Thursday, 31 October 2019

Chains fall off and Doors Open Part Two

"Suddenly there was a great earthquake, so that the foundations of the prison were shaken and immediately, all the doors were opened and everyone's chains were loosed.'     Acts 16:26   NKJV

Paul and Silas and been arrested, beaten with Rods and then chained into the inner prison. This was the smelliest and most horrid part of the prison. However, instead of complaining about their situation, they were praising God and the other prisoners were listening to them. What a witness is that. It would have been alien to them that anyone should be singing praises to God after such treatment and this would no doubt have a lasting affect on some of them.

There was an earthquake and the foundations of the prison were shaken. This is quite similar to Isaiah's  experience when the worship was so loud that the posts of the door were shaken. (Isaiah 6:3-4). Praise changes things; God shakes things up when we give Him this sacrifice of praise - because at times such as this, that's what it is.

Praise breaks chains - chains of bondage, addiction, depression and everything else. Praise brings release; release to times of despair, pain, hurt and total fear and frustration. Praise is what God requires from us and He will always respond to this.

Note here, it was not only the prisoners who were listening to their worship. Paul and Silas were listening too. When we praise God, it builds us up too. The chains that are holding us back, break loose. This is why, at times, we may find it difficult to praise God. Sometimes, we just don't want to. We're being held back and it's the evil one who is doing it; because, he knows that if we praise God, things will change, he will not be able to control our situation. The power for him will be too great and he will have to flee. He just cannot stand praise because he knows that he will have to try and figure out another way of stopping us because this one hasn't worked. So break free and start praising.

Praise changes our direction. It opens the way for us to see more clearly, the road ahead. God has a plan for us and as we get into this place of worship, He will reveal it to us. But don't forget His Word too. We need to balance reading our bibles and worshipping God, so that we have the right formula.

Whatever place you are in today, start to praise Him and watch things change. Watch the chains fall off and the doors open for you and whoever you're praying for. 

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 30 October 2019

Chains fall off and doors open

"(6) 'Arise quickly.' And his chains fell off his hands"                   Acts 12:5-17.   NKJV
                                                              Try and read the whole scripture to get the full story. 

Peter had been arrested for preaching Jesus and Herod was determined to keep him in prison until the Passover. He was guarded by 4 squads of soldiers. This was 16 men; quite a lot to guard one man, but Herod knew what a powerful man Peter was.

Now there was constant prayer for Peter. Intercessors were praying day and night that he may be delivered. Try and picture the scene. Peter, who was very content and secure in His love for Jesus, was sleeping between two of the soldiers. He was bound with chains. The rest of the soldiers were guarding the door. It appeared to be totally impossible that Peter could escape. However, Herod had not considered how powerful Jesus was.

All of a sudden, an angel stood beside Peter, struck him on his side and told him to get up, get dressed and follow him. A bright light shone in the cell as Peter did this and Peter's chains fell off. They walked by the soldiers who must have been in some sort of trance because they took no action at all.

Peter thought he was dreaming this as they walked out of the prison and down to the main gate - a massive iron structure. This opened for them, on its own, rather like the automatic doors at some stores we shop at, I would have thought. They walked on down the street and as Peter arrived at Mary's house, the mother of John Mark, the angel disappeared. 

As Peter knocked on the door, inside, the church people were in deep prayer for Him. When they recognised who he was and that he was free, they were astonished. This can happen to us as we pray. We are so concerned in praying that when the answer comes, it amazes us. It's rather like praying for some financial help and someone coming along and giving us a donation, it can astonish us too.

The conclusion to the whole of this event is, Chains fall off and Doors and Iron gates open at the presence of Jesus Christ. No one can stop Him. Circumstances may be imprisoning you at this moment. You may feel the chains keeping you bound, but in the Name of Jesus Christ, arise and get dressed; let those chains fall off and those doors open as you walk towards them. Be content and secure in Jesus' love; trust Him and let Him set you free right now:

'Ah Lord God! Behold. You have made the heavens and the earth by Your great power and outstretched arm. There is nothing too hard for You.'
                                                                                        Jeremiah 32:17.  NKJV

Nothing is too hard! Nothing is too difficult! Nothing that you are going through at this moment is too hard for Jesus to conquer. Chains fall off, doors open and lives are changed.

Shout to Him, praise Him and get ready for the mighty power of the Holy Spirit to come and set you free!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Tuesday, 29 October 2019


"(44) Love your enemies, bless this who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, (45) that you may be sons of your Father in Heaven - "                                                                            Matthew 5:43-48.  NKJV

There are four categories of love that we need to consider:

1  Storge or Stergein  this means family love- the love of a parent for their child and a child for a parent.
2  Eros  this is the love between the sexes, i.e. passion and sexual love. This later went on to be known as lust.
3  Philia  this is real love and real affection. This describes a person's closest, nearest and truest friend.
4  Agape  "It means that no matter what people do to us, no matter how they treat us, no matter if they insult us, or injure us or grieve us, we will never allow any bitterness against them to invade our hearts, but will regard them with that unconquerable benevolence and goodwill which will seek nothing but there highest good."  (William Barclay)

Agape describes the love that Jesus is speaking about in our text for today. It is worth noting, that Jesus never asked us to love our enemies in the same way as we love our family. This would be neither possible or right, because it is a different kind of love. In order to love our enemies in the Agape way, we have to will ourselves to do it. It doesn't come naturally. Also to pray for those who spitefully use us, would be impossible without us displaying Agape love.

We all have come across the type of people that Jesus is speaking about here. At times, it can be impossible to like them, let alone love them. However, as we operate in Agape love, it becomes more natural. The more we exercise this type of love, the more that we get used to it and, like Jesus, it can become apart of our nature.

This is not easy, as you know. Some people can be so rude and nasty and we have choices to walk away from them or remain. If we choose to remain, it would be counter-productive to fall to their level and start to give them what they are giving us. If that is the case, it would be better to walk away and try again next time, if there is an opportunity. 

It may be foolish to walk into such a position as this. But, it may be unavoidable as we may work with these people; live next door to them or they may even be a part of our family. This type of approach is not matching everything that is thrown against us, but rather attempting to operate in the way Jesus would operate. This is not easy but it must be possible, or Jesus would not have commanded us to do it.

So, if you try and fail; don't beat yourself up, try again another day. That is all Jesus asks.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 28 October 2019

Rescued and Re-built

"In my distress I called upon the LORD, and cried out to My God; He heard my voice from His temple, and my cry came before Him. even to His ears."               Psalm 18:6.  NKJV

Think back to that time when you were in despair; when things had all come apart in you life and you had no one to help you or anywhere to go. You were all alone. All of a sudden, you had a hope in your heart because God had turned up.

Think back to that time when you felt that your were going to die. You were so ill, so weak that people were writing you off when they visited you in hospital or at home. You felt your life was over. All of a sudden, God turned up and performed a life-saving miracle.

And what about that time when you were so alone. You had no one to love and no one to love you. You were all alone. Then, out of nowhere, God sent someone into your life and your world was set on fire with love, happiness and joy once again.

Now look around you at what you have. It may not be much in today's recognition of wealth that is true; but it is yours. God gave it to you and it is precious. Also, you may have some aches and pains, age may be creeping up on you; but stop a moment and thank God - you're alive!

Life can be so competitive at times, with people striving for bigger and better homes, cars and status. That's ok. If that is what gives them pleasure, who are we to judge. However, don't let people's wealth and status make you feel second rate. There is no class level in the Kingdom of God. People may have great assets at this time, and that is fine. But, they will not be able to take it with them when they die. It will be over and we will all be of one class level.

