Friday, 27 November 2020

Jesus - the burden remover

"Cast your burden on the LORD (release it) and He will sustain and uphold you." 
                                                                                   Psalm 55:22   The Amplified Study Bible

Jesus said in Revelation 2:24-25  'I will put on you no other burden. 25 But hold fast what you have till I come.' Basically Jesus is saying here, I will ask nothing more of you except that you hold tightly to Me. Did you get that? Again, He is saying that we need Him, things are impossible without Him and without Him we can do nothing. 

He wants us to live life without burdens. Sadly, they come along but this is why, He tells us to cast these burdens upon Him. He takes the burden away or He ensures that it is manageable. He takes the burden away but the world will try to bring it back to us. This is why we have to be careful and walk with Him - daily.

God is the one constant in our lives and He is our only, true friend. Yes, there are many lovely friends around, but none are as reliable and true as He is. He sustains us. The word sustain means to maintain, nourish, provide food, hold up, protect and support. It also means to defend us. Whenever we are in a situation that we find difficult or painful, as we acknowledge that He is our source of help and the only one that can handle the situation, He will be there, standing at our side and taking the control.

I am sure that there have been times in your life when things seemed hopeless. As you called on Jesus, He was there to make a way through. His intervention may not have been as you expected, but we need to accept that He knows best and that is the bottom line. If we have placed Him in charge of our lives, then He must have the freedom to do what he feels is the best way out of things.

When you have a burden, this is not the time to panic and go to pieces, running around like a headless chicken trying to sort things out but watching them get worse. You need to calm down. What's the point of panic anyway? It serves no purpose except to stress you out and make you ill. Rushing around too. Just because you move around fast under the pressure, it doesn't necessarily mean that things are going to get better. In fact, they'll probably be worse because in your panic, you forgot certain things that were relevant.

It is time to be at peace with God, to, 'Be still and know that I am God.'  Psalm 46:10. It is time to allow Him access to every part of you. It is time to stop the panic and hustle and bustle, It is time to seek Jesus.

Thursday, 26 November 2020

Nothing is impossible with God

"For with God nothing will be impossible."                                             Luke 1:37   NKJV

As we approach the Christmas period, I am reminded of the announcement the angel made to Mary about the birth of Jesus. She replied, 'How can this be, since I do not know a man?' This would have been a terrible shock to the young Mary and of great concern. She was betrothed to Joseph. How would he react to the fact that she was going to have a child when they had not been intimate? She would have had a fear that she would have been cast out and ridiculed for her behaviour. It would have been a worrying time. But Mary replied to the angel, 'Let it be to me according to your word.' This was surrender.

This is the kind of attitude that God longs for us to have when we are faced with challenging situations. After-all, He is our Saviour - if we've asked Him to be. Therefore, we can't really complain when things go against what we had expected. Sometimes, things go this way and we may be left with the thought, 'Why?' There really is no answer to that.

However, things may appear impossible to us, but they are never impossible to God. He is the King of the impossible and let's be grateful that he is. God is teaching us all to deny self and put Him in His rightful place. Many times, there is nothing we can do about certain things; it's impossible to try; and Jesus tells us that without Him, we can do nothing. (John 15:5). We really need to learn this and quickly.

Perhaps, you are facing an impossible situation today. You may have had a sleepless night and been pacing the floor praying like crazy. Just relax. You've prayed about the situation, now give God some space to perform the impossible. You do this by what Mary said, 'Let it be to me according to Your word.' This is not giving up; it is not saying that nothing can be done. No, it is putting God in the driving seat of your life. You're admitting to Him that you can do nothing, that it is impossible for you to try. In fact, you have done something when you think about it, you've handed it to Jesus where things are possible. You have surrendered to Him.

This is the total surrender to God, that He likes. There is no other way. We need to put ourselves into the hands of God, because, He has the power to do all things. We haven't. When we are in a situation where we admit we can do nothing, but we know a man who can, and we pass it over to Him; then we open up the options, and God is ready and willing to step forward and do what is necessary.

