Monday 21 October 2019

Follow Me

"Then Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.'
                                                                                                                        Mark 1:17.  NKJV

It's a lovely day today as I walk along the sandy shore, with no one else in sight. The sun is shining, birds are calling and there seems to be a great peace gathering all around the place. Suddenly, I can see two men fishing. They're throwing their nets into a quite lively surf. They don't seem to be having much joy by the sound of their irate voices. Hold on, there's someone else there too. He's speaking to them. I can't hear properly, what with the sounds of the waves, so I'll have to get closer. 

'Follow Me,' the man says, 'and I will make you become fishers of men.' Fishers of men, what the heck is He on about? They'll give Him a piece of their minds, surely. But, no, they throw their nets down on the beach and walk after Him. I've seen this chap in town, Jesus is His name, I think. He looks a nice bloke; very piercing eyes that seem to look straight through you, examining just what you are about. He looks at me and just for a moment, I feel He's going to say the same thing to me. But, I can't hold His stare, I feel so embarrassed and strangely guilty of something, I don't know what. I look away and when I look back, they're about fifty yards away.

I can't help it, I hurry after them and within a few moments, they stop and speak to two men who are in a boat, mending their nets. I've been told that these nets soon get worn and torn by the great catches of fish that they hold. It's understandable that they need some tender loving care at certain times.
Hold on, Jesus is talking to them. He calls to them as well, and blow me down, they follow Him too, leaving the nets, the boat and someone else who I've not seen before.

What on earth does He mean, 'Fishers of men? How can a man be caught? Although, I must admit, I feel hooked if you'll pardon the pun. Jesus looks my way again, but I start throwing stones into the sea, pretending I haven't seen Him. But I have, and I can't help myself. Whether it's His eyes, His voice or the way He speaks with people, so gentle but with authority, I don't know. But whatever it is, I need it, I've just got to follow Him. 

It's no good, I've just got to walk after them - Him. If I'm a fish, I've been caught. Well, you know what I mean. I'm a man but he has caught me, just like a fish. 
He's up ahead now. I can't hear Him but I can see Him, talking away to them. I've got a strange feeling in my heart. I've had backache for a long time now, but all of a sudden it's gone; and the depression that I had been under for a few months has lifted, I feel happy and joyful and somehow different. Could this be because of Jesus. I'm going to follow him and find out.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday 20 October 2019

A Scenario of Selfish ambition

"(3) Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. (4) Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.'
                                                                                                Philippians 2:3-4.  NLT

'I'm not doing that. Why should I? He doesn't look to my interests, he's just full of his own puffed up pride. Yes, and what's more, he continues to pinch my ideas and make out they're his own. What do you think about that Lord? It's not fair is it? Do you know something Lord, he would never have thought about that if I hadn't have told him in the first place. I should have kept my mouth shut. He always pinches my ideas. It's not cricket, it really isn't you know Lord. Why should I feel pleased for him that he's been successful? Yes been successful, but with my flipping ideas. It's just not right.'

'Every time he rings me, which isn't often - once in a blue moon I suppose; but when he does, it's only because he wants to run something by me. Run something by me; pick my brains Lord, that's what he means. And then he'll go and do it and make out it was his idea and how wonderful he is. It's not right Lord, is it?

'Oh look, there he is telling everyone in the church about his new project. It'll only last five minutes - a one hit wonder, I say. If I'd have done it, it would have been super successful. I just didn't want to be seen to think more of myself Lord, to make myself look wonderful. I like to keep a back seat, you know that. I'll let him make a fool of himself, because he will you know. Why? Because it was my idea in the first place Lord, you know that. If he doesn't come to me for further advice, he will fall flat on his face' just watch, it won't be long. It's a one hit wonder until the next thing takes him over, and he runs off to launch that. That will be my idea as well, just watch lord. I bet you.'

'I'm glad I'm not like him Lord. Chasing his tail around all day long, trying to look good in front of everyone. No, I'm glad that I've got things together; that I've nothing to prove. It must be awful to be like him, trying to prove himself all the time. Poor man. He'll learn Lord, won't he? Why can't he just be like me Lord, just a good Christian man? I feel sorry for him.

'What's that Lord? Did You say something?

'Yes, I did. I think you and I need to have a very serious talk, don't you. I think there are some changes that need to be made. Now sit and listen to me.'

