Monday, 31 August 2020


"Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing him dead. (20) However, when the disciples gathered around him, he rose up and went into the city. And the next day, he departed with Barnabas to Derbe."
                                                                                                                   Acts 14:19-20.  NKJV

Paul and Barnabas had been on a preaching assignment and in Lystra, encountered strong opposition. The Jews there had been stirring up the people against them and eventually, they stoned Paul and left him for dead. But God wasn't finished with Paul and he led the disciples to gather around him and pray. The result was, he rose up and went back into the city.

Many scholars believe that Paul was describing this near-death experience in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5. They believe he was raised from the dead. At the very least, he was miraculously healed.

Paul's account in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5, gives a startling account of a man he knows (himself) who was caught up into the third heaven (Paradise). He finds it difficult to explain the experience, stating that he may have been in the body or out of it (v3). What he does know was that he heard 'inexpressible words', and the whole experience was life-changing for him. This is the time that Jesus told him, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness'. (v9). 

I tend to believe Paul's experience in Paradise because I had a similar experience back in 1996. My wife and I, were listening to a worship CD when all of a sudden, I found myself at the back of a great hall. In front of me, were what looked like angels and they were bowing down and standing back up, over and over again. The music was amazing, better than I had ever heard. At the opposite end of the hall, was a very large figure clad in dazzling white clothing, and the angels were worshipping Him. I knew this was God. 
Before this happened, I had been quite worried, because I had been on two weeks leave and the next morning I was due back at the busy social work office I worked at, and I knew my work tray would be packed full of work, stamped urgent. The very next moment, I was in my office and this very tall man beside me, picked up my tray and said, 'My what a lot of work we have here.' I felt that the work was nothing, because He would help me. I felt so relaxed, a really wonderful feeling.

The next moment, I was back with my wife and the same worship song was playing. Rather like Paul, I wondered what had happened, had I dreamt it, did it happen? Deep down I knew that It had and I knew that, His grace was all I needed for anything. He would give me the strength, if I trusted Him. And He did, when I arrived at work the next day, my work tray was full of very simple tasks which took no time at all to complete and I had a happy return to work.

Realise this, whatever you are facing at this time is nothing when God is around. He will take care of it for you. All you need is His grace which will strengthen you. And that is on free offer all the time.

Sunday, 30 August 2020

Short Fuses

"So then, my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath."     
                                                                                                               James 1:19.  NKJV 
When we're in delicate situations, we should always ensure that we are in control of ourselves. Otherwise, things can go very wrong as we launch in without counting the cost.

James here, encourages us to be quick to listen properly. 'What's happening here?' type of thing. Resisting the urge to retaliate  can help prevent disastrous consequences. We need to listen clearly and process what is happening. Watch the quick talking; when we're not in control, loads of bad stuff can come out of our mouths. We need to think things through quickly. We may only have a minute or two but there's always time to make the right reaction.

RT Kendall comments, 'Will my flesh rule this moment, or my spirit?' If we handle things badly, what does it portray? As people of God, we are Ambassadors of Jesus and should act accordingly. To act in any other way, we are presenting a bad image of life as a Christian. Unbelievers love this scandal. They love to be able to place the 'Hypocrite' label on to us.

We are important people, remember that, this is why the devil has to prowl around like a lion seeking who he can devour. (1 Peter 5:8). This means, if he can, he will discredit you and point the judgemental finger of accusation at you. He likes nothing better than ripping our reputations to shreds with scandals and lies. Don't give him the opportunity. Resist him, be sober and vigilant, be on guard, steadfast in faith.(1 Peter 5:8-9).

We need to analyse the way we react to situations. We need to train ourselves to receive in a more positive way. The way to do this, is to realise your importance to God. He chose you and called you His friend. (John 15:15-16). Own this and be confident of this fact. You are special and are on special business for Jesus. You are trusted. Take all of this on board; understand it and act accordingly. You signed up to serve Jesus. Now, this doesn't please the devil one bit; you are a threat. Did you get that? You are a threat to him and what he is planning.

The devil will only attack who is important, the one who means business. If that's you, and I'm sure it is, get your reactions sorted. Hone them down. Watch the short fuse attitude. Who is going to rule the moment, your flesh, or your spirit? 

You have a lot of work to do for Jesus. He is counting on you. Don't let people put you down, don't let the devil have his way. Be in control of every moment and point the way to Jesus Christ!

Saturday, 29 August 2020

The Secret Place

"He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High, shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty."                                                                                        Psalm 91:1.  NKJV

There is so much that goes on in our world; so much stress and anxiety that attempts to latch itself on to us and so much deception and hatred, that we need to be able to stay on top of it all. As we've seen from our studies this past week, David used the skill of strengthening himself in the Lord, and it really is the only way to survive.

