Friday, 4 September 2020

Be ready for when He comes

"Therefore, you also be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you don't expect." v44
                                                                                                    Matthew 24:36-44.  NKJV

Time is running out; the clock is ticking and the seconds counting down. Soon it will be all over, and it will be too late.

Picture if you will, a football match where both teams are drawing 0 - 0. One of the teams desperately needs to score a goal and win, otherwise they will be relegated to a lower division. But time is short, there is only 30 seconds left on the clock. Suddenly, the game is over, they've run out of time and for the team who needed a win, it's too late, they're relegated.

Likewise, the world is running out of time, Jesus will one day come back for His church - 'at an hour you don't expect,' and that could be today. Just look at what is happening in our world today. There is violence, wars, murders, rapes, stabbings, racism is on the increase and religious hate pressurises Christians to conform to their thinking - get rid of Christmas, no Christianity in schools, multi-religious organisations against one faith churches. People living in fear of saying the wrong things in case there is a protest. But whatever, Jesus Christ is still on the throne!.

But what about these end times? You may be saved but what about your family members? It may be difficult to talk to them about Jesus because there may be tensions. But if Jesus came back soon, it would be very difficult to accept that you are in Heaven but they aren't, and you had the opportunity to tell them.

This is not meant as laying a trip on anyone. It is so important for all of us that it cannot fail to be said. Your family needs Jesus, when he comes, it will be too late then. Time will have run out, the whistle will have blown. Today is the day of salvation. 

Just look at what has happened since March of this year; so much. We have had Lockdown chaos, many, many Covid 19 deaths, fear, loss of jobs, businesses crumbling. homes, lack of money; and none of us expected it; it was thrown at us almost overnight. If that was unexpected, imagine what it will be like when Jesus returns - and He will. We will need to be prepared and ready. Many people will miss out and be left behind because they didn't know about Jesus, or they refused to accept Him. Don't let that happen to your family without trying to get them into the Kingdom.

Say this prayer:
'Lord Jesus, give me the strength and the confidence to tell the people I love, about You. Open doors for me and create opportunities for me to tell them. Right now, I give You my family..................................... and I claim them for You. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 3 September 2020


"But solid food belongs those who are of full age, that is, those who by reason of use, have their senses exercised to discern both good and evil."                Hebrews 5:14.  NKJV

Sports people are not a success overnight, they have to practice for a very long time. It is the same with great musicians. The more practice, the more reward and satisfaction. Here, the writer of Hebrews, stresses the importance of practice in order to live the Christian life: 'But solid food, belongs to those who are of full age (Mature), that is, those who by reason of use (Practice).

Ask any musician or sportsperson, and they will admit to many failures as they get used to what they want to be. Also, many will say that they still make mistakes through lack of practice. In a Snooker Tournament, we often hear that the finalists are on the practice tables during the intermission. Why? Because practice makes perfect.

To be successful, a person has to give up many things. While their friends are out having a great time, they may be in the continual mode of practice. Things do not come easy; and there are many failures. But failure is an acceptable part of success. When a person fails, they learn by it and avoid this in the future. We should never receive failure but count our attempts as practice. This way, we're on the road to success.

For many, the Christian life can be a difficult road to walk along. Their intentions may be genuine but then, something crops up or brings distraction and they fail. For some, it can be the eyes - what we look at and view. Job made a comment in Job 31:1, 'I have made a covenant with my eyes, why then should I look upon a young woman?' Now for Job, being a rich man, it could have been viewed as acceptable to add a young woman as a concubine. But he refused to allow his eyes to lust. In the same way, the Christian man or woman needs to be mindful of this. It is so easy to become hooked when lusty images are flashing all over the screens from films and TV. There is a need to avoid this practice because this is a doorway to failure.

We need to practice and process what comes out of our mouths also, together with how we react to certain things that come our way. It is difficult, but then, so is anything that we want success from. Life is not a fairy tale; things are not handed down on a golden platter. To live the Christian life, it take practice and discipline and it is an ongoing process. Never become complacent. It will all be worth it when we walk into the arms of Jesus on that special day. Until then - PRACTICE!

Wednesday, 2 September 2020

Now for a bit of gardening

"I am the true vine and My Father is the vinedresser. (2) Every branch in me that does not bear fruit, He takes away; and every branch that bears fruit, He prunes that it may bear more fruit."                                                                                      John 15:1-2.  NKJV

The garden can be a place of joy and escape for many people, but it needs regular attention so that the best can be obtained from it. Trees and bushes need pruning so that they bear more fruit the next season. Dead wood needs to be removed so that it doesn't affect growth and cause damage. Then, of course, there is the weeding. If this is neglected, plants can become unhealthy and choke. Also valuable energy is used up by the weeds and the plant can perish. There is much watering to take care of, especially when it is very hot. Care needs to be taken that watering takes place first thing in the morning and last thing at night so that the plants don't burn up. Also there is a need to avoid overwatering. It's a never-ending chore to run a busy garden, what with hoeing, feeding and all other maintenance that is necessary, if we're to enjoy a healthy looking garden.