What we have got is Jesus and He is all we need. He saved us, rescued us and is re-building us. He is the one that went that extra mile for each of us and paid the price of our sin on the cross. Jesus is the one who gave you what you have now. Whatever other people think about wealth and status is nothing compared to the priceless love and companionship that He gives you each and every day of your life. 

It is time to start praising and thanking Him for His love and care. Amen? Amen!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 27 October 2019

The Damascus Road Part Three and onwards

"(19) Then Jews from Antioch and Iconium came there; and having persuaded the multitudes, they stoned Paul and dragged him out of the city supposing he was dead."   Acts 14:19-20

Saul, who was now using his other name, Paul, was now established in his ministry, and accepted by Peter and the others, and with Barnabas, was preaching in Lystra. While there, he noticed a man who was lame and after observing him and satisfied in his mind that the man had the faith to be healed, called to him, 'Stand up straight on your feet,' and he leaped and walked.' Acts 14:8-9. 

Now this caused quite a stir with the multitudes, and they began to call Barnabas Zeus - which was known as Jupiter; and Paul as Hermes - which was known as Mercury. They began worshipping them as if they were gods. Paul tried to calm them down and tell them that, what they had witnessed was of Jesus - they were not gods. However, the crowds began sacrificing to them.

Then Jews came down from Antioch and Iconium and persuaded the crowds that Paul and Barnabus were imposters. The result was , Paul was stoned and left outside the city for dead. Now, many believe that Paul was actually dead and as the disciples gathered around him, he was raised back to life. This may explain Paul's discussion about being in Heaven in 2 Corinthians 12:2-5. If not, he would have been miraculously healed, because the very next day, they set off to Derbe, on another mission.

Paul wrote in Acts 14:22 that, 'We must, through many tribulations, enter the Kingdom of God.' Paul was not saying here that suffering gives us entrance to the Kingdom of God, but rather as we serve God, persecution accompanies our walk with God. It's important to distinguish the difference.

We do struggle at times. You may be at this point at the moment. When we are going through difficult times, it is hard to realise that this is happening to us. After all, we are serving Jesus, this shouldn't happen, should it? Well if it happened to Jesus, it will certainly happen to us. Christian or not, we are all at risk of certain things happening to us. I remember hearing about Keith Green, a wonderful American musician with a ministry with homeless people and people with addictions. He did amazing things and wrote great worship songs, and yet, one day he went up in a helicopter with his young son and it crashed, killing them both. There's no answers to what happens but it happens to believers and unbelievers. 
At other times, Christians can be terribly persecuted, but what we must do is 'Get up', like Paul did and get on with the work. You are loved and important to Jesus.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 26 October 2019

The Damascus Road Part Two

"Now after many days were past, the Jews plotted to kill him"                       Acts 9:23.  NKJV

There's a well-known saying, 'What goes around, comes around,' basically, what you sow you will reap; and Saul was certainly reaping this. Immediately after his conversation, he had started preaching in the synagogue in Damascus. This would have been the same one that Stephen had preached in (Acts 6:9). The people, seeing Saul in the pulpit after what he had done, were amazed, confused and angry and plotted to kill him. It became so bad that some of the disciples had to let him down the wall in a large basket so that he could escape to Jerusalem, where the same thing happened after he disputed against the Hellenists - the Greek speaking Jews. Eventually he ended up in Tarsus.

You can't sow bad stuff and expect people to be welcoming towards you. People remember and it takes them sometime to forget - some never do. Through Saul's earlier beliefs and actions towards the believers, he had made enemies. When he began doing exactly opposite, he made even more. Even the disciples in Jerusalem were weary of him until Barnabas stood up for him and told them exactly what had happened at his conversion. After this, they began to accept him, but some still would have had doubts.

It's no different today. If we have a bad past and then become a Christian, there will always be someone who will remember and point the finger. It's the same when as a Christian you throw a wobbly, totally blowing your witness. This may be in the house or some public place. Afterwards, you go about asking God and other people to forgive you about a hundred times because of the guilt that you feel. It can be anything; you could have had an argument with someone and finally told them some home-truths. Or you may have drunk that extra glass of wine that you know you shouldn't have, and POW, you have blown it. It happens, even though it shouldn't. But we're human; we make mistakes - sometimes big ones. When we ask God to forgive us, He does - the first time. There's no need to keep asking Him. People are different, some take ages to forgive others forgive straightaway. We're all different.

The thing is, there will always be someone who may make you feel uncomfortable about what you've done. You may be preaching and catch their eye - staring at you. You may be in a prayer group, taking communion or just doing your shopping but that one person will be around, making you feel guilty. Actually, the guilt is more likely to be coming from yourself, not them. This person may just be a trigger to your own guiltiness.

Whatever you've done, be like Saul. He received God's forgiveness and pressed on doing things right this time. He would have made mistakes, of course he would, but he was sold out for Jesus. Whatever he'd done, nothing was going to stop him. And it shouldn't stop you either.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 25 October 2019

The Damascus road

"(4) Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting Me?"                                         Acts 9:1-19.  NKJV

Saul, who later became the Apostle Paul, was not a nice guy to come across in his earlier days, especially if you were a Christian. He persecuted Christians terribly. Acts 8:3 tells us:

'As for Saul, he made havoc of the church, entering every house and dragging off men and women, committing them to prison.'

At this time, Stephen had been stoned to death and Saul had incited the men to do this while he had Stephen's clothes at his feet. Again in Acts 9:1-2 we read:

'Then Saul, still breathing threats and murder against the disciples of the Lord, went to the high priest and asked letters from him to the synagogues of Damascus, so that if he found any who were of the way, whether men or women, he might bring them bound to Jerusalem.'

He was not a nice person to come across but there was someone much bigger than him - Jesus Christ, someone he could not take on and win. Saul had set out along the road to Damascus, to carry on his persecution. All of a sudden, there was a bright light and Jesus, Himself, spoke directly to Saul, 'Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?' (V4).

Now I don't know about you, but that would have made me jump out of my skin. Saul was no different, he was trembling and astonished and answered, 'Lord, what do You want me to do.' (V6). Now at this time, many scholars agree that this was the moment of Saul's conversion, after all he asked Jesus what He wanted him to do. Saul was blinded at this time for three days and Jesus told him to go into Damascus. The men with him, led him into the city and he stayed at the house of Judas.

Further evidence, the scholars say, is the fact that Saul was praying and saw a vision of Ananias coming to lay hands on him, which happened. Ananias, although a little reluctant because of Saul's reputation, obeyed and Saul was healed and filled with the Holy Spirit.
Whatever was the exact time of Saul's conversation, he was saved and went on to be a mighty man of God and to write a big chunk of the New Testament.

The conclusion to this is,  firstly, never write off anyone who has a bad reputation. God can do wonders with anyone He chooses. There are many people we would never consider could be a great man or woman of God. We could be tempted to believe their reputations and avoid them at all costs. Jesus doesn't. He loves them.
Secondly, if Jesus leads you to someone who you feel is dodgy, trust Him. Don't go into a risky situation though, it may be helpful to take someone with you. But make sure you do it. Remember, Ananias felt just the same, but as he pressed on, a miracle happened. 

Remember, people may have avoided you at some stage in your life, I know they did me. But thank God, He didn't. We have so much to be thankful and grateful for. Give Him Praise!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 24 October 2019

Be careful about Weariness

"And let us not grow weary while doing good, for in due season, we shall reap if we do not lose heart.                                                                                                        Galatians 6:9.  NKJV

Anyone who works in some type of caring service will recognise that at times, it is hard to keep going. Many is the time, when the worker can feel abused, used or just taken for granted, so much so, that it would be very easy to throw the towel in and walk away. However, many don't because deep down in their heart this is what they're meant to do and job satisfaction will come as they press on, regardless.

