Wednesday, 5 May 2021

You are so loved

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends."    
                                                                                                          John 15:13    NKJV 

There is probably no greater feeling than realising that you are loved so much, by someone. It lifts your heart; makes you feel good and brings satisfaction and peace of mind. This is one of the reasons why man and woman get married; they love each other so much that, they just want to be together forever. 

There's an old saying that, 'Love makes the world go around.' I'm not sure of the certainty of this but, it really makes a person feel good. However, it takes hard work. We don't just fall in love and life is hunky-dory forever more. It takes work and consideration. A man and a woman, become one when they are wed. This means that they are a team. Now a team will only be successful when each member does it's part. To sit around lazily, whilst a partner does all of the work is not conducive to a good marriage. 

Love can fizzle out at times, especially during arguments, where pots and pans may fly about and words are spoken that are regretted later. It takes hard work to keep a relationship on the straight and narrow, a little give and take is needed. A good place to start is to follow Jesus' example.

In our text above, He speaks about serving; laying down your life for the one you love. He also speaks about being a friend. It is the most amazing thing to realise that Jesus classes us as His friends. He gave up all for each one of us and this is a good example to follow. Relationships can be difficult to maintain at times. They take trust and a willingness to serve and most definitely, being a team player.

If you need help with your relationship, take a look at Jesus. His love is true. He takes no one for granted. He loves, thinks the best of people, spreads peace where there could be war and is one hundred percent reliable. 
Now that is a good place to start.

Tuesday, 4 May 2021

What is your thorn?

"And lest I should be exalted above measure by the abundance of the revelations, a thorn in the flesh was given to me, a messenger of Satan to buffet me, lest I be exalted above measure. 8 Concerning this thing I pleaded with the Lord that it might depart from me."                                                                            2 Corinthians 12:7-8    NKJV

The experience that Paul had in Heaven was an amazing happening, and one in which could well have caused him to boast about it. It's obvious that God allowed a messenger of Satan to come against him, in order to prevent Paul boasting and becoming euphoric.

A thorn in the flesh could be described as an intense, wearying difficulty or affliction. It affected Paul so much that, he pleaded with God three times that He would take it away. However, it remained, and instead of relief, Paul received God's grace - a strengthening process that would take care of all of his weaknesses. It was more than likely a learning curve for Paul, and he accepted it and wrote about how content he was to be weak with God's strength behind him. The Message version of v9 reads, 'I quit focusing on the handicap and began appreciating the gift.'

This piece of scripture leads us to consider the times that we also plead with God for release from ill-health, trouble and any other such problem. Most of us have something in our life that we wish wasn't there. It may be sickness or lack of finance. It could be seeking that perfect job or the chance to make a business successful. Whatever we try, we may come against a failure of some kind. Have you ever considered that God is allowing this to happen to you because He wants something from you first. This may only be your attention but, it may be something deeper.

Are you open to the fact that you may be doing something in your life that is blocking the way to freedom. You may have a thorn that is not acceptable to God. It may be something that you know about; something that you know you shouldn't be doing, but you still do it; and when you do, you feel bad about it afterwards.

Today, God is offering you His grace. He is not condoning what you do, not at all. However, He is offering you His grace and strength in order to address this and overcome it. His Word tells us, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness' v9. Whose weakness? Yours; He will help you to overcome this thorn that is continually there every day of you life. 

If this is speaking to you right now, why not get before God and share your heart with Him. He knows already, but it is a useful exercise to speak with Him about it all. If you need to, confess your sin and receive His forgiveness. He knows how difficult the thorn is and even though, He may not take it away, He will help you to cope with it. It is a continuing learning curve for you.

Lord, I give this thorn to You and ask for Your help. Please allow Your grace and strength to come upon me, so that I am able to live each day in overcoming victory.
I ask in Jesus' Name. Amen.

Monday, 3 May 2021

Watch your behaviour!

"Judge not that you be not judged.  2 For with what judgement you judge, you will be judged and with the measure you use, it will be measured back to you."
                                                                                          Matthew 7:1-2    NKJV

If we were called to judge, we would have been given a long black gown and a curly grey wig, when we were born again. The bottom line? No, we are not called to judge anyone.

Here, Jesus does not forbid criticism, opinions or the condemnation of wrongdoing. What He forbids is the spirit of faultfinding that overlooks one's own shortcomings while assuming the role of supreme judge in regard to the sins of others. None of us are perfect, we all have some curious ways and we blow it many days while trying to walk the Christian walk. The problem is, we tend to forget ourselves at times, thinking ourselves better than the other person. We carry a chip on our shoulder and it can be so easy to point the finger at some person.