This is not unlike our Christian walk. Daily we need to attend to things such as:

Pruning. Things that are in our lives but shouldn't be, need to be cut out. There are things that we are doing that we know is wrong, but find hard to release ourselves from. God is gracious and may not intervene. He may do though, if we continue in an ungodly manner. His wish is for us to bear good fruit, at all times.
Weeding. It is a similar thing with weeding. The things that we hang on to, can easily choke our Christian life and then we become unfruitful. Periodically we need to check out the company we keep; the places we go and the things that we do. It is so easy to be led astray.
Feeding and Maintenance. If we fail to feed and maintain our garden properly, then things can get out of hand and trees, bushes, fruit and our vegetables can die. It is the same with our Christian life. We must feed our spirits with the Word of God. Every now and then does not work, the same as only watering the garden once a week in hot weather, doesn't either. The garden needs regular water, the plants regular attention and we need God's Word everyday.

We need to practice walking with Jesus daily, praying and also listening to Him. Seeking His advice and direction is a must. The Christian life is all or nothing. We can't take a day off, let our hair down shouting, 'Yippee, today is Sin Day,' and then do all the things we know that we shouldn't. God would know and would be devastated and hurt. He sees all. He's not an ogre, not at all. He's a loving Father who wants the very best for you - His child.

Tuesday, 1 September 2020

Paradise Part 2

"My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness."   2 Corinthians 12:7-10   NKJV

Following Paul's amazing revelation of Paradise, three times he pleaded with God to help him with something he described as a messenger of satan - a Thorn in the Flesh. He said that this was sent to buffet him. We don't know what this was and many have tried to speculate but all to no avail. What we do know, is that it was an intense, wearying difficulty or afflction. Paul was not delivered from this and again, this raises many questions of, why not? Many scholars believe that God allowed this so that Paul might avoid being exalted above measure by the abundance of this revelation. (v7).

Instead of being disappointed or frustrated over this, Paul accepted it, realising that because he had been on such an amazing journey to Paradise, that God was right, he could so easily begin to boast about it all. God allowed it - Paul accepted it.

Paul said in v10, 'Therefore, I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong.' I like The Message version of this text, 'I just let God take over. I quit focusing on the handicap and begin appreciating the gift. The weaker I get, the stronger I become.'

This may account for the times when some people's prayers go unanswered. We pray endlessly and yet, we do not seem to get a breakthrough on the request we are making - or like Paul, the pleading. It may be that God wants the individual/s to accept His grace instead. It is food for thought and may bring a freedom to the anxiety of it all.

Whatever, we need to realise that when we are at our weakest point, God is always stronger and has the answer that will see us through. As we can see in this passage, at times we have to accept that God is in charge and knows best. Things can begin to get on top of us some times though, and this is when we need to say, 'God, I can't do this, I really need Your help.' 

You may have a disability that without a miracle, will not go away. But this is the time when you need to let your relationship with Jesus completely take over. It's not easy to live with a disability, believe me, I know. But God gives us the strength to climb mountains, to conquer giants and to do all things through Jesus.

Don't let any 'Thorn,' prevent you from praising and walking with God. Shout praises and strength will come. Feel sorry for yourself and nothing will happen. We have to stand. Remember, 'The weaker I get, the stronger I become.' Quit focusing on the problem and appreciate all that God gives you. And it will seem like, another day in Paradise!

Monday, 31 August 2020


"Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing him dead. (20) However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day, he departed with Barnabas to Derbe."
                                                                                                                   Acts 14:19-20.  NKJV

Paul and Barnabas had been on a preaching assignment and in Lystra, encountered strong opposition. The Jews there had been stirring up the people against them and eventually, they stoned Paul and left him for dead. But God wasn't finished with Paul and he led the disciples to gather around him and pray. The result was, he rose up and went back into the city.

Many scholars believe that Paul was describing this near-death experience in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5. They believe he was raised from the dead. At the very least, he was miraculously healed.

Paul's account in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5, gives a startling account of a man he knows (himself) who was caught up into the third heaven (Paradise). He finds it difficult to explain the experience, stating that he may have been in the body or out of it (v3). What he does know was that he heard 'inexpressible words', and the whole experience was life-changing for him. This is the time that Jesus told him, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'. (v9). 

I tend to believe Paul's experience in Paradise because I had a similar experience back in 1996. My wife and I, were listening to a worship CD when all of a sudden, I found myself at the back of a great hall. In front of me, were what looked like angels and they were bowing down and standing back up, over and over again. The music was amazing, better than I had ever heard. At the opposite end of the hall, was a very large figure clad in dazzling white clothing, and the angels were worshipping Him. I knew this was God. 
Before this happened, I had been quite worried, because I had been on two weeks leave and the next morning I was due back at the busy social work office I worked at, and I knew my work tray would be packed full of work, stamped urgent. The very next moment, I was in my office and this very tall man beside me, picked up my tray and said, 'My what a lot of work we have here.' I felt that the work was nothing, because He would help me. I felt so relaxed, a really wonderful feeling.

