Monday, 24 February 2020

No attack - No defence

"Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse." V14
                                                                            Romans 12:14-21.  NKJV

This is such a very difficult area to comply with. When someone is wronging us, we naturally want to take action. When something has been done against our family, we want to repay and get our own back. As much as this may be the way of the world, God has different ideas. He wants us to bless them: 'Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse." V14 and 'Repay no one evil for evil.' V17.

This goes against everything that the world does. The world reacts in many different ways. But the world is a violent place to live in and many of us were brought up in this environment. But a look at how Jesus handled things gives us an insight into what this scripture means. He took all the abuse, the beatings and the cross and all He was heard to say in return for this was, 'Father, forgive them for they do not know what they do.' Luke 23:34. He stood before Pilate and when questioned, He said very little.

There is power in acting in such a way. It shows that you are in control. It shows the world that you're different. They may consider it weak but, 'When I am weak then I am strong.'  2 Corinthians 12:10. The weaker we are, the stronger we become.

We do have a get out clause in v18, where it says, 'If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.' This is not permission to put up with someone until you can't take anymore and then punch their lights out. No. What it means is, we put up with it  for as long as we can, as stated above but if we find it is all becoming too much, then we give it to God. He says, 'Vengeance is Mine, I will repay.' V19. And He will.

It is amazing what God can do in a situation in which we can't take anymore. We give it to Him and it is taken care of. If we try to sort things on our own, then that's it; we're on our own, and have to take the consequences. Much better to give it to God.

Really, it's all about character building. Many places we go, we'll meet situations where someone, who knows that we are a Christian, will try to humiliate us. But we need to rise above it. They're not worth the effort of losing our peace. Be like Jesus in all you do, bless them. Remember, in our lives, there is no need for attack or for defence. We are made in God's image!

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Sunday, 23 February 2020

Running the race

"Therefore, we also, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us - "   Hebrews 12:1.  NKJV

To endure means to persevere, so you get a good understanding about what this scripture is directing us to do. A thought though, if the Christian life isn't hard, then why do we have to run with endurance the race set before us. Some people think  that Christianity is all sweet and light but it is not, not by a long chalk. A look at how Jesus had to suffer on our behalf, let's us know this. 

We are surrounded by a 'great cloud of witnesses.' Does this mean that the hero's of faith are watching us; looking to see everything we do? No, it means that their lives; their testimonies may encourage us because, after all of their struggles, running the race, they were successful and overcame. 
Now, if you've ever run in a race, perhaps a marathon or some cross country, long distance event, you will know what a struggle it can be. Every muscle and nerve hurts and it would be so easy to give up. It takes all we have got to keep going - to endure and stick to the course. We should never look at the other contestants because it can be distracting and also intimidating to do so. We can lose focus and we need this to complete the task. Likewise, as a Christian in our daily race, we should look only at Jesus. He is the one who will get us through to the finishing line.

Verse 1 tells us that we should:

'lay aside every weight and the sin which so easily ensnares us '

The word 'weight,' here does not necessarily relate to sin, although sin can be assumed as a weight in our lives. The weight here points to hindrances in our lives; things that get in the way of us doing our ministry, living for Jesus, hence, running the race that is set before us. 
Many things can get in the way of us doing what Jesus wants us to do and sometimes we have to be tough and disallow them from preventing us doing the work. There are times when family commitments may get in the way of our ministry. Now, we need to give time for our family but not at the risk of letting God down. At times, there are strong decisions that have to be made.

The, 'sin which so easily ensnares us,' is that one sin that repeatedly defeats us, the one which we continually fall for, the one that is so difficult to avoid. It ensnares us and even though we say that we'll never do it again, we do, because we're in its trap.

Jesus was at the start of the race with us and He'll be at the end too. However, during this race, we will need refreshment, encouragement and some physiotherapy. Jesus is a great physiotherapist. 
He knows what you need and He knows that you need to speak to Him about the 'trapped sin'. Therefore, why not let Him relieve your tensions and do some work on you. No one needs to know, except Him and he's a great listener too. 

