Saturday, 27 June 2020


“The Lord is close to the brokenhearted; He rescues those whose spirits are crushed."

                                                                                                          Psalm 34:18.  NLT

Broken hearts are usually created by the loss of a loved one, either by death or a broken relationship. Of course, there are other areas that can cause this, such as, being ripped off by a trusted friend and losing a large sum of finance, or perhaps, finding out that someone you thought was a close friend, turned out not to be. Whatever caused the pain and hurt, can lead to a deep darkness that is hard to negotiate. It can feel like the bottom of your world has been removed and you are sinking into oblivion. However, don't avoid God at such times as this. It wasn't Him that did this to you. 

At times like this, a person can feel down and useless to everyone, especially God. But God knows that this is a time when you really need Him the most and He wants to hold you tightly and bring you comfort. He is always there to offer strength to the person who seeks Him. Though you may feel defeated at this time, He is closer than you realise. He is always with you and longs to heal your heart.
Take a look at some tips that may help to heal your broken heart:

Face up to the situation
You have to grieve to be able to move on, therefore, face it. If you deny the hurt and the pain and everything that goes with it, it will catch you up later on. So don't deny it - face it.
Let go of the hurt
Let go because there is life out there and it is calling you. It may seem like life has stopped for you at the moment, but outside, it is still moving on, so join it. To do this you need to detach yourself from the hurt. I must stress that this detachment is from the pain, not the person. If someone has died, the last thing you want to do is to forget them. It is the hurt that does the damage - not eating or sleeping properly and neglecting your self. Let go of that.
Testing time - check out your strengths
As you're searching for a way through the pain, try out new things. There could be hobby that you have thought about doing but not got round to it yet. It could also mean, visiting new places - a new adventure or chapter in your life.
Internalising the situation
Acceptance is the only way forward. There is nothing you can do to change the situation. Searching for reasons why this had to happen will lead to nowhere. It has and there is really only one way to go, and that is forward.
There will always be regret and the feeling that you wish you had done things differently. However, freedom from pain and regret is what you need and I know a man that can give you just that - His name is Jesus!


Don't make assumptions

"Don't be in a hurry to go to court. For what will you do in the end if your neighbour deals you a shameful defeat."

                                                                                                          Proverbs 25:8.  NLT

It is so easy to make assumptions about something or someone. We can believe that we are certain about something even though we have no proof whatsoever. When we go down this road, we are heading for big problems, a lot of pain, embarrassment and loss of integrity.

In the above example, Solomon speaks about the folly of someone taking another person to court about something; spending a fortune on legal fees and then losing the case. He points out that if you lose, you may be put to shame. However, whatever happens, it will be costly - financially and socially. This can be linked to believing something that isn't true. It may appear so and the devil may pour seeds of doubt and suspicion on it all. But if you're wrong, you will end up with egg on your face and with hostility from the people or person involved that you made assumptions about. You will then end up the loser.

Assumption can be akin to suspicion. It can be anything but becomes something as we focus on it more and more. In fact, it can totally take over our lives leaving us unable to focus or concentrate on anything else. This is the time we need to stop and analyse the suspicion. We can be so suspicious that with every breath we take, we begin assuming that what we are suspicious of, is the truth. If we don't take action at this stage it may lead to disaster. 

Without proof, there really is nothing we can do to address the situation sensibly. We must cease from following the lies of the devil because all he will do is make matters worse. That's what he's like. Instead, what we need to do is:

'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you'.  1 Peter 5:7   NLT
'Give your burdens to the Lord, and He will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall'   Psalm 55:22.  NLT

It's always sensible to start with God, because He can be relied on and knows all things. He can save many a heartache.

Thursday, 25 June 2020


"but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ"

                                                                                                                2 Peter 3:18.  NKJV

Some time ago, as I was going to a wedding, my wife encouraged me to try on my suit in order to check it still fitted. I hadn't worn it for some time and I had been on a diet too. As I did this, I had a total shock. My trousers fell down to my ankles and wouldn't stay up even wearing a belt. To wear braces, I looked like one of those clowns from a circus. Madness. The jacket was so big, we both could have fitted into it. It was obvious, I either had to put on two stone in a week or get a new suit. I decided on the suit.

