Friday, 15 March 2024

Keep going no matter what

"Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love, which are in Christ Jesus."   2 Timothy 1:13   NKJV

Sadly churches split or pastors are ostracised  through scandal or a well made up piece of gossip. It shouldn't be this way, but it is sometimes. People can become puffed up -they do something for God and all of a sudden they are the hottest people in the church. God's pleased when we bless Him, that's for sure but not at the cost of leaving others out of the equation and going on a glory trip.
Here, Paul mentions that his relationships with some people were wearing thin and all those in Asia, had turned away from Him. He doesn't say why but many people didn't like him, possibly a throwback from when he was a Pharisee. Mud sticks doesn't it and gossip. makes it even worse.

This is why Paul is saying to Timothy to hold fast to the sound words that Paul had spoken to him, and above anything else, keep hold of the Holy Spirit. We may not think it at the time but that is when we need to lean on the power and peace that the Holy Spirit provides. Whenever we find ourselves chasing our own tail, getting more and more anxious and stressed out, we need the Holy Spirit.

Where are you in all of this. Do you get enough spiritual food? Do you spend time in the bible and in prayer. I tend to use my prayer times when I'm walking the dog - He likes to pray (Couldn't resist). I go off on a walk or even with my camera and I talk to God and He talks back. This works for me as I easily drift off in prayer sessions. For me, doing what I do works. You may want to try it, you may like this format. Do for you, what works best for you!

Studying the word, is easier for me because, I am always writng and I learn so much and I always try to share them with you, if it is feasible. But you do need to discipline yourself. I know, that I nag on about this but it is so important that you set some available time to spend studying the word of God. If Paul hadn't have spent all those years studying under his tutor, we would not know very much at all. Studying is the key.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

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Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Thursday, 14 March 2024

It's time to stir up that gift!

"Therefore I remind you to stir up the gift of God which is in you through the laying on of my hands."                                 Timothy 1:6  NKJV

Timothy was quite a timid and fearful man and, initially he needed Paul's support and encouragement. Timothy had a gift within him that followed the laying on of Paul's hands and, Paul was wanting to get him to flow in this.
Growing up, he had not had a strong, male hand directing him and therefore he lacked confidence. Paul wanted to rectify this and the best way was by encouragement and getting Timothy involved with activities.

Many people have suffered a lack of parental guidance and control and therefore lack the confidence in knowing they are doing right. Paul was confident that he would overcome this and reiterated to him that he was not given a spirit of fear or timidity but one of power, love and of a sound mind. It's surprising that in our world today, there are many people who lack a good grounding in life and a determination to succeed. You may be like this. Perhaps you were on your own a lot because your parents were both at work and when they came home in the evening, they were probably too tired to spend time with you after you had sat there waiting. The clock cannot be turned back unfortunately but, you can choose to do things differently in your life.
Perhaps it is time to put some plans into action. Did you ever have a dream when you were younger; a dream that one day you would do something special. If that dream is still flickering away within you then, it may be time to fan into flame this idea. You'll never know until you try.

You may have responsibilities, such as a husband/wife and children, so obviously these need to be taken into consideration. God would not want you to give them up and go on a mission to deepest Africa and never return. However, this dream you have, this may be a God thing that you can pray through and see just how it could work. One thing I know, when you give up on your dream, you die. Don't do this. The dream is not over it's right there in you heart. So fish it out and see what happens.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Wednesday, 13 March 2024

Is this your time?

"Be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity."  
                                             1 Timothy 4:12   NKJV 

In many ways, Jesus was a brilliant role model to us. Be honest, wouldn't you like to be like Him - full of love and drawing people to you wherever you go. But more than anything, handling things properly without frustrations and bad feeling. As believers, we are like Him but, we still have a long way to go. The thing is, Jesus is pleased with who we are, what we've achieved and how we try our best to serve Him properly.

When I first became a Christian, I knew God had called me to serve Him and I wanted it - quickly. The thing is, that youthful enthusiasm needs keeping under control until Jesus is ready to release us into what He has planned. One thing I initially suffered from was other people's opinion of me. I felt that other people felt me too young to serve Jesus, it was almost as if I had to be in my 60's before they accepted me. I had to struggle with this. Other people's opinions of you do not matter; as long as Jesus is pleased with you, that is all that matters. Because of this, I would bury my gifts, such as playing and writing worship songs. Also, I had a preaching and teaching gift. I knew this but others didn't and I kind of hid away. Then, one day, I decided that I would stop neglecting my gifts and led worship, preached and ran a house group. Did the older people still look down at me? Yes, they did but I was not going to let that get in the way of my ministry again.