Once you're free from the 'sin which so easily ensnares you,' you'll be able to run the race like you've never done before.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Saturday, 22 February 2020

Change your thinking

"be transformed by the renewing of your mind."   V2
                                                                        Romans 12:1-2   NKJV

If we have a situation, an emotion and a conclusion, then the conclusion will always be determined by the emotion that was displayed during the situation. For example, if you go outside one morning and find that your refuse bin has been overturned and the contents are all over the street, your emotion could be anger which in turn will create an atmosphere within the home. If during the same situation, the emotion is a calm one - 'Oh well, we'll soon have this cleaned up,' type of thing, then the conclusion will be peaceful and the home will be the same. 

The mind needs to be renewed in order to prevent explosions of bad stuff that can bring unrest. This is not easy if you're a fiery sort of person but it is attainable with practice. 

The world tries to conform us into it's system, which is an ungodly pattern. Being transformed by the renewing of the mind, is just the opposite. So we have a battle going on - the conforming to the world's system or dealing with your mind. In other words, changing how we think and act. But how?

We need to keep watch on our feelings. Things like, 'They hurt my feelings,' are negative and a recipe for a bad reaction. Also, things such as, 'I didn't like that preacher today, they went on too long,' could be re-phrased more positively with, 'The sermon was a lengthy one today, I'm not too sure if I agree with what was said, but I'll mull it over.' this last reaction is less accusatory and shows a willingness to learn. Also, 'My wife or husband had a go at me today about leaving my stuff around the place. This gets on my nerves.' This can be re-phrased into, 'My partner wasn't happy with the mess I leave around the place. I think they may have a point; I'll tidy up when I get home.'
It all comes down to re-training the mind and thus, helps what comes out of our mouths. 

Feelings are something we have to live with; but we can train ourselves to react to them in a more positive way. Our minds can feed us with things that are just not true, or have a half-truth about them. We need to grasp hold of those bad thoughts and take them captive. (2 Corinthians 10:4-5) This way, we give ourselves time to consider them and make a more sensible reaction to them - if at all.  Our thoughts can lead us into depression, anger, to be critical and have bad moods just to mention a few. Even though we are Christians, we are still susceptible to bad thoughts and uncontrolled feeling and emotions, but we can take them under our wing. Often we have a 'My glass is half-empty,' mentality instead of the opposite. We need to refuse to think such negativity because the 'My glass is half-empty,' mentality instead of the opposite can lead us astray. What we believe is happening, may not be happening. Our minds can play tricks on us because it does not have the whole facts so it comes up with an alternative. And we can begin to believe it.

What you begin to believe, will come about. Look what Job said:

'For the thing I greatly feared has come upon me and what I dreaded has happened to me.   Job 3:25

We know that the devil was given free rein to hurt Job and attack his family but perhaps his thinking could have helped him out a little, initially. It was a self-fulfilled prophecy. What you confess, you get. 

We can all suffer peer pressure, when at school and later into adulthood. There can always be the, 'Keeping up with the Jones',' or being told that some substance or type of behaviour is good for you, you need to join in. 'Be like us, or else.'
The Philips New Testament puts Romans 12:2 like this, 'Don't let the world squeeze you into its mould.'

Don't give up, you may blow it over and over again, but if you determine to renew you mind, you'll be successful; probably not overnight but you'll get there. Ask Jesus to help you.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Friday, 21 February 2020

The Thomas Faith

"Do not be unbelieving, but believing!"  V27     of  John 20:24-27    NKJV           

Be honest, who hasn't felt this way at times? Who hasn't been tempted to say, 'I don't believe that.' We can all be tempted to feel this way periodically, especially when we hear about miraculous testimonies of what Jesus has done in someone's life. We've been tempted to think, 'Are they exaggerating here?'

Skepticism can be rampant at times like this. Thomas never lacked courage; he was willing to go with Jesus and die with Him if needed. However, he was a pessimist. His glass was half-empty, until someone filled it. He needed to balance things; count the cost and mull it over before leaping into action. He wanted proof first. If he had been one on the priests who had to step into the Jordan river before it acted, he would probably be still standing on the bank. But He loved Jesus. There was no doubt about that, and we can be just like him at times.

