Proverbs 15:1. NKJV
Many a conflict is created by the way we either respond to another person's comments to us, or by the way we speak to someone about an issue. For example, if a person comes to us with both guns blazing, ready for an argument, to respond to them with the same type of anger is going to end with a full scale row or worse. But, it is possible that the way we react to them, in a quiet, reserved and controlled manner, we can calm the situation down. For instance, if you're driving in your car and accidentally knock another driver's mirror, he may chase after you and rant and rave about the way you were driving. If at that time you retaliate, telling him that the bad driving was his, not yours and he needs to re-take his test, then you are asking for trouble. On the other hand, to stay calm, apologise and keep the peace, the other driver may well calm down themselves. You see, calmness is infectious, people pick it up from us; it spreads to others.
We can also be the perpetrator of a harsh word. A person may wind us up in some way and instead of taking control of the situation straightaway, may dash out and rip into this person with angry and even violent words. It can happen when we are not in control of our reactions; when we are tired and had a bad couple of days. You may have kept control over this time, then all of a sudden something or someone comes along, says or does something and, 'POW!' you turn into a raging bull, complete with horns and ready to charge at anyone in sight. Sadly, it can often be the people close to you - your family. They take the brunt of your fiery temper.
If you're fiery by nature, it is not easy to change this. However, it can be changed with practice and todays text is a good place to start. Meditate on it and add to this James' word in James 1:19, 'So then, my beloved brethren , let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath.' Then keep making the confession to yourself, that calmness is infectious. 'I am calm and will spread this to whoever I meet.'
Nothing comes easy. It is hard to make changes to how we react to given situations, but take heart, you can do it. Talk to Jesus about it.
Copyright 2020 Grahame Howard
