Thursday, 31 December 2020

The New Year - 2021

"You crown the year with Your goodness, and your paths drip with abundance". 
                                                                                                                Psalm 65:11   NKJV

Some people are looking forward to a New Year. Even some newspapers are saying that it's good that 2020 is nearly over. But you know, some good things have happened this past year. For one, in my family, we have had a new birth and I'm sure that some of you can also testify to this happening in yours. We've had the bad interlaced with the good. One thing we need to be grateful for though, is that we are still here talking about it. That in itself, is such a blessing and one, in which we need to thank God for.

If we expound our text verse for today, we see that God is going to crown the year with His goodness. When a person is crowned, they are given all the honour, all the power and glory; they are a special person. And our God is saying that of the New Year - 2021. He is going to crown it, or in other words, ordain it. It is going to be special filled with all good things. Yes there will still be heartaches but, there will be more goodness and blessing, and wherever we walk with Jesus, our steps - our path, will drip with abundance. 

Let us look at that statement for a moment. Wherever we go, whatever we do and whatever happens, it will all drip with abundance as we walk along Jesus' path. This means, as we continually walk with Him by our side. We are in for a year of abundance - a bounty of super-abundance from the God of too much. John 10:10b tells us, 'I have come that they may have life and that they may have it more abundantly'. Jesus has just told us that the thief will try to kill, steal and destroy us because he is the joy robber. But, take courage, Jesus is the joy bringer and He is bringing it to us for 2021. Do you believe this?

The text verse today, is a promise and it is one that we need to write down, highlight it in your bible and confess, pray and claim it every day from now on:

Jesus, You crown the year with Your goodness, and Your paths drip with abundance!

This year, whatever you do and wherever you go, drip with God's loving abundance. This is your year. Have a really good one.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Wednesday, 30 December 2020

Watch the doubting spirit!

 "Jesus said to him, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen and yet have believed."                             John 20:29   NKJV

One of the things the devil is likely to do to us, is cause us to doubt. We see him trying to tempt and confuse Jesus when He was in the wilderness. He thought Because Jesus was tired, worn out and hungry, he could get Jesus to believe him and bow to Him; but Jesus was having none of it. Again, the serpent, who represented the devil, caused Eve to doubt in the Garden of Eden, 'You shall not surely die.' Genesis 3:4. If he is given an inch he will take a mile, you better believe it. Faith is how God wants us to live. We can't see Him but we believe He is here, in our hearts. This is faith. To doubt that, is to lose our way completely.

Thomas, who was also known as Didymus - the twin, because of his uncanny resemblance to Jesus, was a doubter. We see him in action in this chapter. The others had seen Jesus following His crucifixion - He had appeared to them. They excitedly tried to tell Thomas about it all, but he was not having it, 'Unless I see in His hands, the print of the nails, and put my finger into the print of the nails and put my hand into His side, I will not believe.' Thomas had to see it before he would accept it.  A lot of us are like this. We want to know that it is safe before we take a step of faith. Some give out fleeces, 'Lord, if you want me to do this, please let someone knock on my door and tell me this. Also let them provide me with financial support too.'

God rarely responds to such things. He has told us that, 'We walk by faith not by sight'. 2 Corinthians 5:7. This means that we look through the eyes of faith as we discussed yesterday. Jesus reinforced this when He later showed up to Thomas, one of the few times that He did respond to such a request. He told him, 'Thomas, because you have seen Me you have believed. Blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet have believed.' Note that second part, 'Blessed are those who have not seen Me and yet have believed.' This is you and I. Very few of us have actually seen Jesus and yet we trust Him; we believe in Him and that is great. Yet, why do we still have doubts about certain things.?

Some may answer this by saying, 'Because we are only human, we're doing the best we can do.' And that is a good answer. Yet Jesus wants more. He wants you and I to have a certainty that He will do what we ask and give us what we need each day. I'm not saying here that if we believe and ask Him to allow us to win the Lottery, He will do this. That is ridiculous and selfish. I'm talking here of our needs for each day. For Him to protect us and walk with us wherever we go. Take for instance, the centurion who came to Jesus in Matthew 8:5-10. He told Jesus that his servant was very ill. Jesus responded by telling him that He would go with him and heal him. The centurion said, 'Lord, I am not worthy that You should come under my roof. But only speak a word and my servant will be healed.' The centurion's faith astounded Jesus, He had not seen such faith in all of Israel.