As Christians, it is quite easy to begin to feel taken for granted, or that, whatever we do, we never seem to get recognition or any particular thanks for what we do. Firstly, let's not forget, it is God who gives us recognition, not man. We're serving Him and Him only and at times, the road ahead can be a tough one to take. Secondly, the devil will try to plant lies within our minds - lies that say, 'You're not appreciated here; pack it in and move on.' When this happens, we know that we're on the road to success because the devil doesn't want us to do what we're doing, so will throw all he can at us to get us to stop. But keep going!

Bob Gass said, 'You're never defeated unless, you're defeated on the inside.' Think about that statement for a moment; it's our mind that picks up these feelings and often, they're negative ones; ones designed to get us to stop. But continue walking in faith and do the job.

The Greek for the two words in our text, Lose heart,' is Eklyo and it relates to avoiding weariness as relaxing, loosening up and releasing it. In other words, give up feeling discouraged by not doing such a thorough job; by cutting corners or not being as faithful as you have been to the situation. Let me say, there is no reward in such a thing as this. Yes, we need to watch our health and not become anxious about things, but not to become sluggish in what we do for God. There's a big difference.

If we're not careful, we can have such a passive neglect that we can slip into sin and leave prayer, worship and bible study out of our day, all because we have become weary. 
Things may have begun to get on top of you but don't give up, keep going because in due season - at the appropriate time - you will receive a harvest. The work may be hard and painful and unrewarded, but the seeds that you have sown by doing this work, will come to fruition. You will be rewarded. And that's a certainty, and not just when you get to Heaven but in this life.
Keep going!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 23 October 2019

From Depression to Hope

"(11) Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off.'    Ezekiel 37:1-14.  NKJV

God had led Ezekiel to walk through the valley of dry bones. There was nothing there except very dry bones. God asked Ezekiel if these bones could live and then asked him to prophesy to the bones, that they would indeed live. It must have seemed a hopeless situation to Ezekiel but he was willing to trust God. He obeyed God and all of a sudden, there was a rattling of bones as they began to form together and sinews and everything else was put on them. Eventually, they were complete but they had no breath in them. Again Ezekiel was told to prophesy to them - to breathe new life into them. He did this and a miracle was complete, this vast army, that was once a heap of old, dry bones, stood, mighty in valour. A study of this passage will give you the whole idea of what was happening.

Basically, God spoke to Ezekiel, Ezekiel obeyed and that is it in a nutshell. These bones were going nowhere. It was ridiculous to believe that they could mount up as a mighty army, but they did. And it comes down to obedience.

Take a glance at our text again:

'Our bones are dry, our hope is lost and we ourselves are cut off' v11

This is basically how a person who is suffering from depression, feels. I know, I've been there along with many others. It's a place of darkness and no particular hope, it can appear that there is no way out and no future, things will not change. However, with God, broken things are mended - dead things are brought back to life. Hope is not lost. There is a future. 

Many men of God in the bible suffered depression. King David and Elijah spring to mind. However, obedience was the main thing that got them back on their feet. Deep down within them, was a will to survive and obeying God, brought that survival to the surface.

You may be feeling this way at the moment. There may be marital problems, family breakdown, financial and work issues. There may be more that I've not mentioned. However, let me encourage you, God is bigger than dry bones; He's bigger that hopelessness; marital and any other problems. He is the King of kings who can help you sort this out right now, if you're willing.

Obey God and speak to the problem - whatever it is and walk in hope once again.

Pray this prayer:

Lord Jesus
I believe that you are calling me to stand up again, to breathe new life into myself. I speak to this problem that is holding me back............................... In Jesus' Name, I break the power that this has over me and command it to leave my body, mind and spirit right now. 
I stand a new person, full of hope, before You now.  In Jesus' Name, Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 22 October 2019

If you've got it, use it

"Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord."
                                                                                                               Colossians 3:16.  NKJV

Are you burying a gift that God has given you, just because you don't know what to do with it or where to go? You'll know without doubt if it is a gift from God from the simple fact that it just won't go away. It may be singing, playing an instrument, preaching the word, evangelism. I'm not talking of things such as serving within the church, although, that is much needed and an honour to work with. No, I'm talking of the more scarier bits, getting up before a crowd and speaking about Jesus, knocking on people's doors and spreading the word or playing in a worship band.

God has given each of us gifting, and for some, it may be being at the helm of things, forging the way ahead. It may be that you are called to run a bible study group, or a home group. You may have a gifting of prayer and you may be being led to run a prayer group or be an intercessor. If it is any of these things, at this moment, you will know and you may now be feeling inadequate. But let me encourage you. Moses felt just the same, 'O my Lord, I am not eloquent, neither before nor since You have spoken to Your servant; but I am slow of speech and slow of tongue' (Exodus 4:10).

Mose wriggled like a fish on a hook and came up with every excuse in the book, but note one thing, God still had His way and He will with you too. If God has a job for you to do, He will accomplish it. You may say, 'Yes, but where can I preach?' Well if you're willing, God will find the venue, He will make a way. Anyway, there's always the street corner or the centre of town. 'What? AAARGH, you're joking.' No I'm not, many have done it and are still doing it. It's scary, yes, but exciting too.

What about evangelism? You don't need a stage or a church for this. You can tell your work mate about Jesus or your neighbour. People have problems and many times they want to talk and share their problems. I once spoke to a lady who was going through a broken marriage. She was breaking her heart and asked me what could I do; could I change it? I replied that I couldn't change it, but I knew a man that could. With that I gave her a Gideon's New Testament. That was back in 1994. She is now back in her marriage and going on strong for Jesus. It's just being open to the Holy Spirit.

Some of you may be feeling awkward right now because you know that God is calling you to do a particular thing. If that is the case, just say, 'Ok Lord, I'll do it,' and leave Him to figure out just how this will happen. But be ready, because He will take you up on it. 

If you're feeling excited but a little scary at this moment, I think God may be speaking directly to you. Get alone with Him; speak to Him and seek the way forward. Then be prepared to be excited even more!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 21 October 2019

Follow Me

"Then Jesus said to them, 'Follow Me, and I will make you become fishers of men.'
                                                                                                                        Mark 1:17.  NKJV

It's a lovely day today as I walk along the sandy shore, with no one else in sight. The sun is shining, birds are calling and there seems to be a great peace gathering all around the place. Suddenly, I can see two men fishing. They're throwing their nets into a quite lively surf. They don't seem to be having much joy by the sound of their irate voices. Hold on, there's someone else there too. He's speaking to them. I can't hear properly, what with the sounds of the waves, so I'll have to get closer. 

'Follow Me,' the man says, 'and I will make you become fishers of men.' Fishers of men, what the heck is He on about? They'll give Him a piece of their minds, surely. But, no, they throw their nets down on the beach and walk after Him. I've seen this chap in town, Jesus is His name, I think. He looks a nice bloke; very piercing eyes that seem to look straight through you, examining just what you are about. He looks at me and just for a moment, I feel He's going to say the same thing to me. But, I can't hold His stare, I feel so embarrassed and strangely guilty of something, I don't know what. I look away and when I look back, they're about fifty yards away.

I can't help it, I hurry after them and within a few moments, they stop and speak to two men who are in a boat, mending their nets. I've been told that these nets soon get worn and torn by the great catches of fish that they hold. It's understandable that they need some tender loving care at certain times.
Hold on, Jesus is talking to them. He calls to them as well, and blow me down, they follow Him too, leaving the nets, the boat and someone else who I've not seen before.

What on earth does He mean, 'Fishers of men? How can a man be caught? Although, I must admit, I feel hooked if you'll pardon the pun. Jesus looks my way again, but I start throwing stones into the sea, pretending I haven't seen Him. But I have, and I can't help myself. Whether it's His eyes, His voice or the way He speaks with people, so gentle but with authority, I don't know. But whatever it is, I need it, I've just got to follow Him. 

