and failures. They will never go away if you allow yourself to keep them. It is time to throw them away - cast them to God, He's good at dealing with such stuff. Yes, it's time to cast them over to God and start living the life that Jesus has given you.

Can you say Amen to that? 

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

Friday, 14 May 2021

He will carry you

"Even to your old age, I am He, and even to grey hairs I will carry you! I have made, and I will bear; even I will carry and will deliver you."                    Isaiah 46:4    NKJV

As we grow older, we grow weaker and possibly more frail; but God never does. He is the Ancient of Days. He remains infinitely strong and sustains us as He did Adam, Noah, Moses, Abraham and Paul.

There's a contrast between the true God and the false gods of the nation's. In this text, Babylonian gods, Bel and Nebo, possibly also known as the god of Marduk and his son, were lifeless idols who couldn't do anything for themselves and even had to be carried around on carts. Tony Evans, in his bible commentary on this piece of scripture, writes:

'While the Babylonians had to carry their gods, the true God of Israel, carried His people from the womb to the grave. Whom would you prefer to worship and serve?' 

For all of us, times can be very hard. We go through seasons of difficulty and at times it is hard to see a way through it all. This may be where you are at this time. Life may have used and abused you; you may even have lost all that you have. But one thing that you haven't lost, is the love and friendship of Jesus Christ. Things may have worn you down and you may have been mistreated and taken for granted, even discarded. But never by Jesus; He is there beside you; He is a friend who sticks closer than a brother. Proverbs 18:24.

Things will get better, you can be sure of that; however, at this moment, He is carrying you and will continue to do so until you can manage on your own. During this time of confusion, try and focus on Him. I know that you may have many questions which contain, 'Why'? The thing is, at times there are no exact reasons for why things go against us. It may be a learning curve, then again, it may not. It may just be a season of difficulty. But even when we turn the light out and are in total darkness, we know the light will come back on again when we press the switch. Perhaps, this is what you need to do - press the switch - turn on the light by talking to your bestest friend, Jesus. He is the Light. But remember, there is no shame in being carried. Perhaps, this is what you need at this time.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 13 May 2021

Worry, Fear, Heart Attacks and Ulcers

"while we do no look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal."
                                                                                                   2 Corinthians 4:18    NKJV 

It seems a strange title today, to include 'heart attacks and ulcers'. However, constant, stress, worry, anxiety and fear can lead a person to be sick in this way. Worry is a killer and it is one thing that we all struggle with from time to time; some more often than others. It is time to stop this.

We don't know what is going to happen from one moment to the other; and when we worry, we are fretting about something that has not happened yet, and furthermore, may not happen at all. We have sleepless nights, pacing the floor, tossing and turning in bed, all for something that may not happen. I remember when I worked in a very busy social work office and the paperwork would be skyscraper high. On top of that, the next morning I would have back to back appointments and an afternoon session in court. I would worry about it. However, mostly when I had arrived at work the next morning, appointments had been cancelled along with the court case. I had the time free to attack the paperwork. What I learnt, was that if you allow Him to be, God is in charge.

When are we going to realise that Jesus told us not to worry - it was a warning, He knows the damage it causes. For many of us, to hear the words, 'Don't worry', are like hearing, 'Don't breathe'. We are so used to it. Breathing is essential, but worry, not at all. To worry about something that is scheduled for tomorrow or some other time, is futile. It's a temporary thing. We need to be focusing on the unseen things. That is where the faith is. Stop focusing on what is seen and focus on what is not seen. 

I suppose, to worry, is a natural thing. I said a 'natural' thing. But we are of the 'supernatural', so it is in Christ that we overcome this huge hurdle. But it takes practice to learn the art of being worry free. At first, we can give all our problems to Jesus and then, take them back again as we walk into our day. But the more we keep practicing and standing on the relevant words of God, we can achieve this.

Are you going to choose to be worry free from this moment forward?

Wednesday, 12 May 2021

Ponder this by Hazel Howard

"And they have overcome (conquered) him by means of the blood of the Lamb and by the utterance of their testimony, for they did not love and cling to life even when faced with death (holding their lives cheap till they had to die for their witnessing.)                          

                                                                                        Revelation 12:11     Amplified Bible

Who are they? Us, you and I and our brothers and sisters in Christ. Who have we overcome? The accuser from Revelation 12:10, who keeps bringing before our God, charges day and night. 

How have we overcome him? By the blood of Jesus being shed on the cross and the utterance of our testimony, that Jesus Christ is Lord, and He said in John 19:30, 'It is finished'. And He bowed His head and gave up His spirit. 

Wait a minute, what did Jesus say? He said, 'It is finished'. His sacrifice of obedience had done it. Done what? Overcome and conquered all that the devil can throw at us. 

Wear God's Armour from Ephesians 6:10-18 :

The Belt of Truth
The Breastplate of Integrity
The Gospel of Peace on your feet
The Shield of Faith
The Helmet of Salvation
The Sword of the Spirit (the Word of God)

and declare that you are covered in the Blood of the Lamb and, the word of your testimony is that Jesus Christ is Lord and He has said, 'It is finished'.  Revelation 12:11 & John 19:30

God can give us no more than that. The rest is up to us to use what we have been given. Surely we are an impenetrable force, for the Glory of God, King of Kings, Lord of Lords.

(In Matthew 16:19, Jesus said 'I will give you the keys of Heaven.' Is this one of those keys, or is there something else for me to study?

Tuesday, 11 May 2021

Whatever - fix your thoughts on Jesus

"Finally brethren, whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of a good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things."
                                                                                                       Philippians 4:8    NKJV

Habits, attitudes and lifestyle follow from the mind. Therefore, believers should set their minds on virtuous things. In order that we don't lose our peace; Paul gives us the list of things above, that we need to meditate on.

One of the reasons we don't keep our peace is because we tend to dwell on things that are set in opposition to the peace that we need. We dwell on lies that the devil whispers into our ears. We also dwell on bad things that have happened to us. The problem is, if we continue in this vein, we can become anxious and even, paranoid.

We can hear a whisper about something personal to us and, as we focus on this, which may be a lie, it becomes amplified and before long, it has become a major problem. It may be a lie from the evil one, but because we have focused on it for too long, we have believed it and now it is the truth. 

You may have had these times; times when, no matter what happens, this lie is uppermost in your mind, so much so that it has begun to torment you. The awful thing about this, is that it has just been that - a lie. There has been no truth in it at all, and you have wasted all of this time tormenting yourself and others that you feel was involved in this.

Unless you have any proof to something, please consider that it is a lie from the evil one who is insistent on sending you torment and fear. Instead, think about good and wholesome things. For instance, think about Jesus; about all he has done for you. Do you really think that He would want you to fret the way you have been doing? Of course he wouldn't. Instead, He would say to you, 'Whatever things are lovely, think about such things.'


There's still no answer from God

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day  is  as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"...