Tuesday, 7 March 2023

Religion, Politics and Rigid Rules

"So they watched Him closely, whether He would heal him on the Sabbath, so that they may accuse Him."                                Mark 3:1-6   NKJV 

When you think about it, the Pharisees and scribes were a very sad bunch of people. Jesus wanted to offer them the Kingdom of God but, all they did was reject Him, refuse His offer and find a reason to accuse Him. Very sad.
Here, Jesus has entered the synagogue and a man with a withered hand was before Him. The Pharisees said nothing but they, 'watched Him closely'. It was the Sabbath and the Law said that no one should work on this day. So if a person was in dreadful pain - possibly dying, no one could pray with him or her; they had to suffer until the next day, that's if they were still alive. Straightaway, we know this was not God; He loves us all and wants us well. This was what Jesus was reflecting but, they couldn't care less. They were selfish people.
It's possible that Jesus healed the man anyway, just to prove a point. Just by His words we can see this, 'Is it lawful on the Sabbath to do good or to do evil, to save life or to kill' Mark 3:4. However, they refused to answer Him because, the answer was obvious. This made Jesus angry.

This is the type of thing that Christians are up against in these present times. In North Korea, it has been reported that some Christians are being executed because of their faith. Others are being sent to hard labour camps, possibly never to return. Parts of China too, is very harsh towards the Christian faith and they suffer the same kind of fate. This is only two country's that are hostile towards Christians. There are many others.
Even in our own country, things are being made difficult for the believer. Authorities are making it hard for people to even mention the name of Jesus. I suffered this fate in a work place. I was forbidden to talk about Jesus. So therefore, I became an undercover agent for Him and still got the message out.

A few years ago, a well-known Irish pastor was arrested for preaching on the streets of Belfast. He was taken to court but after a lengthy court case, He won. He made a stand for Jesus and had some great evangelistic press coverage too. 
Families and marriages are splitting because one partner is a believer and the others are not. There is a time coming, and it is close, when we will be limited in what we are allowed to do. People are watching us right now. As time goes on, it will be much worse. Have you ever read up about the end times and the tribulation? It's not something script writers have made up, it is very true. Read up about it in your bibles and then decide, if you would be able to live through all of this. If you believe in Jesus and what He is going to do, you'll be ok because He will come and whisk us away - the Rapture. The lead up though, will still be difficult for each of us, so we need to cling to Him and each other. 
From today, begin making a stand for Jesus and walking with Him every day.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Monday, 6 March 2023

Don't just patch things over!

"No one sews a piece of un-shrunk cloth on an old garment; or else the new piece pulls away from the old, and the tear is made worse. 22 And no one puts new wine into old wineskins; or else the new wine bursts the wineskins, the wine is spilled and the wineskins are ruined. But new wine must be put into new wineskins."    
                                                                             Mark 2:21-22    NKJV

Jesus didn't come to patch Judaism with a new piece of un-shrunk cloth, because it would result in the destruction of the entire piece. He came to complete Judaism and renew it into what God intended. (Note the metaphor).
Jesus was not going to lead His disciples to follow the religion of the Pharisees. Their religion was too rigid and very dry, rather like an old wineskin. They were not open to what He had to offer - a new way entirely promoted by God. And Jesus was the way in which this would happen.
Jesus was putting something new into place. He was God in flesh offering forgiveness of sins for all of those who repented and believed in Him. But the Pharisees refused point blank to accept this blasphemy and were content in their old, rigid rules which would get them nowhere. It's very difficult when something new is introduced into a person's life. This can be demonstrated in a work situation, where a new boss arrives and completely changes all rules of working. No one wants change but, mainly it is needed. But not in the case of the Pharisees. They were lost in the past.
When something new comes into our lives, it can be difficult to accept. Take for instance, a one-parent family, with say 3 children. If the parent meets someone and they form a lasting relationship, the children may not like it at first. Their security is threatened. They don't like the new rules and plans that are being made and it can be upsetting for all involved, and if not addressed, can lead to the breakdown in the relationship. Likewise, putting new wine into old wineskins is a recipe for disaster The new wine is powerful, it may still be fermenting and after a short time it may burst the old wineskin. Also sewing a piece of un-shrunk cloth onto an old garment will eventually tear the old garment apart as it shrinks into place. 
Old works can work with new but, only if the old accepts the new and they work together until they are one. We can't patch unaddressed wounds over hoping that it will be sorted out with time. It won't, it needs addressing and possibly healing. A person who has sin in their life, can't patch it over hoping that God won't notice because, He will. He expects full repentance before He comes into a person's life; and, this repentance is a daily feature for the sins we commit during each day.