It's no good, I've just got to walk after them - Him. If I'm a fish, I've been caught. Well, you know what I mean. I'm a man but he has caught me, just like a fish. 
He's up ahead now. I can't hear Him but I can see Him, talking away to them. I've got a strange feeling in my heart. I've had backache for a long time now, but all of a sudden it's gone; and the depression that I had been under for a few months has lifted, I feel happy and joyful and somehow different. Could this be because of Jesus. I'm going to follow him and find out.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 20 October 2019

A Scenario of Selfish ambition

"(3) Don't be selfish; don't try to impress others. Be humble, thinking of others as better than yourselves. (4) Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others too.'
                                                                                                Philippians 2:3-4.  NLT

'I'm not doing that. Why should I? He doesn't look to my interests, he's just full of his own puffed up pride. Yes, and what's more, he continues to pinch my ideas and make out they're his own. What do you think about that Lord? It's not fair is it? Do you know something Lord, he would never have thought about that if I hadn't have told him in the first place. I should have kept my mouth shut. He always pinches my ideas. It's not cricket, it really isn't you know Lord. Why should I feel pleased for him that he's been successful? Yes been successful, but with my flipping ideas. It's just not right.'

'Every time he rings me, which isn't often - once in a blue moon I suppose; but when he does, it's only because he wants to run something by me. Run something by me; pick my brains Lord, that's what he means. And then he'll go and do it and make out it was his idea and how wonderful he is. It's not right Lord, is it?

'Oh look, there he is telling everyone in the church about his new project. It'll only last five minutes - a one hit wonder, I say. If I'd have done it, it would have been super successful. I just didn't want to be seen to think more of myself Lord, to make myself look wonderful. I like to keep a back seat, you know that. I'll let him make a fool of himself, because he will you know. Why? Because it was my idea in the first place Lord, you know that. If he doesn't come to me for further advice, he will fall flat on his face' just watch, it won't be long. It's a one hit wonder until the next thing takes him over, and he runs off to launch that. That will be my idea as well, just watch lord. I bet you.'

'I'm glad I'm not like him Lord. Chasing his tail around all day long, trying to look good in front of everyone. No, I'm glad that I've got things together; that I've nothing to prove. It must be awful to be like him, trying to prove himself all the time. Poor man. He'll learn Lord, won't he? Why can't he just be like me Lord, just a good Christian man? I feel sorry for him.

'What's that Lord? Did You say something?

'Yes, I did. I think you and I need to have a very serious talk, don't you. I think there are some changes that need to be made. Now sit and listen to me.'

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 19 October 2019

Stop being anxious

"Anxiety in the heart of man, causes depression. But a good word makes it glad."
                                                                                                                Proverbs 15:13.  NKJV

Overwork, financial worries and ridiculous work targets, can cause a person immense unrest, fear and constant worry. As our text describes today, anxiety causes depression. The New Living Translation reads: 'Worry weighs a person down.' This is why Psalm 55:22 says, 'Cast your burdens on the LORD and He shall sustain you', or as the NLT says, 'Give your burdens to the LORD and He will take care of you.'

All over the world people are being attacked with depression. It can grab us all. Problems mount up; worries go unanswered and before we know it, we are down in the darkness of depression. Some of us tend to overwork. We take on more than we should do; spinning all the plates. However, before too long, those plates begin to fall and things go pear-shaped.

Note the words in the New Living Translation of Psalm 55:22, 'GIVE YOUR BURDENS TO THE LORD.' It can't be any clearer than that. In fact, it is so important that God brings it up again in 1 Peter 5:7 NLT 'Give all your worries and cares to God, for He cares about you.' But at times, we continue to allow our worries to weigh us down. But God wants us to release this weight to Him because He knows that we were not created to carry this around. We were created to bring glory to God. What sort of a picture do we paint to non-believers when we are plagued with worry and fear?

God gave us a direction, 'Give your burdens to Me.' So ask yourself, 'Why am I still anxious; full of worry and feel like the world's problems are on my shoulders?' They're not on your shoulders if you give them to God; they're on His and he is not going to let them bother Him or ruin His day. 

Why not give them to God right now:

I seem to be burdened with lots of worries and pressures at the moment. I'm not sleeping properly and when I do, I awake with the same problems. Your word tells me to give them to You. So that is what I do, right now.
In Jesus' name. Amen

Now you're qualified to go and speak with someone else who is suffering in the same way that you were. You have the answer to their anxieties and fears.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 18 October 2019

Jesus, thinks you're great!

"Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for His friends."
                                                                                                                        John 15:13.  NKJV

You look in the mirror and you think, 'I look a wreck.' Jesus says, 'You're beautiful.' You look back over the years of your life and think, 'I've achieved very little.' Jesus says to you, 'You have done so much for Me - thank you.' You may be feeling unappreciated and taken for granted at the moment. Jesus says, 'I really appreciate you in every way.'

Do you fully realise, just how much Jesus thinks of you? Some people have the idea that He is a hard taskmaster' rather like a very strict school teacher, one where they can never please or meet the standards set. These people are so far from the truth. Jesus calls us His friend and that is a true friend. The type of friend who would go that extra mile for you - and more. The type of friend who is forever concerned that you have the best in life; the type of friend who is proud of you and what you have achieved and will achieve as you walk hand in hand with Him.

A few years back, kids at school used to put their arms around their best friends shoulders as they walked along. Can you remember that? Jesus is the type of friend who wants you to do that to him, because He's the type of friend who does it to you.

He's the type of friend who would go out searching for you in a cold, stormy winter, if you were lost and bring you home safe. He's the type of friend who died in your place, so that you could realise this; so that you could feel good about yourself; confident; secure and well-loved.

Look in the mirror again and you'll see beauty; you'll see genuine love; you'll see peace and joy; contentment and happiness. Why? Because you're looking at Jesus, who lives in you!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 17 October 2019

Unity and Teamwork

"Only, let your conduct be worthy of the Gospel of Christ, so that whether I come and see you or am absent, I may hear of your affairs, that you stand fast in one spirit, with one mind striving together for the faith of the Gospel."                                         Philippians 1:27.  NKJV

Have you ever watched a flock of geese flying overhead? Whether there is a small or a large flock, they are very noisy, honking away practically non-stop. One of the characteristics of their flight, is the formation, especially Canada Geese. They have a leader at the front, two behind, then three and so on. It is the perfect formation. They have all round vision in case of attack from a predator, such as a Peregrine Falcon, Buzzard or other hawk, and their honking may be one of encouragement or warning to one another. Most importantly, whenever, the leader becomes tired, another will recognise this and take his place, leaving him to drop back from the pressure of leading.

This is incredible teamwork and one that we, as human beings, can learn a lot from. Living in harmony with each other, whether it be in the church, at home or at work, has got to be a positive step forward. When we are in unity, great things begin to happen. One only has to look at the early church in Acts 1-3 to see this in action. Because of their actions - their teamwork and unity, 'the Lord added to the church daily those who were being save,' (Acts 2:47)

When we're working in unity, the Holy Spirit can work through us and perform great things, not only within the church, but in our lives. A husband and wife, who have Jesus at the centre of their marriage, will work together and achieve much more, than a couple who don't have Jesus.  However, if they're at loggerheads because of some falling out, then their prayers will suffer and very little happen, they will be hindered. (1 Peter 3:7)

Some days, it may feel like you're walking through very thick treacle. The going is really tough and whatever you seem to do, doesn't work. At this stage, stop. Check your behaviour; check if there is any conflict working around within you. If you're married, has there been some harsh words spoken that need to be addressed and put right. Are you having a pity-party over something that has happened in the church or at work, and you are refusing to give in and accept that you may be in the wrong, or that God may be teaching you something through it all. You may be in the right, but acting in this way is not the way Jesus would want you to act, is it?