Listen, nothing is impossible for Him so, don't keep it to yourself, place it in His hands. You won't regret it. Say this prayer:

'I am in God's charge. My God is working out my life for me.'   (Andrew Murray)

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 25 November 2020

You are so loved and so special

"As You sent me into the world, I also have sent them into the world." 
                                                                                                                    John 17:18   NKJV

You are so special to the Father. You need to know this today. No matter what is happening in your life at this time, you are special and very loved. Just look at some of the evidence about this. He died in your place, on the cross, so that you could have a chance in life. He walks beside you - all the time and will never leave you. But, more than that, He trusts you. If He didn't, what Jesus says here is wrong and I doubt that very much. Jesus was talking to His Father and saying that He had sent us (you and I) out into the world as the Father had sent Jesus. What has He sent us out for? To be His ambassadors, to spread the Good News (Gospel) to all who will listen, so that they too, will have the chance He gave you and I.

He calls us His friends (John 15:13-17). That in itself is amazing. God the Son - Jesus, who was there at creation, calls us His friend. That is mind-blowing and that should make you feel pretty special. But there is more. Jesus told the Father, 'I in them and You in Me that they be made perfect  in one, and that the world may know that, You have sent me and have loved them as You have loved Me.' John 17:23. God the Father, loves you and I as much as He does Jesus. That is doubly mind-blowing.

So then, Jesus has sent you to carry out His mission to the world. He calls you His friend and God loves you as much as He does Jesus. Can you take some more of this? Ok, grab this. He clothes you, He feeds you, He watches over you. He has given you somewhere to live, someone to love, possibly a job and money to live on. You may not be rich by the world's standards but you have the riches of Heaven to look forward to and if you think that it's great to be alive and here at this moment, then just try and imagine what it will be like when you are posted to glory. We don't fully know what that will be like but no one has come back and complained yet.

Things may not be good for you at this time. It may be hard-going to get through each day. You may feel cheated, let down, walked all over, lonely and desperate. However, things have a habit of changing very quickly when you put your hope in Jesus. Listen, He is the only one that can take you through this awful time. Trust Him, He trusts you and He's the best friend you will ever have.

Alternatively, things may be ok for you but you know deep inside you that something is missing. Have you left Jesus out of things? Be honest, He is. Your friend is here. In fact, for anyone who is reading this, let me say that, you are on Jesus' mind, yes that's right. He's thinking of you. Why not talk to Him right now:

Lord Jesus
I need You, things have been getting me down just lately and I can't find a way through to make it better. But I know You know the way. Please help me today. I've just read that you are my friend and the Father loves me as much as He does You. Please come into my life and demonstrate that right now. I need you.
                                                                        In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 24 November 2020

The Three R's

"4 Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch.' 5 But Simon answered and said to Him, 'Master, we have toiled all night and caught nothing, nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net.' 6 And when they had done this, they caught a great number of fish and their net was breaking.'                                        Luke 5:4-6     NKJV

God knows best; one word from Him can change everything. Note that Peter didn't argue with Jesus. He made his point but he obeyed Him anyway; it may have appeared to be a reluctant kind of obedience but Peter wasn't rude. Remember, these guys were seasoned fishermen; they knew their trade and when people are like this, they don't like being told otherwise. However, the only dispute that came out of Peter's mouth was, 'nevertheless, at Your word, I will let down the net.

When we are in situations such as this, we can either deny self or deny Christ. There is no other way. To deny Christ is to claim that you know it all, you don't need God or anyone, you can go it alone. When you think about this, it's a rather foolish thing to say. It is far better to deny self, God knows best. We allow too much of self to rule our lives. We can become puffed up and unteachable and when we are such, we will pay the price at some time in our lives. Jesus must come first.