Have you been trying to patch over things that you know need addressing? You are going nowhere until you do. Why not confess this now. Also, are you struggling with old habits and the new things you're learning about Jesus are bringing you conviction? Come and confess it now:

Lord Jesus, I come before You now and ask You to forgive me for things that I keep struggling with and hanging on to. Please forgive and help me to overcome these issues. I ask in Jesus' name. Amen.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Sunday, 5 March 2023

We are the Patient, Jesus is our Physician

 "Those who are well have no need of a physician, but those who are sick. I did not come to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance."     Mark 2:17   NKJV

Jesus always spent time with those who needed love and compassion - the outcasts of the world. There were the physically sick who couldn't get work because of their disability. There were also people around who for many reasons, were down on their luck and practically had nothing. Prostitutes and the drunkards of the day all figured in Jesus' life. He loved them and wanted to give them hope. He still does. For this, He was always criticised and judged, especially by the Pharisees and scribes, as they were considered sinners and not wanted .

Jesus always had an answer for those who accused Him. As we see in our text today, He considered them candidates for repentance. They were the patients and, He was the physician. Society had wiped them off, considering them to be the scum of the world. However, to Jesus they were lost sheep and, as a shepherd does, He was looking to bring them back to the fold.

As I mentioned yesterday, there will always be critics and complainers. Sadly, many churches have them. They always feel that things are not good enough; the sermon wasn't spiritually correct, and what about this and that? Every vicar and pastor has them in their congregations. Nothing is ever right. They have the ability, if you let them, to drain people and misguide them. In my pastoring days, I was even asked to consider having two separate services, one for the 'normal people' and one for the 'down and outs,' These Pharisees and scribes were very similar. Nothing Jesus did was right. But this never bothered Him like it does us at times. Why was this? Because He was secure in His relationship with His Father.

Whatever you say; wherever you go, if you are promoting Jesus, you will be challenged because of your faith. If Jesus got the flak, you can bet that you will too. But, He could handle it, can you? Well, I say you can if - you develop your relationship with Jesus. What I mean, is live by the Word, walk by the Word, sleep by the Word and allow your relationship to be close and rock solid.

Let's remember, that we are the patient many times in our walk. Praise God that we have a Physician who puts us back together again. There are many more patients who need to be brought to the Physician. Can you help here?

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Saturday, 4 March 2023

Determination to get to Jesus

"And when they could not come near Him because of the crowd, they uncovered the roof where He was. So when they had broken through, they let down the bed on which the paralytic was lying."                              Mark 2:1-12   NKJV

This account is likely to stop anyone holding a group in their home. Joking aside, it was an amazing thing that happened. We know that wherever Jesus went, He drew crowds. Here, He is either in Peter's house in Capernaum where He stayed quite a lot, or His own not far away. He was holding a meeting, which was packed out. As He spoke, four friends carried a severely disabled man on a thick blanket arrived and, seeing they could not get in, went up onto the roof and began ripping part of it off. These houses had flat roofs made of mud and thatch and had a staircase at the side for easy access. They made a hole big enough to let him down to the feet of Jesus.