And this is the faith that Jesus wants from each of us. To have the confidence, that certainty that Jesus will take care of us, watch over us and supply our needs. 
He wants us to be blessed.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Tuesday, 29 December 2020

Don't give in to despair

"Simon Peter said to them, 'I am going fishing.' They said to him, 'We are going with you also.' They went out and immediately got into the boat, and that night they caught nothing."                                                                                    John 21:3   NKJV

Following Jesus' crucifixion and appearance to many of the disciples, Peter and some of the others were sitting around totally full of despair. What had it all been about, was uppermost in their minds? They were bored, broken, lonely and desperate. They had walked with Jesus and it had been wonderful. Now, He wasn't there. They would have been confused. Had they really seen Him again? If they had, where was He now? They were gutted; they had lost everything and there was nothing left. It had all been meaningless. You can hear the despair in Peter's words, 'I am going fishing.' 

Yet on the other side of the coin, there was still a fighting spirit left within them. Just the fact that they decided to go out with there boats, showed that they were not going to lay down and give up totally. They had a survival spirit within them. It wasn't very strong but, it was still there. However, it was short-lived. They went out fishing and they caught nothing. These were experienced fishermen; if they couldn't catch fish no one could. Yet they didn't. Why? It was because their hearts were not in it. It was all meaningless.

When we become this way, it is hard to see the point in anything. It is not a case of feeling sorry for ourselves. It is more deeply-rooted. We have had everything; life was good and business was booming. Suddenly, it has all changed and there doesn't seem to be much point. But there always is. Deep down within you, there is that fighting, survival spirit. That spirit that tells you never to give up. It is there.

Life may have been a little unkind just lately. But it has to others as well. The same rain that falls on you, falls on them too. No one is exempt times of despair and heartache. It is universal and we have to find a way through it all. There is life out there and we have to grab it with both hands. A fighting spirit never gives up. Peter and the others used this when they got up and went out fishing. They would not surrender. And what did they get in return? Initially, a smack in the face when, after their efforts, they caught nothing. But watch this, Just moments later a mighty blessing came their way and they had a major catch of fish when Jesus spoke to them, directing them what to do.

And this will happen to you as well. As you refuse to give up, He will take your hand and lead you to blessing. 
Don't give in to despair.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Monday, 28 December 2020

Creativity - through the eyes of faith

"God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did."                                                                                          
                                                                                                    Romans 4:17   NKJV

We serve a creative God. He created the whole universe; our whole world and all that is in it. Even today, with the wonderful things that are invented, God created them. He did this by giving man the knowledge to perform such things. It's amazing.

A writer of fiction books, has to use creativity to be able to put together the characters and the plot. There are antagonists and protagonists. It has to be this way otherwise, there is no story. The writer must have imagination too and this comes from the creative side. I heard a fiction author say recently, 'When you look at something, what do you see? It may be just a landscape to the normal eye but, with imagination and creativity, it can be very different. So, when we look at something - see what's not there, that is the secret that creates books.'

And it is very true. God wants us to be the same. 'God who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist, as though they did.' This is faith. Don't forget, 'We walk by faith, not by sight'. 2 Corinthians 5:7. This type of faith affects our whole life. Your faith may be dead but God can bring it back to life, so that you are on fire for Him. Your health may be really bad but, God can repair it. He can breathe new life into every sickness and make you whole again. Your marriage may have lost that zing, in fact, it may be falling apart. However, if you trust God, He can make it feel like you have just been married, with that excitement and endless love.

God can do whatever he chooses to do. This is why He says the words of our text today. It all comes down to what you believe; what your level of faith is. If your level of faith is weak, then what you receive will be weak. If it is strong, the sky is the limit.

The Apostle Paul said, 'We walk by faith, not by sight.' This is the ability to look at something - some situation probably - and see it through the eyes of God. At first you look and everything may look the same; but as you look in faith, seeing what you believe, it will happen. These are not my words, they are God's; and He doesn't lie. He always speaks the truth.

What are you facing today? If Jesus is your Saviour, pray and then look at what you're facing, seeing it through the eyes of God. Be creative; be faith-filled; be transparent, giving all of yourself to Him. Remember, if God said it, believe it and let that settle it. 

Begin looking through the eyes of your faith from now on. Be creative! 

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


Sunday, 27 December 2020

2021 is about to erupt in Godly power

"But as for me, I trust in You, O LORD, I say, 'You are my God'. (15) My times are in Your hand."                                                                                       Psalm 31:14-15   NKJV

Times of trouble and times of triumph are in God's hands. People can oppose us, harass us and give us a really bad time; but they cannot take God on and win and sooner or later, if people keep on harassing or hurting us, they will find this out as He steps in and takes over.