Take a look at this situation. Jesus told Peter and the other experienced fishermen, to go deeper where they would find the catch that they were seeking. Peter started to consider this and then he decided to:
RE-CONSIDER  Peter had a little experience of how Jesus worked and in the short time that he had been with Him, he had seen some awesome miracles performed. In the split second of his thinking, he remembered these and decided to re-consider what Jesus was asking.
RESPOND  Peter had to decide what he was going to do here. He chose the better way and responded to Jesus' request although he had no idea how it would all turn out.
RECEIVE  It would have been beyond Peter's comprehension to believe what would happen next, but it did and they would have been astounded at it all. They received it with gladness.

All it takes is to obey Jesus, to take Him at His word. He will do the rest. All we need to do is to carry out the 3 R's formula - Re-consider, Respond and Receive. We can either deny self or deny Christ, the choice is ours. But if you believe that Jesus knows best; that He has your interests at heart and He will always deliver the best for you, trust Him, nevertheless what your mind is saying. He wants to fill your nets. I interpret, 'Nevertheless, at You word,' to stand for 'You know best Lord, You know best, I’ll go deeper.’

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 23 November 2020

How long have you been waiting?

"At the right time, I, the LORD, will make it happen".                       Isaiah 60:22.  NKJV

Did you get that? At the right time, God will make it happen. Add this also to your memory bank, 'Even though it delays, wait (patiently) for it. Because it will certainly come; it will not delay.' Habakkuk 2:3. Let this settle your spirit as we look a little further at this.

Some believers, have been waiting for years for a husband or wife, or possibly other family members, to become Christians. Up to now, it hasn't happened and you're tempted to believe that it never will either. Don't go there, that is not faith. God does not lie. So if you've been praying for your loved one to get saved, believe and receive it because it WILL happen. Sadly, we don't know when but we do know that God is on to it; it is all part of His plan. If you've asked, you will receive if you don't give up. Be patient, God knows what He is doing. 'Yes but if we were both believers, we could do so much,' you may say, and that is true. But have you ever thought that God may not want your own plans, He has His own and as soon as you give up on yours, He may just bring His own into fruition. Give God, and your loved one, some space.
I know for a fact that some people have been waiting for about fifty or so years and in the blink of an eye, it has happened and their loved one is saved. Just be patient.

As I've said many times, waiting sucks. I believe that I am the world's most impatient man and I have had to learn that I can't have the things I want, just like that. There's often a waiting period.  It can be frustrating, I know, but some seeds take a long time to germinate but when they do, POW, they take your breath away. God doesn't make us wait because He enjoys it. There will always be a reason and sometimes, we can't see this. He may allow us to wait to teach us patience, that's a possibility, but usually there are things that God has to put into place before He can deliver what we have asked Him for. The person you are praying for, may be so far away from God that God needs to do some work on him or her before it will be possible for this to happen. This can take time, hence the waiting period.

In the meantime, do not bludgeon the person with God talk or keep reminding them that they need to make a commitment. It has the opposite effect. Instead of drawing them into the Kingdom, it takes them further away. To a non-believer, trying to force them into the Kingdom of God can be annoying to say the least. Just play it cool. The Holy Spirit is far better at evangelism than you will ever be. Just leave it to Him. Just be yourself, get on with your life, let them see Jesus in you without carrying around the biggest bible in the world or walking round with a wooden cross over your shoulder. Just show them Jesus in your every day behaviour.
And before you know it, they will be saved!


Sunday, 22 November 2020

The cost of following Jesus

"Blessed (morally courageous and spiritually alive with joy in God's goodness) are you when people hate you and exclude you (from their fellowship) and insult you and scorn your name as evil because of your association with) the Son of man. 
                                                                                          Luke 6:22    Amplified Study Bible

When you choose Jesus, in some circles, you will be hated and excluded from people's company. Some may even lose jobs or be penalised because of their faith in their work place. When we identify with Jesus, we will be rejected and may suffer hardships. Take a look at Christians in parts of China, Russia and North Korea to gain an example what some believers are going through. However, this is the cost of following Jesus.