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday 19 October 2019

Stop being anxious

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad."
                                                                                                                Proverbs 15:13.  NKJV

Overwork, financial worries and ridiculous work targets, can cause a person immense unrest, fear and constant worry. As our text describes today, anxiety causes depression. The New Living Translation reads: 'Worry weighs a person down.' This is why Psalm 55:22 says, 'Cast your burdens on the LORD and He shall sustain you', or as the NLT says, 'Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you.'

All over the world people are being attacked with depression. It can grab us all. Problems mount up; worries go unanswered and before we know it, we are down in the darkness of depression. Some of us tend to overwork. We take on more than we should do; spinning all the plates. However, before too long, those plates begin to fall and things go pear-shaped.

Note the words in the New Living Translation of Psalm 55:22, 'GIVE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD.' It can't be any clearer than that. In fact, it is so important that God brings it up again in 1 Peter 5:7 NLT 'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.' But at times, we continue to allow our worries to weigh us down. But God wants us to release this weight to Him because He knows that we were not created to carry this around. We were created to bring glory to God. What sort of a picture do we paint to non-believers when we are plagued with worry and fear?

God gave us a direction, 'Give your burdens to Me.' So ask yourself, 'Why am I still anxious; full of worry and feel like the world's problems are on my shoulders?' They're not on your shoulders if you give them to God; they're on His and he is not going to let them bother Him or ruin His day. 

Why not give them to God right now:

I seem to be burdened with lots of worries and pressures at the moment. I'm not sleeping properly and when I do, I awake with the same problems. Your word tells me to give them to You. So that is what I do, right now.
In Jesus' name. Amen

Now you're qualified to go and speak with someone else who is suffering in the same way that you were. You have the answer to their anxieties and fears.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday 18 October 2019

Jesus, thinks you're great!

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for His friends."
                                                                                                                        John 15:13.  NKJV

You look in the mirror and you think, 'I look a wreck.' Jesus says, 'You're beautiful.' You look back over the years of your life and think, 'I've achieved very little.' Jesus says to you, 'You have done so much for Me - thank you.' You may be feeling unappreciated and taken for granted at the moment. Jesus says, 'I really appreciate you in every way.'

Do you fully realise, just how much Jesus thinks of you? Some people have the idea that He is a hard taskmaster' rather like a very strict school teacher, one where they can never please or meet the standards set. These people are so far from the truth. Jesus calls us His friend and that is a true friend. The type of friend who would go that extra mile for you - and more. The type of friend who is forever concerned that you have the best in life; the type of friend who is proud of you and what you have achieved and will achieve as you walk hand in hand with Him.

A few years back, kids at school used to put their arms around their best friends shoulders as they walked along. Can you remember that? Jesus is the type of friend who wants you to do that to him, because He's the type of friend who does it to you.

He's the type of friend who would go out searching for you in a cold, stormy winter, if you were lost and bring you home safe. He's the type of friend who died in your place, so that you could realise this; so that you could feel good about yourself; confident; secure and well-loved.

Look in the mirror again and you'll see beauty; you'll see genuine love; you'll see peace and joy; contentment and happiness. Why? Because you're looking at Jesus, who lives in you!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday 17 October 2019

Unity and Teamwork

"Only, let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel."                                         Philippians 1:27.  NKJV

Have you ever watched a flock of geese flying overhead? Whether there is a small or a large flock, they are very noisy, honking away practically non-stop. One of the characteristics of their flight, is the formation, especially Canada Geese. They have a leader at the front, two behind, then three and so on. It is the perfect formation. They have all round vision in case of attack from a predator, such as a Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard or other hawk, and their honking may be one of encouragement or warning to one another. Most importantly, whenever, the leader becomes tired, another will recognise this and take his place, leaving him to drop back from the pressure of leading.

This is incredible teamwork and one that we, as human beings, can learn a lot from. Living in harmony with each other, whether it be in the church, at home or at work, has got to be a positive step forward. When we are in unity, great things begin to happen. One only has to look at the early church in Acts 1-3 to see this in action. Because of their actions - their teamwork and unity, 'the Lord added to the church daily those who were being save,' (Acts 2:47)

When we're working in unity, the Holy Spirit can work through us and perform great things, not only within the church, but in our lives. A husband and wife, who have Jesus at the centre of their marriage, will work together and achieve much more, than a couple who don't have Jesus.  However, if they're at loggerheads because of some falling out, then their prayers will suffer and very little happen, they will be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)

Some days, it may feel like you're walking through very thick treacle. The going is really tough and whatever you seem to do, doesn't work. At this stage, stop. Check your behaviour; check if there is any conflict working around within you. If you're married, has there been some harsh words spoken that need to be addressed and put right. Are you having a pity-party over something that has happened in the church or at work, and you are refusing to give in and accept that you may be in the wrong, or that God may be teaching you something through it all. You may be in the right, but acting in this way is not the way Jesus would want you to act, is it?

