Sunday, 7 February 2021

The Awakening

"So the LORD stirred up the spirit of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, governor of Judah and the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest and the spirit of all the remnant of the people; and they came and worked on the house of the LORD of Hosts, their God."                                                                                      Haggai 1:14    NKJV

The temple of the Lord was in ruin while people were living in relative luxury in their panelled houses. God had had enough, 'Consider your ways,' He said (v1:5). It was time for an awakening - a Holy Spirit stir-up with renewed energy and desire for doing the will of God. And it is the same today. God is stirring up the church and saying the same to us, 'Consider your ways.' He will have it no other way.

To stir up means to awaken, excite, to arouse, rise up, get into the action and to open one's eye to what is happening around us today. Take a look around; we have a deadly pandemic killing thousands each day; terrorism, stabbings/murders, starvation, poverty and floods, to name just a few. I believe that we are living in the End Times. Jesus is going to return for His church sooner than later. What will He find?

God is calling each of us to consider our ways. He is shaking up His church. He is calling us to wake up and stop living for ourselves and live for Him - totally. There are a lot of souls in this world today. They need Jesus. They're hurting, scared and lost. If the church doesn't point them to Jesus, who will? How would you feel if, when you're in Heaven, you meet someone you know who is on their way to hell, because Jesus said to them, 'depart from Me, I never knew you,' and they look at you as they walk by. You may say, 'I know they need Jesus, but what can I do?' Well for one thing, live your life for Jesus. If you do this, you will have an overwhelming desire to tell people about Him.

End times means End Times, the return of Jesus could be just around the corner. Grab hold of this statement. He may come this week and we need to be ready. The church needs to wake up - big time, in fact, we all do. We need to prioritise. What is more important, writing that perfect worship song or preaching that amazing sermon, or planning how people in your family and neighbourhood, can be saved? Great worship songs are amazing and a challenging sermon or study are needed. But what is better than bringing someone into the Kingdom of God; someone who was headed to hell. 

Think about it. God is calling for an awakening; are you willing to be stirred up, excited and willing to give your all for God? If you are, then tell Him.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Saturday, 6 February 2021

When God can't forgive.

"But if you do not forgive, nether will Your Father in Heaven forgive your trespasses." 
                                                                                                            Mark 11:26    NKJV

Be careful to take note of this verse and understand it properly. God is not saying that He won't forgive you but, that He can't. Why? Because you have built a wall around yourself - a wall of bitterness. Someone has hurt you at sometime and it has gone so deep that you won't allow anything to penetrate your wall. Therefore, God cannot forgive you for the trespasses you commit and there is a break in the link between you and Your Father.

God is a loving god. His name is love because, God is Love - 1 John 4:8 +16. He lives and walks in love and he expects that we do the same. But, at times, people do or say things that deeply hurt us and our lives can be wrecked. When this happens, it is very hard to even consider forgiving them. Our whole focus on them can turn into hate. That is an opposite of love and God's heart begins to break. The longer we focus on it, the worse the hate spreads until it is hopelessly out of control.

However, please consider for a moment what happened to Jesus, Very few people believed Him. He was ridiculed and treated like an outcast. He was accused of being from the devil and wrongly arrested and tortured. His beard was pulled out - pull one hair from your face and see how it hurts. He was beaten with rods, spat at, whipped and subjected to hate and hostility. He was eventually, brutally hung on a cross and left to die while people hurled insults at Him from around the cross. However, from the cross, he was heard saying, 'Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they do.' Luke 23:34.

Jesus knew what it was like to be hurt, abused, betrayed and treated like dirt. Yet, on this day, He knew how important it was to forgive all of the people who had hurt Him. This is why He was able to say from the cross, 'It is finished.' John 19:30. He had fulfilled His mission and sealed it with forgiving His enemies. It was over!