The next moment, I was back with my wife and the same worship song was playing. Rather like Paul, I wondered what had happened, had I dreamt it, did it happen? Deep down I knew that It had and I knew that, His grace was all I needed for anything. He would give me the strength, if I trusted Him. And He did, when I arrived at work the next day, my work tray was full of very simple tasks which took no time at all to complete and I had a happy return to work.

Realise this, whatever you are facing at this time is nothing when God is around. He will take care of it for you. All you need is His grace which will strengthen you. And that is on free offer all the time.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Short Fuses

"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."     
                                                                                                               James 1:19.  NKJV 
When we're in delicate situations, we should always ensure that we are in control of ourselves. Otherwise, things can go very wrong as we launch in without counting the cost.

James here, encourages us to be quick to listen properly. 'What's happening here?' type of thing. Resisting the urge to retaliate  can help prevent disastrous consequences. We need to listen clearly and process what is happening. Watch the quick talking; when we're not in control, loads of bad stuff can come out of our mouths. We need to think things through quickly. We may only have a minute or two but there's always time to make the right reaction.

RT Kendall comments, 'Will my flesh rule this moment, or my spirit?' If we handle things badly, what does it portray? As people of God, we are Ambassadors of Jesus and should act accordingly. To act in any other way, we are presenting a bad image of life as a Christian. Unbelievers love this scandal. They love to be able to place the 'Hypocrite' label on to us.

We are important people, remember that, this is why the devil has to prowl around like a lion seeking who he can devour. (1 Peter 5:8). This means, if he can, he will discredit you and point the judgemental finger of accusation at you. He likes nothing better than ripping our reputations to shreds with scandals and lies. Don't give him the opportunity. Resist him, be sober and vigilant, be on guard, steadfast in faith.(1 Peter 5:8-9).

We need to analyse the way we react to situations. We need to train ourselves to receive in a more positive way. The way to do this, is to realise your importance to God. He chose you and called you His friend. (John 15:15-16). Own this and be confident of this fact. You are special and are on special business for Jesus. You are trusted. Take all of this on board; understand it and act accordingly. You signed up to serve Jesus. Now, this doesn't please the devil one bit; you are a threat. Did you get that? You are a threat to him and what he is planning.

The devil will only attack who is important, the one who means business. If that's you, and I'm sure it is, get your reactions sorted. Hone them down. Watch the short fuse attitude. Who is going to rule the moment, your flesh, or your spirit? 

You have a lot of work to do for Jesus. He is counting on you. Don't let people put you down, don't let the devil have his way. Be in control of every moment and point the way to Jesus Christ!

Saturday, 29 August 2020

The Secret Place

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."                                                                                        Psalm 91:1.  NKJV

There is so much that goes on in our world; so much stress and anxiety that attempts to latch itself on to us and so much deception and hatred, that we need to be able to stay on top of it all. As we've seen from our studies this past week, David used the skill of strengthening himself in the Lord, and it really is the only way to survive.

When his men were threatening to stone him, even though he was grieving himself at the loss of his two wives, he began to remember past victories, praise God and thus, strengthen himself in the Lord. 

This is a skill that we all must learn if we are to be of value in kingdom business. We must learn to minister to ourselves if we're going to develop the character to reach our potential. It is impossible to reach this destiny in life, without first learning to minister to ourselves.

A great place to start to learn this skill is in the Secret Place - that special place where you meet with God on a daily basis in order to pray, study the Word and give Him all the things that are of concern to you. Where this Secret Place is, is very much dependant on you - what fits in with your routine and what is convenient. It really needs to a place where you can be alone with your Father. It doesn't work when other family members have the TV blaring, the latest Green Day or Metallica song full blast or mobile phones activating.

Check out today's text. It is an encouragement to live in the Secret Place - God's presence, living under the shadow or shelter of the Almighty. The Secret Place is a safe place; a place where there is nothing to fear. A place where we can rest and be refreshed. It's a place where God is, not that He isn't everywhere else in the world, because He is, but it's a place where exclusively He is ours!

It is said that the Eye of a Storm is the most peaceful place on earth. This is why Jesus slept in the middle of the storm (Mark 4:38). He was at peace, He knew the storm couldn't take Him under.

And this is how we can live each day, strengthening ourselves in God. This is how we become strong and victorious. Whatever comes our way, we flick it to the side with God's Word. But we must put it in to ourselves before we can give it out. We must get built up in Him to be of use to ourselves and whoever God leads us to.

If you don't have that Secret Place where you spend time with Jesus everyday, then find one; create one. It may be a room in your house, a shed, a car, on a walk - wherever. But it is far better to have a place where you can have your bible and notes handy, because you will need them. Ask God where is the best 'Secret Place' for you.


Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...