Whether it is your personal walk with God, your own particular circumstances, the church, your workplace or your marriage; learn to walk in unity, be a team player, work in formation and watch things begin to change - rapidly!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday 16 October 2019

Tit for Tat No 2

"And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two."              Matthew 5:41.  NKJV

Let's have a closer look at the word, 'Compel.' It comes from the Greek word angarevo. It's a verb derived form the Persian, where it described a courier with the authority to force people into some type of public service. It evolved in the Old Testament times but later carried over into the New Testament. 

Palestine was an occupied country by this time, under Roman rule. Therefore, anyone could be compelled to give food, lodgings, horses or serve themselves when ordered. Roman officials and soldiers had this privilege and could compel someone at a minutes notice. A good example of this, was Simon of Cyrene. He was compelled to carry Jesus' cross to the site of His crucifixion.
It is interesting to note here, in this age of rising racial discrimination, that Simon was a black man from North East Africa and many who witnessed this, may have considered this act, from the black African, an honour.

All over the world where there are conflicts, people come under compulsion to do things that they do not wish to do. Jesus spoke of this in this passage, (Matthew 5:38-42) urging people not to retaliate or even resent people's actions; but rather carry out what is asked of them with a cheerfulness and attitude of love.

Think back over the years. Have you ever been compelled to do something you didn't wish to do? Have you felt resentment? Have you wanted to retaliate or actually, have retaliated? 
Have you put it right? Have you asked God to forgive you your acts of resentment and retaliation and forgiven the people who caused them? 

What about now? Do you feel resentment towards someone? Perhaps someone may have beaten you to a job that you were hoping to get, and you resent them for it. Let's break it down to a very basic level. How do you feel when you have been ages trying to park your car and just as you find a space, someone shoots in there first? Resentment? Retaliation?

Or perhaps, there's a dress or shirt you've had your eye on. It's your size and the only one left. Suddenly, someone beats you to it and carries it off. Do you resent them? Do you want to follow them them around the store and feel like you want to mug them? Wrong feelings!

As hard as it may be at times, Jesus' word to us is to love people, not resent their acts or retaliate. (Matthew 5:43-48

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday 15 October 2019

Tit for Tat

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,'  Verse 38
                                                                                                   Matthew 5:38-43.  NKJV

One of the earliest codes of law came under Hammurabi, who reigned in Babylon 2285 - 2242 BC. It was designed to control vengeance and attempt to bring about some kind of justice. However, there was a distinction between gentry and the poor. If gentry were attacked and lost an eye, then they had the right that the attacker should lose his eye as well. It was the same with a limb or other parts of the body. Basically, it was the law of tit for tat.

A poor person, who suffered this type of injury, didn't have the right to do the same to the attacker. Instead, there was a fine - a small portion of silver, that would have to be paid. 
As time went on, Roman officials and soldiers, had the right to force a person or their family, into public service. They could also use their equipment, horses and other such thing, all with no advance warning.

Jesus' teaching here, was one of overcoming evil with love. In verse 39 of our text, He said, 'whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.' The disciples would have known the meaning of this straightaway. A slap on the cheek was a great insult. A slap on the right cheek, was an even deeper insult, rather than a physical one. And to be slapped with a back hand was the worst. Therefore, if a right-handed person slapped someone on the right cheek, it would have to be with the back of the hand. 

However, instead of retaliation, Jesus taught that they should turn the other cheek too. In today's world, a slap may well be with a baseball bat, something that anyone would need to avoid.
In verse 41, we read, 'And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.' The word 'Compels,' is the verb that describes how a Roman soldier or official could press people into some kind of service and force them to carry all of his equipment for this distance. Jesus was saying here that if this were to happen, go an extra mile. Show them love not bad feeling. Really, for us as Christians, this is the name of the game - to overcome evil with love.  

Are you having a threatening time just lately? Have you got a boss or partner who is very rude and demanding of you. If so, don't tit for tat. Instead, show them the love of Jesus. You never know, you may just win them over for God; or if they're already confessing to be a Christian, let them come under conviction and repent.
Just love them!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard



" Then Paul stood up, and motioning with  his  hand said, “Men of Israel, and you who fear God, listen:   17  The God of this people  I...