Growth in the spiritual world and this world are opposites. To lose weight in this world, done sensibly, is healthy. To lose weight in the spiritual world, is bad news. Let me explain, where it is much needed for us to have a healthy weight and take care of ourselves fitness wise; it is unwise to neglect our spiritual life by not reading and studying our bibles. When we neglect this, we're losing weight - spiritual weight. Spiritual growth encompasses spiritual, mental and emotional development. By daily reading our bibles and studying what God has to say to us, we're helping to renew our mind as well as know more about Him.

People go to the gym to exercise; they may also go jogging and swimming. What they're doing is good, exercise is beneficial to our body, health and mind. Alternatively, people may go to church or some other place of worship where they can gain wisdom, knowledge and direction from God. Both of these are vitally important to us; but a balance has to be struck. As a Christian, we so need Jesus - we can't make it without Him. Don't make fitness and diet more important than He is. In fact, why not involve Him on your daily jog or power walk? Why not take Him to the gym? What I'm saying is, don't leave Him out of this time. You need Him; you can't make it without Him. He is vital to your very existence.

Therefore, grow in grace - not in weight. Lose weight sensibly, but don't lose Jesus, Spiritual growth is important.

Wednesday, 24 June 2020

God gives according to His grace

"Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you." V14                                                                                                      Matthew 20:1-16.  NKJV

A landowner went out early to hire workers to labour in his vineyard. Some of the workers started around 6am, doing a full day's work. It was agreed that they would be paid a denarius, which was the going rate for a day's labour. Agreeing to this, they set to work. Throughout the day, the landowner set on more workers at 9am, 3pm and finally at 5pm. To each he told them he would pay whatever he felt right.

At the end of the day, he called the workers who had been hired at 5pm and then the ones at 3pm and 9am and paid each of them a denarius. When he came to the workers who had been there since 6am, they were expecting to be paid more than their agreed day's pay. However, they also received a denarius. They complained about this, claiming that it was unfair, after all they had been working all of the day. But the landowner told them that he was not treating them unfairly, but had paid them what they agreed to; it was his money and he could do what he chose. He said to them, 'Take what is yours and go your way. I wish to give to this last man the same as to you.'

This is the heart of Jesus. He takes the forgotten, the people who have been passed over and the rejects and has compassion on them - He sees their potential. Don't forget these workers, who were set on later in the day, had actually been standing and waiting all the time hoping for work.

When we see this happen in our church or elsewhere, we can be tempted to feel like the first workers did, thinking, 'It is so unfair.' We can then begin feeling bad towards the person who is being favoured and to the one who is favouring. When we do this, our motives are completely wrong.

God can and does, distribute His gifts and His goodness as He chooses. He doesn't have to ask us first what we think. He is free to bestow His favour on whom He desires. It's called grace. 

Just for a moment, remember the many times that God poured His grace upon you. The obvious one is when you were born again. He saw your potential when no one else could see it or care about it. Then think about the grace He has shown you since - the answered prayer, the love He has given you to share with your family and friends and the blessings. And don't forget that He has made you a cherished child of God.
Now that's what I call fair.

Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Be Ready

"Preach the Word! Be ready in season and out of season. Convince, rebuke, exhort, with all long-suffering and teaching."

Check out the words, 'Be ready', in our text today. Wherever we are in our busy day, there is always someone in need that we come across. They may not tell us this at first, but when we walk closely in the Spirit, two things may happen: (1) The Holy Spirit shines a light on someone, showing us things are not all that well, (2) People pick up on us, that we are different and they begin to feel safe with us.

John Wimber once spoke of a lady who was watching him closely as he did his shopping in a store. He was a little embarrassed at first but then she came up to him and said, 'You're different, what is it?' John picking up on what was happening replied, 'It's the Holy Spirit madam, why don't you draw near to God right now?' And she did and was saved. What had happened? The lady was in need and saw something in John Wimber that she needed - and that was Jesus.

This is not unique. It is not only reserved for ministers or Bible College students. It is available to us all. When we spend a lot of time with someone, we begin to pick up some of their traits. Likewise, when we spend a lot of time with Jesus, we become so much like Him that people begin to notice that there is something about us that they need, even though they may not know what it is. They will begin to tell us their troubles and pains jbecause they feel safe with us. There's a lot of people who have pressing problems in this world but they have no one to unload on - no one who will listen. This is where we come in.

