Wednesday, 14 December 2022

The Winter is Past Part 2. (It is time to get ready)

"Behold, He stands behind our wall; He is looking through the windows, gazing through the lattice."                                                         Song of Solomon. 2:9   NKJV

Carrying on from our reading yesterday, it is interesting to read about how Jesus never forces Himself upon us. Here, as recorded by Solomon and which can be interpreted as a type of Jesus, we see Him standing behind a wall and only looking in through the windows. This gives us the picture of Jesus, before we are saved and also afterwards, observing us but not becoming involved until we ask Him to. He watches what we do, how we do it; notices the mistakes we make and the things we become involved in and know deep down, that we shouldn't. However, He doesn't interfere, just watches. But He expects that, if we know Him as Lord, we should know His presence is forever with us and, He will never leave us. He expects us to call to Him when, we need to.
This is the case before we consider inviting Jesus into our hearts. 

In Revelation 3:20, Jesus says: 'Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears My voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him and he with Me.' This is an invitation to each unsaved person. As Jesus knocks at the door of their heart and they realise it is Him and open the door of their heart, Jesus will enter and be their Lord and Saviour. Notice though, Jesus says that He stands at the door and knocks. He doesn't just walk in unannounced, He has to be invited in, which is what we see Him doing in Song of Solomon.

There is another side to Revelation 3:20. It utters a warning to people everywhere, especially Christians, that time is short, any day Jesus could return to claim His children and kingdom. The warning is, will we be ready, what will He find. This sobering thought needs to be digested and thought carefully about. One day Jesus will return, of course none of us know when. However, things in the world offer some questions of whether it is soon. All the more why, we need to be on guard and ready.
In Song of Solomon, the beloved (A type of Jesus) says to the Shulamite (A type of Us) 'Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away' 2:10 + 12. This is Jesus preparing His church. He is calling us to rise up and come away from the way we are living and, live for Him - totally. The days are short, He is coming soon. It is time to get ready!

'Lord Jesus, help me to be ready, to get things right in my life. I recognise that time is short, You are coming soon. Please help me to be prepared.
Lord, I open the door of my heart to Your knocking. Please come in and forgive my sin. I accept You as My Lord, right now. In Jesus' name. Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Tuesday, 13 December 2022

The Winter is Past

"For lo, the winter is past, the rains over and gone."     Song of Solomon  2:11   NKJV 

As we look at this scripture today, it would be easy to say, 'No it hasn't, it's freezing out there and, for many of us, it's freezing in the house too. The energy crisis has hit us all, very hard. However, we are not looking at the present winter that we are enduring but, the spiritual side of winter. 

No matter what you are gong through, if you have Jesus in your life, He will move mountains to bless you. Check out 2:8: 'The voice of my beloved! Behold he comes leaping upon the mountains, skipping upon the hills.' He loves you so much that, He can't help Himself. As you call on Him with praise, worship and thanksgiving in your heart (Philippians 4:6-7), He comes running, and leaping to your aid. You may not believe this at times, but it's true. You see, He will not always answer our pleas the way we think He should. This is why we feel nothing has really happened, but it has and you will soon realise this. At other times, His answer is instant and deliverance is obvious. 

We need to look through the eyes of faith. The answers to our prayers may not always be visible to us but, they are there anyway. This is why we need to look past what is seen to, what is unseen (2 Corinthians 4:18-19). This is what faith is all about. In other words, we need to confess and receive and make this a way of living. We are of the supernatural not, the natural. We are kingdom people; we belong to Jesus and this, is why He comes leaping over all of our obstacles and rescues us.

Obstacles, the giants of pain, disappointments and whatever else causes us heartache and anxiety is like a bad winter in itself. It seems like it's never going to end and is cold and gloomy. But take joy, the winter is past, the rains over and has gone. The season has changed, Jesus has done this. All of the bad things that have happened are at an end. How you may ask? Because, if you called on Jesus, He has skipped over the giant obstacles and He stands there and tells you, 'The winter is past'. Therefore, take Him at His word and believe in your heart that your success is on the horizon, the summer of blessing is here. 

Look through the eyes of faith and you will see things you only dreamed about.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Monday, 12 December 2022

Confidence in God

17Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold and there be no herd in the stalls 18Yet I will rejoice in the LordI will joy in the God of my salvation. 19The Lord God is my strength; He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills.          Habakkuk 3:17-19  NKJV

Whatever happens to you, good or bad, carry on and praise God because, He has saved you and He is your strength. When you realise just who God is and what He has done throughout the world and, in you, you will have a feeling within you that, He can be trusted, even though you may walk through the valley of the shadow of death and darkness (Psalm 23:4). 
Whatever you are going through now or may happen in the future, you have no need to fear for He is with you. His rod will deal with things that come against you and His staff will pull you out of any holes you may fall in (Psalm 23:4).