When Jesus visited the upper room and revealed Himself to the disciples, Thomas was not there. People have debated where he might have been over the ages. Remember, it was a dangerous place to be after Jesus had been crucified. This is why the others were tucked away in the upper room, so that they were hidden.

One of the most believable reasons Thomas wasn't with them was because of his emotions. People grieve in many different ways. Many want their loved ones around them for comfort. However, others want to be left alone to work through the pain themselves. Perhaps Thomas was like this. He was missing Jesus and needed to work things out alone and when he had, about a week later, he went to be with the others and Jesus re-appeared to them all. 

Jesus said to Thomas, 
'Reach your finger here and look at My hands and reach your hand here, and put it into My side. Do not be unbelieving, but believing.' V27

William Barclay says,

'There is something very lovable and very admirable about Thomas. Faith was never an easy thing for him; obedience never came readily to him.He was the man who had to be sure; he was the man who had to count the cost. But once he was sure, and once he had counted the cost, he was the man who went to the ultimate limit of faith and obedience. A faith like Thomas' is better than any glib declaration and an obedience like his, is better than any acquiescence which agrees to do a thing without counting the cost and then goes back upon its word.
                   Copyright 1955 William Barclay, The Gospel of John Commentary

Some people have faith to move mountains, instantly or stand on God's Word until their request is manifested. Others, like Thomas, are more skeptical about things and like to think things through first. But both of these interpretations of faith compliment each other, very well. Thomas had faith, but it was the Thomas faith. What is yours?

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Thursday, 20 February 2020

Jesus knows how you feel!

"For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathise with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are , yet without sin."  V15
                                                                    Hebrews 4:14-16   NKJV

Let's break this down into three parts:

There is nothing worse than someone who hasn't been there but tries to tell you that they have. The frustrating thing that many say is, 'I know how you feel,' when they don't have any idea how you feel. To hear this is a recipe for anguish and in some cases, anger.
The great thing is that, Jesus would answer you, 'I know how you feel,' because He does; He knows; He's been there.

There is no place for people who have a YoYo type of faith; one minute flying high and the next, down in the doldrums. There needs to be a balance where things may knock us but, we remain constant. There Is also no room for the Thomas kind of faith, 'Unless I see in His hands the print of the nails and put my finger into the print of the nails  and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.' (John 20:25). This type of faith and confession will never work. 
No matter what, we need to keep confessing Jesus. Hebrews 12:3 says, 'Consider Him who endured such hostility from sinners against Himself, lest you become weary and discouraged in your souls.'
Consider what He has done for you. Consider how He changed your life. Consider how He kept your marriage together. Consider how He saved your life. When you were ill and He healed you. You were lost and He found you. Lonely and He gave you someone to love and love you. Consider all these things, together with the home He gave you; your children and your livelihood. Consider Him.

He sympathises with your weaknesses because He was in all points tempted and yet He never fell to it. Have you ever considered just how much Jesus was tempted? Todays's text tells us that He was in all points tempted as we are. This means, in every way you could imagine. He had to be in order to conquer sin on the cross. He needed to know what temptation felt like so that He could deal with it. Just think, everything that you have been tempted to do, Jesus was tempted the same way. He knows what the feeling is like - how difficult it can be. Yet, He never gave in to it - He never sinned and that is the difference. 
Therefore, He sympathises with us; He has the empathy for what we suffer.. So, we have His permission to come boldly to Him - the Throne of Grace and receive help and mercy. 
Whenever you feel the temptation to become involved in something that you know is wrong, that is the time to shout to Him, and He will be there. He tells us that we may boldly approach His Throne to receive His help. That's a promise and we need to take it on board.
Whatever you may have done, He understands and will help and forgive you in your time of need. (Taken from Hebrews 4:16).