As we live in a state of readiness, the state where we are open to whatever comes our way, people notice this  and just begin telling us all of their problems. Many are genuine, ordinary people. We may meet the odd person who just wants a handout but, they still need Jesus and while they're with us, they have the opportunity.

You may well have had people just coming up to you and telling you their problems. You may not. However, if you live in that state of readiness, that state of being able to show people Jesus; if you live each day filled with God's Spirit, you will begin to have people coming up to you, so be ready!

Monday, 22 June 2020

Living in Freedom

"If you abide in My Word, you are My disciples indeed. (32) And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free"

                                                                                                     John 8:31-32.  NKJV

The word freedom means to live without restraints or controlling forces, to live without being in captivity. Freedom is what Jesus gives each and every person who give their lives to Him. Not every Christian experiences the true value of this freedom. It can only be found in abiding in God's Word and being His disciple.

We need to abide in His Word - to live 100% for Jesus. To abide, we know, means to live; to remain and to walk in Jesus. Jesus is the Word (John 1:1), so to live in Him, we have to know both Him and the Word He gave us, and that Word is the truth. John Avanzini says, 'You cannot live in a truth you do not know'. Therefore, to know Jesus, you have to walk in the Word and His truth.

Tasker commented on the subject of abiding in God's Word:

'Welcoming it, being at home with it and living with it so continuously, that it becomes part of the believer's life - a permanent influence and stimulus in every fresh advance in goodness and happiness'.

This was how Jesus was able to combat the devil's temptations in the wilderness (Matthew 4). With everything that the devil fired at Him, He answered, 'It is written'.Do you get the idea? You have to know it to be able to use it. Jesus knew the truth - God's Word, and it was able to set Him free from all the devil threw at Him.

This is the result of abiding in His Word. We prove ourselves to be His disciples and we know the truth, and that is the secret to living in freedom. Jesus said, 'And you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free'. 

Are you free? Would you consider that you are abiding in God's Word? Do you know the truth? People go to university to learn a skill; we go to Jesus to learn how to walk and survive in Him. Why not make it a way of life!

Are your Insurance Premiums paid up?

"Rejoice because your names are written in Heaven"

                                                                                                    Luke 10:20.  NKJV

Whenever we have an accident, something gets stolen or we lose something when we're out and about, it's reassuring to know that we are covered by insurance and that the premiums are all paid up to date. If we have no insurance then we can't expect to receive anything back.
Many people don't bother with insurance, believing that it's a waste of time and money - 'Nothings going to happen, it's too expensive anyway.' That is, until it does and then that can be a great loss. In a similar way, many people ignore their salvation. Some feel there is no God - 'There's nothing after death'. How shocking it will be when they discover differently at the end of their lives. But by then, it will be too late.
Others keep putting it off, 'I'll think about it, but until then I've a lot of living to enjoy.' There will be 'no living to enjoy', if they suddenly die and have not made a commitment to Jesus. Again, it will be too late. At death, there are two destinations - heaven or hell. There is nothing in between. Without Jesus, we're already on the way to hell no matter how good we are being. We need Jesus. He has the key to heaven and as soon as we give our lives to Him, our destination changes - our names become written in heaven and when our lives come to an end, that is where we will reside, safe in His arms.
It isn't a game. We cannot gamble with our salvation. We need to consider where we want to be - right now! When we die, it is too late to make that decision. After death, there are no second chances and it doesn't matter how good we have been during our life. Jesus is the only way into heaven. To gamble with our salvation would be like taking insurance out on something after an accident and expecting a pay out. It doesn't work like that, neither does your salvation. It's rather like catching a train with only two destinations to choose from. We have to make a choice and that choice will determine where we will end up.
You may already be a Christian but you may have drifted away a little or may need to rededicate your life to Jesus. Alternatively, you may never have made that choice but today you have that opportunity. Why not make sure your insurance premiums are paid up to date:

Lord Jesus, please come and live in my heart and forgive my sins. I give my life to You to be used as You see fit. Please fill me with Your Holy Spirit and be my Lord and my Saviour from this moment. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Welcome, you have been born again

Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...