And it will be over for you as well, if you will forgive whoever has hurt you - those who you have harboured hate in your heart for. As you forgive them, it will be over - finished and you will be free. You will owe them nothing and will never be ruled by them again. As soon as you do this, that wall of bitterness will collapse and you will be able to walk over it and move on your way.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Friday, 5 February 2021

Mercy and grace

"But go tell His disciples - and Peter - that He is going before you into Galilee ; there you will see Him, as He said to you." v7                                                    Mark 16:1-8    NKJV

Mary and some of the others, had gone to the tomb to anoint Jesus' body. It was very early and the sun had just risen. They were asking the question, 'Who will roll away the stone from the door of the tomb for us?' Now this stone would have been large and very heavy. The setting of the stone in place would have been a relatively easy task, however, once it had slipped into the specially cut groove in the bedrock, it would have been a very difficult task to move, practically impossible for the women to do. But they had a surprise, when they arrived, the tomb was open - the stone had been rolled away and there was an angel sitting inside saying to them that Jesus had risen and gone ahead of them into Galilee.

Lesson number one, whenever we are faced with an enormous task to do, don't panic and don't doubt. God is able to move the situation out of the way if we ask and trust Him. Nothing is too difficult for Him and what is more, He is very willing to help. We become bogged down by worry and defeat otherwise. Have you ever been burdened by something, to find out later that it is now ok? That's Jesus. What is the stone in your life that is blocking the way?

The beautiful part of this message is the statement from the angel, 'But go tell His disciples and Peter' This latter part of the statement is a special message for Peter and for us too. It was an assurance of forgiveness and restoration. Peter was singled out by the angel because of Jesus' special concern for him. Peter had denied Jesus to save his own life; in other words, he had given up on Jesus by lying and insisting that he didn't know who He was and had never followed Him. And yet, Jesus thought not of the wrong Peter had done Him but the remorse that Peter was now feeling. He was a broken, wreck of a man, a person who had walked away from his friend. 
Lesson number two, it's never over until it's over. Jesus is our forever friend; our second chance friend, a friend that sticks closer than a brother. Whatever you may have done or said, it's not the end of the world when you place it into God's hands. Your heart may have hardened up but. He can roll the stone away from it and turn it into a fresh heart full of the Holy Spirit. You may have walked away from Him, but the Prodigal returned, so can you; and when you do, He will run to you, throw His arms around you and welcome you back. He will hold nothing against you, in fact, you will be classed as not guilty.

Don't be frightened to come and tell Jesus that you are sorry. Don't be embarrassed to admit to Him that you need help; the stone is too heavy to move. He is able and very willing.

Come now: 'Lord Jesus, there are many things that bother me and they are difficult to cope with. But there is one major issue in my life - a stone that needs to be rolled away. Please help me. I give my life to You this day.Please forgive me my sin, fill me with Your Spirit and be my Lord and Saviour from this day forth.
In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Thursday, 4 February 2021

How are your reactions? Part two

 "Not what goes into the mouth defiles a man, but what comes out of the mouth, this defiles a man."                                                                             Matthew 15:11    NKJV

As long as we refuse to respond to anything that comes along, we are ok. But this is an impossible action. We are built to react. Stick a pin in our finger and we get a reaction. We have to learn to overcome the things that trip us up.

Take for example car parking. We like to park our car in a particular place, especially outside of our home. When someone abuses this and parks in our place - after all, we own the road - we can begin to become upset or even angry if it is done on a regular basis. 

What about someone sitting in 'your place' at church? This is unforgivable; 'how dare they'. Once again frustration, leading to anger can take over and these negative thoughts are transferred to our, 'I'll get you for this', file. 

Then of course, what about the person who borrowed something off you, nearly twenty years ago and hasn't returned it? Nearly every time you see them it is lodged within your mind that they have something of yours and never mention it. You don't like bringing it up; they borrowed it in the first place so at least, they should bring it back. Once again, it is placed in your, 'I'll get you for this' file.