When his men were threatening to stone him, even though he was grieving himself at the loss of his two wives, he began to remember past victories, praise God and thus, strengthen himself in the Lord. 

This is a skill that we all must learn if we are to be of value in kingdom business. We must learn to minister to ourselves if we're going to develop the character to reach our potential. It is impossible to reach this destiny in life, without first learning to minister to ourselves.

A great place to start to learn this skill is in the Secret Place - that special place where you meet with God on a daily basis in order to pray, study the Word and give Him all the things that are of concern to you. Where this Secret Place is, is very much dependant on you - what fits in with your routine and what is convenient. It really needs to a place where you can be alone with your Father. It doesn't work when other family members have the TV blaring, the latest Green Day or Metallica song full blast or mobile phones activating.

Check out today's text. It is an encouragement to live in the Secret Place - God's presence, living under the shadow or shelter of the Almighty. The Secret Place is a safe place; a place where there is nothing to fear. A place where we can rest and be refreshed. It's a place where God is, not that He isn't everywhere else in the world, because He is, but it's a place where exclusively He is ours!

It is said that the Eye of a Storm is the most peaceful place on earth. This is why Jesus slept in the middle of the storm (Mark 4:38). He was at peace, He knew the storm couldn't take Him under.

And this is how we can live each day, strengthening ourselves in God. This is how we become strong and victorious. Whatever comes our way, we flick it to the side with God's Word. But we must put it in to ourselves before we can give it out. We must get built up in Him to be of use to ourselves and whoever God leads us to.

If you don't have that Secret Place where you spend time with Jesus everyday, then find one; create one. It may be a room in your house, a shed, a car, on a walk - wherever. But it is far better to have a place where you can have your bible and notes handy, because you will need them. Ask God where is the best 'Secret Place' for you.


Friday, 28 August 2020

Defeat your Giants!

"Then David said to the Philistine, 'You come to me with a sword, with a spear and with a javelin. But I come to you in the name of the LORD of Hosts, the God of the armies of Israel whom you have defied.'                                                     1 Samuel 17:45.  NKJV 

Losers talk about what they'll do but never do it. Winners take action and this is what David did that day when he faced the awesome sight of Goliath. Have you ever considered the scene; what it would have looked like to see this giant of a man walking towards David. Let's face it, if it had been us, we would have been tempted to run away in fear, such was the sight. David ran too, yes, he actually ran, but not away; he ran towards Goliath with a stone in his sling; and he killed this intimidating person.

Now David was only a little guy but he had a big heart sold out to the Lord and he ran forward in the name of the Lord of hosts and defeated him. Nothing was going to stop him. He was fearless while others trembled in fear as they watched from a safe distance. 

David relied on God; he shifted the battle from the natural into the spiritual realm. He wasn't a talker, he was a doer - a winner, and he went into this battle trusting God and expecting a victory. And that is how God wants us to be. David refused armour because it was man-made, heavy and awkward to wear. He depended on God and the armour that he would cover him in. For us, it is slightly different, David didn't have the written Word of God, where we have the spiritual armour of God as described in Ephesians 6:13-18, and we're unwise if we don't put it on each day. 

There are giants around us and battles that need to be fought and won. These battles are not ours however, they're God's. (1 Samuel 17:47) if of course, we put them into God's hands. If we do, we rise up as champions and fight; nothing can stop us.

What are your giants? What is defying the Army of the Living God? Remember, you can address and change this in the name of Jesus. Take on board the fact that for courageous people, defeat is never a viable option. Courageous people recall past victories and remember how God helped them. They have the right attitude. They trust God. They refuse to fear and they're confident in the Lord.

These are the hallmarks of giant-killers. Does this sound like you? God thinks so, but it takes the attitude that declares, 'I'm not having this, it's not part of my life. It'll reign in my life no longer.' Like David, determine that nothing will mess up your life, your family, your health, your finances or your walk with God.

You're a warrior; a champion, nothing can stop you defeating your giants!

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 27 August 2020

Be a Giant-Killer

"But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God."        1 Samuel 30:1-24   NKJV

It's not easy being a leader; when things are going well, the leader is everyone's friend. But when things turn sour, they may get shot at.

This was the case here. When David and his men came to Ziklag, they found that the Amalekites had burned the place down, taking their wives and children into captivity. Everyone, understandably, was distressed but David all the more. Firstly, he was responsible for his men being away from home and now they wanted to stone him and David's own wives had been taken too. 

When the chips are down, the one in charge can always be at blame. Why? because it goes with the territory. However, David was a warrior, a man after God's own heart. Nothing would stop him from standing up. He called on God, thus strengthening himself. He knew God had rescued him many times in the past and would do so again. This was the difference. David never gave up.