We must though, keep in contact with Him on a daily basis. We can't keep on walking on our own and expect divine intervention. We must keep the connection with Jesus; we will then be safe. King David knew his God; he had a close relationship with Him. Subsequently, God protected him and he was able to confidently say that, 'My times are in Your hand.'

And this is where God wants each of us to be. We have a New Year approaching with new opportunities. Don't be tempted to think, 'Yes, we thought that last year and look what it brought us.' That is negative thinking; it is the type of thinking that the devil wants us to think - the bottle half-empty saga.

The Apostle Paul said, 'forgetting those things which are behind and, reaching forward to those things which are ahead,' Philippians 3:13. We need to forget what was in the past and, by faith look ahead to all the opportunities that the 'God, who gives life to the dead and calls these things which do not exist as though they did.' Romans 4:17, will bring us. And remember, we walk by faith, not by sight.' 2 Corinthians 5:7.

2021, may still contain Covid 19 problems. Restrictions may still be in place; but are you forgetting - God is bigger than any virus! He is in control although it may not seem so at times. He is, so don't give in to fear. Do not give in to disappointments or discouragement. We are the elite - the children of God, we serve a big God who is able to perform whatever He chooses.

On this 27th day Of December 2020, get into position for the explosion of Godly power that is going to erupt over this world. Get your faith sharpened. Get yourself ready to discover that your times are really in God's hand.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Saturday, 26 December 2020

No one should go without

"Nor was there anyone among them who lacked"                       Acts 4:34   NKJV

Today is Boxing Day, but what is the origin of this name? It is thought to come from a time when the rich used to box up gifts to give to the poor. Boxing Day was traditionally a day off for servants and the day when they received a special Christmas box from their masters. The servants would also go home on Boxing Day to give Christmas boxes to their families. Wikipedia tells us:

'The origins of Boxing Day are somewhat debated. The most likely story dates back hundreds of years to Britain. One version says that on December 26 wealthy families would give their servants and tradespeople a gratuity of either money or a “Christmas box” full of food and gifts to thank them for their service and for working all day Christmas Day. According to another tradition, churches would set up boxes to be filled with gifts on Christmas Day, which would then be distributed to the poor the following day. Regardless of which tradition is correct, each of these stories shows that Boxing Day had its origin in gift-giving to others.'

It is not unlike the early church recorded in Acts 4. The multitude of those who believed were of one heart and would share openly, with others who had little. No one went without. Some richer people would sell what they could and give the proceeds to the poorer people. 

We can see this in a lot of churches today, where food is distributed, along with clothes, to the people who are in desperate need. There are many people homeless today and benefit greatly from what people can give them. It is what Jesus would do. Remember the feeding of the five thousand? Mark 6:30-44. Jesus was faced with a mass of people who had followed Him and He was concerned that they should not starve. He provided for them and that is the heart of Jesus.

Me and my wife Hazel, when we pastored a church, turned the basement into a place where the homeless could come, get warm and receive hot meals and clothing if they needed it. These people were who society had forgotten about but Jesus hadn't. He guided us to set up the work, provided the kitchen equipment, carpeting, central heating, shower and the workforce. When Jesus asks you to do a task for Him, He gives all you need to put this into action.

Perhaps, you may have been wondering about becoming involved in this type of ministry. It is not easy and you can get ripped-off along the way, but there is nothing quite like seeing the faces of the people who are genuinely grateful for what you have done for them. And if they're grateful and pleased, Jesus is too. Remember His Words in Matthew 25:40: 'Assuredly, I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these My brethren, you did it to Me.'

Jesus sees what we do, what we say and how we act and He will reward all that serve Him.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Friday, 25 December 2020

Merry Christmas and Happy Birthday Jesus

"For unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given and the government will be upon His shoulder. And His name will be called Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace." 
                                                                                                                Isaiah 9:6   NKJV

Many people throughout this world are today, celebrating Christmas Day and the birth of Jesus. Even though He was born 2000 or so years ago, it is like He has been born again this day. Why? Because He is a living God. His energy and vitality know no end. However, many only know Him as a baby. They are wrong because that baby, turned into the almighty and everlasting, powerful God who chose to come to earth so that He could be with His people - you and I. Family are meant to be together at Christmas and Jesus is family. He is our brother but in His status of Mighty God, He is our Father too. He is everything to us, He is all we need and he chose to spend Christmas with you.