Jesus never mentioned the destruction of the roof but straightaway spoke to the man saying, 'Son, your sins are forgiven you.' Not all sickness is the result of sin, but Jesus could clearly see that this was. Therefore, He forgave Him and preceded to heal him as well. Certain scribes who were sitting there spoke to themselves, accusing Him of blaspheming God. However, Jesus can read people's hearts and minds and addressed this. This is something we need to be aware of; we may judge or criticise people to ourselves but, Jesus knows all about it. It's best to avoid this action altogether. 
Basically the scribes were criticising Him because they felt He had no authority to forgive sins. Therefore, Jesus demonstrated His position as the Son of Man, telling the paralytic to pick up his bed and go home, which he did and that settled it.

Wherever you go and whatever you do, you will always have the moaners and the accusers, it's part of life. Instead of falling to this, rise above it, stand your ground and move on. As long as you carry out what God has told you to do, that is all that matters. These four men who carried their friend, had tremendous faith and their love for him was evident. Therefore, Jesus noticed this and met their needs. Nothing was going to stop them from getting to Jesus and you should be the same. Never, ever, let anyone stop you from doing this. 

Also, a thing to remember is, if Jesus can heal a man such as this, He can sure get a roof fixed. Jesus' priorities showed through. Don't let the things of the world get in the way of Jesus. He must be first. Get your priorities right. If you do, the other things will be ok as well.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Friday, 3 March 2023

Jesus' love and compassion

"If You are willing, You can make me clean.' Then Jesus moved with compassion, stretched out His hand and touched him, and said to him, 'I am willing; be cleansed.' As soon as He had spoken, immediately the leprosy left him and he was cleansed."  
                                                                                                   Mark 1:40-45

These verses contain Jesus' love and compassion, but they also contain strong directions and a warning, one which the ex leper totally ignored. Jesus answered his plea for healing but warned him not to go around telling everyone about it, but, to go to the priest and fulfil the Law of Moses by being checked out by him. He did the latter but, ignored Jesus' request not to speak about it. Jesus was therefore, unable to go into the city because of the people and had to remain in a deserted place. Those that needed healing came out to Him.
Watch this, the leper took a risk and so did Jesus. The leper was not permitted to go into public because of his condition and Jesus, should not have touched him because of the possibility of being contaminated Himself. Both of these would have caused a great stir with the hierarchy, which wouldn't have helped Him in the popularity stakes. Jesus didn't hug the man but, stretched out His hand and the healing took place. There was something wonderful in the way He answered the leper's request by saying, 'I am willing, be cleansed.' This demonstrated love and compassion. 
It is sad that the leper disobeyed Jesus but, one can see why he did. He had been an outcast for many years and all of a sudden, Jesus has changed his life. Anyone would want to shout about it. I don't feel that he did this deliberately, not at all, he was overwhelmed by the love and compassion and the freedom that he had received. He would have been elated, and possibly so would you, I know I would have been
The thing was, this had caused Jesus a problem as He now had to change His plans. But Jesus always has another plan ready and I don't think for a moment that He would have been angry about it.

There are certain lessons that are flagged up here:

(1)  Risks are part of our ministry  There are always risks to be taken if we want to follow Jesus. We must though, be sure that Jesus is wanting us to take this step.
(2)  Willingness  When we ask Jesus for something, He is always willing to help us. It may not always be the way we asked Him to go, but He knows best. We too, need to be willing to accept His direction and go where He is leading.
(3)  Disobedience  Remember that our disobedience can disrupt God's plans and lead us along the wrong route. Always be ready to obey Him, whatever He asks.
(4)  Listen properly to Him  Always listen properly to His directions and, whether they are favourable or not, remember that He knows best. Not listening to His Word can lead to mayhem at times and, you may be subject to a difficult road ahead for a while.

Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Thursday, 2 March 2023

Jesus had a Reputation

"Then He healed many who were sick with various diseases, and cast out many demons; and He did not allow the demons to speak, because they knew Him."     
                                                                                    Mark 1:32-34   NKJV

Even the demons knew Jesus, such was His reputation and, they'll know you too if you do great things for Jesus. Whenever, we do things that impress people, they want more of you, and will endeavour to seek you out. Peter's house was besieged with people who needed attention. As it was the Sabbath, they had to uphold the Law that forbade the carrying of any burden through a town on the Sabbath (Jeremiah 17:24). They therefore, waited until after the day's end - after 6pm and when the sun had gone down,  then made a bee-line to Peter's house. 
Rumours spread like wildfire; somehow they had heard of the healings that had taken place that day, especially at Peter's place. So they turned up by the dozen with sick and demon possessed people and demanded that Jesus heal or drive out the demon. As I have said, if people get wind of you doing something out of the ordinary, they will seek you out. Some will want to know you, others will want to just be rude.