He inquired of God about whether they should retaliate and God said yes, 'Pursue" v8. So he did and through a series of events, defeated the Amalekites and returned with the wives and children, victoriously.

Note what David did:
(1)  He remembered his past victories, thus strengthening himself
(2)  He prayed asking God what to do
(3). He listened clearly for God's direction
(4). He was then pro-active in battle

David was totally in control. He didn't flap or run away. He faced things head on, committing it all to God, and he didn't waver with God's direction. There's some lessons to be learnt for each of us here. It's so easy to throw the towel in and begin blaming other people for what has happened. Becoming bitter solves nothing. God is looking for fighters, not quitters. He wants giant-killers and this episode was a giant for David. Learn from it. 

Notice in verses 22-23, that David's men wanted to punish the 200 men who were so exhausted that they didn't go into battle with them. They felt that having their wives and children back, was enough. They was not entitled to the spoils of war that had been gathered. David would have none of this and demonstrated God's compassion by giving them the same spoils. 

This is the hallmark of a good leader. 'I'm not a leader,' you may say. Yes you are. As followers of Jesus, we're kings and priests unto God. (Revelation 1:6). So stand; learn to be a giant killer. When the going gets tough - be tougher; don't quit, go ahead with Jesus. 

Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Water Walking

"Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water," so He said, 'Come.' And when Peter had come down out of the boat, he walked on the water to go to Jesus." 
                                                                                                Matthew 14:22-33.  NKJV

Are you a Water Walker? Would you step out of the boat to walk towards Jesus, if he said, 'Come?' Probably you would, then again, maybe not. It would depend on the type of person you are. Peter was a person who acted on impulse, quite a lot. 'Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.' And he did. Then there was his statement to Jesus in Matthew 26:33-35, 'Even if I have to die with You, I will not deny You.' And don't forget how he cut off the ear of the servant of the high priest, in the Garden of Gethsemane. (John 18:10). Yes, Peter often acted hastily, without thinking thinks through properly.

Here we see him again acting this way. Now, it was very early - the Fourth Watch of the night, probably around 3am. It is thought that the period was around mid-April, when the moon would have been full, giving lots of light. This would account for the disciples seeing Jesus walking on water towards them. Whereas the disciples were afraid, Peter was pretty sure it was Jesus, and called out to Him. When Jesus responded with the word, 'Come,' he obeyed and actually walked on the water. The thing is, he then began to sink and had to call on Jesus to help him. Faith was reduced to Fear. Why was that? It was the result of taking his eyes off Jesus and walking by sight, not by faith. (2 Corinthians 5:7). The sight of the raging waves scared him.

But what made Him volunteer to get out of the boat in the first place? It was that one word, 'Come.' Peter knew and trusted Jesus. He was sure if Jesus said, Come,' everything would be alright. That was the key. There is always a key to every problem and it is Jesus. He knows the way because He is the way. (John 14:6). Jesus is the password you should never forget, it opens and closes doors.

Jesus is the answer to all you are seeking; but there must be no doubt. If there is, He will say, 'O you of little faith, why did you doubt?' Don't live in Little Faith, move to Big Faith. It's better there. Time and again, He tells us to, 'Be of good cheer, it is I; do not be afraid.' (V27, Mark 5:34 & 36).

If you want to be a Water Walker, you'll get your feet wet, but don't get your whole body wet by doubting. You know that Jesus won't let you down. You know He won't. Activate the key - trusting Jesus by faith. Tap in your password - J,E,S,U,S, and walk towards Him when He says, 'Come,' 

Keep your eyes focused on Him and nothing else. Water Walkers walk by faith, not by sight, (2 Corinthians 5:7).
Is that Jesus walking on the water towards you? 

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 25 August 2020

The feeling of being loved

"I in them and You in Me that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved me."
                                                                                                           John 17:23.  NKJV

Everyone likes the feeling of being loved. The majority of people want this, together with being liked and popular. It's a normal reaction. But sadly, that is not always the case and for some, it's easy to begin to feel a little insecure, especially when you're ignored or not chosen for a particular task.

Today's text is an extremely profound statement, in fact, it is amazing. Just stop and think, the God who created the universe and sent His one and only Son to save our souls, actually loves us as much as He does Jesus.

God said to me on 9th November 1999, 'If people would grasp and believe this truth, it would revolutionise their whole life.' And it is true. Just stop and meditate on this fact for a moment or two. It has the potential to blow you away. Dare to believe it.

One of the big things that the world suffers from, is insecurity. We need to feel that we belong and that we are valued. If not, it can mess us up completely. When we're insecure, we can walk into a room and see a bunch of people laughing and joking and we can convince ourselves, they're talking about us. On occasions, this can be true, but many times it is our own imagination running wild. 