You may be alone this Christmas, but really, you are not. Your brother, your Father, your Counsellor and your Prince of Peace has decided to spend Christmas Day with you. In fact, He is willing to spend each and every day with you. Everyday can be like Christmas Day with Jesus in your life. Note the the words, 'Everlasting Father'. He is not your Father for a day and then decides to go away again. Many people throughout this world know what it is like to live life without their father in their family. I'm talking about, the father's who for one reason or another, have walked away. My heart goes out to you; but more importantly, Jesus' heart is broken because of this fact - because you have an emptiness within your life. Right now, I want to tell you, that Jesus wants to fill that void; that empty, emotional space. If you will allow Him to, He will be Your Father - a Father who will always be there for you and He will build you back up again. This could happen this day.

Furthermore, there are other people who are lonely this Christmas period. A death may have brought about an emptiness that you find hard to live with. There are no words that can make this better to live with, no magic wand can be waved as in the movies where everything goes from gloom to happiness in the blinking of an eye. But, on the other hand, no one can help you more than Jesus can. Look at His names again, Wonderful, Counsellor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father and Prince of Peace. One of the names, if not all, can address your pain and loneliness if you'll reach out and take hold of the hands that want to lift you up.

On this Christmas Day, Jesus wants you to celebrate with Him, His birth and His birthday like you have never done before. If you are willing; if you feel you are needing a Father or someone to give you love or just someone who will give your life a spiritual boost, why not receive the best Christmas present of all:

Lord Jesus, I need You. Things have not been the way that I planned them to be. I have an empty heart, I have pain, I need your help and I need your love. Please come and live in my heart today. Forgive me my sins and fill me with Your Holy Spirit. May this Christmas, be the best ever. Amen

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


Thursday, 24 December 2020

What will be your gift this year?

"And after entering the house, they saw the child with Mary, His mother; and they fell down and worshiped Him. Then after opening their treasure chests, they presented to Him gifts (fit for a King, gifts) of gold, frankincense and myrrh" 
                                                                                       Matthew 2:11 Amplified Study Bible

Note here, that these visitors to Jesus, were not the shepherds; they were the Magi - wise men from the east. They would have been of the same class as the 'wise men', of Babylon over whom Daniel was made ruler. Note also, that they didn't visit Jesus in the stable but Jesus' house. This would have been some time after Jesus' birth and He probably would have been around two years of age. Prior to this, Herod the Great had been murdering all male children over the age of two.

These wise men brought Jesus amazing gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh. Herod had spoken with the Magi beforehand and asked them to report back to him, where exactly, Jesus was. However, they ignored this following a warning from God and, went by another way to their homeland.

Christmas is a lovely time of year. Usually - pre-Lockdown - we happily choose presents to give to our loved ones and they do for us too. It really is an exciting time of year. It is also the time people think about Jesus. They may not be believers but, they cannot fail to hear about Him as carols are sung and Christmas services attended.

Think about the members of your family who do not know Jesus as their Saviour. Wouldn't it be the greatest Christmas present - ever, if they were to receive Him this Festive time? Why not pray for them right now: -

Thank you for Christmas and the birth of Jesus. Lord, I pray now that --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
will receive the greatest present of all, as they receive You, Jesus, as their Lord and Saviour. Please do this for us Lord.
In Jesus' Name, Amen

Now go and get ready for tomorrow - Jesus' birthday and look out for the opportunities the Holy Spirit will give you, to tell them about Jesus.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Wednesday, 23 December 2020

Be honourable in your marriage

"Then Joseph her husband, being a just man and not wanting to make her a public example, was minded to put her away secretly."                 Matthew 1:19   NKJV

Mary was betrothed to Joseph, in other words, they were engaged. However, betrothal was an actual marriage; it could only be broken by divorce. Joseph was unwilling to put Mary through such an ordeal, so he decided to end the engagement quietly.

What an honourable man! Joseph was obviously hurting and he must have had emotional battles going on in his mind, wondering who? Where? When? We get a deeper upstanding of who Joseph was; not many men would have been willing to do this. Just imagine the mind games that he was suffering. It would have been an obvious response to believe that Mary had been unfaithful to him. His mind would have been in utter turmoil.

While he slept, an angel appeared to him and revealed the truth. Mary was of child, yes, but the baby was conceived by the Holy Spirit v20. When Joseph awoke, he believed that this was from God; he therefore, confirmed her as his wife.

Let us now fast-forward to our period. How many lives are shattered by adultery in marriage and in relationships? Partners suffer similar mind games that Joseph may have suffered. Sadly when a partner has been unfaithful, there is mostly no way back for the relationship and hearts are broken and if there are children, they suffer great emotional and psychological problems with the break up. God can repair such a marriage but, there has to be total forgiveness and honesty, together with submission to Jesus, if it is going to work. As I've said, many relationships break up leaving inner chaos to the family.

