Friday, 25 October 2019

The Damascus road

"(4) Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"                                         Acts 9:1-19.  NKJV

Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul, was not a nice guy to come across in his earlier days, especially if you were a Christian. He persecuted Christians terribly. Acts 8:3 tells us:

'As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.'

At this time, Stephen had been stoned to death and Saul had incited the men to do this while he had Stephen's clothes at his feet. Again in Acts 9:1-2 we read:

'Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.'

He was not a nice person to come across but there was someone much bigger than him - Jesus Christ, someone he could not take on and win. Saul had set out along the road to Damascus, to carry on his persecution. All of a sudden, there was a bright light and Jesus, Himself, spoke directly to Saul, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' (V4).

Now I don't know about you, but that would have made me jump out of my skin. Saul was no different, he was trembling and astonished and answered, 'Lord, what do You want me to do.' (V6). Now at this time, many scholars agree that this was the moment of Saul's conversion, after all he asked Jesus what He wanted him to do. Saul was blinded at this time for three days and Jesus told him to go into Damascus. The men with him, led him into the city and he stayed at the house of Judas.

Further evidence, the scholars say, is the fact that Saul was praying and saw a vision of Ananias coming to lay hands on him, which happened. Ananias, although a little reluctant because of Saul's reputation, obeyed and Saul was healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Whatever was the exact time of Saul's conversation, he was saved and went on to be a mighty man of God and to write a big chunk of the New Testament.

The conclusion to this is,  firstly, never write off anyone who has a bad reputation. God can do wonders with anyone He chooses. There are many people we would never consider could be a great man or woman of God. We could be tempted to believe their reputations and avoid them at all costs. Jesus doesn't. He loves them.
Secondly, if Jesus leads you to someone who you feel is dodgy, trust Him. Don't go into a risky situation though, it may be helpful to take someone with you. But make sure you do it. Remember, Ananias felt just the same, but as he pressed on, a miracle happened. 

Remember, people may have avoided you at some stage in your life, I know they did me. But thank God, He didn't. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Give Him Praise!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Be careful about Weariness

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.                                                                                                        Galatians 6:9.  NKJV

Anyone who works in some type of caring service will recognise that at times, it is hard to keep going. Many is the time, when the worker can feel abused, used or just taken for granted, so much so, that it would be very easy to throw the towel in and walk away. However, many don't because deep down in their heart this is what they're meant to do and job satisfaction will come as they press on, regardless.

As Christians, it is quite easy to begin to feel taken for granted, or that, whatever we do, we never seem to get recognition or any particular thanks for what we do. Firstly, let's not forget, it is God who gives us recognition, not man. We're serving Him and Him only and at times, the road ahead can be a tough one to take. Secondly, the devil will try to plant lies within our minds - lies that say, 'You're not appreciated here; pack it in and move on.' When this happens, we know that we're on the road to success because the devil doesn't want us to do what we're doing, so will throw all he can at us to get us to stop. But keep going!

Bob Gass said, 'You're never defeated unless, you're defeated on the inside.' Think about that statement for a moment; it's our mind that picks up these feelings and often, they're negative ones; ones designed to get us to stop. But continue walking in faith and do the job.

The Greek for the two words in our text, Lose heart,' is Eklyo and it relates to avoiding weariness as relaxing, loosening up and releasing it. In other words, give up feeling discouraged by not doing such a thorough job; by cutting corners or not being as faithful as you have been to the situation. Let me say, there is no reward in such a thing as this. Yes, we need to watch our health and not become anxious about things, but not to become sluggish in what we do for God. There's a big difference.

If we're not careful, we can have such a passive neglect that we can slip into sin and leave prayer, worship and bible study out of our day, all because we have become weary. 
Things may have begun to get on top of you but don't give up, keep going because in due season - at the appropriate time - you will receive a harvest. The work may be hard and painful and unrewarded, but the seeds that you have sown by doing this work, will come to fruition. You will be rewarded. And that's a certainty, and not just when you get to Heaven but in this life.
Keep going!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

From Depression to Hope

"(11) Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off.'    Ezekiel 37:1-14.  NKJV

God had led Ezekiel to walk through the valley of dry bones. There was nothing there except very dry bones. God asked Ezekiel if these bones could live and then asked him to prophesy to the bones, that they would indeed live. It must have seemed a hopeless situation to Ezekiel but he was willing to trust God. He obeyed God and all of a sudden, there was a rattling of bones as they began to form together and sinews and everything else was put on them. Eventually, they were complete but they had no breath in them. Again Ezekiel was told to prophesy to them - to breathe new life into them. He did this and a miracle was complete, this vast army, that was once a heap of old, dry bones, stood, mighty in valour. A study of this passage will give you the whole idea of what was happening.