Insecure people find it hard to believe that someone loves them because they're always looking for an ulterior motive. At some particular time in their life, they were hurt badly and they've grown to believe that this is life and nothing will ever change. Just looking at a social worker's  caseload   would prove my point here. Their whole life is built around mistrust and this can cause problems in future relationships.

Most of the time, the things that an insecure person struggles with, are lies from the devil and there is a need to stop believing these lies. However, there may be a root buried deep within a person that needs prayer, in order to be set free from it's clutches. 

If this is the case for you, bring this before Jesus right now. Seek the help of a trusted friend if possible but if not, come to Jesus and begin to grasp the fact that God loves you as much as He does Jesus, and He wants you to be free. Why not say this prayer with me:

Lord Jesus, please break the power of insecurity in my life. I realise that I am loved dearly, so I ask for Your help in delivering me from this place of hurt, doubt and confusion. I forgive anyone who may have hurt me so much that it made me feel this way; and I receive Your love and blessing from this moment. I am free.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

 Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 24 August 2020

God doesn't use empty words

 "So shall My word that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to me void, but it shall accomplish what I please, and it shall prosper in the thing for which I sent it."
                                                                                                              Isaiah 55:11.  NKJV

God never uses empty words; His words are backed by faith and full of power. God's Word, 'Seals the Deal'. His promises and plans are as sure of fulfilment as the fact that it rains and snows. (v10). The rain and snow water the earth, bringing refreshment for the crops to bear fruit, giving seed to the sower. Note this, it accomplishes what it is sent to do and it's the same with God's Word.

Smith Wigglesworth used to say, 'If God said it, then I believe it and that settles it.' He trusted that God's Word was the final authority. God doesn't speak empty words, or 'Just talk'. When God speaks, His Word accomplishes His intended purpose. It never fails. 

If God has told you something, then it will come to pass accomplishing what it was sent for. Therefore, if God tells you something, then get in place for this to happen. Look for example at Noah. God told him to build an ark in the middle of dry land. On completion, he was to fill it with his family and two of all creatures. It must have appeared ridiculous to many people but to Noah, God had spoken and he would obey. True to His Word, the great flood came and only those who were in the ark survived. The others perished. God's Word never fails.

Some things that God tells us can appear quite strange at first but as we trust Him, He gives us more awareness of the situation and then it comes to pass. It really comes down to our faith, this is when we're tested. But we serve a 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist, as though they did.' (Romans 4:17). Faith really is the only way to live because, 'Without faith, it's impossible to please God.' (Hebrews 11:6). 

There's a world full of unbelievers and God loves them. We need faith to reach them, to speak with them and to pray with them. God has called you to bring people into the Kingdom. Yes you! (Matthew 28:19-20). This is our mandate and it can't be ignored or altered. Yes it's true, some are pastors, teachers and evangelists, but we're all called to tell people about Jesus. People need healing, setting free from demonic possession, loving and much more. God has sent His Word out, so grasp hold of your mandate that His Word will not return empty.

We're in Team Jesus. Speak to whom you can about Him; pray with them, even if it's in the street. If you are obeying His Word, it will accomplish what it is sent to do. You may not see the harvest, but healings will happen, lives will be saved and changed, all because, you believed and obeyed.

Sunday, 23 August 2020


"Not that I was ever in need, for I have learned how to be content with whatever I have. (12) I know how to live on almost nothing or with everything. I have learned the secret of living in every situation, whether it is with a full stomach or empty, with plenty or with little.                                                                                      Philippians 4:11-12.  NLT

True contentment can be called a source of satisfaction in which happiness and peace reside. Here, Paul is saying how he learned to live with nothing and with everything. He had learned the art of true contentment.

Many people today are desperately searching for some form of contentment. Some seek it in  nice houses paid for by highly paid jobs and every conceivable luxury to accompany this. But deep down, are they really content? Other people, work all hours under the sun just to keep a roof over their heads and food on the table. Many are content, but many aren't.

Bob Gass comments, 'When your contentment is based on status or possessions, it can be taken away in an instant. But when it's based on your relationship with Jesus, nothing, absolutely nothing, can rob you of it.' You see, the contentment that the world seeks is built on riches - what size is their bank balance, the size of their house and what top of the range car they're driving at this time. This very comfortable life style can be so temporary. As we see now, with the Covid 19 pandemic, businesses are folding on a daily basis and there are more redundancies and threats of losing homes than there has been for many years.

There is no contentment in placing our trust in worldly things. People who do this are building their houses on sand. When flood and high winds of life come along, their house may collapse. However, who builds their house on the rock (Jesus), withstands all that is thrown at them. (Matthew 7:24-27). 