Whether it is your personal walk with God, your own particular circumstances, the church, your workplace or your marriage; learn to walk in unity, be a team player, work in formation and watch things begin to change - rapidly!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 16 October 2019

Tit for Tat No 2

"And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two."              Matthew 5:41.  NKJV

Let's have a closer look at the word, 'Compel.' It comes from the Greek word angarevo. It's a verb derived form the Persian, where it described a courier with the authority to force people into some type of public service. It evolved in the Old Testament times but later carried over into the New Testament. 

Palestine was an occupied country by this time, under Roman rule. Therefore, anyone could be compelled to give food, lodgings, horses or serve themselves when ordered. Roman officials and soldiers had this privilege and could compel someone at a minutes notice. A good example of this, was Simon of Cyrene. He was compelled to carry Jesus' cross to the site of His crucifixion.
It is interesting to note here, in this age of rising racial discrimination, that Simon was a black man from North East Africa and many who witnessed this, may have considered this act, from the black African, an honour.

All over the world where there are conflicts, people come under compulsion to do things that they do not wish to do. Jesus spoke of this in this passage, (Matthew 5:38-42) urging people not to retaliate or even resent people's actions; but rather carry out what is asked of them with a cheerfulness and attitude of love.

Think back over the years. Have you ever been compelled to do something you didn't wish to do? Have you felt resentment? Have you wanted to retaliate or actually, have retaliated? 
Have you put it right? Have you asked God to forgive you your acts of resentment and retaliation and forgiven the people who caused them? 

What about now? Do you feel resentment towards someone? Perhaps someone may have beaten you to a job that you were hoping to get, and you resent them for it. Let's break it down to a very basic level. How do you feel when you have been ages trying to park your car and just as you find a space, someone shoots in there first? Resentment? Retaliation?

Or perhaps, there's a dress or shirt you've had your eye on. It's your size and the only one left. Suddenly, someone beats you to it and carries it off. Do you resent them? Do you want to follow them them around the store and feel like you want to mug them? Wrong feelings!

As hard as it may be at times, Jesus' word to us is to love people, not resent their acts or retaliate. (Matthew 5:43-48

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Tit for Tat

"You have heard that it was said, 'An eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth,'  Verse 38
                                                                                                   Matthew 5:38-43.  NKJV

One of the earliest codes of law came under Hammurabi, who reigned in Babylon 2285 - 2242 BC. It was designed to control vengeance and attempt to bring about some kind of justice. However, there was a distinction between gentry and the poor. If gentry were attacked and lost an eye, then they had the right that the attacker should lose his eye as well. It was the same with a limb or other parts of the body. Basically, it was the law of tit for tat.

A poor person, who suffered this type of injury, didn't have the right to do the same to the attacker. Instead, there was a fine - a small portion of silver, that would have to be paid. 
As time went on, Roman officials and soldiers, had the right to force a person or their family, into public service. They could also use their equipment, horses and other such thing, all with no advance warning.

Jesus' teaching here, was one of overcoming evil with love. In verse 39 of our text, He said, 'whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also.' The disciples would have known the meaning of this straightaway. A slap on the cheek was a great insult. A slap on the right cheek, was an even deeper insult, rather than a physical one. And to be slapped with a back hand was the worst. Therefore, if a right-handed person slapped someone on the right cheek, it would have to be with the back of the hand. 

However, instead of retaliation, Jesus taught that they should turn the other cheek too. In today's world, a slap may well be with a baseball bat, something that anyone would need to avoid.
In verse 41, we read, 'And whoever compels you to go one mile, go with him two.' The word 'Compels,' is the verb that describes how a Roman soldier or official could press people into some kind of service and force them to carry all of his equipment for this distance. Jesus was saying here that if this were to happen, go an extra mile. Show them love not bad feeling. Really, for us as Christians, this is the name of the game - to overcome evil with love.  

Are you having a threatening time just lately? Have you got a boss or partner who is very rude and demanding of you. If so, don't tit for tat. Instead, show them the love of Jesus. You never know, you may just win them over for God; or if they're already confessing to be a Christian, let them come under conviction and repent.
Just love them!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Monday, 14 October 2019

Be Transparent

"But let your, 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your, 'No', 'No'. For whatever is more than these, is from the evil one."                                                                                            Matthew 5:37.  NKJV

Jesus was speaking here about taking oaths - swearing on Heaven or God's name, Oaths were an important part of life back in Jesus' day because there was so much evil around. Therefore, an oath was required to reinforce the truth. There is little difference today. In fact, the evil may be worse. Courts of Law require people to swear an oath before they give evidence. On occasions, an alternative method may be used.

Clement of Alexandria insisted that Christians should lead such lives and demonstrate such characters, that no one would dream of asking them to give an oath. Socrates said similar, 'A man must lead a life which will gain more confidence in Him than ever an oath can do'.

Transparency is the hallmark for what Jesus was saying here. Let your 'Yes' be 'Yes' and your 'No' be 'No'. Being transparent means we have nothing hide. What you see is what you get. Living in such a way leads to people trusting you. They notice that there is something about you, even though they may not be sure what it is. Someone may swear in your presence or tell an unwholesome joke, and all of a sudden, they may turn to you and apologise. Why? because they have recognised you are different. You are transparent and they notice this.

When we lead such lives - lives that speak of Jesus without His name being uttered - people are drawn to you. Some want what you have; there is so much unrest in their lives that they want peace and reassurance. Others may be drawn for other reasons. They want to trick you and prove that Jesus is false and what they believe in is far more powerful. They're very convincing and mostly win a conversation if you become involved. To try and convince them otherwise, can be a road to failure. At such times, they are best left alone. Don't forget, unlike them, we have nothing to prove. 

Transparency lets the light shine through. Do you get the picture? Jesus is the Light of the world. 'I am the Light of the world. He who follows Me, shall not walk in darkness but have the Light of life.' (John 8:12). Again:
'Let your Light so shine before men that they may see your good works and glorify Your Father in Heaven.' (Matthew 5:16)

So live transparent lives and draw people to yourself. You have something they need!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard


Sunday, 13 October 2019

Team Jesus

"Therefore, my beloved brethren, be firm (steadfast), immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord (always being superior, excelling, doing more than enough in the service of the Lord) knowing and being continually aware that your labour in the Lord is not futile (it is never wasted or to no purpose).                                                            1 Corinthians 15:58   Amplified version

One thing that stands out of our text today, is the things that we do for Jesus, is never wasted. He will never say, 'That's not good enough,' because He is thrilled at all we attempt to do for Him. This is why, His word tells us to stand firm - steadfast, and realise that He wants us to abound in everything that we do for Him.

Being immovable is a quality that He seeks and wants us to walk in. This is where, whatever comes our way, we never give up because He will never give up on us. Storms may come and knock us over at times but men and women of God, get back up, they keep moving forward, nothing ever stops them. They are fighters to the very end. And this is what God thinks of each of His children. We are special. 

You may doubt that you're special and you may feel that you have let God down just lately. But Christians can't continue to lay down; they're made of stronger stuff - the power of Almighty God dwells in them and that includes you. The Lord Jesus Christ heard your voice that day and tears dripped from His eyes as He realised that one of His precious sheep had returned to His flock. He may have thrown a banquet in Heaven just because you did this and as the whole of Heaven rejoiced, He took your heart and filled it with His Love, His Power, His Peace, His Joy and a host of other goodies. He washed your sin away and gave you a place in Team Jesus.

So, as you are a member of His team,  He has given you the ability to live each and everyday, being immovable and steadfast. He has placed in your heart the the longing to serve Him, doing more than enough as you spread joy, peace and love wherever you tread. Yes, that's right; He's given you the desire to be a winner. And the great thing about Team Jesus, is that we are all winners, no one is better than the other. 