God holds marriage in very high regard. When a man and woman join together in holy matrimony, there are rules - vows, to uphold. A man and woman become one in God and He insists that there is no room for outsiders - friends yes, lovers, no!

When we wrong our wives or our husbands, we are wronging God. Just think about that and keep you marriage pure and yourself honourable.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Tuesday, 22 December 2020

Think things through properly

"But Mary kept all these things and pondered them in her heart." v19
                                                                                                     Luke 2:15-20   NKJV

Don't be hasty. Don't rush in with all guns blazing; you may get it wrong and then there will be disaster.
The shepherds came in haste it states in verse 16, when they knew that the Saviour had been born in Bethlehem. They began making plans and suggesting this had happened and this spread the news around about Jesus. Herod heard about it and he felt threatened. This put Jesus, Joseph and Mary in a risky position. Mary however, didn't flap, worry or become fearful at all. She remained at peace; internalised what had happened and pondered it all. 

There are three types of people. Type A people, live life in the fast lane; they live on their stress and want to finish things before they've even started them. Everything is done in double-time opening the way for mistakes. They not only burn themselves out but others around them too.

Then there are the Type B people. They are totally laid back about everything and nothing tends to bother them at all. However, this may sound good, but many is the time when they don't get moving at all.

This brings us to Type C people. They have a happy balance between the other two types and things tend to go much better. They are achievers and get the job done efficiently. What type do you think that you are?

Stopping to think things through has got to be a winner. When we stop and analyse the possible 'fors' and 'againsts', it helps us to be prepared for unexpected obstacles. Dashing in like a bull in a china shop, is a recipe for disaster and upset. This is why, Mary pondered the situation. If she hadn't, it may have been a slightly different story.

Do you ponder things before you take action or, are you the one that takes action before it is needed - allowing words to come out of your mouth before you have even processed them properly? It is possible that you may need a re-tune by the Holy Spirit, so that you are running more effectively.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄


Monday, 21 December 2020

When I hear the praises start

"I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." 
                                                                                        Philippians 3:14   NKJV

This morning, all over the UK, people are in a kind of depression and feeling of gloom and doom. Covid 19, has once again shattered their plans and dreams. Christmas is all but cancelled. Many haven't seen their loved ones - properly, all the year and they were looking forward to meeting up with their loved ones to celebrate the Festive season. All of this has been taken away. It's pretty much the same all over the world - families separated because of restrictions that seem so harsh and yet, when we consider it, need to be in place to protect us all.

But may I offer each of you some sort of comforting words. This is only for a short time; the sun will shine again for us all, we just have to grit our teeth and do the best we can. Keith Green wrote a brilliant song not long before he was killed. It contains some very thoughtful words:


My precious Bride, the day is nearing, when I'll take you in My arms and hold you.
I know there are so many things that you've been hearing 
but you just hold on to what I have told you

For when I hear the praises start My Bride, I want to rain upon you
Blessings that will fill your heart, I see no stain upon you
Because you are My child and you know Me
To Me you're only holy, nothing that you've done will remain,
Only what you do for Me.
                                                     Copyright Keth Green

There are so many things that we are hearing and mostly, they are confusing and scary. In fact, it can appear that professionals are stabbing about in the dark. However, your Jesus is holding it all together. He knows all about the Coronavirus and He is well-able to crush it at the right time. 

For us, it is a case of pressing on. Christmas is just a few days away, and even though it is going to be very different for all of us this year, we can still enjoy what we have got. Many in the third world countries, don't even have that. We do and it is an ideal time to sing praises to Jesus, whether in the form of carols or worship songs. Jesus is still on the throne. He will not let you and I down. He couldn't even if He tried. He loves us so much.

I believe that God is saying to us all: 

'Praise Me and when I hear the praises start, I will rain blessings upon you that will fill your heart. You are My child and I will never forget the love that I have for each one of you.'

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Sunday, 20 December 2020

He ain't heavy, he's my brother

"They came to Him, bringing a paralytic who was carried by four men" v3
                                                                                                      Mark 2:1-12

People all over the world are hurting and struggling over personal matters. These include leaders in the church. However, some leaders find it difficult to admit this fact because they feel that it displays weakness. Therefore, they tell the few that they can trust and then, soldier on as if everything is ok. But you know! You know what they are going through and how they are becoming broken inside by something that they cannot 'fix'.