Basically, God spoke to Ezekiel, Ezekiel obeyed and that is it in a nutshell. These bones were going nowhere. It was ridiculous to believe that they could mount up as a mighty army, but they did. And it comes down to obedience.

Take a glance at our text again:

'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off' v11

This is basically how a person who is suffering from depression, feels. I know, I've been there along with many others. It's a place of darkness and no particular hope, it can appear that there is no way out and no future, things will not change. However, with God, broken things are mended - dead things are brought back to life. Hope is not lost. There is a future. 

Many men of God in the bible suffered depression. King David and Elijah spring to mind. However, obedience was the main thing that got them back on their feet. Deep down within them, was a will to survive and obeying God, brought that survival to the surface.

You may be feeling this way at the moment. There may be marital problems, family breakdown, financial and work issues. There may be more that I've not mentioned. However, let me encourage you, God is bigger than dry bones; He's bigger that hopelessness; marital and any other problems. He is the King of kings who can help you sort this out right now, if you're willing.

Obey God and speak to the problem - whatever it is and walk in hope once again.

Pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus
I believe that you are calling me to stand up again, to breathe new life into myself. I speak to this problem that is holding me back............................... In Jesus' Name, I break the power that this has over me and command it to leave my body, mind and spirit right now. 
I stand a new person, full of hope, before You now.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

If you've got it, use it

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
                                                                                                               Colossians 3:16.  NKJV

Are you burying a gift that God has given you, just because you don't know what to do with it or where to go? You'll know without doubt if it is a gift from God from the simple fact that it just won't go away. It may be singing, playing an instrument, preaching the word, evangelism. I'm not talking of things such as serving within the church, although, that is much needed and an honour to work with. No, I'm talking of the more scarier bits, getting up before a crowd and speaking about Jesus, knocking on people's doors and spreading the word or playing in a worship band.

God has given each of us gifting, and for some, it may be being at the helm of things, forging the way ahead. It may be that you are called to run a bible study group, or a home group. You may have a gifting of prayer and you may be being led to run a prayer group or be an intercessor. If it is any of these things, at this moment, you will know and you may now be feeling inadequate. But let me encourage you. Moses felt just the same, 'O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue' (Exodus 4:10).

Mose wriggled like a fish on a hook and came up with every excuse in the book, but note one thing, God still had His way and He will with you too. If God has a job for you to do, He will accomplish it. You may say, 'Yes, but where can I preach?' Well if you're willing, God will find the venue, He will make a way. Anyway, there's always the street corner or the centre of town. 'What? AAARGH, you're joking.' No I'm not, many have done it and are still doing it. It's scary, yes, but exciting too.

What about evangelism? You don't need a stage or a church for this. You can tell your work mate about Jesus or your neighbour. People have problems and many times they want to talk and share their problems. I once spoke to a lady who was going through a broken marriage. She was breaking her heart and asked me what could I do; could I change it? I replied that I couldn't change it, but I knew a man that could. With that I gave her a Gideon's New Testament. That was back in 1994. She is now back in her marriage and going on strong for Jesus. It's just being open to the Holy Spirit.

Some of you may be feeling awkward right now because you know that God is calling you to do a particular thing. If that is the case, just say, 'Ok Lord, I'll do it,' and leave Him to figure out just how this will happen. But be ready, because He will take you up on it. 

If you're feeling excited but a little scary at this moment, I think God may be speaking directly to you. Get alone with Him; speak to Him and seek the way forward. Then be prepared to be excited even more!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 21 October 2019

Follow Me

"Then Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.'
                                                                                                                        Mark 1:17.  NKJV

It's a lovely day today as I walk along the sandy shore, with no one else in sight. The sun is shining, birds are calling and there seems to be a great peace gathering all around the place. Suddenly, I can see two men fishing. They're throwing their nets into a quite lively surf. They don't seem to be having much joy by the sound of their irate voices. Hold on, there's someone else there too. He's speaking to them. I can't hear properly, what with the sounds of the waves, so I'll have to get closer. 

'Follow Me,' the man says, 'and I will make you become fishers of men.' Fishers of men, what the heck is He on about? They'll give Him a piece of their minds, surely. But, no, they throw their nets down on the beach and walk after Him. I've seen this chap in town, Jesus is His name, I think. He looks a nice bloke; very piercing eyes that seem to look straight through you, examining just what you are about. He looks at me and just for a moment, I feel He's going to say the same thing to me. But, I can't hold His stare, I feel so embarrassed and strangely guilty of something, I don't know what. I look away and when I look back, they're about fifty yards away.

I can't help it, I hurry after them and within a few moments, they stop and speak to two men who are in a boat, mending their nets. I've been told that these nets soon get worn and torn by the great catches of fish that they hold. It's understandable that they need some tender loving care at certain times.
Hold on, Jesus is talking to them. He calls to them as well, and blow me down, they follow Him too, leaving the nets, the boat and someone else who I've not seen before.