Here, Habakkuk is stating that although he has nothing and all is going wrong, he will still praise the God of his salvation. You may be able to echo this statement but, note in verse 19, he says that God will make him walk on my high hills. In other words, when we come up against high mountains, totally blocking our way, Jesus will help us to make our way through this giant of rock. Nothing is too difficult for Him - nothing!

It may have been a rough year for you. Things may not have gone the way you had planned or expected. But ask yourself, was God in on your planning or your expectations? Did you give these plans to Him (Proverbs 3:5-6). There may be a lesson to learn here. We must ensure that God is in the driving seat, because He knows the way. The devil will take you the wrong way every time. So your guideline is, put your plans in His hands.
If you didn't consult God with your plans, just repent and He will help you through the miry clay - the quicksand that has tried to drag you under. 

This Christmas celebrations and the New Year can be a different story for you as, you place your total confidence in Jesus. Why not pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus, as we approach the Christmas period and then the New Year, will you please help me to have a new spiritual encounter with you, one that will help me to realise, even deeper, the true meaning of Christmas and, set me up for the New Year.
Boost my confidence in You and in myself, Lord. In Jesus' name. Amen

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

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Sunday, 11 December 2022

Have you been crushed by the enemy?

 "3For the enemy has pursued me, crushing me to the ground, making me live in darkness like those long dead. 4My spirit is weak within me; my heart is overcome with dismay. 5I remember the days of old; I meditate on all you have done; I reflect on the work of your hands. 6I spread out my hands to you; I am like parched land before you. Selah"                                                                       Psalm 143:3-6   CSB

The term 'Selah' at the end of a scripture, means to pause and think about it, and I strongly recommend that you do this for these six verses. This was David's appeal for guidance and deliverance and, I am sure that we all have had times such as these. 

We all go through bad times, whether we belong to Jesus or not. Just because we are a Christian, doesn't mean that we will never have bad times. The difference is, we have a Saviour who does just that, He saves us, not only at salvation but throughout our life time. 

David felt crushed by all that his enemy had caused him. To feel crushed is to be brought low and broken; and David was experiencing this at the time. He was longing for God's intervention where his thirsty soul could be restored. He felt as if he had been thrown into darkness - cut off from the enjoyments of life. How many times have you felt this way? You may be feeling this way now. 

David began to encourage himself by remembering times past - the times when he had been in similar situations and God turned up at the right time. This led him to 'spread out my hands to You' v6. Praise and worship always lifts our spirits when we are feeling this way; and it may be the right thing for you to do right now. Before you do, please read this diamond of a helpful verse 'We know that all things work together for the good of those who love God, who are called according to His purpose'. Romans 8:28.

This is a life-saver of a verse. He actually causes difficult circumstances to work together for good in your life. As long as you remain steadfast and loyal to Jesus, loving Him with all your heart, He will take all of the things that have gone pear-shaped in your life and, will bring them together - in your favour. That is a promise.  The Living Bible puts it this way, 'And we know that all that happens to us is working for our good if we love God and are fitting into His plans.'

What a wonderful blessing, but there is a condition, don't forget. As long as you have given everything in your life to Jesus, Whenever bad things come your way, He will turn it around for good.
So why not spread out your hands to God right now, call on Him and get lost in His presence for a while. He is in charge and has your best interests in hand.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Saturday, 10 December 2022

Use God's Compassion and Kindness

"A gift opens the way for the giver and ushers him into the presence of the great"    
                                                                                 Proverbs 18:16  NIV

This could be read as, dealing with a bribe and the effectiveness of this behaviour. However, Solomon was not referring to this at all; in fact, he had condemned such behaviour because this was evil and, perverted justice. Here, he was simply acknowledging the fact that expressions of kindness can open doors that, are otherwise closed. The NKJV puts it this way: 'A man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men.' This interpretation, although correct, misses out on a fuller meaning, as we will see below.

This verse can be divided into threes groups, YOUR OWN GIFT, A BRIBE or AN ACT OF KINDNESS. Let's look at these individually:

Taking the New King James version of this verse, we can interpret that the particular gift God has given you, fully placed into His Hand, can take off and develop into a successful ministry. All over the world, men and women of God have set up in ministries that reach out to people, preaching, teaching and preparing Christian people for them also, to go into the world and do the same. However, there are large ministries and there are smaller ones. Just because, one has a large ministry does not take anything away from the smaller ministry. This is just the way it is at the time and they are equally good and effective. There is also room here for the individual, to use his or her gifting to honour God. However, there may be a need to be patient and wait for the right time and opening.
Sadly, bribes happen in the business and the Christian world. Corruption can strike allowing an individual, company or church, to manipulate a situation in the way they want to go by offering these bribes by way of finance, contract offers or promotion to a very high position. This was what Solomon was attempting to stamp out. Check the weekly news channels and you will find it still happening today in both secular and religious movements. One thing we need to be aware of is, we cannot bribe God no matter how hard we may try by promising to be good or change a particular thing in our life. He remains Impartial.
Many is the time that we can break through great barriers of resistance, by showing someone kindness. And this probably was uppermost in Solomon's mind. Compassion can reach the heart of the toughest of people. And this is what our world needs today. Check out Jesus' compassion; it was amazing. By His kind and gentle approach to hurting people, He drew them to Himself and, this is the way the Holy Spirit wants you and I to go, down the road of peace, love and kindness.
Can you offer this to someone today?

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Friday, 9 December 2022

You will come through this!

17For our light affliction, which is but for a moment, is working for us a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory,  18while we do not look at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen. For the things which are seen are temporary, but the things which are not seen are eternal.

Many today are suffering a great loss. This may be the loss of someone very dear to you - whether by death or a marital separation. Others may be undergoing a loss of a job that they had given all they had to make it work; all of a sudden, the job is no more and they're wondering how they are going to live. The loss may be a teenager leaving home to go to college, or a married daughter or son emigrating with their new family. There may be many more things that bring a loss that doesn't seem to go away. With the loss come many changes to life and, these changes are very difficult to negotiate.

You may be feeling this way. Words fail at such times so, people tend not to say much to you because of the fear that they may make matters worse. Not everyone is a counsellor and if they were, perhaps initially, this would still not help. It's difficult to see a way forward and the loss may weigh you down so much that, you just haven't the motivation to attempt to even try.
Psalm 30:5 tells us: 'Weeping may endure for a night, but joy comes in the morning.' This is not to be taken so literally that you can expect things to be better after a night's rest. Not at all, things may be very bleak at such a time but as you allow God to be involved in your loss, He will help you find a way through. The Amplified Bible's notes on this verse read: 'Afflictions produce glory, but the glory is far greater than the affliction.' Things will get better but, there is a way to go before this happens.
Paul, in his verses above, tells us similar and, goes further by suggesting that you, by faith, look ahead to what is yet unseen. The things that are happening, cannot be changed but, the pain is only temporary. Soon, you will be strong enough to take a step forward, as God takes your hand and leads you through the turmoil.

Unfortunately, there are no shortcuts to avoiding grief, loss, heartache and fear. They are here with you and there is no quickfix. However, it is only for a short time because, as Paul says, they are only temporary. You will come through this time.

This is a time when only God has the answers to the many questions that come into your mind. Talk to Him, listen as well; in fact pour out the sadness, the anger and the frustration on Him and allow Him to give you rest and peace.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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Thursday, 8 December 2022

Are you stuck in your comfort zone?

"But Jesus said  to him, 'No one, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.'"   Luke 9:62    NKJV

Jesus was speaking about the cost of following Him; the way things would have to be given up and changes made. Read the piece of scripture Luke 9:57-62 to get the fuller picture. Let us look at what He said to the third person. 

What He was saying was, when a person decides to live for Jesus, it is no good for him or the kingdom of God, if he keeps looking back to his old life. The Israelites were like this when Moses was leading them to the Promised Land. Whenever they met with some form of hardship that threatened their comfort. they grumbled about it and told Moses he should have left them in Egypt. 

Many people want new things to happen but only if they can remain in their comfort zone, with very little change. This is impossible, change brings new directions; new lives and new opportunities. If we want things to get better we need to stop living in the past; we need to be forward thinking people, not backward. To be any different is to be double-minded - we want it but not if it's going to be uncomfortable or cost us too much.

What about you, are you stuck in your comfort zone? To belong to Jesus brings with it, the necessity to count the cost. Firstly to be a Christian means you no longer live for yourself, you belong to Him. Therefore, you forfeit the choice of doing what you wish to do and live in obedience to Jesus. He is not a fierce taskmaster, who will bully you into something, you still have a choice but, if you want His blessing, obedience is the right way. He only wants the best for you and will endeavour to deliver it, if you let Him.
Jesus calls some people out into ministry, others He uses in their own environments to live a life where people notice the difference and want to know more about why they live this way. 

To move out of you comfort zone is not easy. It takes discipline and hard work and it may be helpful to set small challenges, one's that are easier to achieve. It can't be rushed, change is never easy but it is better than just sitting their and thinking about it. We are called to be 'Doers not hearers only' James 1:22. So, if you are struggling stepping out of your comfort zone, remember it is the 'doers' that get things done. 

Don't you think it is time to step out and overcome the challenges and live the life Jesus intended for you? I think you know it makes sense and, what's more there is something stirring within you.

Copyright 2022 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me, CLICK HERE

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We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...