Many Christians today, have gifts but they are not using them. This may be because they are held back by leadership or fear. Let me tell you, break through this. What you have inside of you may change a person's life forever. Do you realise that. You may have a book inside of you. You may be the next Christian worship leader or preacher. God created you for a purpose and you may be able to reach someone far better than any bible college minister could ever do. Speak to God about it. He can make a way where there isn't one. 

Yes it will be nervy at first. The first time I preached, I was a bundle of nerves and so will you be. But after you have done it a few times, you will get the bug to preach and teach and you'll be hooked. This is not pie in the sky stuff. I feel there are people that need to be set free to do their thing for God and you, may well be one of them. So push the door.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

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Tuesday, 12 March 2024

Watch the thief

"The thief  does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly."   John 10:10  NKJV

What a day; we all say this from time to time but, yesterday and today take the biscuit for me. As I do a lot of writing, I decided to buy myself a new MacBook Air. It had been something that I had had on my mind for some time, but, like most things that get put on the back boiler. But not for this, I decided, with my wife's input of course, that I really did need to update. The memory was getting incredible low on my old one. it was still fast but, I could tell it was getting close to it's end times. Therefore, after much reading up on then, an order was placed for this beautiful gold coloured MacBook. It only took a day for the delivery and up to this time I was pacing the carpet trying to hurry it up. 5.20pm it came and it was soon out of the box and transferred up to my study. 
It took no time ate ll to load Facebook and all the basics. However, when it came to emails, the trouble started. No matter what I did, it just would not accept these or the passwords.

Two hours later, I was still tying and not yet riled up, but close. The MacBook screen took on a life of its own and would not allow me to input any passwords at all. At 2am, I decided that enough was enough. I had gone from being blessed out of mind. All the money was there for me and there was not a problem. Wrong. the flipping password problem had got worse and I couldn't do anything with the machine. Deciding to go to bed and tackle it in the morning, I was awake most of the night thinking of solutions but there were none. In the morning, I rang my son at work and then ny grandson. They hadn't a clue.

I rang apple and 2 hours later my head was buzzing with possible solutions but none of them worked. The lovely lady had to give up because she could see that there was more to this than meets the eye. Then a telephone call to Amazon. Thy were full of the same jargon of which nothing helped. In the afternoon I had a lengthy call with Amazon again and finally after a lot a haggle, they agreed to a refund and I can send this back now and claim a refund.

You know what, in the Sunday morning I was full of praise and joy. By the time yesterday evening came, I was worn out. However, we should always remember, when God blesses us, the devil will always come with his garbage and try to rob us of our peace. It nearly worked but I suddenly remembered, Jesus Christ is still on the Throne, no matter what.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

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Monday, 11 March 2024

A New Life in Jesus

"And I thank Christ Jesus our Lord who has enabled me, because He counted me faithful, putting me into the ministry, 13 although I was formally a blasphemer, a persecutor and an insolent man; but I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief."  
                                                  1 Timothy 1:12-13  NKJV

Paul teaches about his former life as blasphemer, persecutor and an insolent man. He was also responsible for the many beatings and deaths people suffered because of their faith in Jesus. At that time, he knew no better, he was just dong what he believed and he saw no wrong in this. However, once Jesus got hold of him on the Damascus Road (Acts 9) he began a new life, totally converted to Jesus. Saul the persecutor became Paul the evangelist. 
He says something very interesting in verse 13: But I obtained mercy because I did it ignorantly in unbelief.' At that time, Saul knew no different and he was just acting the way he had been taught. However, once he knew the truth and repented, he became Paul, a new man. This is how we came to Jesus. We knew no better and so, became involved in the sins of life because this was all that we knew. We probably had some good values taught by our parents but, we didn't have Jesus; and this was the difference. Once we accepted Him into our lives, we repented  and He forgave all our sins.

You should never forget what Jesus did for you. No matter what you did wrong, Jesus has forgiven you, He ripped up the note recorded with your sins on and left it on the cross and He has declared you, Not Guilty. How can this be? It is by grace - His unmerited favour upon you. he has poured it on you in overflow. This grace came to you by the extra-ordinary patience of Jesus Christ.

Now, you can hold your head up high. People from your past, may say, 'I know the real person;I know what they were involved in then.' Jesus simply declares that He knows nothing about this past. He has given you a future and that is all that matters. You were saved and purchased at a great price. You were rescued from your sinful life that was leading you to the pit of hell. When you called on Jesus, He rescued you from the fire and He has given you something to really shout about. You belong to Him and have eternal life! And this life is full of the grace of God.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Check it out



Sunday, 10 March 2024

They may laugh, but you, get the job done!