Here the people recognised in Jesus, a man who could do things, not only in word but also in action. It's alright talking about stuff, the prove is what they see happen. The sad thing is, they came to get something from Jesus, not to love and worship Him for who He was. To a degree, it is the same today. People will pray for what they need, if they get it, they go off and forget all about it. Jesus is not for the moment but, for life.
Note in these verses that, there is a clear distinction made between the diseased and the demonised. While Satan can cause physical affliction, not all sickness is caused by demonic power. This is important to remember.

So where are you in all of this? Have you a reputation for being a 'Christian', a 'Do-gooder' or 'Religious'? If so, this is good, you are getting noticed in your work or neighbourhood. Praise God for this. Don't ever try to hide away from it, be a 'Secret Christian'. When I was at Uni, I was told that the lecturers ate Christians for breakfast, they don't let you get away with anything. This, I found was true, to a degree. I determined that I would not deny my faith whatever happened. I was accused of lots of things but, I stood my ground, giving them to Jesus. He won every round.

I am proud to have a reputation and I hope you feel the same. If you haven't got one at the moment, let people know about your faith and, believe me, you soon will have. Think about it, what a privilege to be classed as a 'Jesus follower'. But be prepared that your reputation will follow you.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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Wednesday, 1 March 2023

He will always listen to your problems

"But Simon's wife's mother lay sick with a fever, and they told Him about her at once. . So He came and took her by the hand and lifted her up, and immediately the fever left her. And she served them."                                     Mark 1: 29-31   NKJV 

Jesus had just had a busy time driving out a demon in the local synagogue and, He had also had to contend with the disbelieving and curious people. In His humanity He was no doubt hungry and in need of a rest. However, that was not to be; on entering Peter's house for lunch, he was told that Peter's mothering law was sick with a fever. Jesus went to her at once, lifted her up and she was instantly healed.
He is never too tired to act on our behalf or listen to us carefully. Other people's needs then, and now, take precedence over His own desire to rest. There is a particular difference in Jesus of the Gospels that we find nowhere else. It is His desire to listen to us and show interest. 
William Barclay tells of a conversation with a doctor friend: 

'A patient told me recently, "I admire the patience with which you listen to everything I tell you." 'I told him it is not patience at all, but interest.' Barclay continues: A miracle to Jesus was not a means of increasing His prestige; to help was not a laborious and disagreeable duty; He helped instinctively because He was supremely interested in all who needed His help'.    William Barclay. (1975). The Gospel of Mark

Healing Peter's Mother in Law was a personal thing. There was no astounding shouts. Peter knew without doubt that Jesus could and would, heal her. He was secure in this. He trusted Him enough to give her good health. And we need to do the same. It is normal to fear when we, or a loved one is unwell. Fear tries to kick in but, we, like Peter, should have the assurance that Jesus can do this. He told us to speak to the situation. Jesus was with them in bodily form that day. That is not possible today for us. He is though with us in our hearts. Therefore, we need to speak to the spirit of sickness in Jesus' name, commanding it to come out, giving Jesus the glory. 'I can't do that,' Yes you can and, should do. Don't leave them there sick, pray with authority over them.
It is astounding how the mother in law got up and continued to serve them. In the western world, we tell people, to stay in bed to regain their strength. This shows us, that, to a certain degree, the healing is so instantaneous that there is strength to be able to do this.
But above all, make it a habit to always listen intently to people. This is showing them that you are connected to them and care. When you can do that, people will respond to you in a better way because, they know they can trust you.
Copyright 2023 Grahame Howard.                                


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We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...