So think about that and have a great day

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 12 October 2019

'I can do this'

"I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me."           Philippians 4:13.  NKJV

Bob Gass says, 'How many times does something look impossible simply because you think it is?'
We can think about what we are faced with and convince ourselves that we just wouldn't be able to do this. But you won't know until you try. Let us focus on the first five words of our text, breaking them down into two groups:

This is you. You can! You may be trying to stop smoking, drinking, overeating or a host of other things, and your mind may be saying, 'I can't do this.' Well you need to turn this over and start quoting what God thinks of it - you can. Once we start confessing negative things about something we're trying to achieve, it is a foolish road to take. You may be saying, 'I can't do that job,' or 'I can't go to university.' But think about what God thinks about it - you can.

All things means what it says, 'all things.' And this covers a multitude of things ranging from cooking a meal, fixing a car, decorating a house or climbing Mount Everest. It doesn't say, 'some things,' or 'a couple of things,' but all things.

As human beings, mainly we are all the same. This means that it comes down to choices of what we want to do or don't wish to do. What we think we can achieve or what we feel is impossible. The thing is, how do you know unless you try. It's a lie to say, 'I can't do that,' when you've never giving it a go. You may have to train your body or mind to do a certain thing but it is achievable if you do it in the strength of Jesus - hence, 'I can do all things through Christ.' 

You may be suffering a broken marriage or the loss of someone very special and you may be thinking, 'I can't do this anymore,' Yes you can. You just need a little time to adapt to the changes that have been thrown your way. 

Sometimes when children or older people are being trained in a particular thing, flash cards are used to give an idea of what it is they're learning. This can be a useful thing to do in your life right now. Why not consider putting small notices around your home with, 'I can do this,' or 'I can do all things,' on them to remind and encourage you. People may think you're balmy for doing it, but cheer up, they may always have felt this about you. Anyway, it doesn't matter what people think. It's about you, not them.

God's word to you today is, 'I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.' Does He lie? You know He doesn't, so do something about it, today!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 11 October 2019

Sort things out amicably and serve

"(1) Now in those days , when the number of the disciples was multiplying, there arose a complaint against the Hebrews by the Hellenists, because their widows were neglected in the daily distribution.                                                                                     Acts 6:1-7 NKJV

There will always be complaints in churches wherever you go. It is part of the territory. Here though, the complaint was quite valid. The Hellenists were Jews who were natives of the Greco-Roman world and spoke Greek. Their widows were being neglected in the daily distribution.

The twelve apostles were busy each and every day in the temple and in every house teaching and preaching Jesus to everyone (Acts 5:42). They couldn't possibly do everything and their daily work was far more important than waiting on tables. Therefore, after seeking direction from God, they directed the disciples to choose seven men, who were full of the Holy Spirit and wisdom so that they could organise and oversee day to day chores that needed carrying out. 

A church needs to be organised, especially when it is growing like the early church was. Otherwise, people will be left out and neglected. Having people who are able to organise others and delegate, is so very important. It is also extremely important that the leader delegates roles to other people. After all, while trying to spin all of the plates themselves, it is inevitable that pretty soon plates are going to start falling and people are going to get hurt.

The people delegated to this role of a deacon however, must be faithful, Spirit-filled people whose role is not to rule with a rod but with love and sensitivity. The hallmark of a deacon is one who is not afraid to get their hands dirty too. You will always find them serving people wherever they go and in a way, they can be considered, the backbone of the church; because without them, work such as evangelism, preaching and healing ministries would be neglected.

To serve people. is to emulate Jesus. He was the most wonderful servant of all and don't forget, He was the one who washed people's feet, something that not many people would like to do.

A thriving church needs servants and servants produce a thriving church. If you want to belong to a thriving church, try being a servant too.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 10 October 2019

God's Provision No 3

(18) "So she said to Elijah, 'What have I to do with you, O man of God? Have you come to me to bring my sin to remembrance, and to kill my son?' (19) "and he said to her, 'Give me your son.' So he took him out of her arms and carried him to the upper room, where he was staying and laid him on his own bed."                                                          1 Kings 17:17-24. (18-19).   NKJV

At times, we can be forced into a corner of life, where we shout out, 'Why Lord? Why has this happened to me? What is going on?' You know what I mean? It can feel like all the presence of God has left us. It can be so frustrating, painful and confusing.

But He hasn't left us. It's just that we become so wound up in what's happening around us, that we feel all alone. Now this is when we need to be careful! Satan would have us crying out, 'I thought You loved me God.' When we get into this way of thinking, we're on a negative slope to despair.

Things happen. Life happens and there really is nothing we can say that will explain why. But, if we just stop and think just for a moment and gather our thoughts, we realise God's around and He has a plan. For the widow, it was the raising of her young son from the dead. Now, don't forget, she had been receiving regular provision from God. He had been supplying flour and oil on a regular basis, so that they could all eat. She knew God's provision and she was aware that Elijah was different from other men. However, when giant things come our way, it's so easy to forget that God's around and go into panic mode, which results in nothing but upset.

The woman, being a widow, had no one else to converse with, so she challenged Elijah who she believed was from God. Elijah agreeing with her, took the child up to his bedroom and prayed that life would return to the child. In other words, he interceded and the child's life was restored.

Two things stand out here:

1  The widow went to where she felt God was - Elijah. She knew no different. We as believers should always do this, but through Jesus, where we have direct access. The widow didn't have this.

2  The power of intercession. Never frown on what this ministry is. It can be a lonely, tiring ministry, one in which people pray without ceasing for something or someone. An intercessor's ministry is crucial, yet sometimes overlooked.

God loves us and demonstrates this on a daily basis. Be confident in Him. He'll never let you down; but at times it will not be easy to walk this way. It wasn't for Jesus, but He did it for us!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 9 October 2019

God's Provision No 2

"(10)'Please bring me a little water in a cup, that I may drink.' (11) And as she was going to get it, he called to her and said, 'Please bring me a morsel of bread in your hand.' (12) So she said, 'As the LORD your God lives, I do not have bread, only a handful of flour in a bin and a little oil in a jar; and see, I'm gathering a couple of sticks that I may go in and prepare it for myself and my son, that we may eat it and die.' 
(13) And Elijah said to her, 'Do not fear; go and do as you have said, but make me a small cake from it first and bring it to me, and afterwards make some for yourself and your son.' "                                                   Read 1 Kings 17:8 - 16  (v10-13).  NKJV

Let's look a little further into God's provision. Here we see Elijah teaching a poor widow about faith. She was destitute and had only a very small amount of food left for her and her son. Things were so bad, she felt that they would die through lack of funds. God had told Elijah to go Zarephath - a city on the Mediterranean coast in Phoenicia - and there would be a widow there who would provide for him. Elijah obeyed and called to the widow as he entered the city. Firstly he asked her to bring him a drink of water and then, called to her as she went to do this, asking her to bring him a small piece of bread also.

She was totally honest with Elijah and told him that she only had a small amount of food left for the day and this was for her and her son. After that, they may as well die. God, however, wanted Elijah to teach her about giving a seed-faith. There are two important principles demonstrated here in this scripture. First, we must give something out of our need. This involves our faith. The woman had needs herself but as she gave firstly, out of her need to God's prophet, Elijah, God would multiply what she was given back. Second, she had to give first before she received anything. 

This is the whole thing about faith and the one that people struggle with - big time. We must give from what we have first before we can expect to get anything back. This is called sowing a seed. A farmer doesn't just dig some soil up and there is a load of potatoes there. He firstly has to sow the seed and the principle is the same for us.
I have heard people say that they can't afford to tithe because what they have, they have to live on. It sounds hard, but, a person can't afford not too tithe. It's God's in the first place and if we want Him to bless us, we must honour and bless Him first. And this is what Elijah was teaching the widow. 
When she obeyed and provided Elijah's need, God blessed her and provision came to her for many a year.