Whether it's a leader in the church, a member of the church or some other believer, they all have something in common. They need help. But before you go in with open bibles, prayers and prophecies, stop and ponder about it and, decide in your heart, with God, what would be of help for them. It's unlikely that they want continuous words of wisdom and endless prayers all of the time. This is helpful and they're grateful; but how can you really help?

Quite a few years ago, the Christian country singer, Glen Campbell wrote and sang this:

Try a little kindness

If you see your brother standing by the road
with a heavy load, from the seeds he sowed.
And if you see your sister falling by the way
Just stop and say, 'You're going the wrong way.'

You've got to try a little kindness
yes show a little kindness
Just shine your light for everyone to see.
And if you try a little kindness
then you'll overcome the blindness
of narrow-minded people on the narrow-minded streets.

                Copyright Glen Campbell

The person we're discussing is carrying a heavy load and, he or she, are your brother or your sister. They need carrying at the moment, because all of their emotional and physical energy has been absorbed in their painful predicament. How can you help? Well, a cooked meal can be handy, something they can put in the fridge or freezer and used for quick access.

A card sent can be a healer, especially when they realise how much they are loved and valued. You have no answers, so don't try to give them any. Just be there for them if they ask for this. Prayer obviously is a must. This is one way that we can carry someone's load. Don't desert them in their hour of need but, alternatively, don't swamp them with telephone calls or visits - give them some space.

This kindness and love is what it is all about. We all need carrying at times. It may be you one day. Therefore, sow the seed of love and support, anyway that you can.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Saturday, 19 December 2020

Do I have to give all of my money away?

"You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have and distribute to the poor, and you will have treasure in Heaven; and follow Me."  v22                                  Luke 18:18-23.  NKJV

Does this mean that God doesn't want us to be rich? Does it mean that we have to go and give all we have, to the poor before I can have treasure in Heaven and follow Jesus properly? The answer to these two questions, is no. God wants us to be rich because that way, we can help many people along the way, without us worrying about whether we have enough finance to live on ourselves.

This was a test to the rich, young ruler. He had approached Jesus wanting to know how he could inherit eternal life. Now, this man would have been quite skilled in investments and how to increase his finances. It was the business world to him. This was why he approached Jesus. He wanted to invest in his future because, no doubt, he had heard about receiving eternal life and it appealed to him.

Therefore, Jesus used this test to determine where his priorities were. Jesus knew that the man's treasure and security was in his wealth and He wanted to show him that this was a hinderance to him. His hope and security should be focused on God, not on his bank balance. After all, this could be taken off him by just one, bad investment. Sadly, the man couldn't see what Jesus was pointing out - the cost was too great. For him, God would always take second place.

There's not a lot of difference today. Many, still put their trust in their riches - their bank balance; nice house and car together with a handsomely paid salary. All of this is ok if we place God in the middle of it all. He must come first. Our trust must always be in Him before any other thing or person. After-all, He engineered that we have it all to begin with.

So enjoy what God has given you but always allow God to have His rightful place. Don't be frightened to tithe. It is God's in the first place so, He will take care of you. If you can, pray about helping others who may be in need. There are many starving and unschooled children in our world today. Can you help? Don't be scared to ask God if you should help. If you do, it will bless you, bless them and bless God as well.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Friday, 18 December 2020


"Wait on the LORD; be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart; wait I say, on the LORD.'                                                                                  Psalm 27:14   NKJV

We need to be confident in our waiting, strong and full of courage. To wait is to demonstrate confident expectation. Lamentations 3:25 says, 'The LORD is good to those who wait for Him. To the soul who seeks Him.' The Hebrew word for 'wait' is Qavah. Its meaning is to wait for; to look for; to expect and to hope. Qavah is the root of the noun Tiqvah which means hope or expectancy. (Strong's Dictionary). Therefore, we are to wait hopefully.

Waiting is an area that God is speaking about to many people. If God has promised us something, we tend to want it now; not so much because we are greedy, but because we become excited that God is at work. However, there is mostly a waiting process and we have to practice patience, which I admit, is not easy. It is though, worth it. 

As we can see from Lamentations 3:25, God is good to those who wait but, He wants us to be patient. There are things that God is doing that we don't know about. He's doing this to ensure that what he has promised us is good. If it were to be rushed, it could go very wrong. Therefore, He tells us to wait.

We are all waiting for something and at times, the more we focus on it, the longer it seems to take. It is far better, if we're confident in what God has promised us, to thank Him for it, remain in expectant hope and then, get on doing what we would normally do. This way, God often surprises us with, 'Suddenly'. I love these times. We're just getting on with our day when, 'Suddenly,' God turns up and everything changes.