There is only one true source of contentment and that is in Jesus Christ. He is the only one that can truly satisfy our need. What's more, when we put our trust in Him, He takes care of us. Yes, it may be difficult at times, with many struggles. But Jesus never promised that it would be plain sailing to follow Him. He suffered, so we can expect to suffer as well, at times. But one thing He did promise us was eternal life. As Christians, we will live forever with true contentment.

Are you a Christian who is struggling at the moment. If so, keep going because your success may be just around the corner. Don't give up now, you may miss it. The tide's coming in with your ship on the water. Things will change for the better. Just keep your eyes on Jesus. He won't let you down. 

Sit and rest a while in His presence. Be quiet and let Him talk to you instead of you doing all of the talking. You will be blessed by what you hear!

Saturday, 22 August 2020

The Pessimist

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."              Philippians 4:13.  NKJV 

A pessimist has a tendency to stress the negative or unfavourable or to take the gloomiest, possible view of things. This person habitually sees or anticipates the worst or is disposed to be gloomy. Their motto can be, 'Whats the point, it'll only go wrong.' Let's look at further examples:

'How will I ever be able to do that, it's too much of. task?'
'I could never go to university, I would fail.'
'I'm not going to apply for that job, I'm not qualified enough and even if I was, I'd never get it.'
'If I buy a house then lose my job, how will I pay the mortgage?'

I can't, I can't, I can't. If this is you, turn this around so that you know and believe Jesus Christ will enable you to do anything He asks you. Nothing is impossible for Him who believes. Let's face it, Jesus wouldn't lead you to do something if He didn't think you were capable.

Many Christians are pessimists and doubt their own worth. Thomas fell into this category a little. One thing you shouldn't do however, is beat yourself up feeling that you have no faith. You have a measure of faith that is appropriate for the task Jesus has for you. Therefore, if He leads you to do a certain thing, He will give you the faith to accomplish this. (Romans 12:3).

However, at times, we look at something and are tempted to think, 'I can't do this,' and you're probably right. On your own you can't (John 15:5). But with Jesus on your side, you can perform great things. Bob Gass says: 'How many times does something look impossible simply because you think it is?' Did you get that? You think it's impossible and so it becomes impossible. We have to change this mentality, but how?

2 Corinthians 5:7 says, 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' We have to learn to look at situations through the eyes of faith. It is too overwhelming otherwise. How do you think King David killed Goliath? He was around ten feet tall, a mountain of a man, but with faith, it was no problem for David. Even though he was only a little guy, he claimed the victory.

The pessimistic mentality has to be put to death and replaced with one of optimism and faith. You can do what you feel God is calling you to do. You can, because your friend, Jesus, says you can. So stop listening to the negative lies of the devil and get built up in the Holy Spirit.
You have a faith-filled job to do!

Friday, 21 August 2020

The Entertainer and the People Pleaser

"Then Moses said to the LORD, "O Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue."
                                                                                                                    Exodus 4:10  NKJV 

Insecurity rules in a lot of us. We often feel the need to hide behind other people because, we either feel that we're unworthy, or too inadequate for the job in hand. We may also have been put down by people so many times, that we have lost our confidence. 

In this passage, we see Moses trying to wriggle out of what God has planned for him. The reference to, 'Slow of speech and slow of tongue,' may have referred to the fact that Moses had some sort of speech impediment, possibly a stutter, and this made him feel embarrassed.

Some of us play the 'Entertainer,' role. We feel that we must put on a show for people in order to be accepted. Deep down, it may be the last thing we want to do, but our damaged ego forces us on. This may be the result of being an only child; one in which we had to entertain ourselves because there was no one else to associate with.

Then there are the, 'People Pleasers.' Lovely people who feel they must do this and that, in order to feel accepted. This type of person can end up wearing themselves out and still not reach the realms of acceptability with certain people.

Note God's response to Moses in Exodus 4:11-12, 'So the LORD said to him, "Who has made man's mouth? Or, Who makes the mute, the deaf, the seeing or the blind? Have not I, the LORD? (12) Now therefore, go and I will be with your mouth and teach you what you shall say."

STOP RIGHT THERE! God made you the way He wanted you to be. Not like anyone else, but just like you. You were born an original, don't die a copy. Discover who you are in Jesus; put yourself into His hands and watch what He can do.

'Yes, but you don't understand,' you may say. And that is true, I don't understand because God made you the way you are and if that's good enough for Him, it's certainly good enough for me, and so it should be so for you as well.

There's no need to entertain people any longer and there's no need to be a people pleaser either. Put all of your energies into serving God and don't let the enemy discourage, devalue or destroy you any longer. 