Some people may even suffer rejection from their families. You may have undergone this type of behaviour. When my family knew that I may be going to bible college, there was an uproar and a couple of them said, 'We don't want a vicar in our family.) I had no intention of being one at the time but I had to suffer the pain and cost of it all.

During WW1 and WW2, soldiers on guard duty had a phrase which they uttered if someone came into their presence, 'Stand and deliver, friend or foe,' and when you think about it, being a believer can be similar to this type of behaviour with some people. When soldiers were 'dug in' the trenches or on the rifle range, there was a parapet and if one were to raise their head above this, they were in danger of being shot. A parapet is an earthen bank or stone embankment protecting the soldiers from enemy fire. In a way, there is little difference today in certain quarters. We can feel that they are thinking, 'Friend or Foe,' and we may get shot at.

You may never have come up against this type of thing. But keep putting Jesus first and you soon will. You see, the devil doesn't like you, so he will turn people against you, causing them to hate and reject you, call you rude names and as I've mentioned, in certain non-believing countries, suffer imprisonment or death because of your faith. Fellowship with God leads to hostility from the world. When I was working as a social worker, I was threatened with losing my job if I spoke about Jesus. Yes, I was forbidden to speak about Him. I still did but I went undercover from thereon - covert operations. 😉

You see, when we say Yes to Jesus; when we allow Him to 'set us apart', the flak can begin at anytime. But we need to let the Holy Spirit have dominion over us in our home, our family, our work place, in the words that we speak, our emotions and in every thought that enters our mind. He needs to have entire possession of us.

When you do, it will cost but it is well worth it in the end. After all, who else will show the unbelievers Jesus?

Saturday, 21 November 2020

The Holy Spirit and us. Part 2

"However, when He, the Spirit of truth has come, He will guide you into all truth; for he will not speak on His own authority, but whatever He hears He will speak; and He will tell you things to come."                                                                              John 16:13.  NKJV

What is truth? This was a question Pilate asked Jesus when he was speaking with Him prior to His crucifixion. John 18.38. There have been several interpretations of this verse over the years. Some say: (1) This was Pilate's cynical denial of the possibility of knowing what is the truth; (2) 'What does truth matter?' (3) Or Pilate may have meant that it is not easy to find truth, what does it mean? Whatever, Pilate knew that there was no grounds for a criminal charge, not for teaching the truth.

The Holy Spirit only speaks the truth and that truth is from God - the ultimate truth. This is something that Pilate could not understand; but we know if the Hoiy Spirit dwells within us. The words that the Holy Spirit speaks to us are not empty words, they are the truth from the truth. Jesus said to His disciples, '31 If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. 32 And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free.' John 8:31-32. It's impossible to walk in a truth that you do not know.

The Holy Spirit will guide us in all we do, if we allow Him to. We all know the well known Proverbs 3 about this, '5 Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding. 6 In all your ways acknowledge Him and He shall direct your paths.' What the Holy Spirit hears, He will tell us and guide us along the way. He will advise us, warn us and enlighten us. He will direct us also because, He is the director of God's work. He is reliable. He will give us revelation as we take each step guided by Him and we will be on the road to success because we are guided by the truth.

This is why we need to spend time with Him and get to know Him. How much time should we spend with Him? All of it. He's not a pressure to us and He will never condemn us or hurt us. He always loves us and wants to give us the best, always willing to help. Where else in this world could you receive this - nowhere!

How can we possibly ignore the love that He offers? Don't forget that He is fully God. There are three persons in one - the Trinity. God the Father. God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. 3 separate persons but all one in God. And each one of them loves each of us enormously. Why? Because they are all awesome and they want each one of us to be the same.

Are you willing to be awesome and sold out for God?. Then make sure that you spend time with your friend - the Holy Spirit. He will always point you to Jesus, who points you to the Father. Complicating? Never. Ask the Holy Spirit, He will explain it all to you if you ask Him.

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...