For some people, these things are very important and take their peace away. But does it really matter? Does it? Are they worth losing your peace over? If you answered, 'Yes' you need help. Joking aside, when we are in possession of a 'I'll get you for this,' file we are keeping a record of wrongs. Scripture tells us, 'Love is patient and kind. Love is not jealous or boastful, or proud or rude. It does not demand it's own way. It is not irritable and it keeps no record of being wronged. 1 Corinthians 13:4-5    NLT.

When we have a file of people's wrongdoings, we're harbouring a grudge and over a time, the grudge can turn into a root of bad thinking - a bitter root. It spreads and before too long we begin speaking these grudges out, probably only to ourselves at first but also within the home, later we can speak outwardly about being wronged. We begin to judge and criticise and it is like the presence of the Holy Spirit has left us and we are in a mess.

Stop and think for a moment; are you harbouring a grudge against anyone? Have you a, 'I'll get you for this', file? If so, empty the contents out now before God. Give Him the issues and follow His directions. He may want you to seek forgiveness from someone. Then again, He may just want you to repent and then lose the file forever. This is so important; you cannot continue pretending there is nothing wrong. If you have an issue with someone, deal with it, forgive them and then move on.

Don't allow words from the pit to proceed out of your mouth ever again. (Ephesians 4:29). You are a Son or Daughter of the King. Act like it!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Wednesday, 3 February 2021

How are your reactions?

"Stop being angry! Turn from rage! Do not lose your temper, it only leads to harm." 
                                                                                                     Psalm 37:8    NLT

The moment we give in to anger, we have lost control. We need to change this, although, it is easier said than done. It is possible however by taking control of our reactions and our mouth. This has to be done very quickly because, when anger surfaces, a message is sent from our hearts to the mouth and then if we're not careful, we begin to let rip. Be honest with yourself, who has never done this? Not many I am sure.

Therefore, taking control is the best way forward. Ephesians 4:26-27 says, 'And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while your are still angry. (27) For anger gives a foothold to the devil.' If we give the devil the opportunity, he is only too pleased to take it. When we're angry, the devil uses a foothold on us, 'You're not going to let them get away with that are you? Go on, go and give them what they deserve. You'll feel a lot better after that.' No you won't, that's a lie. If you let your guard down and give in to anger by letting rip at someone, you will feel awful afterwards. The Holy Spirit will be grieved and you will know this.

I remember over thirty years ago, parking outside of an office in a local town. It was only for a short time while I picked something up. On my return to the car, I had been given a parking ticket. The traffic warden was over the road speaking to a policeman, so I went over and tried to explain. It did no good at all, I would have to pay. Instead of walking away, I gave him a piece of my mind - a big piece. I reminded him of how people like him ruin people's working lives and they get a kick out of it. Oh yes, I really gave it to him. I then got into my car and screeched away like a boy racer.

When I arrived at my destination, about a mile away, God clearly said to me, 'Go back and apologise, you were rude and out of line.' 'You've got to be joking Lord, that ticket has cost me £60.' I replied. 'Go back and apologise, God said.
I drove back to where I had received the parking ticket, as slow as I could, hoping that they had gone. Wrong! They were still there chatting and laughing at something - probably me. 'AAARGH'
I parked right next to them, got out and apologised to them both. I told them that I was a Christian and should not have acted rudely towards them. They couldn't believe it but said it was ok, no harm done. For myself, I felt a great weight being taken off my shoulders.

You may have had similar things happen to you. It really shouldn't be this way, but we're only a work in progress. However, we need to learn to:

'Stop being angry! Turn from rage! Do not lose your temper - it only leads to harm.'

It does take great practice but the dividends are great!

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Tuesday, 2 February 2021

Be careful who you listen to

"Get behind Me Satan. For you are not mindful of the things of God, but the things of man.' v33                                                                                Mark 8:31-33.  NKJV

Jesus had just spoken to His disciples about what lay ahead for Him - suffering, rejection, death and finally, Resurrection. On hearing this, Peter took Him on one side and began to rebuke Him. However, Jesus turned around and faced the other disciples and rebuked Peter, severely. What was happening here? Genuinely, Peter was concerned about what Jesus had told them and, because of this concern wanted to protect Jesus.