This can happen when we're in a church setting. We may hear someone give a word that is calling someone to come forward for prayer and, straightaway, we can think, 'Yes, they need to go forward for prayer; they have been getting away with this for too long.' We then, can sit waiting and willing them to go forward. But, really, with an attitude like that, it should be us that need to go forward for prayer and forgiveness, not this other person.

It is so easy when we are in a group and a conversation springs up about some Christian brother or sister. Before too long, we can be guilty of listening to gossip and not only that, adding to it as well. What we should be doing, is shutting the conversation down by either walking away or challenging the group by saying, 'Do you think that we should be talking like this?'

We have concerns about people, of course we do; but these concerns would be more suited to either speak to the person or, pass the concerns on, if needed, to someone in authority. It should never be used for gossip or judgement.

We need to remember that when we judge someone, inappropriately, that same measure of judgement will come back on us, from Jesus Himself. What Jesus hates about this type of behaviour, is that when a person judges someone else, they are often guilty of the same or a similar type of thing, which in itself, is hypocritical.

Let us beware of our behaviour; of what comes out of our minds and our mouths. None of us are perfect and we will all have to give an account, one day, about what we have done and said. Let us rid ourselves of all types of things that will hold us back. When we criticise or judge someone, we never know what they are going through in their life. It is far better to handle things like Jesus would, with love and sincerity.

Sunday, 2 May 2021

Use the Sword of the Spirit

"If you are the Son of God, command that these stones become bread. 4 But He answered and said, 'It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God."                                    Matthew 4:3-4    NKJV 

Note the lack of respect in Satan's words as he addressed Jesus 'If you are the Son of God.' It was full of intimidation and sent to cause a defensive response from Jesus. However, Jesus refused to fall to that level, He had nothing to prove; and neither should we have. People we meet, may try and intimidate us and show us lack of respect, because of our faith. However, to fall to their level means that we're on a hiding to nothing. There are certain people, who are controlled by Satan, who will try to humiliate us and make us look pretty stupid. Don't let them.

When we're switched on to the Holy Spirit (and this only happens by living and walking daily with Jesus), we will be given the words to speak. Words that are power-packed; not rude or threatening but, full of life. The only way to live is to have total dependance on God. The Armour of God is the place to start. Every Christian should ensure that they are wearing this on a daily basis. The armour includes the belt of truth. Every Christian should walk in the truth of God, otherwise the battle is lost. Then there is the breastplate of righteousness which really is moral purity. The shield of faith comes next and is used to protect us from the flaming darts that Satan fires at us. The Helmet of salvation speaks for itself. It confirms our status with Jesus. The last two components are personal to us and consist of the sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God. By study and meditation in our bible, we learn to be able to stand up to the devil's tactics by quoting the relevant scriptures to him. Finally, there is prayer, which without, we are lost. We need to speak to God and we need to listen to Him as well.

The moment the evil one begins putting thoughts into our minds is the time we need to take action. He will tempt us; accuse us and try to slander us in every way he can. When he tries to trip us up, that is the time that we need to make a stand. Temptation can come our way and the longer we focus on it, the more appealing it becomes. Take a look at Genesis 3:6-7. If we tolerate sin for more than a moment, it will swallow us up. Jesus was tempted in all things but, never fell to it. Make sure that you don't either

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 1 May 2021

Don't lose heart

"I would have lost heart, unless I had believed that I would see the goodness of the Lord, in the land of the living."                                                Psalm 27:13     NKJV 

The first five words of this verse are left out of most versions of the bible, but they remain in the NKJV and the Amplified, italicised, and were included to emphasise the actual meaning of David's words, and I am so glad that they were.

David was clearly going through a very difficult time. He describes the wicked coming against him camping around where he was, whether in his thoughts or in reality. However, David was a warrior and never gave up. He knew that His God would provide a way forward for him.

'I would have lost heart', describes the anguish that he was under. There were moments when he felt utter despair and had nowhere to hide or even the strength to break through this situation. Do you know that feeling?

It would have been easy to give up and fall into depression and anxiety. This is what can happen when we feel trapped, when there doesn't seem a way out of what we find ourselves in. But, that is not the way to react. Deep down in his heart, he knew God would turn up with a plan and, so do you! God always has a plan and calling out to Him in such times, activates this plan; and when He brings you through, you realise that He would never let you down. 