You are so special that Jesus died in your place. He sees the potential in you and he can see something in you that has never surfaced before. There's a seam of gold waiting to shine through and if you allow Him, Jesus will bring it into being.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Outrageous and Awesome

"Now the LORD had prepared a great fish to swallow Jonah. And Jonah was in the belly of the fish three days and three nights."                                     Jonah 1:17.  NKJV

Some people refuse to believe that such a thing could have happened, and they attempt to explain it some other way. But it did. We're called to believe Jesus, therefore, we must believe in His Word. It is infallible. If we don't believe such things, how will we ever believe the mighty things that God will do?

This piece of scripture shows the awesomeness of God, together with His compassion. Jonah, through disobedience, was thrown into the raging water because he was considered a jinx. He should have been heading to Nineveh but decided to take a sailing trip to Tarshish instead.

However, rather than being angry with Jonah, God prepared a great fish to swallow him up in the water and eventually vomit him up on dry land. Amazing. Now there are some anomalies here for us to discuss. God may have created a special fish or even a modified whale to meet this task. That in itself is amazing. God changing the norm of things to meet His needs, which actually He does on a regular basis. He is never limited as we are. We are dealing here with the God who can make blind eyes see and vice versa when we need His protection, such as bible smuggling in non-Christian countries.

The next anomaly is, how did Jonah breathe being trapped inside the belly of this great fish for 72 hours? That in itself, is a miracle - an unexplainable event. God likely chose that Jonah stay inside the fish for three days and three nights because that was the time ancients thought someone needed, to come back from Sheol, which was the inner part of the earth, the grave away from God's presence, a place of darkness to which the dead go. This was later referred to as Hades when the scriptures were translated into Greek. It was an intermediate place for a person's spirit, not the eternal abode. Jesus confirms this event and uses the incident to describe the time He would be, 'in the heart of the earth', preceding His resurrection (Matthew 12:40).

All of this shows just how awesome God is. He can do what He chooses to do. So why do we limit Him? He will ensure that we do what He has called us to do and will go to great lengths to do this. Think for a moment, if God did all of this for Jonah even though He was disobedient, imagine what He would have done for Him if He had obeyed. And it's the same for us. 

What is God asking you to do? No matter how dramatic or scary it may be, do it! Grasp hold of His awesome power. He is your rescuer, your friend, your provider and your guide. He holds the key to your success. Yes, some of the things He may ask, may sound unbelievable but trust Him and get on with it. He has prepared something for you and it's exciting and wonderful. Can't you feel the hairs on the back of your neck sticking up? Outrageous times are ahead!

Wednesday, 19 August 2020

Cast it over to Jesus

"Cast your burden on the LORD and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved."                                                                          Psalm 55:22.  NKJV

When we give our problems to Jesus, He will respond! The definition here for the word, 'Sustain,'  means to supply, support, hold up, protect and defend. God will support, nourish and provide for any person who acknowledges that the burden of cruel treatment is one that only the Lord can handle. We need not fear because Jesus can handle any problem or difficulty we face.

Whatever you may be going through at this time, is no problem for Jesus to handle, as long as you give it to Him. He can blow it away in one breath and will not let you be 'shaken' (moved)  v22) by it. When a problem comes along, it can shake us into a panic and then, fear begins to kick in. Psalm 56:3-4 says, 'Whenever I am afraid, I will trust in You. (4) In God (I will praise His Word), In God I have put my trust. I will not fear, what can flesh do to me?' In other words, we need to face fear head on by giving it all to Jesus. We  can quickly release concerns and worries to Him, who wants to carry them for us.

When someone has wronged us, it is so easy to fly off the handle and take charge of it ourselves. When we do, God sits back and watches the mess we're making for ourselves. This is not the way to go. God's way is for us to cast it all over to Him and allow Him to handle the problem. A word of caution here - when we give something over for God to sort for us, we must not still hold bad feelings in our heart. If we do this, we're hanging on to it, thus, still involved. God's Word tells us, 'Bless those who persecute you, bless and do not curse.' (Romans 12:14). This is so difficult when all we want to do is go and rip the person's head off; but we need to bless them. Then in Romans 12:17, it says, 'Repay no one evil for evil'. In v19-21 it further reads, 'Vengeance in Mine, I will repay - do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good.'
I like what Dr Oswald J Smith says in his book, The Passion for Souls, 'No Attack - No Defence'; and it is well worth adopting this method.

I Peter 5:7 reads, 'Casting all your care upon Him for he cares for you.' In other words, transfer the pain of betrayal, gossip, false accusations and the like, over to Jesus. Transfer them by uploading them to Him. He's very responsive to this and WILL handle it fairly and properly. He won't let you down. Don't attack anyone by words or deeds and there is no need to defend yourself either. Your Lawyer, Jesus Christ has brought justice to all cases placed in His hands. He will for you as well. However, you must do it His way, not your own!