"Why make this commotion and weep? The child is not dead, but sleeping 40 And they ridiculed Him."                        Mark 5:39-40  NKJV 

Jairus, one of the synagogue leaders, came to Jesus begging Him to come and lay hands on his daughter who was near to death. Jesus dropped everything and followed Jairus. On the way, among the crowds, a woman who had suffered an issue of blood for 12 years got His attention and Jesus spent some time with her. As time went on, some people from the synagogue came and told Jairus that his daughter had died. Jesus, straightaway said to Jairus, 'Do not be afraid; only believe.'
Jesus then set off with Jairus to his home. When they arrived there were a crowd of professional mourners outside. These people were paid to attend funerals and weep and pray out loud. This didn't impress Jesus who told them they were causing a commotion because the child was only sleeping. This caused them to ridicule Jesus and laugh at Him. Jesus cleared the place and took the parents and His helpers into the room where the 12 year old girl lay. To the world, she was dead. But to Jesus, and all with His faith, she was only sleeping. He took her hand and gently told her to get up. She did so , immediately. She had been raised from the dead and healed.

Notice a few things that are faith-robbers. (1) v36 Jesus told Jairus not to be afraid but believe. Whatever the surroundings may look like, remember that we walk by faith not by sight 2 Cor 5:7. (2) V39, Unbelievers may laugh at your belief, especially when you tell them about miracles. They will always have an answer to rob you of your blessing. Don't let these people who laugh and giggle about you, rob you of your faith. Do what Jesus did, He got on with the job in hand and refused to fall to their level by arguing with them. (3) v40-41 Jesus refused to associate with people who would rob Him of His faith. And we should do the same. We are here on a mission to save souls and tell them all about Jesus Christ. We are also here to lay hands on the sick so they may become well. We are not here to listen to people who are here to block us from doing our mission.

So remember, don't fear, only believe, don't hang around people who are out to make you look a laughing stock because of your faith. Have nothing to do with them but remember, they are not laughing at you, but at Jesus and that is a very foolish thing to do. Finally, avoid the faith-robbers. Wherever you are, they will be around but have nothing do with them. Don't let them steal your faith, whoever they are.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

Check it out



Saturday, 9 March 2024

Remember what you have heard

"For if anyone is a hearer of the word and not a doer, he is like a man observing his natural face in a mirror; 24 for he observes himself, goes away and immediately forgets what kind of man he was."                        James 1:23-24  NKJV 

Be honest with yourself, how many times have you sat in church, heard the Word being preached but then, gone away and completely forgot what the sermon was about? From my own experience, quite a lot of times. Some people takes notes, but even then, this is not easy because the cryptic remarks you make may not make sense when you get home because you weren't listening. Unless you're skilled in the art of shorthand it can be difficult.
It can be hard to listen properly because of; 
(1)   The sound system is inadequate and the speaker is not projecting their voice enough for you to hear
(2)   People around you are whispering very loudly to each other
(3).  You're unfortunate enough to be sitting behind that person who shouts out 'Amen' to almost everything that is being said.
(4)   You have a mind that drifts off into a world of your own and you see yourself flying a rocket ship over the Sahara desert
(5)   The practice of playing music at the same time that the speaker is talking can be a nightmare, especially for people with a hearing loss

One unfortunate example for me was when I attending a conference in Brighton and as I sat down in one of those cinema seats, it collapsed with a loud crack. I didn't end up on the floor - not quite, but I spent the whole time trying to fix the seat with one hand while sitting a foot lower than the other people, Very embarrassing I must say and, I cannot remember anything that was said, nor I think, did the people around me.
You may laugh, but I believe that it is a ploy of the enemy to prevent us from hearing what is being preached because it may be something very special that we have needed to hear from God. 
We really must push through this major problem.If you're no good at note-taking, listen instead carefully. Forget the people around you who are distracting you, move if you need to but force yourself through the barrier that the devil has placed around you. Use your bible instead of a note book. Whatever works, ensure that you can focus on what is being said. If you have a hearing loss, try and sit nearing the speaker or see if the service is being recorded and buy a CD. Remember, You have ears to hear, so hear the word whatever happens.

If you don't know Jesus or, have fallen away, why not say this prayer right now:
'Lord Jesus, I have sinned and I ask you to forgive me and be my Lord and Saviour. Please come into my heart, fill me with Your Spirit and give me a brand new start today.

In Jesus' Name. Amen'

Copyright 2024 Grahame Howard.                          

If you would like to contact me,

Member of the National Association of Christian Ministers

Why not order my Daily Commentary from Amazon - Paperback or Kindle 

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Remain in Jesus

"As the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you. Remain in My love.'   John 15:9   CSB Remain is quite a strong word. It means t...