You may have been waiting so long for something special. Each day, you hope, but each day, it doesn't happen. Please be encouraged, today may be the day when it does happen and your whole life changes for the better. 
Just take courage and hope.

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Thursday, 17 December 2020

Begin to see things God's way

"And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God." 
                                                                                                    Romans 12:2   NKJV

In other words, don't allow anyone or anything to convince you that there is a better way than God's way. He is the ultimate way, there are no others that will last the course. Do not be conformed or compromised. You're on active service, don't drop your guard now.

Your mind can allow you to think defeat instead of victory. The devil will try to rob you of your joy and implant depression and fear in its place. When everything is against you, don't be tempted to think that you would be better off dead. You wouldn't and you know it.

Begin to see things God's way - think and see differently. When things begin to push you into a corner, turn them round by seeing them as a positive issue not a negative one. Look and take note of how God wants them to be. Allow God to work within you, changing you, little by little, one step at a time. It may take a while and it may be difficult at first, but allow yourself to be changed from the inside.

We've discussed lately, the lies that the devil feeds us with, and it is always advisable to reinforce this on a regular basis. The devil is a liar. He will lie about your health; he will lie about you marriage and relationships, your finances and anything else that he can trick you with. He cannot be trusted. Be careful who you trust with your lives. Scripture tells us: 'Cursed is the man who trusts in man and makes flesh his strength.' Jeremiah 17:5. Please note that, this verse is not saying we can't trust people - not at all. It is advising us to be wise and not put anyone in God's place. If we do, it could all go wrong as many have discovered to their peril.

Learn to see things the way God sees them. He always thinks and sees the best in us. He is kind and loving to all. He is never rude or selfish. He does not associate with evil. He never gossips and He always speaks the truth.
Begin to see things God's way!

Copyriight 2020 Grahame Howard

*If you would like to contact me, then please send me an email😄

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

He walked through our part of Samaria

"Were there not ten cleansed? But where are the nine?"                    Luke 17:17   NKJV

Ten men who had leprosy, approached Jesus as He passed through Samaria on His way to Jerusalem. They asked Him to have mercy upon them - they needed healing. He spoke with them and then told them to go and see the priest. This was normal procedure as the priest would verify the healing. However, they were healed as they made their way there. Not all people who are prayed for receive their healing at that time. Rather like these men, they may receive healing later as they go by faith.

One of the healed men, returned to Jesus giving glory to God. But the other nine went on their way. This shows that some worship God for the good things He does for us at the time, whereas, others ask Him for help and when they receive it, they get on with their lives with no gratitude in their hearts at all. 

Be honest; haven't you ever done this? You've prayed for something and when you receive it, give very little in the way of gratitude to God. I remember a few times before I was saved, when I had various types of problems. I wasn't a Christian but I'd always believed in God, so I prayed, asking Him to help me, promising Him everything I could think of. And he did answer me and yet, I never even gave Him thanks afterwards, or the gratitude that he deserved. Shameful, but He forgave me.

This man who had returned healed to Jesus, was an outcast. He had not only had leprosy - a dreaded disease, but he was also a Samaritan - a hated race in the eyes of a Jew. And yet, Jesus not only walked through Samaria but He healed these ten diseased men.

In a way, you and I were outcasts before we knew Jesus. We were riddled with sin that would prevent any of us from entering the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, as outsiders we were destined to hell - total separation from God and all other believers. But Jesus walked through our part of Samaria and as we called out to Him, He took these outcasts and turned you and I into cherished and precious children of God.

Now, doesn't that make you want to go to Him and worship Him, showing Him all of our gratitude?

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

God's Formula

"Then Mary said to the angel, 'How can this be, since I do not know a man.'" v34
                                                                                                        Luke 1:34-38   NKJV

Many things come our way on a daily basis and it is difficult to get our heads around them. This is how the young Mary must have felt the day the angel Gabriel announced to her that she would give birth to Jesus. Her panic can be heard in her reply. 'How can this be, since I do not know a man?'

Mary, a virgin, was betrothed to Joseph and she was a young lady who had found favour in the eyes of God. She knew that she was pure and God knew she was pure but, when she gave birth to this child, what would other people think of her? (We always worry about what others may think). However, the main questions were, how had this happened and how would it all work out? Let us look at this more closely:

Firstly, the angel announced this to Mary and her reaction was the same as most believers, 'How will this be? When God drops something out of the ordinary; something mind-blowing into our hearts, we go to our comfort-zone thinking, 'I can't do that - you've got to be joking.' Remember how Moses struggled when God told him to go and ask Pharaoh to release the Israelites from Egypt? (Exodus 3:11). But we need to know that when God asks us to do something for Him, He will be with us. 