David was on the verge of losing heart. To lose heart is to begin to feel that one cannot do something - anything - to change the situation. This can lead to discouragement and can promote us to lose faith for a time as we sink to our lowest depth. But stand up Child of God.
You are a follower of Jesus. You receive the goodness of the Lord. He will never turn you away. He is your strength and your encourager.

Things may not be going as well as you would like at this time, but be encouraged. Things will get better. This is not the time to draw back. God doesn't like that. Hebrews 10:38-39. Go for a walk or wherever you may be able to pray on your own. Call on Jesus and he will be there in a milli-second. Praise Him, worship Him and allow Him to bless you. You will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Friday, 30 April 2021

Psalm 23 - Final Part

"Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life; and I will dwell in the house of the Lord, forever!"                                                Psalm 23:6    NKJV 

Our Shepherd provides us with goodness for our needs and mercy for our failures. Goodness for our steps and mercy for our stumbles.

We need His goodness; we need to know that He will take care of us and supply all of our needs - and He will. As long as we continue to walk with our Shepherd, He will take care of us and protect us. If we fall - and we will at times, He will be there waiting for us to call out to Him. Don't forget, our Shepherd became a sheep and then the Lamb of God. He identifies with us.

Ask yourself these two questions: 'Do I know the Psalm of the Shepherd or the Shepherd of the Psalm? Have I head knowledge or heart knowledge? There is a big difference. When we truly know Jesus as our Shepherd, this Psalm will take on a deeper meaning. It will become our personal confession of a sheep with the Shepherd. 

All over the world, people are drawn to this Psalm and that is good. But how better it would be if they all could see Jesus in it; if they could just see Jesus as their Shepherd. There are many hurting and confused people that we meet from time to time. Without Jesus, they are sheep without a shepherd. They wander about lost in a world that doesn't really care about them. You know by experience that you couldn't make it without your Shepherd. You know that. All the more why you need to introduce them to Him whenever you get the opportunity. They need help so that they can share the banquet too.

Just think, how many times have you blown it since you became a Christian? How many times have you wanted to throw the towel in and go it alone? Quite a few times I would think, especially the first one. We all fall into sin; we all mess up and become involved in things that we know are wrong but, we do them anyway. The wonderful thing is, when we do, as we approach our Shepherd and ask for forgiveness, He is there to oblige. 1 John 1:9. He is faithful and forgiving.

If you have walked away from Jesus, or want to rededicate your life, why not come to Jesus right now:

Lord Jesus, I acknowledge my sin today and ask You to forgive me. Please come and live in my heart and fill me with Your Holy Spirit - that fire of God. I accept You as my Lord and Saviour today. Thank you for accepting me. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Why not share this post to someone you know who is struggling. It may be just what they need at this time.

Thursday, 29 April 2021

Psalm 23. Part 3

"You prepare a table before me in the presence of my enemies; You anoint my head with oil; My cup runs over."                                                       Psalm 23:5       NKJV

David pictures a table that had been amply laid out with all the delicacies one could eat and drink. It was a banquet. Now, ordinarily when David had been pursued by his enemies, he probably only had the time to grab something - anything - to eat as he hurried away into battle. Here, God wanted none of this haste. He wanted David to realise that, whatever he may go through; His Shepherd would always take care of him. There was no need to hurry or worry even if his enemies were sitting around the table with him. All they could do would be to watch as David refreshed himself on this succulent banquet.

As long as David allowed Him, God was in control of everything and His Holy Spirit was inside of David to the overflow. He was anointed with fresh oil, the anointing oil being the Holy Spirit Himself.

It is the same with us. Our Shepherd feeds and anoints us. He allows our enemies to see how blessed we are. They won't be able to harm us, all they can do is look and see how powerful we are with Jesus Christ living within our hearts. 

Realise just how blessed you are. Realise how much your Shepherd - Jesus Christ - loves you. Realise how much value He places in you. If you wander off and become lost, then He will come looking for you. If you have fallen down, then He will use His staff to pull you up again. If you are attacked, He will use His rod on your attackers. He is 100% behind you. He is 100% wanting you to succeed in all He gives you to do. He just cannot get enough of you. He loves you more than words could ever say.

Jerry Vine wrote some very encouraging words in his bible:

'The Lord doesn't just bless us; He blesses us in an overflowing and abundant way. He doesn't just do good things for us; good things overflow in our lives.'
                                                                             The Vines Expository Bible  NKJV

Why not spend some time studying and praying this Psalm through. It will enrich you. We'll look at the final part tomorrow.


Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...