Tuesday, 18 August 2020

God will Supply

"Therefore,  do not worry, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?' (32) For after all those things the Gentiles seek. For your Heavenly Father knows that you need all these things.'                                    Matthew 6:31-32.  NKJV

God knows what you need and He's committed - if you allow Him - to supply this need. (Philippians 4:19). So what more confirmation do you want? Keith Moore says, 'God is my source; claim it and receive it. Don't beg Him, it's already there.'

We read in Mark 10:46-52, about blind Bartimaeus. On hearing that Jesus was visiting, he started shouting, 'Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me.' As soon as Jesus heard his cry, He asked him, 'What do you want Me to do for you?' Bartimaeus used the Hebrew term for mercy, which is hesed, and means kindness, grace, love and mercy. He knew Jesus would heal him through this hesed. And He did. Bartimaeus' need was met.

Psalm 23:1 says, 'The LORD is my shepherd; I shall not want.' It also says in 23:5, 'My cup runs over.' A glance at John 10:10 shows us, 'I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.' God is your source; your supplier, no one else. If you find another source, it will be in the form of a loan and there will be a payback of much more than you borrowed. God asks for nothing in return.

God is not about to let you go under, no matter what your situation is at this moment. He says, 'What do you want Me to do for you?' When you tell Him, He will deliver it to you, however, this may not be in your time-scale. He's perfect in knowing the right time for things and He will give it to you, then, so don't worry. James Hudson-Taylor, the great missionary to China, said of Matthew 6:33, 'If we can only wait right up to the time, God cannot lie, God cannot forget. He is pledged to supply all your need.' Hudson-Taylor was a man who knew all about trusting God for his need.

A shepherd knows his sheep. He protects them, feeds them and guides them along the way. They don't fear him but place their trust in him alone. God is our shepherd; He knows us and wherever we go, He'll protect and guide us as long as we remain in the fold with Him. Daily He supplies our need and if we're honest, we lack nothing. (Psalm 34:10). We may want things that are not essential to our welfare. And because of His great hesed towards us - mercy, kindness and love, He gives us what we ask Him for. But this is where our faith needs to kick in, as described in Mark 11:22-24. There's a difference between need and want. The 'need' is guaranteed as we place our trust in Jesus. The 'want' is a faith thing. As we ask, believe and receive, we get what we ask Him for. However, there must be no doubt. Read Matthew 6:25-34 and Mark 11:22-24 to grasp the difference and then apply them to your life. You will benefit from this.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Monday, 17 August 2020


Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?"       Matthew 6:27   NKJV

People all over the world become ill because of worry. It attacks the heart, the glands and the whole nervous system. It profoundly affects your health. Bob Gass said, 'I have never known a person who died from overwork, but many who died from worry.' 

Jesus, in our text today said, 'Which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?' Now a cubit is about 18 inches long, so you can see this would make a big difference to a person's height. But even then, what good would it do if you died of worry? None! George Muller said, 'The beginning of anxiety is the end of faith and the beginning of faith is the end of anxiety.' Did you get that? As soon as worry and anxiety are allowed to enter the situation, faith is deflated. We doubt and go without.

Therefore, common sense tells us that worry is the conclusion of believing the lies of the devil. It brings fear. Fear unhooks us from faith and the supernatural. It puts us in bondage to the natural realm. An acronym of the word FEAR is (F) False (E) Evidence, (A) Appearing, (R) Real (Copyright Bob Gass). Things go wrong or problems pop into our minds and if we're not careful, fear enters in and we start on a downward spiral.

As a Christian, every time we begin to worry we're forgetting who is in charge - Jesus. He said we should seek His Kingdom first. (Matthew 6:33). Now, we either believe and trust Jesus or we don't. Trusting Him requires putting everything into His hands and allowing Him to provide, protect and show us the way through each and every situation. I like The Living Bible's version of 1 Peter 5:7, 'Let Him have all your worries and cares, for He is always thinking about you and watching everything that concerns you.' 

We need to grasp hold of this. Faith needs to rule in our hearts, not fear. So, as soon as any negative problem comes along, we need to cast it over to Jesus. An attitude of joy helps here, because joy is a strength. (Nehemiah 8:10).

Are you a worrier? If so, make it a priority today, to rectify this. Remember, only a small percentage of what we worry about happens, the rest disappears and is forgotten about. So, cast your worrying nature over to Jesus and ask Him to replace it with faith:

'Lord Jesus, from this moment, I refuse to worry about anything. I place my whole life into Your hands and trust You to take care of me. Please Lord, re-energise my measure of faith and give me the ability to cast out fear from this day forth. In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 16 August 2020

What happened?

