Thursday, 14 March 2024

It's time to stir up that gift!

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands."                                 Timothy 1:6  NKJV

Timothy was quite a timid and fearful man and, initially he needed Paul's support and encouragement. Timothy had a gift within him that followed the laying on of Paul's hands and, Paul was wanting to get him to flow in this.
Growing up, he had not had a strong, male hand directing him and therefore he lacked confidence. Paul wanted to rectify this and the best way was by encouragement and getting Timothy involved with activities.

Many people have suffered a lack of parental guidance and control and therefore lack the confidence in knowing they are doing right. Paul was confident that he would overcome this and reiterated to him that he was not given a spirit of fear or timidity but one of power, love and of a sound mind. It's surprising that in our world today, there are many people who lack a good grounding in life and a determination to succeed. You may be like this. Perhaps you were on your own a lot because your parents were both at work and when they came home in the evening, they were probably too tired to spend time with you after you had sat there waiting. The clock cannot be turned back unfortunately but, you can choose to do things differently in your life.
Perhaps it is time to put some plans into action. Did you ever have a dream when you were younger; a dream that one day you would do something special. If that dream is still flickering away within you then, it may be time to fan into flame this idea. You'll never know until you try.

You may have responsibilities, such as a husband/wife and children, so obviously these need to be taken into consideration. God would not want you to give them up and go on a mission to deepest Africa and never return. However, this dream you have, this may be a God thing that you can pray through and see just how it could work. One thing I know, when you give up on your dream, you die. Don't do this. The dream is not over it's right there in you heart. So fish it out and see what happens.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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It will come in due season!

"Let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season we shall reap if we do not lose heart."                                ...