Secondly, Nothing is impossible for God; it may be for us but if God asks us to do something, He will be right there with us and will provide the wherewithal. He will show us the way; He will create the way; He is the way!

Finally, there is acceptance. Mary relayed it beautifully, 'Let it be to me according to Your word.' This is spiritual surrender. This is the place God wants us to be. This is what God wants to hear from you and I whenever, He drops something into our hearts. When we can say this, God will throw open all the doors that need opening. He will bless our every step. 

Are you in a place where the Lord has spoken to you about doing something for Him. You may have struggled with the first step and may now be trying, to be faith-filled. Let me encourage you, go on to the third step, 'Let it be, Lord,' and you'll never regret it.

Monday, 14 December 2020

Be thankful

"In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.' 
                                                                                                  1 Thessalonians 5:18   NKJV

No matter what the circumstances are, we must be able to see Him in every detail of our lives. This past year, we have had the fear of Covid all around us. There has been the misery of Lockdown and restrictions that we have all struggled with. Then of course, there are the new vaccines that are being rushed through and the thoughts of whether they will do the job or make matters worse. Now there is the Brexit scenario and what will happen from thereon. All around is uncertainty and fear and this can lead to frustrations and anger, anxiety and panic.

However, God's Word tells us, 'In everything give thanks.' Not, 'For everything give thanks,' take note of that one. We are not to thank God for all the things that are coming against us, but to give thanks whilst we are going through them. There is a big difference. Wherever we may find ourselves or whatever circumstances we may find ourselves in, God wants us to continually thank Him. Praise and thanksgiving brings release. Remember Paul and Silas in the stocks at midnight? (Acts 16). As they sang praises to God, it brought them release and freedom, and it will to us too. Let's face it, the things that we have just looked at can't be changed by us. We can do very little but God can and my hope is in Him. 

In 11 days time, it will be Christmas Day and the joy that will bring to young and older faces is well worth thanking God for. That very first Christmas in a manger in Bethlehem, the King of kings was born into the world and shone His light all around in the darkness. He brought peace and joy, love and hope and for that, He is worthy of our praise and thanks.

Things may not have gone the way you had hoped this past year, but up to now, you've made it and you have a hope within your heart, that things will get better further down the line. Only God knows what will happen, but one things for sure, as we are thankful and grateful to Him, in all circumstances, He will take our hand and lead us through.

Do you know something? He never stops thinking about us. We are forever on His mind. He just can't help Himself, we are always uppermost in His thoughts. Just a thought, if we did the same; if we never stopped thinking about Him; if He was uppermost in our thoughts, we wouldn't get in half of the trouble that we find ourselves in. Just a thought to mull over.

Sunday, 13 December 2020

Put it right

"When I kept silent, my bones grew old through my groaning all the day long."                 
                                                                                                                  Psalm 32:3   NKJV

We need to be happy and grateful that God has forgiven us our sins, that is, if we've asked Him to. God is not one who sweeps things under the carpet hoping that it will never come to light again. We can fool people but we can never fool God. He knows!

When we are hanging on to unforgiven sin, things will not go right for us. This is why David wrote this statement, 'When I kept silent, my bones grew old - ." When we try to hide something away, we live in fear that it may be revealed at some time and subsequently, our heath suffers, especially our mental health, where we can suffer anguish and worry.

Here, David wrote about hiding his sin away from God. He kept silent and refused to admit his sin and he suffered for it. He realised that it was not just his feelings that were attacking him, but the heavy hand of God. Psalm 32:4.

When we are in the wrong and have let God down, the Holy Spirit leans on us with a Spirit of heaviness until we repent and put it right. We may have argued with our spouse and there is no way that we are going to admit that it was our fault. Harsh words may have been spoken, words that pierce the heart; but we may consider ourselves, not guilty. Believe me, nothing will change until we put it right.
We may have had some heated words with someone else but we refuse to admit we were in the wrong. Again, we are going nowhere until we do. 

I am sure that you know the feeling when you have done something wrong. The Holy Spirit will not let you off the hook until you do something about it. If you wronged a person who is no longer around, you can confess this to God and he will forgive you. Otherwise, you can go to the person and ask for their forgiveness. If they won't, then you have done your bit and you owe them nothing. The rest is up to them.

The thing is - do something about it. None of us are perfect. We all say and do things we regret afterwards. Be brave and put it right, this is God's formula and He knows best.

The Appearance of the Son of Man

"Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so  was  the appearance of the brightness all around it. This  was  the ap...