 "Above all, taking the shield of faith with which you will be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked one"                                     V16 of Ephesians 6:14-18.  NKJV

One moment you may be going along fine and joyful, the next, BAM, you're flat on your face and in the depths of despair. What happened? You were hit by one of Satan's arrows, one designed to take you out. This may be in the form of sickness that hits you in a moment. Or it may be you're involved in an accident of some sort or something else that takes the wind out of your sails.

Derek Prince says, 'The devil chooses the weakest moments and the weakest place,' and there is a lot of truth in this. However, it's not always this way. Many times we have begun or completed a new piece of work for God and we are so excited at the potential of the project, and suddenly it goes wrong or someone comes along and totally destroys it all by negative and hurtful words. We are devastated but we need to know that we're under an attack.

You see, the devil is quite skilled at distracting us from our work for God. He'll use people to pour scorn on what we have done, distracting us and others from what He has planned. On a small scale we may decide to have a closer relationship with the Lord by increasing our quiet time with Him. As soon as we begin, the telephone may ring, the kids may urgently need us or someone may call at the house. We're distracted.

On a larger scale, our whole ministry may be going so well with excitement bubbling and then suddenly, something goes wrong, preventing the work going on. Satan fires scud missiles at us and they're sent to achieve distraction and mayhem. The acronym of SCUD is (S) Satan, (C) Continually, (U) Uses, (D) Distractions. This helps us to see that Satan has to fire something major at us to prevent us doing God's work. If you're under attack, you're on the right path.

But we must wear the Armour of God, we're lost without it. Soldiers don't go into battle without some sort of protection. Now you can use a small shield of faith or a large one. For myself, I choose the large size because it covers us all over. What I'm talking about here is, our faith. You've either got it or you haven't. If it's the latter, then you won't please God (Hebrews 11:6), and you'll be walked all over.

This is why our faith needs developing, we need to stand and keep standing so that whatever comes our way, we can withstand it. This means we can resist or oppose the attacks with a determined effort. 

You're a soldier, so put your armour on and stand. If you get kicked over, get back up again. We never surrender because we're warriors of God and this means that we are winners. You may not feel that way but it's true. Start doing your exercises right now - read, pray and study the Word. You never know when an attack is coming!

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 15 August 2020

Seek Peace

"Seek peace and pursue it                                                     Psalm 34:14.  NKJV

As each day goes by, the world appears to be getting more and more violent and hostile - terrorism, murders, rapes and violence around every corner. The people who offend, mostly show no remorse as witnessed on recent news coverage on BBC TV. There has always been these things but not as regular as they are nowadays.We're living in the last days for sure.

Therefore, this is why we need to be living in peace ourselves and attempting to spread it around wherever we go. The Living Bible quotes our text as, 'Try to live in peace with everyone; work hard at it.' Just those last four words sum it up well, - 'work hard at it.' It is not easy to live in peace when things around you are pretty bad, and that is where patience and hard work are needed.

Take for instance noisy neighbours with wild parties and BBQ's that get out of hand. We're all entitled to live our lives and enjoy this but sadly, some people take it a step further and have their music so loud it can be heard in the next county. If we retaliate in anger, they may just turn the volume up louder. So we need peace to help us through, coupled with prayer. We need to be mindful of who we are - representatives of God; we also need to remember Romans 12:18, 'If it is possible as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.' A quiet word with a neighbour the next day is far better than going in with all guns blazing when they're in party mood. The weapon that we have and need is prayer. That changes things big time.

Then there are car parking spaces. If you park on the road outside your home, you'll be familiar with those who park in your parking space as soon as you drive off. The thing is, as much as you think you own the road, you don't and I'll park there if I want to. Joking aside, it can wind us up especially if it's raining and we have a car full of shopping to unload and we have nowhere to park. Again, we need to, 'Seek peace and pursue it.' It's not easy I know, but again, prayer works wonders. I ask God to keep our parking space whenever we drive off, and it works. Try it. I could go into great detail about the people who light bonfires and burn plastic, causing toxic fumes, but really it's the same thing and needs us to, 'Seek peace and pursue it.'

Grab hold of this verse in Isaiah 26:3 and personalise it as a prayer whenever you need to:

'You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You.'

The answer to remaining in peace is to stay focused on Jesus, your whole mind concentrating on the one who offers everlasting peace. It is training ourselves to trust in God more and more. He knows what is going on and if you let Him, He'll sort it, and that's a promise.

Keep your peace.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

We could so easily have given up

8 We don’t want you to be unaware, brothers and sisters, of our affliction that took place in Asia.  We were completely overwhelmed — beyond...