What on earth does He mean, 'Fishers of men? How can a man be caught? Although, I must admit, I feel hooked if you'll pardon the pun. Jesus looks my way again, but I start throwing stones into the sea, pretending I haven't seen Him. But I have, and I can't help myself. Whether it's His eyes, His voice or the way He speaks with people, so gentle but with authority, I don't know. But whatever it is, I need it, I've just got to follow Him. 

It's no good, I've just got to walk after them - Him. If I'm a fish, I've been caught. Well, you know what I mean. I'm a man but he has caught me, just like a fish. 
He's up ahead now. I can't hear Him but I can see Him, talking away to them. I've got a strange feeling in my heart. I've had backache for a long time now, but all of a sudden it's gone; and the depression that I had been under for a few months has lifted, I feel happy and joyful and somehow different. Could this be because of Jesus. I'm going to follow him and find out.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 20 October 2019

A Scenario of Selfish ambition

"(3) Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. (4) Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.'
                                                                                                Philippians 2:3-4.  NLT

'I'm not doing that. Why should I? He doesn't look to my interests, he's just full of his own puffed up pride. Yes, and what's more, he continues to pinch my ideas and make out they're his own. What do you think about that Lord? It's not fair is it? Do you know something Lord, he would never have thought about that if I hadn't have told him in the first place. I should have kept my mouth shut. He always pinches my ideas. It's not cricket, it really isn't you know Lord. Why should I feel pleased for him that he's been successful? Yes been successful, but with my flipping ideas. It's just not right.'

'Every time he rings me, which isn't often - once in a blue moon I suppose; but when he does, it's only because he wants to run something by me. Run something by me; pick my brains Lord, that's what he means. And then he'll go and do it and make out it was his idea and how wonderful he is. It's not right Lord, is it?

'Oh look, there he is telling everyone in the church about his new project. It'll only last five minutes - a one hit wonder, I say. If I'd have done it, it would have been super successful. I just didn't want to be seen to think more of myself Lord, to make myself look wonderful. I like to keep a back seat, you know that. I'll let him make a fool of himself, because he will you know. Why? Because it was my idea in the first place Lord, you know that. If he doesn't come to me for further advice, he will fall flat on his face' just watch, it won't be long. It's a one hit wonder until the next thing takes him over, and he runs off to launch that. That will be my idea as well, just watch lord. I bet you.'

'I'm glad I'm not like him Lord. Chasing his tail around all day long, trying to look good in front of everyone. No, I'm glad that I've got things together; that I've nothing to prove. It must be awful to be like him, trying to prove himself all the time. Poor man. He'll learn Lord, won't he? Why can't he just be like me Lord, just a good Christian man? I feel sorry for him.

'What's that Lord? Did You say something?

'Yes, I did. I think you and I need to have a very serious talk, don't you. I think there are some changes that need to be made. Now sit and listen to me.'

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Stop being anxious

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad."
                                                                                                                Proverbs 15:13.  NKJV

Overwork, financial worries and ridiculous work targets, can cause a person immense unrest, fear and constant worry. As our text describes today, anxiety causes depression. The New Living Translation reads: 'Worry weighs a person down.' This is why Psalm 55:22 says, 'Cast your burdens on the LORD and He shall sustain you', or as the NLT says, 'Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you.'

All over the world people are being attacked with depression. It can grab us all. Problems mount up; worries go unanswered and before we know it, we are down in the darkness of depression. Some of us tend to overwork. We take on more than we should do; spinning all the plates. However, before too long, those plates begin to fall and things go pear-shaped.

Note the words in the New Living Translation of Psalm 55:22, 'GIVE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD.' It can't be any clearer than that. In fact, it is so important that God brings it up again in 1 Peter 5:7 NLT 'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.' But at times, we continue to allow our worries to weigh us down. But God wants us to release this weight to Him because He knows that we were not created to carry this around. We were created to bring glory to God. What sort of a picture do we paint to non-believers when we are plagued with worry and fear?

God gave us a direction, 'Give your burdens to Me.' So ask yourself, 'Why am I still anxious; full of worry and feel like the world's problems are on my shoulders?' They're not on your shoulders if you give them to God; they're on His and he is not going to let them bother Him or ruin His day. 

Why not give them to God right now:

I seem to be burdened with lots of worries and pressures at the moment. I'm not sleeping properly and when I do, I awake with the same problems. Your word tells me to give them to You. So that is what I do, right now.
In Jesus' name. Amen

Now you're qualified to go and speak with someone else who is suffering in the same way that you were. You have the answer to their anxieties and fears.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...