From one point of view, this was a nice thing to do - it displayed his love for Jesus. From another, Peter had crossed the line. Jesus was a friend but He was also the Son of God and nothing could stand in His way of fulfilling God's work. Peter's actions were very reminiscent of Satan's attempts to hoodwink Jesus in the wilderness. (Matthew 4). This had used up all of Jesus' strength by combating the temptations so much, that He had to have angels minister to Him afterwards. (Matthew 4:11).

This was not the kind of dialogue that Jesus needed. Don't forget that He was still in human form and was subject to all that we encounter. It must have seemed very hurtful for Peter but it had to be done.

Well-meaning people may often come and seek us out when we broadcast that we are going to do a certain thing for God. Some are genuine and just don't want us to make a mistake. However, others may be controlled by Satan to overthrow an important piece of work that God has given us to do. It's always difficult when we are facing such things. We feel we've heard God but it's difficult to be certain. When we are at this stage, to have someone offering us doubt and concern can only add to the confusion.

When I am faced with such a thing as this, I don't rush in but I ponder it, checking scripture to get some confirmation - which is not always easy. I count the cost and listen to people's comments, matching them with the scripture to get clarification. I consider their motives for speaking such concern to me and I attempt to analyse if Satan to trying to block God's work. Usually for me, after a while, if it is God I begin to feel a glow of excitement about it all and this leads to peace. I then begin to feel this is what God may have in mind for me to do. 

There is always a sense of being scared about it all. I class this as being spiritually healthy and if it is not there, I been to feel it may not be from God at all. It is always sensible to be cautious. If we are too full of ourselves, it may not be the right thing to do.

Check to see if there is a:
*  a glow of excitement about it?
*  Have you a sense of peace?
*  Is there a healthy feeling of apprehension and a sense of being scared?

If that is all there, there's a very good chance that God has a piece of work for you to do.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Monday, 1 February 2021

What if?

"Therefore, I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body; what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?                                                                    Matthew 6:25    NKJV

I can just hear people saying, 'Yes, that's ok but, what if...?' These two phrases are spoken many times over each day. 'You say everything will be all right, but...' Or 'What if God doesn't do this?' In the realm of everyday conversation, these words - spoken negatively - negate every positive statement that is spoken. People begin to use these words and begin to disbelieve much more.

In this dreadful time of the Covid Pandemic, some people can be heard saying, 'What if I get Covid, there's no way to avoid it. What about my family?' Some are concerned about the vaccine, 'But is it genuine, what if it gives me a bad reaction?' Or, 'It's been produced rather quickly, what if it's a con and they are trying to kill us because there are so many people in the world today?' Really there is enough paranoia in our world today with Covid, without adding to it.

If you have a conversation with someone who is having a difficult time, listen carefully to what they say when you try to bring about a solution. They nearly always come up with, 'Yes, I know I tried that but...' Or 'Yes but what if?' All over the place positive statements are negated by these negative responses. As we are praying or generally having a conversation with God, we too, can bring up these words -'But or What if?' They seem to be ingrained within us. It is linked to worry and fear and the opposite of what Jesus tells us to do.

Practice changing the meaning of these words into, 'What if God turns up, that will be amazing.' Or 'But, it could all change if we give it to God.' When I speak with someone who is in a negative frame of mind, I will often challenge them and point out these words and say something like, 'What if it doesn't happen the way you say it will. What if there is an amazing change?' The 'But' word is a readily used excuse word. It is used when people feel challenged to alter their behaviour or make a general change in their life. You often hear, 'Yes but'. I point this out to them and challenge their thinking, 'Why do you say that so quickly without considering it? Usually, it is just an excuse to avoid making the change, they've been used to this so long, it's a part of their life.
We can do this to ourselves too. When we talk to ourselves - which I do a lot - I can occasionally hear myself come out with the negative, 'But or What if?' I change this immediately and you should do the same. If we don't, we will continue to believe the lie.

Copyriight 2021 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...