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Wednesday, 19 February 2020

Made in His image

"26 Then God said, 'Let us make man in our image, according to Our likeness -- 27 So God created man in His own image; in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."              Genesis 1:26-27.  NKJV

Have you ever been told that you're useless; that you'll never come to anything, you're just a failure? Have you ever been told that you're a waste of space, you're just a nobody going nowhere? Well let me tell you right now, they are lies! Did you get that? They are lies from the pit of hell; because the devil knows that you are a somebody. He knows that that you are made in the image of God and that through Jesus, you are a friend of God. In fact, you are His son or daughter, a brother or a sister of Jesus. The devil knows that you are a son or a daughter of the Most High God - El Shaddai. The devil knows all of this and he doesn't like you because of it.

2 Corinthians 3:18 tells us: 

'But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord , are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the Spirit of the Lord.'

As a born again believer of Jesus Christ, you are made in His image, so when you look in a mirror; walk into a room; speak to someone, the image of God will be seen in you. Now this doesn't mean necessarily that you will look like Him. What does He look like anyway? Well, something like you. God is Spirit yet at times, He may manifest in a body - such as Jesus did, The Word became Flesh John 1:14. Being made in His image is more like, you possess His personality, have knowledge and feelings and a will. You have a soul, which is made up of your mind, will and emotions. 
The mirror image, is that as we get to know Him better, we become more like Him and people begin to see this. We walk into a room and we take the presence of God with us. We speak to someone, maybe in the supermarket and they instantly know that there is something different about us. Therefore, when we look into our mirror, we need to see through our spiritual eyes - by faith - that we're looking at the image of God - Jesus, in us, 'Christ in you, the hope of glory,' Colossians 1:27.

Now this doesn't sound like you're someone who is useless, a waste of space and that you'll never make anything of yourself, does it? Meditate on these scriptures, own them, look in in the mirror and see Jesus in you and realise that you are made in His image and that He thinks you're pretty wonderful.

Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard




Tuesday, 18 February 2020

Lord, I can't do this

"I have strength for all things in Christ who empowers me. (I Am ready for anything and equal to anything through Him who infuses me; I AM self-sufficient in Christ's sufficiency).                            Philippians 4:13 Amplified

What is it that you're facing today? What is it that is giving you a dread; a fear; the feeling that, 'I can't do this, I just can't'. People all over the globe lie awake waiting for the alarm to off because this is the day that they have to go into action; do something special or face something that they do not want to face. You can do it!

Whatever it is you're facing today, I want you to know that others have gone before you and done it. It is achievable. Just look at today's bible reading. Jesus gives you self-sufficiency - the feeling that you can do this, without needing any help from outside areas. We realise our strength through Him as He infuses us with His awesome power; and what's more, He'll keep on pouring the power of God into our lives. He gives us contentment and that is the key to overcoming worry, fear and doubt.

Therefore, what are you facing today? What is making you say, 'Lord, I can't do this'? 
If God says you can, then you can. The tricky bit is getting your brain to understand this. If you're not careful, you will produce thoughts that are full of doubt, full of self-fulfilled prophecy that make you believe what you're confessing. And then you are a wreck, full of fear, self-doubt and no confidence at all. Refuse to think this rubbish.

Ask yourself a question. 'Is this how God sees me, a blubbering wreck? Someone who will fall at the first hurdle? No, He doesn't. He sees someone, who He created in His image, someone who has Jesus Christ living within their heart; someone who is all sufficient and someone who is equipped for everything they may face because they have the power of God within them.

Does this sound like you? You may reply that it doesn't, but God will disagree with you here. You have His power within you, that awesome, god-fearing power that can move mountains and slay any giant that may come against you, but you have to believe and receive this fact. It's there but you need to look in the mirror and confess it in your life. You need to declare, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me'. 

You may benefit from reading my book, 'Lord, I can't do this'. This small book will help you realise that you can, do all that God asks you to do. Why not check it out on Amazon. Click the link below.

God has only the best for His children and His Word for you this day, is, "you can do this; just take My hand and we'll face it together'.

To view and purchase 'Lord. I can't do this', click this link:

Copyright 2020 Grahame




There's still no answer from God

"But, beloved, do not forget this one thing, that with the Lord one day  is  as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day"...