Are you struggling with lack of funds and have fear about tithing or giving your money and resources to people that God directs to you? Elijah said to the widow, 'DO NOT FEAR.' And God is saying the same to you too.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

God's Provision

"And it will be that you shall drink from the brook, and I have commanded the ravens to feed you there."                                                           1 Kings 17:1-7.  (4).   NKJV

As long as you're walking in God's will, He will always look after you and provide your needs. As someone as said, 'Where the Lord leads, he feeds, where the Lord guides, He provides.'

Now Ahab, possibly the worst king that ever reigned in Israel, took Jezebel as his wife and together, they worshipped Baal, who was believed to be the god who controlled the rain. Ahab did evil in the sight of the God. Therefore, Elijah said to Ahab that there would be no rain until he said so. From that moment, Elijah was in a dangerous position and God told him to get away from the area and hide by the Brook Cherith. He would have water to drink and God would send ravens with food day and night, to feed him.

When God calls you to do a particular work for Him, He will always supply your needs. Your obedience brings you provision. The key to releasing Heavens supply, is to do exactly what God tells you to do. You will always miss your place of divine provision when you stop listening to God's voice and start following your own reasoning.

At times, things may appear stupid and silly to obey, but God knows what He is doing - you don't! If Elijah had gone to another brook instead of where God had told him to go, he would have missed his supply. Do you get the picture?

When you're living this way - by faith - you must obey God. At times, you can be tempted to take the road that seems to make more sense; if you do, you will miss out. 

When I was doing my theological training, I received no pay at all and no bursary or grant. My wife had a job but it didn't bring in what we had to pay out. I had a choice - give up and get a job, or trust God for His provision. We chose the latter and a great adventure began, where God would supply food for us, clothes and even a car with all expenses paid. They were exciting times.

God will never let you down if you obey His leading. Whatever you are doing, planning or if you're being called out by God; trust and obey. As Elijah realised, God is a God of supply and protection, even though it may be a bumpy road ahead at times.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Monday, 7 October 2019


"What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretence or untruth, Christ is preached and in this, I rejoice, yes and will rejoice."   Philippians 1:12-18.  (v18).  NKJV

Competitive people exist, not only in business, sport and other everyday activities, but they exist in the church too.  Some church leaders can become jealous of another leader who has a bigger church. Some preachers want to shine and be the one who can get more people converted. Some worship leaders, want to outshine any of the other worship leaders. There is competition nearly everywhere that we look.

Paul faced this type of competition when he was on Roman House arrest, prior to his court appearance before Caesar. Therefore, he wrote to his close friends and Christians in Philippi. Some people were preaching from envy and strife, wanting to surpass Paul in ministry. They were trying to promote their own names above the good name of Paul. Some of these people, were glad Paul was imprisoned because it gave them the opportunity to get on and outdo him. Paul knew that they preached from selfish ambition. He knew they had wrong motives to do this, but he felt that if they were preaching the true gospel, it didn't worry him what their motives were or how much they were trying to be better than him. He more or less felt, that if their motives were bad, God would deal with them. At least the true gospel was being preached and people were hearing about Jesus, and that is all that mattered to him.

If people are preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ, that is fine. Competitiveness is a normal, human characteristic. As long as it doesn't lead to someone being puffed up with pride and splitting a church because of their selfish ambition, it is tolerable.The proof of the pudding is in the eating; if Jesus is promoted in every area of a church, then all is well.

A great way to tackle a competitive spirit comes in the words of AW Tozer, who wrote a piece rebuking attitudes of competition among those in ministry: 

“Dear Lord, I refuse henceforth to compete with any of Thy servants. They have congregations larger than mine. So be it. I rejoice in their success. They have greater gifts. Very well. That is not in their power nor in mine. I am humbly grateful for their greater gifts and my smaller ones. I only pray that I may use to Thy glory such modest gifts as I possess. I will not compare myself with any, nor try to build up my self-esteem by noting where I may excel one or another in Thy holy work. I herewith make a blanket disavowal of all intrinsic worth. I am but an unprofitable servant. I gladly go to the foot of the cross and own myself the least of Thy people. If I err in my self- judgement and actually underestimate myself I do not want to know it. I purpose to pray for others and to rejoice in their prosperity as if it were my own. And indeed it is my own if it is Thine own, for what is Thine is mine, and while one plants and another waters it is Thou alone that giveth the increase.” (from The Price of Neglect, 104-105)

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Sunday, 6 October 2019

Second Wind

"But since you are like lukewarm water, neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."                                                 Revelation 3:16.  New Living Translation

Cast you minds back to when you first got saved. We became Christians in October 1980 - my wife two days before me. It was an amazing time, one that was filled with a spiritual excitement that we had never thought was possible. We purchased bibles and bible notes; Christian books to tell us what we needed to know and Christian music records and tapes. We also went everywhere where we could learn more about Jesus. We both walked around with a copy of The Living Bible New Testament in our pockets and read it at every opportunity. It was an amazing time.

The honeymoon period  of our Christian relationship with Jesus, lasted for ages. Every night when I came home from work and we had eaten and cleared everything away, Christian music was played all night and we would read and fill our minds with more and more of Jesus. We just couldn't get enough of Him. Life was so exciting. 

The thing is, it is a honeymoon period. We're starting a new relationship with Jesus. However, after a time, rather like a marriage, reality kicks in. There is work to do, bills to be paid, kids to be fed and as the reality sets in more and more, spiritual attacks begin, something that we've heard and read about but have no clue how to handle them. It can be a confusing time. But we realise that Jesus is with us but as we grow more and more as a Christian, that wonderful feeling that we had initially, seems to go away.

When Jesus first comes into our lives, it is so wonderful and He holds us in His arms for quite a while as He feeds us with spiritual milk. As time goes on, He expects us to mature so that we are on solid food and able to go forward in our new life with Him. He never leaves us, He just wants us to start making our way in the Christian world. There are wolves out there and He wants us to learn how to fend them off. Our enemy, the devil will try all he can to get us to curse God and turn away from Him; and we have to learn to make a stand against him for Jesus.

It's not easy and for some, we can begin to lose a little of that fire that we first had - that spiritual excitement. You may be feeling that way right now. We need our 'Second Wind.' This is a return of the strength and energy that makes it possible for us to continue our activity or even start again.

Jesus, in our text above, refers to The Church in Laodicea, as being lukewarm. They had lost their fire - their get up and go. It's easy to do this. Lives are busy and if we take our eyes off the captain of the s hip, we can hit the rocks or sink. We need that lift - that Second Wind, to put us back on the road of excitement and fire. If that is where you are right now, say this prayer along with me and fly high in Jesus once more.

Lord Jesus
I come to You right now a little worse for wear. I confess Lord that I am lukewarm; I have lost that fire and excitement that I once had. But I recognise that You are the Chief Fire Starter and I ask you to give me my Second Wind right now. Fill me with the fire of the Holy Spirit. I mean business Lord. I do not wish to be lukewarm any longer, but red hot for You.  Lord, come right now. I receive Your fire; I receive Your Holy Spirit, I receive that excitement for You once again. And I will get back to the business of doing Your will, of spreading Your Word; of letting people see who I belong to.
In Jesus' Name. Amen

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Saturday, 5 October 2019

Values No 9 - Hope

"(2) We give thanks to God always for you, making mention of you in our prayers (3) remembering without ceasing your work of faith, labour of love and patience of hope in our Lord Jesus Christ, in the sight of our God and father,"   
                                                                            1 Thessalonians 1:2-3   NKJV

In our final day of looking at Christian Values, let us look at hope. The Greek word for hope is elpis which means, not having wishful thinking without any foundation; but a confident expectation based on solid certainty. 
Kenneth Copeland says:

'Wishing accomplishes nothing in the Kingdom of God; but hoping will, especially when you couple it with faith and love'.  Copyright 1995 Kenneth Copeland

Biblical hope is certainty! Many people say, 'I hope to make it into Heaven one day.' That is not biblical hope, it is wishful thinking; it is almost like we say, 'fingers crossed.' Biblical hope says, 'I hope - fully that I will go to Heaven someday. I have a certainty about it Because Jesus is My Lord and He has gone to prepare a place for me.' (John 14:2-3) 
But saying, 'I hope to make it into Heaven one day,' is uncertainty. As born again believers of Jesus Christ, He has given us a certainty of Heaven. It is not being facetious or big-headed, rude or pompous. It is being certain of what Jesus tells us: 'For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son that whoever believes in Him, should not perish but have everlasting life.' (John 3:16).

Living with biblical hope changes your life. God wants us living this way. He wants all of us and that includes our ailments and problems. As we give everything to Him, totally trusting Him for everything in our lives, we transfer over from uncertainty to certainty in Jesus. To be uncertain is to doubt Jesus. Have you ever considered that.? When problems come our way or a big bill drops onto the mat, the best way is to say, 'Lord, we have a problem here, but I'm trusting in you.' It is not being irresponsible. It is putting Jesus in the driving seat of our lives. Doubting and getting all wound up and upset about stuff, is putting Satan in the driving seat. Who would you sooner have drive you? Yes, so would I.

So grab hold of biblical hope and start living at a new level in Jesus. Yes, it may be scary at first but if you trust Jesus, you know that He will NEVER let you down.!

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Friday, 4 October 2019

Values No 8 - Wisdom

"Therefore, whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a wise man who built his house on the rock."                       Matthew 7:24.  NKJV

Wisdom is a unique and important value; it helps us to decide on the right choices in life and helps us to learn through the mistakes that we have made.

In our text today, we see two men who built houses. One worked really hard, building on rock but the other one, took the easier route and built his house on the sand. To the world, the houses looked identical - their outward appearance was the same. However, their foundations were different, one had a firm foundation, the other was the risky option. 

Note what Jesus says in our text above. 'Whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them.'   
Wisdom tells us to abide by what Jesus tells us to do: 'But be doers of the word and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves.'  (James 1:22). Wisdom shows us that we should always obey Jesus and carry out what He tells us; and this parable shows the foolishness of disobedience. (Read Matthew 7:24-27.)

When the storms came, the house that had a firm foundation by being built on the rock, survived and was still intact. The house that was built on sand, collapsed and was washed away. 
Timothy tells us:

'And also if anyone competes in athletics, he is not crowned unless he competes according to the rules.'  
                                                       2 Timothy 2:5

To be a winner, we have to work according to the rules that are set out before us by God. The rewards for Christian service, depend on our faithfulness - doing what God tells us to do. He knows best and He knows the way forward and it is total wisdom to believe Him and trust His direction. 

Outwards appearances can be deceiving. It is what is on the inside that shows a person's true character and what they're building on. To survive the storms of life - and they will come fast and furious at times - you will have to build your life on the rock, the foundation of Jesus. It is the only way.

We started this piece on wisdom helping us to make the right choices. How wise are you? Are you wise enough to realise, that your foundation at this time may be a wobbly one; or are you certain that you are building on solid ground. A good test is whether you are able to get through the storms of life and still be standing firm, praising God.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Thursday, 3 October 2019

Values No 7 - Peace

"Peace, I love with you' My peace, I give to you, not as the world gives do I give to you.   
Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."   John 14:27.  NKJV

The Greek word here for peace, that Jesus used, is called eirene and means, a state of rest. It also includes quietness, calmness, absence of strife, tranquillity, perfect well-being. In addition it means, harmonious relationships between God and man, men and men, nations, and families. Jesus is the Prince of Peace and will give this peace to all who call upon Him.

Jesus wants to give you His peace. Yet, things of the world rob us of this on a daily basis. From the moment we awake and start to get on with the day, we are a target for the evil one to attack us and rob us of this peace. If you have children, they need to get to school and are demanding this and that. Sometimes they appear to do everything that you don't want them to, or it seems that way. Telephone ringing, burnt toast, late for school, the dog needs walking and don't forget about the washing. Off to work, stuck in the traffic, then the car breaks down or you drive through a police speed camera because you had lost concentration. This is all a recipe for stress.

What can you do differently to avoid all of this? There is a way, it's just finding it. However, trying to find peace when you are totally wound up is a 'no-go area.' This is why we read"

'You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist'
                                                    Golda Meir/Indira Ghandi

All things can be worked out; it just takes a little time and patience to find the way; and do you know something? God has the answer. He told us to not to be troubled or afraid; He told us that He had left His peace with us - He has given it to us, so seek Him out and allow Him to show you how to apply this to the areas that you are tripping up with each day.
You may have a short fuse, so get it fixed. You may be prone to flap around, then like the eagle, find a way to soar through it all. Crazy? No it isn't. 

God wants you in a state of eirene peace. A place of calmness and tranquillity. It's attainable but YOU must reach out and grab hold of it. 

Therefore, find some time today to do just that. Spend time with our Peacemaker and let Him alter a few valves within you.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

Wednesday, 2 October 2019

Values No 6 - Compassion

"But a certain Samaritan, as he journeyed came where he was. And when he saw him, he had compassion."                                                        Luke 10:30-37.  NKJV

Today we look at the value of 'Compassion,' and it is wonderfully demonstrated in the parable of The Good Samaritan. A man left Jerusalem and walked along the road to Jericho. Now this road was famous for attacks so it was always recommended that going it alone was dangerous and risky. This turned out to be a true, some robbers and thugs, jumped out on the man from their hiding place, robbed him and severely beat him, leaving him to die.

After a time, a priest came along. The man seeing him, immediately had a hope that he would be helped and taken to safety. However, the priest walked by on the other side. Later, a Levite also came along and he did the same - walked by on the other side. The man must have been devastated. Then, a Samaritan came along and without hesitation knelt down, bandaged the man's wounds, gave him a drink and took him on his animal to an Inn and paid the Innkeeper to take care of him until he returned from his journey.

Now the man that showed the injured man compassion, was a Samaritan- one of the most hatred breed to a Jew. There was racial division towards the Samaritans, and yet, this despised source, showed the man love, care and compassion; whereas, the priest and the Levite, decided to pass by without helping.

Let's think about this for a moment. It could have been very costly for the Samaritan to stop and help. He didn't know if the man was a decoy and as soon as he stopped to help, he may be attacked and robbed himself. It was a risky decision. And let us not be too hard on the priest and Levite. It would be so easy to judge them. However, we don't know the circumstances why they didn't help. What would you have done in the circumstances? Bring it forward to today's problems and tragedies like terrorism in our cities. It takes guts to stop and help. However, stop and help the Samaritan did; and because of the compassion that he showed, the man would never forget his kindness. 

Compassion is being able to recognise when somebody needs help. It's the ability to recognise that someone needs to talk to you and have you listen. That's the secret, listening - we tend to talk too much at times.

Is there someone you need to show some compassion to today; or would it be easier to pass by on the other side and leave it to someone else? Many people are messed up, hurting and confused. A listening ear and heartfelt compassion towards them, can be just what they're longing for.

Copyright 2019 Grahame Howard

The Appearance of the Son of Man

"Like the appearance of a rainbow in a cloud on a rainy day, so  was  the appearance of the brightness all around it. This  was  the ap...